19 research outputs found

    Prvi nalaz rijetkih i ugroženih saproksilnih kornjaša, Cucujus cinnaberinus (Scopoli, 1763), Rhysodes sulcatus (Fabricius, 1787) i Omoglymmius germari (Ganglbauer, 1891) u Parku prirode Kopački rit

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    In 2014 research was carried out into saproxylic beetle fauna in different forest communities in Kopački rit Nature park. There were 64 species of saproxylic beetles found in the area. Among them Cucujus cinnaberinus (Scopoli, 1763) and Rhysodes sulcatus (Fabricius, 1787) are protected by the European Habitats Directive (Annex II and IV of Council Directive 92/43/EEC) as well as by the Bern Convention (Annex II), and are listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. R. sulcatus and Omoglymmius germari (Ganglbauer, 1891), which was also determined, are also virgin forest relict species of Europe-wide importance. Additionally, we have used intercept traps, pitfall traps and air traps with attractants to estimate the relative abundance and seasonal activity of adults as well as to estimate trapping efficiency. Some morphological, biological and distributional features of these three species are discussed.Tijekom 2014. godine provedeno je istraživanje saproksilnih kornjaša unutar različitih šumskih zajednica na području Parka prirode Kopački rit. Utvrđena je prisutnost 64 vrste. Vrste Cucujus cinnaberinus (Scopoli, 1763) i Rhysodes sulcatus (Fabricius, 1787) navedene su u Direktivi o staništima (Dodatak II i IV Direktive 92/43/EEC) i Bernskoj konvenciji (Dodatak II) te se nalaze na IUCN-ovom Crvenom popisu ugroženih vrsta. Vrste Rhysodes sulcatus i Omoglymmius germari (Ganglbauer, 1891) su reliktne vrste netaknutih šuma od europske i međunarodne važnosti. Za uzorkovanje su korištene barijerne klopke, lovne klopke u tlu te zračne klopke s atraktantom kako bi se procijenila relativna brojnost i sezonska aktivnost odraslih jedinki kao i učinkovitost navedenih metoda. U radu su prikazana neka morfološka i biološka obilježja kao i raprostranjenost ove tri vrste

    Culex torrentium (Martini), nova vrsta u hrvatskoj fauni komaraca

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    In research into mosquitoes in the mountain regions of Croatia, a new species of mosquito for Croatian mosquito fauna has been identified. The Culex pipiens complex is represented with four sibling species. Culex torrentium belongs to this complex and morphologically differs from the other species only in the structure of male genitals. The presence of this species is determined based on the male genital structure and confirmed by mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase molecular analysis. Specimens of these species have been found in all three mountain areas covered by this research: Slavonian mountains, Gorski Kotar area and central Velebit Mt. The lowest altitude where we found this species was 159 metres above sea level (m a.s.l.) in Pleternica, and the highest 906 m a.s.l. in Baške Oštarije. At all sites, the species Cx. torrentium was sampled in community with other species, but most frequently together with sibling species of Cx. pipiens (most probably the subspecies Cx. p. pipiens).Faunističkim istraživanjem komaraca planinskih područja u Hrvatskoj zabilježena je nova vrsta komaraca za faunu Hrvatske. Culex pipiens kompleks predstavlja kompleks od četiri sestrinske vrste. Culex torrentium pripada tom kompleksu, a od drugih se vrsta razlikuje samo u građi genitalija mužjaka. Prisutnost ove vrste komaraca utvrđena je na osnovi razlika genitalija mužjaka, a potvrđena je molekularnom analizom mitohondrijalne citokrom c oksidaze. Jedinke ove vrste zabilježene su u svim istraživanim područjima u okviru ovog istraživanja: planine u Slavoniji, Gorskom Kotaru i srednjem Velebitu. Najniža nadmorska visina na kojoj je zabilježeno prisustvo ove vrste bila je 159 m u Pleternici, a najviša na 906 m u Baškim Oštarijama. Na svim postajama Cx. torrentium je zabilježen u zajednici s drugim komarcima, ali najčešće sa sestrinskom vrstom Cx. pipiens (najvjerojatnije podvrstom Cx. p. pipiens)

    Raznolikost faune vodenih kukaca (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha i Coleoptera: Hydradephaga, Hydrophilidae) u krškom području Gorskog kotara, Hrvatska

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    The aim of this study was to determine aquatic insect (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha and Coleoptera: Hydradephaga, Hydrophilidae) fauna in two temporary and two permanent ponds and to relate assemblage structure, abundance and diversity with respect to hydroperiod, habitat size, shading of ponds and altitude. Field work was conducted out in four karst ponds in the municipality of Mrkopalj (Gorski kotar) from June to September 2005. Altogether, 247 specimens belonging to 24 species of water bugs and beetles were collected. A large number of species was recorded in the Sungerski lug pond (S1) while great species diversity in relation to abundance was recorded for the Sunger pond (S2). The occurrence of Anacena limbata and Anacena lutescens from the family Hydrophilidae and Hydroporus melanarius from the family Dytiscidae is an important faunistic result, because they are new to the fauna of Croatia. According to the results of our study, water bugs and beetles prefer large, permanent, open ponds at a lower altitude. The proportion of species differed between temporary and permanent ponds, and temporary and small ponds (S2) had especially diverse fauna of aquatic insects.Cilj ovoga rada je utvrditi faunu vodenih kukaca (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha i Coleoptera: Hydradephaga, Hydrophilidae) u stalnim i privremenim lokvama te usporediti sastav, brojnost i raznolikost u odnosu na razdoblje različite razine vode (hidroperiod), veličinu staništa, zasjenjenost svake lokve okolnom vegetacijom i nadmorsku visinu. Istraživanje je provedeno od lipnja do rujna 2005 na dvije stalne i dvije privremene lokve na području općine Mrkopalj (Gorski kotar). Uzorkovano je ukupno 247 jedinki i utvrđene su 24 vrste vodenih stjenica (Heteroptera) i vodenih kornjaša (Coleoptera). Najveći broj vrsta zabilježen je u lokvi Sungerski lug (S1), a najveća raznolikost vrsta u odnosu na brojnost jedinki je zabilježena u lokvi Sunger (S2). Vrste Anacena limbata i Anacena lutescens iz porodice Hydrophilidae i vrsta Hydroporus melanarius iz porodice Dytiscidae su prvi puta zabilježene za faunu Hrvatske. Utvrđeno je da su vodene stjenice i vodeni kornjaši na istraživanom području skloni velikim, stalnim, nezasjenjenim lokvama niže nadmorske visine. Udio vrsta se razlikovao između trajnih i privremenih lokvi, te je najveća raznolikost utvrđena unutar male i privremene lokve (S2)

    Saproksilni kornjaši u parkovima grada Osijeka

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    A study was carried out in two parks, Perivoj kralja Tomislava and Perivoj kralja Petra Krešimira IV, in the period from June to August 2017. In all, 26 saproxylic beetle species listed in 14 families were identified. From these, three species are listed in the European Red List of Saproxylic beetles, two species as least concern and one as near threatened according to the IUCN. The family Nitidulidae was the most abundant followed by Curculionidae, Elateridae, Carabidae and Tenebrionidae. According to the Sørensen index, a similarity between these two locations was established depending on the beetle fauna present. This research showed the presence of E. ferrugineus in urban parks.Istraživanje je provedeno na području dvaju parkova, Perivoja kralja Tomislava i Perivoja kralja Petra Krešimira IV u razdoblju od lipnja do kolovoza 2017. godine. Ukupno je uzorkovano 26 vrsta saproksilnih kornjaša svrstanih unutar 14 porodica. Tri vrste se nalaze na Europskoj crvenoj listi saproksilnih kornjaša, dvije od njih su označene kao najmanje zabrinjavajuće dok je jedna na temelju kategorija ugroženosti, gotovo ugrožena. Najbrojnija je bila porodica Nitidulidae, potom Curculionidae, Elateridae, Carabidae i Tenebrionidae. Na temelju Sørensenovog indeksa utvrđena je sličnost između dvije istraživane lokacije obzirom na utvrđenu faunu kornjaša. Istraživanjem je utvrđena prisutnost vrste E. ferrugineus u gradskim parkovima

    Istraživanje faune truležara (Scarabaeoidea) Parka prirode Kopački rit

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    Research into the scarab beetle (Scarabaeoidae) fauna was done in Kopački rit Nature Park, one of the largest semi-natural floodplains in Europe. Research was conducted at three sampling sites: Tikveš Forest, Vemeljski Dunavac, and Sakadaš Lake, in the time periods July to November 2010 and April to July 2011. Continual sampling was done using the Barber pitfall trap method with attractants and the Flight Interception Trap (FIT) method. Animal excrement, pork liver, bananas and mushrooms were used as attractants. In total 1896 specimens were trapped and the presence of 23 species was determined. The most abundant species were: Onthophagus coenobita (554), Sisyphus schaefferi (478), Onthophagus verticicornis (291), and Onthophagus vacca (243). A larger number of specimens (70.3 %) were sampled using Barber pitfall traps, with excrement and pork liver attracting 81.7 % of individual insects.Istraživanje faune truležara (Scarabaeoidae) obavljeno je u Parku prirode Kopački rit, jednom od najvećih fluvijalno-močvarnih nizina u Europi. Istraživanje je provedeno na trima postajama, a to su Šuma Tikveš, Vemeljski dunavac i Obala Sakadaš, u razdoblju od srpnja do studenog 2010. godine te od travnja do srpnja 2011. godine. Kontinuirano uzorkovanje obavljeno je metodom Barberovih lovnih posuda uz atraktante i metodom prekinutog leta (FIT). Kao atraktanti korišteni su životinjski izmet, svinjska jetra, banana i gljiva. Uhvaćeno je ukupno 1 896 jedinki i utvrđena prisutnost 23 vrste. Vrste s najvećom brojnosti jedinki jesu: Onthophagus coenobita (554), Sisyphus schaefferi (478), Onthophagus verticicornis (291) i Onthophagus vacca (243). Veći broj jedinki (70,3 %) uzorkovan je Barberovim lovnim posudama, a u njima su atraktanti izmet i svinjska jetra privukli 81,7 % jedinki


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    Aktivno učenje, razvoj istraživačkih vještina te generičkih kompetencija poput organiziranja, planiranja i suradnje, osnovne su odlike terenske nastave. U terenskoj nastavi učenici trebaju biti usmjereni ka učenju primjenom osnovnih znanstvenih metoda od postavljanja hipoteze, primjene metodologije istraživanja, obrade rezultata i izvođenja zaključaka na temelju rezultata. Uloga nastavnika je nadgledati, poticati i usmjeravati učenike na aktivno sudjelovanje u svim etapama učenja u prirodi koja ih okružuje. Obzirom da učenici aktivno sudjeluju u procesu učenja dolazi do većeg pobuđivanja interesa, razvoja istraživačkog mišljenja i logičkog zaključivanja. Također, učenici spoznaju kompleksnost i raznolikost živog svijeta na što ih se puno lakše može usmjeriti kada ih se iz učionice izvede u prirodu i ukaže na važnost promatranja i opažanja jer je to ključ za razumijevanje procesa koji se odvijaju u prirodi. Istraživanje pojedinih skupina organizama znanstvenim metodama najbolje je provoditi izvan učionice u sklopu terenske nastave. U ovom radu je predloženo istraživanje populacije običnog jelenka (Lucanus cervus) na šumskim staništima. Tijekom terenske nastave na primjeru jelenka učenici uče anatomiju i ekologiju vrste te istražuju i raspravljaju o razlozima ugroženost vrste. Učenici tijekom terenske nastave uče metode istraživanja, razvijaju istraživačke vještine i samostalnost što povoljno utječe na razvoj prirodoznanstvene pismenosti. Prikupljene podatke mogu proslijediti znanstvenicima i nadležnim ustanovama za zaštitu prirode i na taj način doprinijeti boljem poznavanju rasprostranjenosti i zaštiti ove vrste. Vrlo je važno što češće provoditi razne oblike izvanučioničke nastave s obzirom da pridonosi boljem razumijevanju prirodoslovnih koncepata, lakšem savladavanju primjene praktičnih metoda poput promatranja, mjerenja ili bilježenja rezultata na temelju kojih izvode zaključke, a integriranjem terenske nastave Prirode ili Biologije s drugim nastavnim predmetima uviđaju važnost interdisciplinarnog pristupa rješavanja proučavane problematike.Active learning along with development of research skills and generic competences such as organizing, planning and cooperation present the main characteristic of field education. During field classes, students are directed towards learning based on scientific approach, including creating hypothesis, learning proper research methodology, gathering and processing data and making conclusions, what allows them to become young researchers. The role of a teacher is to supervise, encourage and instruct students to actively observe and make notes of all the processes in their natural surroundings. Since the students are actively involved in the learning process, they increase their interest in what they need to learn, scientific way of thinking and logical deduction are developing as well. Students also develop the concept of the complexity and diversity of life and this is more easily accomplished when they are out in the nature. Applying scientific research methods to study particular taxonomic groups or species can be done conducting the out of classroom education, as the type of field education. In this paper we propose stag beetle (Lucanus cervus) in forest habitats as a research subject, to study its anatomy, ecology and the reasons of their endangerment. During field classes students become more independent and develop their research skills and scientific opinion. The collected data can be forwarded to scientists and institutions for nature conservation to improve the current information of the population distribution, thus contributing to the protection of this species. It is very important to include and implement project education as much as possible since it enhances students’ capabilities for better understanding concepts in nature, learning practical methods (e.g. observation, measurements, data logging, making conclusions) and by integrating with other class subjects enables them to comprehend importance of interdisciplinary in solving research problems

    Equine Seroprevalence Rates as an Additional Indicator for a More Accurate Risk Assessment of the West Nile Virus Transmission

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    The West Nile Virus (WNV) is a zoonotic arbovirus that has recently been causing outbreaks in many countries in southern and Central Europe. In 2012, for the first time, it caused an outbreak in eastern Croatia with total of 7 human clinical cases. With an aim of assisting public health personnel in order to improve survey protocols and vector control, the high risk areas of the WNV transmission were estimated and mapped. The study area included cities of Osijek and Slavonski Brod and 8 municipalities in Vukovarsko-Srijemska County. Risk estimation was based on seroprevalence of WNV infections in horses as an indicator of the virus presence, as well as the presence of possible WNV mosquito vectors with corresponding vector competences. Four mosquito species considered as possible WNV vectors are included in this study: Aedes vexans, Culex modestus, Culex pipiens and Ochlerotatus caspius. Mosquitoes were sampled using dry-ice baited CDC trap, twice a month, between May and October. This study suggests that the two mosquito species present the main risk of WNV transmission in eastern Croatia: the Culex pipiens – because of good vector competence and the Aedes vexans – because of the very high abundances. As a result, these two species should be focus of future mosquito surveil- lance and a vector control management

    Prvi nalaz invazivne vrste sjemenarki Megabruchidius tonkineus (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae) u Hrvatskoj

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    The invasive seed beetle Megabruchidius tonkineus (Pic, 1904) is an agricultural pest native to the east Asian region that was first recorded in Europe (Germany) in the 1980s. There are further recent reports of this species from Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Russia, Serbia and Switzerland. Megabruchidius tonkineus resides in the seed pods of Gleditsia triacanthos L. (Fabaceae) and is recorded for the first time in Croatia in our study. The general morphological, biological and distributional features of this invasive species are given.Invazivna vrsta sjemenarki porijeklom iz orijentalne Azije Megabruchidius tonkineus (Pic, 1904), nađena je po prvi puta u Hrvatskoj u mahunama gledičije (Gleditsia triachantos L.). Prvi nalaz ove vrste u Europi zabilježen je 80-ih godina prošloga stoljeća u Njemačkoj, međutim odnedavno postoje dokazi da se ta vrsta ustalila u Bugarskoj, Francuskoj, Mađarskoj, Srbiji i Švicarskoj. U radu su prikazana osnovna morfološka i biološka obilježja vrste kao i njezina rasprostranjenost na području Istočne Hrvatske

    Mosquito Survey during West Nile Virus Outbreak 2012 in Northeast Croatia Enrih

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    During the August and September 2012, seven human cases of the West Nile neuro-invasive disease were reported in Croatia. Medical entomology research on a potential vectors during the outbreak was supported by the Ministry of Health. A mosquito survey has been done in 64 sites in three eastern Croatian counties (Osijek-Baranja County, Vukovar-Srijem county and in Brod-Posavina county). Dry ice baited CDC traps were used for mosquito sampling in a period from the 10th to 25th September 2012. A total of 1785 mosquitoes were collected and 5 species were determined. The most numerous species were Aedes vexans with 1634 specimens, a Culex pipiens c., the potential vector of WNV, was present with 6.39%, in 114 specimens. That species was present in 43 out of 64 investigated sites. Vector control included both the control of mosquito larvae and the adults. Treatments have been done on 184 small breeding sites and on 2900 ha of an urban area

    FIRST RECORD OF Berosus geminus ( Reiche et Saulcy, 1856) AND Enochrus affinis (Thunberg, 1794) FOR CROATIAN FAUNA (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae)

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    Research on the aquatic beetle fauna was conducted in aquatic habitats of Nature Park Kopački rit during the year 2005. One species of water scavenger beetle (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) Berosus geminus Reiche et Saulcy, which had not been recorded in Croatia before, was found during this inventory research. Although endangered in Europe, the species Berosus geminus has an optimal habitat in Kopački rit, which has been proven by the collection of 17 specimens. Enochrus affinis Thunberg, was also found during study, representing the first documented occurrence in Croatia. Both species were found in unique flooded areas of Kopački rit. Some morphological, biological and distributional features of these two species are discussed