476 research outputs found

    Effects of Amphetamine on Striatal Dopamine Release, Open-Field Activity, and Play in Fischer 344 and Sprague–Dawley Rats

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    Previous work from our laboratories has shown that juvenile Fischer 344 (F344) rats are less playful than other strains and also appear to be compromised in dopamine (DA) functioning. To determine whether the dysfunctional play in this strain is associated with deficits in the handling and delivery of vesicular DA, the following experiments assessed the extent to which F344 rats are differentially sensitive to the effects of amphetamine. When exposed to amphetamine, striatal slices obtained from F344 rats showed a small increase in unstimulated DA release when compared with slices from Sprague–Dawley rats; they also showed a more rapid high K+-mediated release of DA. These data provide tentative support for the hypothesis that F344 rats have a higher concentration of cytoplasmic DA than Sprague–Dawley rats. When rats were tested for activity in an open field, F344 rats presented a pattern of results that was consistent with either an enhanced response to amphetamine (3 mg/kg) or a more rapid release of DA (10 mg/kg). Although there was some indication that amphetamine had a dose-dependent differential effect on play in the two strains, play in F344 rats was not enhanced to any degree by amphetamine. Although these results are not consistent with our working hypothesis that F344 rats are less playful because of a deficit in vesicular release of DA, they still suggest that this strain may be a useful model for better understanding the role of DA in social behavior during the juvenile period

    Atomic and Nuclear Effects in the Slow-Neutron Total Cross Section of Terbium

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    The total cross section of terbium has been measured for neutron energies En from 0.003 to 1.78 eV. For neutron energies above the Be cutoff a new method employing two crystal monochromators in series was used. For En ≲ 0.005 eV a single-crystal monochromator in conjunction with a Be filter was employed. Using earlier measurements of the radiative-capture cross section, the experimental results have been analyzed to include the contributions due to paramagnetic scattering, coherent scattering, and phonon effects. The analysis shows that the experiment and the calculations are consistent everywhere except 0.015 ≲ En ≲ 0.10 eV. In this energy range inelastic coherent scattering is not accurately accounted for with the use of Placzek\u27s incoherent approximations. In addition crystalline-field effects give rise to further complications. The comparison between the experiment and the calculations for 0.015 ≲ En ≲ 0.10 eV suggests that studies of coherent inelastic scattering and crystalline-field effects in terbium metal are needed. The experimental results for En ≳ 0.12 eV yield the potential scattering cross section as 7.5 ± 0.5 b. This corresponds to a spin-independent nuclear radius of 7.73 ± 0.27 fm and to a radius parameter of 1.43 ± 0.05 fm. The results suggest that the incoherent scattering cross section, if present, is very small (≲ 1.0 b)

    Iron Binding in the Ferroxidase Site of Human Mitochondrial Ferritin

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    Ferritins are nanocage proteins that store iron ions in their central cavity as hydrated ferric oxide biominerals. In mammals, further the L (light) and H (heavy) chains constituting cytoplasmic maxi-ferritins, an additional type of ferritin has been identified, the mitochondrial ferritin (MTF). Human MTF (hMTF) is a functional homopolymeric H-like ferritin performing the ferroxidase activity in its ferroxidase site (FS), in which Fe(II) is oxidized to Fe(III) in the presence of dioxygen. To better investigate its ferroxidase properties, here we performed time-lapse X-ray crystallography analysis of hMTF, providing structural evidence of how iron ions interact with hMTF and of their binding to the FS. Transient iron binding sites, populating the pathway along the cage from the iron entry channel to the catalytic center, were also identified. Furthermore, our kinetic data at variable iron loads indicate that the catalytic iron oxidation reaction occurs via a diferric peroxo intermediate followed by the formation of ferric-oxo species, with significant differences with respect to human H-type ferritin

    A dynamic link between H/ACA snoRNP components and cytoplasmic stress granules

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    Many cell stressors block protein translation, inducing formation of cytoplasmic aggregates. These aggregates, named stress granules (SGs), are composed by translationally stalled ribonucleoproteins and their assembly strongly contributes to cell survival. Composition and dynamics of SGs are thus important starting points for identifying critical factors of the stress response. In the present study we link components of the H/ACA snoRNP complexes, highly concentrated in the nucleoli and the Cajal bodies, to SG composition. H/ACA snoRNPs are composed by a core of four highly conserved proteins -dyskerin, Nhp2, Nop10 and Gar1- and are involved in several fundamental processes, including ribosome biogenesis, RNA pseudouridylation, stabilization of small nucleolar RNAs and telomere maintenance. By taking advantage of cells overexpressing a dyskerin splice variant undergoing a dynamic intracellular trafficking, we were able to show that H/ACA snoRNP components can participate in SG formation, this way contributing to the stress response and perhaps transducing signals from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Collectively, our results show for the first time that H/ACA snoRNP proteins can have additional non-nuclear functions, either independently or interacting with each other, thus further strengthening the close relationship linking nucleolus to SG composition

    Modelling hCDKL5 heterologous expression in bacteria

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    hCDKL5 refers to the human cyclin-dependent kinase like 5 that is primarily expressed in the brain. Mutations in its coding sequence are often causative of hCDKL5 deficiency disorder, a devastating neurodevelopmental disorder currently lacking a cure. The large-scale recombinant production of hCDKL5 is desirable to boost the translation of preclinical therapeutic approaches into the clinic. However, this is hampered by the intrinsically disordered nature of almost two-thirds of the hCDKL5 sequence, making this region more susceptible to proteolytic attack, and the observed toxicity when the enzyme is accumulated in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic host cells. The bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125 (PhTAC125) is the only prokaryotic host in which the full-length production of hCDKL5 has been demonstrated. To date, a system-level understanding of the metabolic burden imposed by hCDKL5 production is missing, although it would be crucial for upscaling of the production process. Here, we combined experimental data on protein production and nutrients assimilation with metabolic modelling to infer the global consequences of hCDKL5 production in PhTAC125 and to identify potential overproduction targets. Our analyses showed a remarkable accuracy of the model in simulating the recombinant strain phenotype and also identified priority targets for optimised protein production

    Structural insight into iron pathways in ferritin

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    Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the setting of locally advanced olfactory neuroblastoma with intracranial extension

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    Olfactory neuroblastoma (esthesioneuroblastoma) is a rare malignant tumor of neuroectodermal origin. With only about 1,000 cases reported, there are no clear guidelines regarding management of this disease. Intracranial extension and orbital involvement have been shown to be independent risk factors associated with poorer outcomes. We hereby report a case of a 46-year old male presented with an 8-month history of progressive nasal obstruction and intermittent right-sided epistaxis associated with anosmia and increased pressure sensation in and around the right eye. Further evaluation revealed a large enhancing heterogeneous cystic and solid mass in the right nasal cavity measuring 5.0×5.3×4.6 cm with extension superiorly into the anterior cranial fossa and frontal lobes, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses. A biopsy of this mass confirmed high grade olfactory neuroblastoma. Because of the intra-cranial extension, a decision was made to start neoadjuvant chemotherapy with cisplatin and etoposide. The patient had very good response to this treatment on a repeat imaging study and went on to have resection of this mass. Post-operatively, he received radiation therapy to the tumor bed and 2 more cycles of chemotherapy. He has been followed now for more than 8 months with no evidence of disease recurrence

    Glucose-induced down regulation of thiamine transporters in the kidney proximal tubular epithelium produces thiamine insufficiency in diabetes

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    Increased renal clearance of thiamine (vitamin B1) occurs in experimental and clinical diabetes producing thiamine insufficiency mediated by impaired tubular re-uptake and linked to the development of diabetic nephropathy. We studied the mechanism of impaired renal re-uptake of thiamine in diabetes. Expression of thiamine transporter proteins THTR-1 and THTR-2 in normal human kidney sections examined by immunohistochemistry showed intense polarised staining of the apical, luminal membranes in proximal tubules for THTR-1 and THTR-2 of the cortex and uniform, diffuse staining throughout cells of the collecting duct for THTR-1 and THTR-2 of the medulla. Human primary proximal tubule epithelial cells were incubated with low and high glucose concentration, 5 and 26 mmol/l, respectively. In high glucose concentration there was decreased expression of THTR-1 and THTR-2 (transporter mRNA: −76% and −53% respectively, p<0.001; transporter protein −77% and −83% respectively, p<0.05), concomitant with decreased expression of transcription factor specificity protein-1. High glucose concentration also produced a 37% decrease in apical to basolateral transport of thiamine transport across cell monolayers. Intensification of glycemic control corrected increased fractional excretion of thiamine in experimental diabetes. We conclude that glucose-induced decreased expression of thiamine transporters in the tubular epithelium may mediate renal mishandling of thiamine in diabetes. This is a novel mechanism of thiamine insufficiency linked to diabetic nephropathy
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