23 research outputs found

    On defining affects computationally

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    One of the most tangled fields of research is the field of defining and modeling affective concepts, i. e. concepts regarding emotions and feelings. The subject can be approached from many disciplines. The main problem is lack of generally approved definitions. However, e.g. linguists have recently started to check the consistency of their theories with the help of computer simulations. Definitions of affective concepts are needed for performing similar simulations in behavioral sciences. In this thesis, preliminary computational definitions of affects for a simple utility-maximizing agent are given. The definitions have been produced by synthetizing ideas from theories from several fields of research. The class of affects is defined as a superclass of emotions and feelings. Affect is defined as a process, in which a change in an agent's expected utility causes a bodily change. If the process is currently under the attention of the agent (i.e. the agent is conscious of it), the process is a feeling. If it is not, but can in principle be taken into attention (i.e. it is preconscious), the process is an emotion. Thus, affects do not presuppose consciousness, but emotions and affects do. Affects directed at unexpected materialized (i.e. past) events are delight and fright. Delight is the consequence of an unexpected positive event and fright is the consequence of an unexpected negative event. Affects directed at expected materialized (i.e. past) events are happiness (expected positive event materialized), disappointment (expected positive event did not materialize), sadness (expected negative event materialized) and relief (expected negative event did not materialize). Affects directed at expected unrealized (i.e. future) events are fear and hope. Some other affects can be defined as directed towards originators of the events. The affect classification has also been implemented as a computer program, the purpose of which is to ensure the coherence of the definitions and also to illustrate the capabilities of the model. The exact content of bodily changes associated with specific affects is not considered relevant from the point of view of the logical structure of affective phenomena. The utility function need also not be defined, since the target of examination is only its dynamics.Affektiivisten eli emootioihin ja tunteisiin liittyvien käsitteiden määrittely ja mallintaminen on tällä hetkellä eräs sekavimmista tutkimusaloista. Aihetta voidaan lähestyä monen eri tieteenalan kautta. Suurin ongelma on yhteisesti hyväksyttyjen määritelmien puute. Teorioiden toimivuutta ja sisäistä johdonmukaisuutta on muun muassa kielitieteessä ryhdytty tarkastamaan laskennallisten simulaatioiden avulla. Affektiivisten käsitteiden määritelmiä tarvittaisiin vastaavien simulaatioiden tekemiseksi käyttäytymistieteissä. Tässä tutkielmassa esitetään yksinkertaiselle hyötyä maksimoivalle toimijalle eli agentille soveltuvat affektien alustavat laskennalliset määritelmät. Määritelmät on tuotettu syntetisoimalla ja valikoimalla ajatuksia useista eri teorioista. Affektien luokka määritellään emootioiden ja tunteiden luokkien yläluokaksi. Affekti määritellään prosessiksi, jossa toimijan hyödyn muutos aiheuttaa vakioisen kehollisen muutoksen. Jos muutosprosessi on tarkasteluhetkellä toimijan tarkkaavaisuuden kohteena eli toimija on tietoinen siitä, kyseessä on tunne. Jos muutosprosessi on periaatteessa otettavissa tarkkaavaisuuden kohteeksi eli se on esitietoinen, kyseessä on emootio. Affektit eivät siis edellytä tietoisuutta, mutta emootiot ja tunteet edellyttävät. Esimerkiksi odottamattomiin toteutuneisiin eli menneisiin tapahtumiin kohdistuvia affekteja ovat ilahtuminen ja säikähdys. Ilahtuminen on odottamattoman positiivisen tapahtuman seuraus ja säikähdys vastaavasti odottamattoman negatiivisen tapahtuman seuraus. Odotettuihin toteutuneisiin tapahtumiin kohdistuvia affekteja ovat onni (odotettu positiivinen tapahtuma toteutui), pettymys (odotettu positiivinen tapahtuma ei toteutunut), suru (odotettu negatiivinen tapahtuma toteutui) ja helpotus (odotettu negatiivinen tapahtuma ei toteutunut). Odotettuihin toteumattomiin (tuleviin) tapahtumiin kohdistuvia affekteja ovat vastaavasti pelko ja toivo. Eräitä muita affekteja voidaan määritellä edellä mainittujen tapahtumien aiheuttajiin kohdistuviksi. Affektiluokituksesta on tehty myös ohjelmatoteutus, jonka tarkoituksena on sekä varmistaa määritelmien koherenttius että havainnollistaa mallin mahdollisuuksia. Affekteihin liittyvien kehollisten muutosten täsmällistä sisältöä ei pidetä ilmiön loogisen rakenteen kannalta merkityksellisenä. Hyötyfunktiotakaan ei tarvitse määritellä, koska tarkastelun kohteena on ainoastaan sen dynamiikka

    The History of Methylprednisolone, Ascorbic Acid, Thiamine, and Heparin Protocol and I-MASK+ Ivermectin Protocol for COVID-19

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    An alliance of established experts on critical care, Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), has published two protocols for treatment of COVID-19. The first one, methylprednisolone, ascorbic acid, thiamine, and heparin (MATH+), is intended for hospital and intensive care unit treatment of pulmonary phases of the disease. It is based on affordable, commonly available components: anti-inflammatory corticosteroids (methylprednisolone, "M"), high-dose vitamin C infusion (ascorbic acid, "A"), vitamin B1 (thiamine, "T"), anticoagulant heparin ("H"), antiparasitic agent ivermectin, and supplemental components ("+") including melatonin, vitamin D, elemental zinc, and magnesium. The MATH+ protocol has received scarce attention due to the World Health Organization (WHO) advising against the use of corticosteroids in the beginning of the pandemic. In addition, randomized controlled clinical trials were required as a condition for adoption of the protocol. As the hospital mortality rate of MATH+ treated patients was approximately a quarter of the rate of patients receiving a standard of care, the authors of the protocol considered performing such trials unethical. Other parties have later performed clinical trials with corticosteroids and anticoagulants, which has led to a more widespread adoption of these components. In October 2020, ivermectin was upgraded from an optional component to an essential component of the protocol. According to the authors, ivermectin is considered the first agent effective for both prophylaxis (prevention) of COVID-19 and for treatment of all phases of COVID-19 including outpatient treatment of the early symptomatic phase. Therefore, at the end of October 2020, a separate ivermectin-based I-MASK+ protocol for prophylaxis and early outpatient treatment of COVID-19 was published

    A computational model of affects

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    Emotions and feelings (i.e. affects) are a central feature of human behavior. Due to complexity and interdisciplinarity of affective phenomena, attempts to define them have often been unsatisfactory. This article provides a simple logical structure, in which affective concepts can be defined. The set of affects defined is similar to the set of emotions covered in the OCC model, but the model presented in this article is fully computationally defined, whereas the OCC model depends on undefined concepts. Following Matthis, affects are seen as unconscious, emotions as preconscious and feelings as conscious. Affects are thus a superclass of emotions and feelings with regards to consciousness. A set of affective states and related affect-specific behaviors and strategies can be defined with unconscious affects only. In addition, affects are defined as processes of change in the body state, that have specific triggers. For example, an affect of hope is defined as a specific body state that is triggered when the agent is becomes informed about a future event, that is positive with regards to the agent’s needs. Affects are differentiated from each other by types of causing events. Affects caused by unexpected positive, neutral and negative events are delight, surprise and fright, respectively. Affects caused by expected positive and negative future events are hope and fear. Affects caused by expected past events are as follows: satisfaction results from a positive expectation being fulfilled, disappointment results from a positive expectation not being fulfilled, fears-confirmed results from a negative expectation being fulfilled, and relief results from a negative expectation not being fulfilled. Pride is targeted towards a self-originated positive event, and shame towards a self-originated negative event. Remorse is targeted towards a self-originated action causing a negative event. Pity is targeted towards a liked agent experiencing a negative event, and happy-for towards a liked agent experiencing a positive event. Resentment is targeted towards a disliked agent experiencing a positive event, and gloating towards a disliked agent experiencing a negative event. An agent is liked/loved if it has produced a net utility greater than zero, and disliked/hated if the net utility is lower than zero. An agent is desired if it is expected to produce a positive net utility in the future, and disliked if the expected net utility is negative. The above model for unconscious affects is easily computationally implementable, and may be used as a starting point in building believable simulation models of human behavior. The models can be used as a starting point in the development of computational psychological, psychiatric, sociological and criminological theories, or in e.g. computer games. [please cite using the arXiv url below.

    Thyroid-related disorders have complicated interconnections to other disorders

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    Artikkeli käsittelee ns. non-thyroidal illness -syndrooman (NTIS), siihen liittyvän hypotyreoosin ja infektioiden yhteyksiä psykiatrisiin häiriöihin. Lisäksi käsitellään hoitokäytäntöjen ja oppimateriaalin ongelmakohtia erityisesti laboratoriodiagnostiikan käyttökelpoisuuden suhteen.Peer reviewe

    Indigenous ayahuasca ceremonies in the European context: structures, purposes, concepts

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    Psychedelics are currently being studied intensively for the treatment of various psychiatric disorders. Ayahuasca, a plant-based extract originating from the Amazonian area, is traditionally consumed in ritualistic group events. The related indigenous traditions date back hundreds of years and have amassed vast amounts of knowledge on the therapeutic use of psychedelic and non-psychedelic plant-based substances. These traditions require a prospective ceremony facilitator to undergo years of intensive training to acquire knowledge, mental power or self-confidence, stability, sensitivity, intuitive treatment outcome prediction skills, musical skills, and sufficient physical strength. These qualities of a facilitator, in the presence of integrity and love, largely determine treatment outcomes. In Europe, predominantly in the first decade of the 2000s and in the early 2010s, some individuals began building connections with diverse indigenous groups and syncretic churches of the Amazonia in an attempt to find cures for their treatment-resistant psychiatric conditions. Small circles of other patients in need of similar treatment formed around them. This led to the formation of decentralized, diverse local ceremony cultures that either followed the principles of the traditional lineages of their origin or synthesized various influences. These unofficial ceremony contexts appeared to complement official healthcare systems, offering efficient methods unavailable in the medical context and correcting the consequences of medical malpractice and neglect. These ceremony contexts appeared highly communal, were largely based on volunteering, and contained mechanisms for self-correcting possible emerging issues. They seemed to function as systems for collecting, preserving, storing, and distributing knowledge of psychedelic therapy methods; in other words, systems for knowledge base building and innovation. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27385.8560

    Ketamine in severe, highly treatment-resistant depression—a retrospective case study and a perspective

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    Ketamine is a well-known and widely available general anesthetic from the 1960s that, in sub-anesthetic doses, has been adopted in a limited manner for the treatment of acute suicidality and treatment-resistant depression. Its short onset time and short duration of action make it feasible for use at outpatient clinics. In the US, it has a long history of off-label use and was officially approved for depression treatment in 2019. In Finland, it has been administered to selected hospitalized patients in the public healthcare system since 2010 and became available at a private outpatient clinic very recently. In Norway, it has been administered off-label at a private clinic for approximately 500 patients since mid-2010s and at a public clinic for approximately 300 patients since 2020, with plans on opening more clinics in 2024. In the US, the treatment has been administered to hundreds of thousands of patients. The retrospective ethnographic inquiry part of this study features a Finnish woman in her twenties who suffered from treatment-resistant depression, rooted in her insecure childhood and having been bullied at school, as well as income insecurity and excessive workload in adulthood. Eventually, she was violently raped, which induced an obvious post-traumatic stress disorder and exacerbated her depression, incapacitating her. In the course of approximately five years, she was prescribed ten different anti-depressive medications and seventeen other medications, including various antipsychotic medications and lithium. These failed to provide an anti-depressive effect but resulted in 'massive' adverse effects instead, including 60% weight gain and psychotic hallucinations. Eventually, esketamine spray treatment at a private outpatient clinic resolved her depression in a single session. A weekly re-administration process was ongoing. In this case, repeated esketamine administration alleviated depression by producing accumulating corrective emotional experiences without the need to re-experience previous traumatizing events. In a few months to a year, the transient but accumulating anti-depressive effect typically leads to the resolution of depression in most cases, if the patients' living conditions no longer constantly re-traumatize them. It is necessary to adopt ketamine more widely as an emergency measure while more effective, non-addictive alternatives and complements are prepared for adoption. The cost of this specific pilot program implementation was unscalable, but costs can be reduced by approximately 90% by modifying the implementation details. Ketamine and its more effective alternative, 5-MeO-DMT, can serve a major role in facilitating a rebirth of public and private mental healthcare systems, with treatment efficacy multiplied and treatment costs simultaneously reduced

    5-MeO-DMT in the complete resolution of the consequences of chronic, severe sexual abuse in early childhood—a retrospective case study

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    5-MeO-DMT is a psychedelic substance with a short duration of action and intensive effects. Its therapeutic efficacy and practicality may significantly surpass those of classical psychedelics such as ayahuasca and LSD. This retrospective ethnographic inquiry features a woman in her mid-thirties who witnessed her mother's violent suicide and its bloody aftermath at the age of three. Before and after that, her childhood was characterized by domestic violence and sexual abuse perpetrated by several members of her family and extended family. In her twenties and thirties, she dated a member of the local mafia with the intention of asking him to kill her father, who had been the main perpetrator of the sexual abuse and violence. This plan was eventually not carried out, but it reflected her deep bitterness and wrath. A process initiated in her early thirties involving four 5-MeO-DMT sessions and a few additional sessions with psilocybin and ayahuasca in the course of two years completely resolved her symptoms related to the abuses, to the extent that she could rebuild a functional relationship with her father and feel love and compassion towards him. This outcome, i.e., the complete reversal of her attitude and emotions towards her father, appeared highly unusual. For the last three years, the outcome had remained stable. The article also presents the perspective of a female facilitator of this treatment process. The article contributes to a better understanding of the use of 5-MeO-DMT in severe traumatization as well as exemplifies the possible positive contributions of actors who are not medical professionals in resolving deep collective traumatization in societies

    Touch and play—'spiritual attacks' in ayahuasca ceremonies

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    This article describes a case of a ’spiritual attack’ in the context of Amazonian ayahuasca ceremonies. These attacks are often assumed to be imaginary, and there is relatively little information available about them. Specifically, there appears to be no documentation about possible mechanisms of action for these attacks. Subjectively, they typically appear as context-dependent visions or somatic sensations that represent disease-inducing or lethal interventions from an external hostile party. Such ’spiritual attacks’ could tentatively be conceptualized as subjective mental representations of fundamental disagreements between two parties. ’Defenses’ against these attacks might then consist of methods for maintaining stability and resolving the associated negative affects. This discussion could facilitate an improved understanding of this rarely documented, difficult-to-conceptualize phenomenon. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11914.3424

    The mechanism of action in a spontaneous resolution of chronic depression, anxiety, and burnout—a retrospective case study

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    There is currently no generally agreed-upon definition of the mechanism of action of psychedelic therapy. Existing proposals have approached the issue from various perspectives, utilizing concepts on many layers of abstraction. Most commonly, mechanisms based on neurotransmitters have been proposed. From a clinical perspective, explanations on the psychological level would be more useful. This study provides one such explanation, focusing on the destabilization of trauma-related memories and their replacement with memories that allow for more adaptive behaviors. This mechanism is not specific to psychedelics, and the study therefore illustrates a non-pharmacological process involving it. The study features a male entrepreneur in his early fifties who suffered from chronic but non-debilitating anxiety and depression since his teenage years. In his mid-30s, he suffered from severe burnout but partially recovered. The amount of alcohol consumed was constantly relatively high. More recently, due to simultaneous relationship and workplace stress, he experienced a more severe episode of burnout, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. He felt completely exhausted when trying to get something done and became fearful of the workplace. Psychotherapy and various pharmaceutical medications provided little benefit. After three months on sick leave, a trip to the mountains triggered severe insomnia. Sleep deprivation likely contributed to a spontaneous experience of altered states of mind, including a two-day period of hallucinatory visions. There was the feeling of being a complete failure, but through a new relationship initiated just before the trip, he received love and validation from his new partner, which contradicted the feeling of worthlessness. The combination of an altered state of mind and love induced an alteration of identity that resolved his depression, burnout, and sleep disorders. After three more months of self-organized rehabilitation, he successfully returned to work. Six months after the trip, financial decline caused by his absence and unchanged stressful conditions at the workplace led to disappointment, motivational issues, and stress, but his work performance remained good regardless. One year after the trip, although his work-related stress had increased rather than decreased due to the financial situation of his company being more demanding than before his burnout, the positive outcome prevailed, proving its long-term stability

    Ayahuasca in the treatment of bipolar disorder with psychotic features—A retrospective case study

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    Ayahuasca is a plant-based brew of indigenous Amazonian origin. It has psychedelic, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, cytotoxic, and anti-parasitic effects, which are primarily due to monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). This article describes the case of a woman in her late thirties with complex trauma due to severe, years-long sexual abuse in early childhood, resulting in a decades-long chronic condition involving suicidality. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder, but refused to accept either of them. She presented with delusional parasitosis and deep dissociation. Despite being severely psychotic in private, she appeared high-functioning in public, hiding most of her symptoms. In her mid-thirties, she participated in an ayahuasca ceremony in a legal setting. It resolved her suicidality, eliminated her social isolation, and reduced her shame related to her early trauma. Nine more ceremonies alleviated her distress further. Her abuser also participated in an ayahuasca ceremony and confirmed her memories of childhood abuse. The first interview was conducted 1.5 years after her first ceremony, and a follow-up interview 2.5 years later. She had experienced sixteen additional ceremonies, recognized the validity of her bipolar disorder diagnosis, and believed her early trauma to be its sole cause. Her core trauma remained partially unresolved, but her dissociative symptoms continued to decrease. She had observed several other instances of psychosis and bipolar disorder in which ayahuasca had resulted in positive effects. This case study contributes to a better understanding of the use of ayahuasca in bipolar disorder and severe traumatization. It also reviews the current state-of-the-art in the treatment of bipolar disorder using low-dose ayahuasca, and a case in which bipolar disorder was resolved with LSD. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21294.1824