89 research outputs found

    Methane release on Early Mars by atmospheric collapse and atmospheric reinflation

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    A candidate explanation for Early Mars rivers is atmospheric warming due to surface release of H2_2 or CH4_4 gas. However, it remains unknown how much gas could be released in a single event. We model the CH4_4 release by one mechanism for rapid release of CH4_4 from clathrate. By modeling how CH4_4-clathrate release is affected by changes in Mars' obliquity and atmospheric composition, we find that a large fraction of total outgassing from CH4_4 clathrate occurs following Mars' first prolonged atmospheric collapse. This atmosphere-collapse-initiated CH4_4-release mechanism has three stages. (1) Rapid collapse of Early Mars' carbon dioxide atmosphere initiates a slower shift of water ice from high ground to the poles. (2) Upon subsequent CO2_2-atmosphere re-inflation and CO2_2-greenhouse warming, low-latitude clathrate decomposes and releases methane gas. (3) Methane can then perturb atmospheric chemistry and surface temperature, until photochemical processes destroy the methane. Within our model, we find that under some circumstances a Titan-like haze layer would be expected to form, consistent with transient deposition of abundant complex abiotic organic matter on the Early Mars surface. We also find that this CH4_4-release mechanism can warm Early Mars, but special circumstances are required in order to uncork 1017^{17} kg of CH4_4, the minimum needed for strong warming. Specifically, strong warming only occurs when the fraction of the hydrate stability zone that is initially occupied by clathrate exceeds 10%, and when Mars' first prolonged atmospheric collapse occurs for atmospheric pressure > 1 bar.Comment: Accepted by Planetary and Space Scienc

    The CO2 –broadened H2O continuum in the 100–1500 cm -1 region: Measurements, predictions and empirical model

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    Transmission spectra of H2O + CO2 mixtures have been recorded, at 296, 325 and 366 K, for various pres- sures and mixture compositions using two experimental setups. Their analysis enables to retrieve values of the “continuum”absorption by the CO2 -broadened H2O line wings between 100 and 1500 cm-1 . The results are in good agreement with those, around 1300 cm-1 , of the single previous experimental study available. Comparisons are also made with direct predictions based on line-shape correction factors χ calculated, almost thirty years ago, using a quasistatic approach and an input H2O –CO2 intermolecular potential. They show that this model quite nicely predicts, with slightly overestimated values, the con- tinuum over a spectral range where it varies by more than three orders of magnitude. An empirical cor- rection is proposed, based on the experimental data, which should be useful for radiative transfer and climate studies in CO2 rich planetary atmospheres

    3D modelling of the climatic impact of outflow channel formation events on early Mars

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    Mars was characterized by cataclysmic groundwater-sourced surface flooding that formed large outflow channels and that may have altered the climate for extensive periods during the Hesperian era. In particular, it has been speculated that such events could have induced significant rainfall and caused the formation of late-stage valley networks. We present the results of 3-D Global Climate Model simulations reproducing the short and long term climatic impact of a wide range of outflow channel formation events under cold ancient Mars conditions. We find that the most intense of these events (volumes of water up to 107km3 and released at temperatures up to 320 Kelvins) cannot trigger long-term greenhouse global warming, regardless of how favorable are the external conditions (e.g. obliquity and seasons). In any case, outflow channel formation events at any atmospheric pressure are unable to produce rainfall or significant snowmelt at latitudes below 40∘N. On the long term, for an obliquity of ∼45∘ and atmospheric pressures > 80 mbar, we find that the lake ice (formed quickly after the outflow event) is transported progressively southward through the mechanisms of sublimation and adiabatic cooling. At the same time, and as long as the initial water reservoir is not entirely sublimated, ice deposits remain in the West Echus Chasma Plateau region where hints of hydrological activity contemporaneous with outflow channel formation events have been observed. However, because the high albedo of ice drives Mars to even colder temperatures, snowmelt produced by seasonal solar forcing is difficult to attain.Earth and Planetary Science

    RISTRETTO: a pathfinder instrument for exoplanet atmosphere characterization

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    We introduce the RISTRETTO instrument for ESO VLT, an evolution from the original idea of connecting the SPHERE high-contrast facility to the ESPRESSO spectrograph (Lovis et al 2017). RISTRETTO is an independent, AO-fed spectrograph proposed as a visitor instrument, with the goal of detecting nearby exoplanets in reflected light for the first time. RISTRETTO aims at characterizing the atmospheres of Proxima b and several other exoplanets using the technique of high-contrast, high-resolution spectroscopy. The instrument is composed of two parts: a front-end to be installed on VLT UT4 providing a two-stage adaptive optics system using the AOF facility with coronagraphic capability and a 7-fiber IFU, and a diffraction-limited R=135,000 spectrograph in the 620-840 nm range. We present the requirements and the preliminary design of the instrument

    Sensitive Probing of Exoplanetary Oxygen via Mid Infrared Collisional Absorption

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    The collision-induced fundamental vibration-rotation band at 6.4 um is the most significant absorption feature from O2 in the infrared (Timofeyev and Tonkov, 1978; Rinslandet al., 1982, 1989), yet it has not been previously incorporated into exoplanet spectral analyses for several reasons. Either CIAs were not included or incomplete/obsolete CIA databases were used. Also, the current version of HITRAN does not include CIAs at 6.4 um with other collision partners (O2-X). We include O2-X CIA features in our transmission spectroscopy simulations by parameterizing the 6.4 um O2-N2 CIA based on Rinsland et al.(1989) and the O2-CO2 CIA based on Baranov et al. (2004). Here we report that the O2-X CIA may be the most detectable O2 feature for transit observations. For a potentialTRAPPIST-1e analogue system within 5 pc of the Sun, it could be the only O2 detectable signature with JWST (using MIRI LRS) for a modern Earth-like cloudy atmosphere with biological quantities of O2. Also, we show that the 6.4 um O2-X CIA would be prominent for O2-rich desiccated atmospheres (Luger and Barnes, 2015) and could be detectable with JWST in just a few transits. For systems beyond 5 pc, this feature could therefore be a powerful discriminator of uninhabited planets with non-biological "false positive" O2 in their atmospheres - as they would only be detectable at those higher O2 pressures.Comment: Published in Nature Astronom

    Water Condensation Zones around Main Sequence Stars

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    Understanding the set of conditions that allow rocky planets to have liquid water on their surface -- in the form of lakes, seas or oceans -- is a major scientific step to determine the fraction of planets potentially suitable for the emergence and development of life as we know it on Earth. This effort is also necessary to define and refine the so-called "Habitable Zone" (HZ) in order to guide the search for exoplanets likely to harbor remotely detectable life forms. Until now, most numerical climate studies on this topic have focused on the conditions necessary to maintain oceans, but not to form them in the first place. Here we use the three-dimensional Generic Planetary Climate Model (PCM), historically known as the LMD Generic Global Climate Model (GCM), to simulate water-dominated planetary atmospheres around different types of Main-Sequence stars. The simulations are designed to reproduce the conditions of early ocean formation on rocky planets due to the condensation of the primordial water reservoir at the end of the magma ocean phase. We show that the incoming stellar radiation (ISR) required to form oceans by condensation is always drastically lower than that required to vaporize oceans. We introduce a Water Condensation Limit, which lies at significantly lower ISR than the inner edge of the HZ calculated with three-dimensional numerical climate simulations. This difference is due to a behavior change of water clouds, from low-altitude dayside convective clouds to high-altitude nightside stratospheric clouds. Finally, we calculated transit spectra, emission spectra and thermal phase curves of TRAPPIST-1b, c and d with H2O-rich atmospheres, and compared them to CO2 atmospheres and bare rock simulations. We show using these observables that JWST has the capability to probe steam atmospheres on low-mass planets, and could possibly test the existence of nightside water clouds.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Transmission Spectroscopy of the Habitable Zone Exoplanet LHS 1140 b with JWST/NIRISS

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    LHS 1140 b is the second-closest temperate transiting planet to Earth with an equilibrium temperature low enough to support surface liquid water. At 1.730 ± 0.025 R ⊕, LHS 1140 b falls within the radius valley separating H2-rich mini-Neptunes from rocky super-Earths. Recent mass and radius revisions indicate a bulk density significantly lower than expected for an Earth-like rocky interior, suggesting that LHS 1140 b could be either a mini-Neptune with a small envelope of hydrogen (∼0.1% by mass) or a water world (9%–19% water by mass). Atmospheric characterization through transmission spectroscopy can readily discern between these two scenarios. Here we present two JWST/NIRISS transit observations of LHS 1140 b, one of which captures a serendipitous transit of LHS 1140 c. The combined transmission spectrum of LHS 1140 b shows a telltale spectral signature of unocculted faculae (5.8σ), covering ∼20% of the visible stellar surface. Besides faculae, our spectral retrieval analysis reveals tentative evidence of residual spectral features, best fit by Rayleigh scattering from a N2-dominated atmosphere (2.3σ), irrespective of the consideration of atmospheric hazes. We also show through Global Climate Models (GCMs) that H2-rich atmospheres of various compositions (100×, 300×, 1000× solar metallicity) are ruled out to >10σ. The GCM calculations predict that water clouds form below the transit photosphere, limiting their impact on transmission data. Our observations suggest that LHS 1140 b is either airless or, more likely, surrounded by an atmosphere with a high mean molecular weight. Our tentative evidence of a N2-rich atmosphere provides strong motivation for future transmission spectroscopy observations of LHS 1140 b