9 research outputs found

    Flexible MultiCAP Modulation and its Application to 850 nm VCSEL-MMF Links

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    In this paper, we introduce a flexible scheme for the multiband approach of carrierless amplitude phase (flexible MultiCAP) modulation. The proposed modulation scheme can adapt to different data traffic demands and transmission link conditions, with advantages of variable bit rate and, therefore, power consumption adaptivity. First, simulations results are presented to show the capacity of the proposed scheme under different bandwidth restrictions, and then, as a proof of concept, its feasibility is experimentally demonstrated in 850 nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser based transmissions over 100 m of OM4 multimode fiber. Data rates up to 40.6 Gb/s with spectral efficiencies up to 4 bit/s/Hz are achieved. All measured bit error rates were below the 7% overhead forward error correction threshold of 3.8 x 10(-3)

    Experimental Demonstration of Extended 5G Digital Fronthaul Over a Partially-Disaggregated WDM/SDM Network

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. PermissĂ­on from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisĂ­ng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] We experimentally demonstrate a 5G digital fronthaul network that relies on multi-adaptive bandwidth/bitrate variable transceivers (BVTs) and an autonomic software-defined networking (SDN) control system for partially-disaggregated wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)/space division multiplexing (SDM). Transmission of 256-QAM 760.32 MHz orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) radio signal is performed, with a total radio transmission capacity of 5.667 Gb/s. Digitized signal samples are carried as a 22.25 Gb/s digitized radio-over-fiber (DRoF) data stream and transmitted over a WDM/SDM infrastructure including 40-wavelength 100-GHz arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs) and 19-core fiber. The autonomic SDN controller deploys a control loop for the multi-adaptive OFDM-based BVTs that monitors the per-subcarrier signal to noise ratio (SNR) and assigns the optimal constellation based on the actual signal degradation. An error vector magnitude (EVM) below the targeted 2.1% is achieved while setting up connections in less than 5 s.This work was supported in part by the EC H2020 BLUESPACE Project under Grant 762055 and in part by the Spanish MICINN AURORAS Project under Grant RTI2018-099178.Fabrega, JM.; MĂșñoz, R.; Nadal, L.; Manso, C.; Svaluto Moreolo, M.; Vilalta, R.; MartĂ­nez, R.... (2021). Experimental Demonstration of Extended 5G Digital Fronthaul Over a Partially-Disaggregated WDM/SDM Network. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 39(9):2804-2815. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSAC.2021.3064645S2804281539

    Effective 100 Gb/s IM/DD 850-nm Multi- and Single-Mode VCSEL Transmission Through OM4 MMF

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    To cope with the ever increasing data traffic demands in modern data centers, new approaches and technologies must be explored. Short range optical data links play a key role in this scenario, enabling very high speed data rate links. Recently, great research efforts are being made to improve the performance of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) based transmission links, which constitute a cost-effective solution desirable for massive deployments. In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate intensity-modulation direct-detection transmissions with a data rate of 107.5 Gb/s over 10 m of OM4 multimode fiber (MMF) using a multimode VCSEL at 850 nm, and up to 100 m of OM4 MMF using a single-mode VCSEL at 850 nm. Measured bit error rates were below 7% overhead forward error correction limit of 3.8e−03, thus, achieving an effective bit rate of 100.5 Gb/s. These successful transmissions were achieved by means of the multiband approach of carrierless amplitude phase modulation. To cope with the ever increasing data traffic demands in modern data centers, new approaches and technologies must be explored. Short range optical data links play a key role in this scenario, enabling very high speed data rate links. Recently, great research efforts are being made to improve the performance of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) based transmission links, which constitute a cost-effective solution desirable for massive deployments. In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate intensity-modulation direct-detection transmissions with a data rate of 107.5 Gb/s over 10 m of OM4 multimode fiber (MMF) using a multimode VCSEL at 850 nm, and up to 100 m of OM4 MMF using a single-mode VCSEL at 850 nm. Measured bit error rates were below 7% overhead forward error correction limit of 3.8e-03, thus, achieving an effective bit rate of 100.5 Gb/s. These successful transmissions were achieved by means of the multiband approach of carrierless amplitude phase modulation

    Towards 1 Tbit/s SOA based 1310 nm transmission for LAN/Data Center Applications

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    The growing data traffic in the local area networks (LAN) is driving development of the cost-effective transmission systems that can carry it cost-efficiently. In this paper we propose and demonstrate the 1310 nm dense-wavelength-division multiplexed and polarization multiplexed transmission system. The demonstrated n×2×40 Gbit/s transmission system is based exclusively on semiconductor components without any form of the chromatic dispersion compensation or error-correction. Results of the conducted experiments show the excellent error-free 8×2×40 Gbit/s all-semiconductor transmission over 25 km of standard single-mode fiber. The demonstrated transmission system can be utilized to realize ultra-high speed connections like the next generation 400 Gbit/s and 1 Tbit/s Ethernet

    The raman amplifier in low-complexity PolMux DWDM 1310 nm transmission

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    In this paper, we experimentally investigate the impact of the Raman amplifier on the transmission quality in the high capacity and low complexity polarization multiplexed and dense wavelength division multiplexed transmission system in the 1310 nm wavelength domain. We compare its performance with the same system utilizing the semiconductor optical amplifier. Conducted experiments show that in the presented 1310 nm 8×2×40 Gbit/s transmission system, with the transmission line consisting of 25 km standard single mode fibre, the Raman amplifier can be successfully applied and its utilization leads to the 4 dB improvement of the average channel sensitivity in comparison with the system with a semiconductor optical amplifie

    A 53-Gbit/s Optical Receiver Frontend With 0.65 pJ/bit in 28-nm Bulk-CMOS

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    225m outdoor W-Band radio-over-fiber link using an optical SFP+ module

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    A W-band radio-over-fiber link based on a commercial SFP+ module is demonstrated, allowing easy integration into existing PON solutions. Without active laser control good RF frequency stability and 225m wireless distance are achieved