5 research outputs found

    Family policy in Poland and selected countries in the context of the European model of social policy

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    Celem pracy magisterskiej jest analiza polskiej polityki rodzinnej na przestrzeni czasu od początku okresu przemian ustrojowych po 1989 roku do chwili obecnej, a szczególnie komparatystyka aktualnie realizowanej polityki rodzinnej w Polsce z politykami rodzinnymi wybranych państw na podstawie europejskiego modelu polityki społecznej, a są nimi: Szwecja, Irlandia, Francja oraz Włochy. W pracy magisterskiej użyto analizy dokumentów źródeł pierwotnych, metody statystycznej, analizy porównawczej i metody przyczynowo-skutkowej, aby odpowiedzieć na postawiony problem badawczy: Na czym polega istota polityki rodzinnej w Polsce i co ją różni od polityki rodzinnej analizowanej w takich państwach europejskich jak: Szwecja, Irlandia, Francja, Włochy? Do konkluzji wynikających z komparatystyki dodatkowo posłużyły dane z raportu Unii Europejskiej wydanego w 2019 roku.The aim of the thesis is to analyze the Polish family policy over time from the beginning of political transformation after 1989 to the present, and especially the comparative currently implemented family policy in Poland with the policies of family selected countries based on the European model of social policy, and these are: Sweden, Ireland, France and Italy. The thesis used the document analysis of primary sources, a statistical method, a comparative analysis and a cause and effect method to answer the research problem posed: What is the essence of family policy in Poland and what makes it different from family policy analyzed in such European countries as: Sweden, Ireland, France, Italy? The conclusions resulting from comparative studies were additionally supported by data from the European Union report issued in 2019

    Arctic and Arctic-like rabies viruses: distribution, phylogeny and evolutionary history

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    Forty-one newly sequenced isolates of Arctic and Arctic-like rabies viruses, were genetically compared to each other and to those available from GenBank. Four phylogenetic lineages of Arctic viruses were identified. Arctic-1 viruses circulate in Ontario, Arctic-2 viruses circulate in Siberia and Alaska, Arctic-3 viruses circulate circumpolarly, and a newly described lineage Arctic-4 circulates locally in Alaska. The oldest available isolates from Siberia (between 1950 and 1960) belong to the Arctic-2 and Arctic-3 lineages and share 98·6–99·2% N gene identity with contemporary viruses. Two lineages of Arctic-like viruses were identified in southern Asia and the Middle East (Arctic-like-1) and eastern Asia (Arctic-like-2). A time-scaled tree demonstrates that the time of the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) of Arctic and Arctic-like viruses is dated between 1255 and 1786. Evolution of the Arctic viruses has occurred through a northerly spread. The Arctic-like-2 lineage diverged first, whereas Arctic viruses share a TMRCA with Arctic-like-1 viruses