23 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Kenyamanan Termal Bangunan (Studi Kasus: Ruang Kuliah Kampus Ipb Baranangsiang Dan Darmaga Bogor)identification of Building Thermal Comfort (Case Study: Classrooms in Ipb Banangsiang and Darmaga Campuses)

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    Housing development, well-planned or not well-planned, has changed urban view and its thermal environment. Many researchers have claimed that the worse quality of urban thermal environment is proportional to physical development of the city. Physical development in urban areas has caused various environmental problems, one of them is the change in quality of thermal environment by which the city becomes hotter than the surrounding areas. The purpose of this research was to identify thermal comfort either in classrooms at Darmaga or Baranangsiang campuses of Bogor Agricultural University. PMV (Predicted Mean Vote), using the boundary Effective Temperature (TE), THI (Temperature Humidity Index), and the last method is respondent test. PMVs (Predicted Mean Votes) in the classrooms at Baranangsiang campuses are thermally neutral to slightly warm, while that in classrooms in Darmaga campus are warmer. Effective Temperature which is resulted in the both of lecture halls are comfortable warm conditions. In addition, for respondents test, the thermal impression in IPB campus of Baranangsiang prefers to choose the slightly warm conditions, but for a lecture hall in campus of IPB Darmaga is more dominated by warm and slightly warm conditions. The questionnaire has been appropiated to the range of PMV index. So, the lecture halls that have been studied in both of campus can be concluded as slightly warm condition, because the thermal impressions felt by the respondents are also in the range of neutral to slightly . The value of THI for both of campus environment is in the range of moderate or neutral.Housing development, well-planned or not well-planned, has changed urban view and its thermal environment. Many researchers have claimed that the worse quality of urban thermal environment is proportional to physical development of the city. Physical development in urban areas has caused various environmental problems, one of them is the change in quality of thermal environment by which the city becomes hotter than the surrounding areas. The purpose of this research was to identify thermal comfort either in classrooms at Darmaga or Baranangsiang campuses of Bogor Agricultural University. PMV (Predicted Mean Vote), using the boundary Effective Temperature (TE), THI (Temperature Humidity Index), and the last method is respondent test. PMVs (Predicted Mean Votes) in the classrooms at Baranangsiang campuses are thermally neutral to slightly warm, while that in classrooms in Darmaga campus are warmer. Effective Temperature which is resulted in the both of lecture halls are comfortable warm conditions. In addition, for respondents test, the thermal impression in IPB campus of Baranangsiang prefers to choose the slightly warm conditions, but for a lecture hall in campus of IPB Darmaga is more dominated by warm and slightly warm conditions. The questionnaire has been appropiated to the range of PMV index. So, the lecture halls that have been studied in both of campus can be concluded as slightly warm condition, because the thermal impressions felt by the respondents are also in the range of neutral to slightly . The value of THI for both of campus environment is in the range of moderate or neutral


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    Tulisan ini menguraikan penggunaan data Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) level-2 pada satelit Terra MOD08 versi 5.1 untuk mempelajari pengaruh peningkatan fluks aerosol yang dinyatakan dengan parameter Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) pada ukuran radius efektif awan cair dan awan es, pada fraksi awan dan pada tekanan puncak awan atau Cloud Top Pressure (CTP) di atas Indonesia. Data dikelompokkan untuk musim hujan (Desember, Januari, Februari atau DJF), periode transisi 1 (Maret, April, Mei atau MAM), musim kering (Juni, Juli, Agustus atau JJA) dan periode transisi 2 (September, Oktober, November atau SON) di atas wilayah yang meliputi 80 º-150 ºBT dan 12 ºS-12 ºLU untuk periode Maret 2000 – Februari 2012. Pengaruh tidak langsung yang bersifat positif dari aerosol di atas Indonesia pada ukuran radius efektif awan lebih terlihat pada awan cair dibandingkan pada awan es. Pengaruh positif aerosol pada radius efektif awan es terjadi di atas daratan Kalimantan, Sumatera, dan sebagian Jawa untuk semua periode, dengan pengaruh terkuat pada periode MAM dan SON di Kalimantan. Pengaruh negatif untuk awan es cenderung terjadi di atas lautan dan daerah-daerah dengan nilai AOD di bawah 0,3. Pengaruh positif aerosol pada radius efektif awan cair jelas terlihat pada periode MAM dan SON. Sedangkan untuk wilayah-wilayah dengan nilai rata-rata AOD yang tinggi (di atas 1) terlihat di sebagian Sumatera dan sebagian Kalimantan, peningkatan fluks aerosol menyebabkan peningkatan fraksi awan. Pengaruh peningkatan fluks aerosol di Indonesia cenderung meningkatkan nilai tekanan pada puncak awan, yang berarti membantu pembentukan awan-awan rendah.Kata kunci: Aerosol, Fraksi awan, MODIS, Terr

    Prosiding Seminar nasional perubahan iklim dan lingkungan di Indonesia : 9 Novenber 2006 Auditorium Lapan, Bandung

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    x, 406 p. : il.; 28 c


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    Urban development can affect climate element change, especially in downtown which is different from the surrounding, known as "Urban Heat Island (UHI)" phenomena. In this research we investigate air temperature changes on the land use and land cover by using case study in Bandung and Bogor on 1994 and 2001. We use the LANDSAT data of TM5 and ETM7 with spatial resolution of 30m x 30m, climate data from 1970-2003, and land use data from 1994-2003. The results shows that land cover causing the increase of temperature, i.e. residence, industry, and open land, were spreading. Consequently, UHI spreading over those area. Percentage of land use for residential area in Bogol was 11.3%, large than in Bandung (5.39%). Contrarily, larid cover causing the decrease of air temperature, i.e. high vagetation area (forest), seasonal plant, plantation, water badies, were decreasing. From the both investigated area, forest is decreasing, in Bogor the decrease 32.37% and Bandung 26.64%. Along with the changes of land use andland cover, so do air temperature changes. The increase of area related with air temperature in Bogor was 29.56% for temperature range (24-28)℃, while in Bandung was 21.79% for temperature range (24-29)℃. Area in Bandung having highest air temperature that increase was those with air temperature (28-29)℃, while in Bogor was those with air temperature (27-28)℃

    Metode Estimasi Latent Heat Flux dari Radiative Bowen Ratio dari Data Satelit Landsat

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    Metode estimasi Latent Heat Flux (XE) dari radiative Bowen Ratio sangat bagus untuk menghitung evapotranspirasi dari data satelit Landsat. Latent Heat Flux adalah energi untuk evaporasi dan transpirasi. Monitoring Evapotranspirasi potensial mempunyai implikasi penting pada model iklim regional dan global, sebagaimana dalam pengetahuan tentang sildus hidrologi dan perkiraan perubahan lingkungan yang mempengaruhi hutan dan ekosistem pertanian. Estimasi evapotranspirasi dari temperatur infrared bisa dihitung sebagai komponen residu dari kesetimbangan energi permukaan. Pada penelitian ini dikemukakan hasil perhitungan latent heat flux dan evapotranspirasi potensial pada skala regional di Balikpapan, yang dibandingkan dengan penutup lahannya. Pada tahun 1998 wilayah Balikpapan didominasi lahan perkebunan (58,3% atau 29171 ha), kemudian lahan terbuka (22% atau 11012 ha), Pemulciman (11,2% atau 5581 ha), Tubuh air (6,6% atau 3311 ha), Industri (1% atau 515 ha), dan sawah (0,9% atau 431 ha). Tahun 2005 wilayah Balikpapan masih didominasi lahan perkebunan (63,8%), kemudian Pemukiman (16,7%), Lahan terbuka (9,2%), tubuh air (6,8%), Industri (2 %) dan sawah (1,4%). Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa Latent heat flux rata-rata yang tertinggi ada pada jenis penutup lahan tubuh air yaitu 200 W/m2, kemudian man (161.5 W/m2), sawah (163 W/m2), perkebunan (127 W/m2), industri (38 W/m2), pemukiman (30.5 hn2), dan terakhir pada lahan terbuka (26,5 W/m2). nilai evapotranspirasi tertinggi ada pada lahan tubuh air dengan rata-rata 6,25 mm, kemudian awan dan sawah 5,6 mm, perkebunan 4,7 mm, pemukiman dan lahan terbuka 1,2 mm, dan terkecil ada pada lahan industri 1,1 mm.. Apabila distribusi evapotranspirasi dibandingkan dengan pola sebaran latent heat flux terhh ada kemiripannya, yaitu bahwa apabila nilai latent heat flux tinggi maka akan tinggi pula nilai evapotranspirasinya, demikian juga sebaliknya apabila latent heat flux rendah maim evapotranspirasinya akan rendah juga.Hal. 77-8

    Sains atmosfer & iklim, sains antariksa serta pemanfaatannya

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    Sains Atmosfer Dan Ionosfer Serta Aplikasinya

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    Iv,186p.,ill.; 26 c