285 research outputs found

    Serat Dewi Maleka

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menyajikan suatu suntingan teks, terjemahan, analisis isi dan mengangkat nilai-nilai luhur yang terkandung di dalamnya. Dengan dihasilkannya transliterasi dan terjemahan teks, diharapkan masyarakat luas dapat mengenal dan membaca naskah Dewi Maleka, serta memahami berbagai ajaran yang terkandung di dalamnya. Nilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalam naskah ini adalah nilai pendidikan dan agama yang merupakan pengendali dalam menyaring masuknya unsur-unsur asing yang tidak sesuai dengan keperbadian bangsa yang dapat menunjang pem bangunan, baik fisik maupun spirituil

    Overview of Nurse Compliance Level on Documenting Educational Provision to Patients and Families at Inpatient Room of Immanuel Hospital Bandung

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    Background: This study is the achievement of nursing compliance targets in the implementation of documentation at Immanuel hospital, this data obtained from a preliminary study of open medical record review (OMRR) providing education to 20 medical records of patients with the results of documentation on the assessment of patient education needs 85%, on planning of 70% education provision, 70% nursing education implementation and evaluation, namely veriļ¬cation of the understanding of education provided 80%. Objectives: The study aimed to describe of nursing compliance with documenting the provision of education to patients and families in the inpatient room of Immanuel hospitalin Bandung which includes Compliance with Assessment / assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation Methods: This study was conducted using descriptive method with quantitative approach. The total sample in this study was 55 subjects that selected using pruposive sampling techniques. Data collection uses observation sheets that have been tested for validity and reliability and the dataanalyzed using a frequency distribution. Results: The statistic data shows that majority of the subjects were obey (78.2%) in documenting the assessment, almost all of the subjects wereobedient (94.6%) in documenting planning, more than half were obedient (69.1%) in documenting implementation, and also complied (67.3%) in documenting evaluations. Conclusion:The level of nursesā€™ compliance with documenting the provision of education to patients and families illustrates that all nurses adhere to documentation, from the stages of assessment, implementation to evaluation. Recommendation the next research is to examine the function of the head room management to the completeness of the documentation of the nursing process, especially the provision of education

    Efektivitas Penerimaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan pada Dinas Pendapatan Daerah (Dipenda) Kota Pekanbaru

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    Pekanbaru is one of the autonomy area that paid the outcome both of regular andbuilding outcome. This case need biger fund. Doing activity in this area, DIPENDAas organizer of this income area should able increasing potentials of area\u27sincoming and another area optimally including of acceptance Land and BuildingTax. But in fact, for years recently acceptance Land and Building Tax is not reachingthe target. Based on that result, the expert do a research about The effectiveness ofacceptance Land and Building Tax in Pekanbaru . the problem is how Theeffectiveness of acceptance Land and Building Tax at DIPENDA, Pekanbaru andwhat factors are obstruct it. The purpose of this research is to know the effectivenessof acceptance Land and Building Tax at DIPENDA in Pekanbaru and what factorsare obstruct it. This research use qualitative descriptive method with technique ofcollecting data is observation and interviewing is getting from informant that havebeen chosen based on Snowball sampling technique. The result of analyze the datafrom qualitative descriptive method find that acceptance Land and Building Tax atDIPENDA, Pekanbaru is not effective yet, because from reanalyze of taxing dutystill is not effective yet, and also giving claim actively from warning and in giving atarget is not suitable. The reason is lack of realization in society, less of humanresource and less of discipline in giving a claim and double owning tax

    Strategi Pengembangan Objek Wisata Pantai Selat Baru oleh Dinas Kebudayaan, Pariwisata, Pemuda dan Olahraga di Kecamatan Bantan Kabupaten Bengkalis Tahun 2013

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    The development of the tourism sector has considerable strategic prospects , as one of the sources of local revenue if developed optimally it is relevant to what is mandated by Law No. 32 of 2004 on Regional Government and Law No. 33 of 2004 Regarding Government Fiscal Balance and the Regional Center . In the law can be seen principally principle is set on the administration of local government that prioritizes the implementation of the principle of decentralization in the form of autonomy , real and responsible with regard to the potential and diversity of the region to achieve the purpose of the economy itself that is working to improve the service and welfare of the community . Strategy through the tourism department of local government and community participation are also considered to be able to bring in the strategy formulation development attraction . This study was conducted to determine the Coastal Tourism Development Strategy Object New Straits in Subdistrict Bantan Bengkalis Year 2013.The primary objective of this study was to identify Objects Tourism Development Strategy by the Office of the New Strait Budparpora in Bengkalis. This study belongs to the type of qualitative research using interview data collection technique is a direct communication with the research informants and conduct a question and answer related to the research problem. Object studied in this research is the official Budparpora Bengkalis as implementing tourism development strategy and all stakeholders who play an important role in the development of tourism in the New Straits Coast Bengkalis.Once identified, the results showed that the tourism development strategy should didikung Beach New Straits strategic development areas where there is cooperation between the managers discretion and implementing policies, improvement of infrastructure-oriented beach tourist attraction, tourism development strategies and environmentally friendly termanajerial management, as well as the development of tourism awareness groups and the formation of self-help groups were able to develop a wide range of business services that support a variety of tourism development in the New Straits Beaches.Keywords: Strategy Development, Tourism, Selat Baru Beac

    Fauna Binatang Mengerat dan Parasitnya di Beberapa Daerah Transmigrasi di Indonesia, Serta Hubungannya dengan Penyakit Rickettsiosis yang Ditularkan oleh Vektor

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    Surveys on small mammal parasites conducted in several transmigration schemes in South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and East Kalimantan, Indonesia revealed 10 species of murid rodents. Rattus exulans and some forest rats were predominant in newly opened schemes, whereas Rattus rattus was predomiĀ­nant in older schemes. Six species of rats collected in all areas surveyed were found infested with a chigger species Lepto trombodium (L.) deliensis, a known vector of scrub typhus. Xenopsylla cheopis, a flea vector of murine typhus, was not found during the survey. Serological studies revealed that 22.7% of the rats collected in an area planned for a transmigration scheme in Central Sulawesi, have antibodies against scrub typhus and 12,5% against murine typhus. The risk of transmission of scrub typhus and murine typhus to human is discussed

    Rekonstruksi Nilai Moral Kewarganegaraan Berdasar Analisis Semantik terhadap Ungkapan Kultural Masyarakat Sunda

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    Studi ini, merupakan kajian pendahuluan dan penelusuran konseptual berkenaan dengan ungkapan idiomatik dalam tradisi kultural masyarakat Sunda yang berfungsi menjadi ā€˜petatah-petitih' dalam bentuk Babasan dan Paribasa dalam perspektif Nilai Moral Kewarganegaraan. Untuk mendapatkan gambaran berkenaan dengan standar acuan, dilakukan analisis semantik atas muatan makna ungkapan idiomatik berdasarkan tema kewarganegaraan, yang merupakan sejumlah nilai kebaikan hingga kebajikan, baik bersifat personal, sosial dan institusional; yang direkonstruksi ke dalam 7 kategorisasi sikap moral yakni : 1) ramah, santun, tahu diri, rendah hati) ; 2) sabar, ikhlas, besar hati, terbuka, lurus / jujur ; 3) bersahabat, suka menolong) ; 4), pengabdian, kesiagaan dan kewaspadaan ; 5) teguh membela kehormatan, kesatria, berani dan perwira; 6) ulet, tangguh, ajeg, berorientasi mutu (pekerjakeras dan cerdas) mandiri ; 7) adil terhadap sesama, arif bijaksana. Keberadaan seutuhnya pemakaian Babasan dan Paribasa ada dalam setting waktu dan tempat tertentu yang menunjukan kuatnya institusi kolektif dalam memelihara dan melestarikan warisan bahasa sebagai bagian dari sistem budaya etnik lokalnya. Untuk itu, selain identifikasi dan sekaligus klasifikasi hingga kategorisasi isi terhadap objek kajian ini yang telah menjadi himpunan yang bersusun secara alfabetik dan menjadi fakta literer, kelengkapan dan keutuhannya tetap ada pada lingkup komunitas praksis penggunaan bahasa Sunda itu sendiri. Sehingga selain terhadap sumber tertulis, penelusuran tetap dilakukan secara etnografis melalui wawancara mendalam, kegiatan berperanserta dan analisis dokumentasi lainnya pada lingkup kehidupan keseharian manusia Sunda, baik secara personal, kelompok, dan komunitas besar pendukung sistem adat tradisional, baik pada lingkup homogen di pedalaman maupun realitas dinamis sebagai bagian dari heterogenitas warga desa / kota di luar situs. Masyarakat pemelihara Adat di Kabupaten Cigugur Kuningan memiliki representasi menjadi lokasi pilihan, karena mewakili ragam dinamika sebagaimana perkembangan masyarakat Sunda umumnya, pada moment dan event tertentu menghadirkan kolaborasi dan konfigurasi apresiasi seni budaya tradisional secara bersama dan bersatu dengan pemelihara nilai-nilai luhur adat lokal lainnya di Nusantara
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