15 research outputs found

    Bilans élémentaires holocènes et altération des minéraux dans trois sols forestiers du Québec méridional

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    Nous avons calculé les flux élémentaires holocènes et le taux d’altération historique dans trois sols forestiers par la méthode du bilan de masse de Brimhall et al. (1991 a, b). Les sols (Hermine : HER ; Rouyn-1 : RN1 ; Rouyn-4 : RN4) se distinguent par leur matériel d’origine et leur niveau d’exposition aux dépôts atmosphériques de métaux traces. L’indice de changement volumétrique (ICV) calculé avec Zr est positif (expansion) dans RN1 et dans les horizons B de HER et est positivement corrélé à la concentration en C organique et en oxydes de Al et Fe. L’analyse des profils permet de dégager trois groupes d’éléments. Un premier groupe (Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Si) montre des concentrations qui diminuent de l’horizon C vers la surface du profil en réponse à l’intensification de l’altération des minéraux. Le second groupe (Al, Fe, P, Ti, Cr, Ni) présente des zones d’enrichissement dans les horizons B et des pertes dans le Ae. Ce patron mixte reflète l’effet combiné de la formation d’oxydes (Al, Fe, Ti) et de la rétention des éléments par ces oxydes (P, Cr, Ni). Le troisième groupe (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) affiche des flux fortement positifs dans les horizons de surface en réponse à la contamination atmosphérique des sols et à la bioconcentration des métaux traces. Les taux d’altération holocènes moyens des éléments majeurs correspondent très bien aux taux publiés pour une variété de sols forestiers de milieux comparables. Le classement des éléments en ordre de mobilité relative décroissante est : Mn > Mg > Ca > Na > K > P > Si > Al > Fe > Ti.We calculated elemental fluxes for the Holocene and historical weathering rates in three forested watersheds using the method proposed by Brimhall et al. (1991 a, b). The soils (Hermine : HER; Rouyn-1 : RN1; Rouyn-4 : RN4) were selected because they formed in contrasting parent materials and were exposed to different levels of trace metal deposition from the atmosphere. The strain value (ICV) calculated using Zr is positive (dilation) in RN1 and in the B horizons of HER. The strain is positively correlated to the organic C concentration and to Al and Fe oxide contents. The analysis of soil profiles further allows the identification of three element groups. A first group (Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Si) shows concentrations decreasing from the C horizon to the surface of the profile because of increasing mineral weathering. The second group (Al, Fe, P, Ti, Cr, Ni) is enriched in the B horizons while being depleted in the Ae. This mixed pattern reflects the combined effect of oxide formation (Al, Fe, Ti) and of elemental retention on these oxides (P, Cr, Ni). The third group (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) refers to elements presenting highly positive fluxes in the surface horizons in response to the atmospheric deposition and bioconcentration of trace metals. The mean weathering rates estimated for major elements are in agreement with rates published for a range of forested soils from similar environments. Classifying the elements in order of decreasing relative mobility gives: Mn > Mg > Ca > Na > K > P > Si > Al > Fe > Ti.Se calcularon los flujos de elementos del holoceno y el grado de alteración histórica en tres suelos forestales utilizando el método de balance de la masa de Brimhall y col. (1991 a, b). Los suelos (Hermine: HER; Rouyn-1: RN1; Rouyn-4: RH4) se distinguen por su material de origen y su nivel de exposición a depósitos atmosféricos de oligoelementos. El índice de cambio volumétrico (ICV) calculado usando Zr es positivo (en expansión) en RN1 y el los horizontes B de HER y esta positivamente relacionado con la concentración de C orgánico y de óxidos de Al y Fe. El análisis de los perfiles permite poner en evidencia tres grupos de elementos. El primer grupo (Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Si) muestra concentraciones que disminuyen en el horizonte C hacia la superficie del perfil en respuesta a la intensificación de la alteración de los minerales. El segundo grupo (Al, Fe, K, Ti, Cr, Ni) presenta zonas de enriquecimiento en los horizontes B y de empobrecimiento en los Ae. Este patrón mixto refleja el efecto combinado de la oxidación (Al, Fe, Ti) y de la retención de elementos por dichos óxidos (P, Cr, Ni). El tercer grupo (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) presenta un flujo fuertemente positivo en los horizontes superficiales como consecuencia de la contaminación atmosférica de los suelos y de la bioconcentración de oligoelementos. La tasa holocena media de los elementos mayores corresponde bien a la tasa reportada para una gran variedad de suelos forestales en sitios comparables. La clasificación de los elementos en orden de movilidad relativa decreciente es: Mn> Mg> Ca> Na> K> P> Si> Al> Fe>Ti


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    Cette recension présente les résultats de 14 recherches portant sur l’efficacité de la thérapie de couple axée sur l’émotion (TCÉ). Elle offre également un aperçu critique de ces études. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que la TCÉ est efficace dans la diminution de la détresse conjugale et que ses effets semblent se maintenir dans le temps. Il apparaît également qu’il s’agit d’une approche efficace auprès de couples en détresse vivant diverses problématiques spécifiques. Ces résultats doivent toutefois être considérés en fonction des limites des études (p. ex., petits échantillons homogènes, courts délais de relance, peu d’études comparatives).This review presents the results of 14 studies on the effectiveness of emotionally focused couple therapy (EFT). It also offers a critical overview of these studies. The results obtained demonstrate that EFT is effective in reducing marital distress and that its effects seem to be sustained over time. It also appears to be an effective approach for couples in distress living with various specific issues. These results, however, should be considered in relation to the limitations of the studies (eg, small homogeneous samples, short follow-up periods, few comparative studies)

    Bien écrire : la grammaire revue au fil des textes littéraires /

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    2e éd.Première éd. en 2001 par Nicole Turmel, Marie-Élaine Philippe et Nicolas D'UlisseComprend un indexBibliogr.: p. [259

    Cascades 5, une composante de la tradition de l’Archaïque du Golfe du Maine à East Angus, Estrie, Québec

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    La vallée de la rivière Saint-François a été occupée depuis au moins 10 000 ans avant aujourd’hui par des chasseurs de la culture Plano, et le site Cascades 5 contribue à combler un hiatus culturel important entre 8000 et 10 000 ans avant aujourd’hui avec une occupation associée à l’Archaïque ancien. L’enfouissement des vestiges exigeait une lecture pédologique pour confirmer la présence d’un horizon enfoui. Le matériel archéologique présente de fortes similitudes avec les assemblages rattachés à la tradition de l’Archaïque du Golfe du Maine. Une profusion d’outils unifaciaux, la majorité étant taillée dans du quartz, caractérise l’assemblage du site Cascades 5, témoignant d’une adaptation vieille d’au moins 10 000 ans si l’on se fie à l’âge obtenu sur une pierre chauffée à l’aide de la luminescence optique. L’adaptation aux ressources de l’intérieur par des groupes du centre-nord du Maine et de la rivière Saint-François durant les mois chauds confirme un réseau de contacts soutenus malgré la présence des montagnes frontalières. Ces groupes partageaient des choix techniques, un réseau lithique dominé par l’utilisation de rhyolites dont la provenance est confirmée par la géoarchéologie et probablement d’autres aspects culturels qui laissent peu de traces dans les sites archéologiques.The Saint-François River Valley was occupied starting 10 000 years ago by hunters of the Plano culture. The Cascades 5 site contributes to fill a cultural void between 8000 and 10 000 years ago with an Early Archaic component. The depth of the artifacts required the input of a pedologist to confirm the existence of a buried soil horizon. The material culture shows striking similarities with assemblages belonging to the Gulf of Maine Archaic Tradition. A clear dominance of unifacial tools, mostly produced on quartz, characterizes the Cascades 5 site assemblage, which can be dated to around 10 000 years ago based on an optically stimulated luminescence date obtained from a fire-cracked rock. An adaptation to the resources of the interior of northern Maine and the Saint-François River Valley during warm months supports an image of strong contacts and a network that crossed the Boundary Mountains. These groups shared technological choices, a lithic source network of rhyolites confirmed by geoarchaeology, and probably other cultural traits that have left no traces on these archaeological sites.El valle del rio Saint-François fue ocupado desde 10 000 años antes del presente por cazadores de la cultura Plano, y el sitio Cascades 5 permite llenar el hiato cultural entre los 8000 y 10 000 años antes del presente con la presencia de un componente del Arcaico temprano. La profundidad de los vestigios requirió de una lectura pedológica para confirmar la presencia de una capa enterrada. La cultura material presenta muchas similitudes con colecciones identificadas a la tradición del Arcaico del golfo de Maine. La profusión de herramientas unifaciales, mayormente talladas en cuarzo, caracteriza el conjunto del sitio Cascades 5, lo que atestigua de una ocupación de al menos 10 000 años antes del presente si se confía en la fecha obtenida sobre una piedra calentada por el método de luminiscente óptica. Una adaptación a los recursos del interior por grupos del norte de Maine y del valle del rio Saint-François durante los meses cálidos confirma la importancia de la red de contactos establecida a pesar de la presencia de montañas fronterizas. Estos grupos compartían opciones técnicas, un conjunto lítico dominado por la utilización de riolitas, cuya procedencia ha sido confirmada por la geoarqueología, y probablemente otros aspectos culturales que dejan pocas huellas en los sitios arqueológicos

    Early rhizosphere microbiome composition is related to the growth and Zn uptake of willows introduced to a former landfill

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    Although plants introduced for site restoration are pre-selected for specific traits (e.g. trace element bioaccumulation, rapid growth in poor soils), the in situ success of these plants likely depends on the recruitment of appropriate rhizosphere microorganisms from their new environment. We introduced three willow (Salix spp.) cultivars to a contaminated landfill, and performed soil chemical analyses, plant measurements, and Ion Torrent sequencing of rhizospheric fungal and bacterial communities at 4 and 16 months post-planting. The abundance of certain dominant fungi was linked to willow accumulation of Zn, the most abundant trace element at the site. Interestingly, total Zn accumulation was better explained by fungal community structure 4 months post-planting than 16 months post-planting, suggesting that initial microbial recruitment may be critical. In addition, when the putative ectomycorrhizal fungi Sphaerosporella brunnea and Inocybe sp. dominated the rhizosphere 4 months post-planting, Zn accumulation efficiency was negatively correlated with fungal diversity. Although field studies such as this rely on correlation, these results suggest that the soil microbiome may have the greatest impact on plant function during the early stages of growth, and that plant-fungus specificity may be essential.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    COVID-19 and Pasteurella multocida Pulmonary Coinfection: A Case Series

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    Objectives: In COVID-19 patients, bacterial and fungal pulmonary coinfections, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, or Aspergillus, have been reported, but to our knowledge, no case has been reported due to Pasteurella multocida. Patients and methods: We describe three cases of Pasteurella multocida coinfections occurring during the 4th wave of COVID-19 in Martinique (French West Indies). Results: All three cases were fatal; thus, Pasteurella multocida has to be considered as a potentially severe coinfection agent. Conclusions: Alteration of the epithelial–endothelial barrier due to a SARS-CoV-2 infection probably promotes the expression of a Pasteurella infection. In addition, the SARS-CoV-2 infection induced immunosuppression, and an inflammatory cascade could explain the infection’s severity. The use of corticosteroids, which are part of the first-line therapeutic arsenal against COVID-19, may also promote the pathogenicity of this agent

    The impact of non-pharmaceutical COVID-19 interventions on collisions, traffic injuries and fatalities across Québec

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    The association between non-pharmaceutical COVID-19 (NP-COVID-19) interventions, which aimed to regulate public behaviour to curb the spread of COVID-19, and road safety has become an important area of research to explore the unintended consequences of this pandemic. This study focuses on the 17 regions of the province of Quebec in Canada to assess the relation of NP-COVID-19 interventions on collisions, light and severe injuries, and traffic fatalities. Interrupted time-series analyses were conducted from 2015 to 2022, using daily traffic fatality and injury data per 100 000 population. A COVID-19 NP interventions index for Québec (QCnPI-Index) was created based on 58 interventions implemented from March 2020 to June 2022 in each region. Multiple controls commonly used in the road safety literature, such as weather conditions and seasonal patterns, were applied. The association between the QCnPI-Index and the four outcomes was mixed. First, the QCnPI-Index was associated with considerable reductions for collisions and light injuries in all regions. Significant reductions in severe injuries were linked to the index across six regions: Montérégie, Laurentides, Lanaudière, Laval, Outaouais and Montréal. No concomitant changes were observed in traffic fatalities across any region. Findings underscore the complex relationship between NP-COVID-19 interventions and road safety, emphasizing the need for more comprehensive efforts to understand their diverse effects. Further investigation is warranted to comprehend the discrepancy in the reduction of injuries and collisions compared to fatalities. This study ultimately highlights the importance of continuing exploring in future research additional factors, such as road safety interventions during COVID-19 periods, and concentrating on pedestrians and cyclists, to better understand the impact of NP-COVID-19 interventions on other road safety dimensions