55 research outputs found

    Appendix Cryptocurrencies

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    The appendix contains the list of academic journals from which the articles used in the analysis were taken. It also contains a table showing the contribution of Most Debated Topics to the construction of the axes in Figure 3

    Who influences whom? Central bankers and academics in the 2008 crisis - Appendix

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    The file contains 5 annexes to the paper 'Who influences whom? Central bankers and academics in the 2008 crisis. These tables provide data on the construction of the time series, the identification of key issues through correspondence analysis and the application of VAR regressions

    Il contributo di La Volpe alla teoria dinamica dell'economia

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    The paper presents the dynamic theory proposed by La Volpe in 1936. This analysis has been innovative in many ways: general equilibrium is defined as temporary, the presence and the role of expectations are introduced, the intertemporal choice of the agents is determined in such a way as to anticipate the life-cycle theory, and some important problems that emerge in the dynamic analysis are addressed. The relevance of La Volpe's book led Michio Morishima to publish its English translation

    La cultura del lavoro nel laboratorio veneto.

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    Questo lavoro affronta il tema della cultura e del tempo in uno specifico processo di cambiamento economico. Non si occupa della cultura tout-court, bens\uec della \uabcultura del lavoro\ubb, ossia dell\u2019approccio ai rapporti di lavoro socialmente condiviso in un determinato territorio e, ancora, del peso di questi rapporti nel contesto economico locale. L\u2019intento \ue8 di mostrare come la \uabcultura del lavoro\ubb che si \ue8 stratificata nel sistema territoriale attualmente identificato come Nordest italiano non possa essere ritenuta estranea all\u2019incremento di crescita economica l\uec verificatosi dagli anni Ottanta. Nello specifico, la cultura imprenditoriale diffusa oggi nel Veneto non pu\uf2 essere disgiunta dalla \uabcultura del lavoro\ubb, in accordo con l\u2019opinione di chi ritiene il lavoro uno dei fattori contestuali pi\uf9 significativi del successo del Nordest, ma nel contempo uno dei pi\uf9 sotto rappresentati

    Gian Rinaldo Carli (1720-1795): Diagnosis and treatment of a monetary plague

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    Gian Rinaldo Carli was an \u201cexpert\u201d of money who lived in the 18th century, in an economic environment revolving around national and international trade. Belonging to a community of scholars who lived in a sort of golden age of pre-classical studies on money, Carli stood out for his insistence on the need to intervene to contain monetary imbalance, seen as a serious impediment to the expansion of trade and economic dynamism. Carli curved his analysis, which was theoretical in its depth, to political action and initiative. He sought to craft those rigorous empirically based measures that should underlie the practical work of a reformer. The paper aims to understand how Carli introduced rigor into his approach to monetary advice, in order to make it more adequate to meet what he believed was a growing need expressed by the governors of the time, starting with the Empress of Austria

    La nascita di una disciplina attraverso i manuali: dall'arte economica alla politica economica

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    A met\ue0 Ottocento, l'esigenza di 'indagare come lo Stato ha ad adoperarsi per la promozione della Ricchezza nazionale' indiceva autori come Messedaglia ad interrogarsi su come trasformare quell'ancor vago insieme di concetti allora detto 'arte dell'economia politica' o 'scienza della pubblica amministrazione' in qualcosa di pi\uf9 solido e definitivo. Aveva cos\uec inizio un percorso di costruzione di una nuova disciplina, la politica economica

    Individual and Social Heterogeneity in Vilfredo Pareto

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    Heterogeneity is a feature of a population resulting from observation; it is a regularity that in the case of income distribution becomes a \u2018law\u2019. But it is also a social construct, an idea that becomes a hypothesis for theorization. Heterogeneity matters for what concerns income distribution and taxation. It is nevertheless difficult to circumscribe heterogeneity in Vilfredo Pareto\u2019s writings and to give it the correct interpretation. He mixed heterogeneity deriving from the observation of the current facts with heterogeneity reported in historical accounts, and then with heterogeneity considered as a source of change. Since all these conceptualizations played a major role in his analysis, what we shall attempt to show is that heterogeneity determines outcomes whatever its conceptualization
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