6 research outputs found

    On rr-gaps between zeros of the Riemann zeta-function

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    Under the Riemann Hypothesis, we prove for any natural number rr there exist infinitely many large natural numbers nn such that (γn+rγn)/(2π/logγn)>r+Θr(\gamma_{n+r}-\gamma_n)/(2\pi /\log \gamma_n) > r + \Theta\sqrt{r} and (γn+rγn)/(2π/logγn)<rϑr(\gamma_{n+r}-\gamma_n)/(2\pi /\log \gamma_n) < r - \vartheta\sqrt{r} for explicit absolute positive constants Θ\Theta and ϑ\vartheta, where γ\gamma denotes an ordinate of a zero of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line. Selberg published announcements of this result several times but did not include a proof. We also suggest a general framework which might lead to stronger statements concerning the vertical distribution of nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta-function.Comment: to appear in the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Societ

    On a conjecture for \ell-torsion in class groups of number fields: from the perspective of moments

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    It is conjectured that within the class group of any number field, for every integer 1\ell \geq 1, the \ell-torsion subgroup is very small (in an appropriate sense, relative to the discriminant of the field). In nearly all settings, the full strength of this conjecture remains open, and even partial progress is limited. Significant recent progress toward average versions of the \ell-torsion conjecture has crucially relied on counts for number fields, raising interest in how these two types of question relate. In this paper we make explicit the quantitative relationships between the \ell-torsion conjecture and other well-known conjectures: the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics, counts for number fields of fixed discriminant, counts for number fields of bounded discriminant (or related invariants), and counts for elliptic curves with fixed conductor. All of these considerations reinforce that we expect the \ell-torsion conjecture is true, despite limited progress toward it. Our perspective focuses on the relation between pointwise bounds, averages, and higher moments, and demonstrates the broad utility of the "method of moments.

    Extremal primes for elliptic curves without complex multiplication

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    Fix an elliptic curve E over Q. An extremal prime for E is a prime p of good reduction such that the number of rational points on E modulo p is maximal or minimal in relation to the Hasse bound. Assuming that all the symmetric power L-functions associated to E are automorphic and satisfy the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, we give the first non-trivial upper bounds for the number of such primes when E is a curve without complex multiplication. In order to obtain this bound, we use explicit equidistribution for the Sato-Tate measure as in the work of Rouse and Thorner (arXiv:1305.5283) and refine certain intermediate estimates taking advantage of the fact that extremal primes have a very small Sato-Tate measure

    Hilbert transforms and the equidistribution of zeros of polynomials

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    We improve the current bounds for an inequality of Erdős and Turán from 1950 related to the discrepancy of angular equidistribution of the zeros of a given polynomial. Building upon a recent work of Soundararajan, we establish a novel connection between this inequality and an extremal problem in Fourier analysis involving the maxima of Hilbert transforms, for which we provide a complete solution. Prior to Soundararajan (2019), refinements of the discrepancy inequality of Erdős and Turán had been obtained by Ganelius (1954) and Mignotte (1992)