79 research outputs found

    Visualisation and evaluation of structural characteristics and problems of a classical Ottoman bath

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    Eighth International Conference on Structural Studies, Repairs, and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture, STREMAH VIII; Halkidiki; Greece; 7 May 2003 through 9 May 2003Visual documentation has been accepted as an important phase of architectural heritage conservation. Visualisation of structural characteristics and their problems, however, has gained importance in the last decade. In this study, structural characteristics are used to comprehend the characteristics of construction techniques and materials of building components. Structural failures such as loss of a structural element and cracks, and material deterioration such as loss of material and deposit are the main problems observed. Visualisation of structural characteristics and their related problems has been the basis of the methodology in this study. It is also considered important to underline the necessity of the design of a special visualisation technique peculiar to the characteristics of the monument under study

    Characteristics of Housing in Darkale Rural Settlement, Soma, Manisa

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    Darkale of Soma, Manisa is a historical rural settlement in Western Anatolia. The aim of this paper is to identify the characteristics of Darkale houses and to present a typology based on their authentic architectural characteristics. The method is evaluation of the housing units with the tools of the discipline of architectural conservation. The characteristics evaluated are the lot size and organization, unit-neighbor relations, storey system, spatial organization, construction technique, and material usage. The houses are representatives of the "Hayat house" typology that has been used for centuries in Anatolia. However, the presence of limited courtyards, possibility of houses composed of a single building mass, the partial carving of the units into the hillside, possibility of single storied units and the relation of housing with each other in all three dimensions, and streets continuing throughout the house masses in form of passages differentiate Darkale houses from the other Hayat houses. In addition, the continuing of the maintenance of housing units with traditional materials and techniques; weaving, cuisine tradition, winter food preparation such as pomegranate juice making, olive oil soap production and their storage, domestic fowl raising on the ground floor and courtyards of the houses are intangible qualities of Darkale. The major conservation problems of Darkale houses are abandonment, the functional transformation of spaces and usage of contemporary techniques and materials in the physical interventions

    Effect of Change on the Values of Two Historic Mosques in Manisa, Turkey

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    This study focuses on the value-change relationship in two historic mosques and presents a management framework that considers their common conservation problems. The case studies are the Haki Baba Mosque in Manisa centre and Kabasakal Mosque in Kırkağaç, Manisa; both have been recently restored. The literature review covers value and intervention concepts with literature and archive research specific to the case studies; this includes a comparative study with similar buildings together with site observations. Urban development, neighbourhood development maps, and comparative study tables were prepared. The effects of changes stemming from disasters, interventions, planning decisions and restoration projects were evaluated concerning the accumulated values. Conservation problems include overdevelopment and transformation of original rural sites to urban sites; alteration of earthen roofs to hipped roofs; unplanned spatial conversion and addition of architectural elements. Restoration designs giving no reference to the authentic state of the elements and spaces also mislead the observer in terms of authenticity and are insufficient in terms of the organisation of the daily life objects. Some universal principles to guide future interventions have been developed: heritage values should be taken as an input in the preparation of development plans; illegal interventions must be avoided; restoration designs should be based on thorough investigation and fully present authentic qualities, and the organisation of daily life objects ought to be part of the restoration design problem. Conservation councils and religious foundations should also be meticulous in evaluating the consistency of intervention decisions and quality of applications

    Impact of Conservation Planning and Implementations on Cultural Heritage Values in the Historic Urban Site of Kuşadası

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    The study aims to evaluate the impact of the conservation planning and implementations on the cultural heritage values in a cultural landscape: Kuşadası, Aydın, Turkey. The study is limited to the decisions published on the Internet: decisions between 2013 and 2016. The methodology includes literature research, archive research in the related Regional Commission on the Conservation of Cultural Property, the Regional Directorate of Foundations, and the local administration. A site survey comprehending base map revision and photographic documentation, visual analysis, historical research and comparative study, and evaluation of conservation activities regarding concepts of conservation is also part of the research. As a result, conservation issues stem from inappropriate conservation implementations threatening the integrity of cultural heritage. The majority of the conservation implementations have focused on a single building scale. Unlicensed constructions stemming from insufficient control by the local administration in the historic urban environment and the lack of implementation of the conservation plan to remove inharmonious buildings and masses threatening the integrity of the urban layout. Preparation of a management plan, revision of the twenty-five-year-old conservation plan, and determination in their application are considered as indispensable for sustaining authenticity and integrity

    Fındık Kurdu [Balaninus(= Curculio) Nucum L. Colertera: Curculionidae)] ’na Karşı Organik Kökenli Preparatlarla Mücadele İmkanlarının Araştırılması

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    Bu proje 2003- 2004 yıllarında Giresun Fındık Araştırma Enstitüsü deneme bahçesinde yürütülmüştür. Organik kökenli preparatların (Neemazal T/S, Laser, Kül+kükürt+kireç) fındığın ana zararlısı olan Fındık Kurduna karşı etkinliği araştırılmıştır. Deneme 2003 yılında kafes ve parsel, 2004 yılında ise parsel denemesi şeklinde yürütülmüştür Kafes denemesi sonucunda Laser’in 20ml-30ml-40ml dozları %100 etkili bulunmuştur. Nemazal T/S ise ilaçlamadan 1gün ve 3 gün sonra 200-300-400ml/ 100lt suya dozunun etkili olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Fakat 7.günden ve 10. günden sonra Neemazal T/S dozlarının etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kül+kükürt+kireç karışımının %1 etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kafes denemesi sonucunda etkili olan preparatlar fındık meyvesinin 2-3 ml olduğu dönemde parsel denemesine alınmıştır. Parsel denemesi sonucunda Laser’in %100, Kül+kükürt+kireç karışımının %73, Neemazal’ın ise %55-91 etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Denemelerde Neemazal T/S nin 300 ml dozunda fitotoksite gözlenmiş, diger uygulamalarda, fitotoksisiteye raslanılmamıştır. Faydalılar yönünden yapılan gözlemlerde herhanki bir olumsuz yan etki gözlenmemiştir. Hasada yakın dönemde her ocaktan 20 çotanaklı meyve toplanıp kontrol edilmiştir. Kontrol edilen meyvelerde delikli meyve, sarı karamuk, kara karamuk,sağlam meyveler sayılmış ve yüzdeleri hesaplanmıştır. Uygulamalar sonucunda Laser’de %68-72, Neemazal’da T/S %74-87, Kül karışımında %72 oranında sağlam meyve tespit edilmiştir. 2004 yılı parsel denemesi sonuçlarına göre Laser %100, kül karışımı ise %73.4 oranında fındık kurduna karşı etkili olduğu gözlenmiştir. Normal fındık hasadından bir hafta önce (09.08.2004 Sahil kol fındık hasat tarihi, 03.08.2004 tarihinde deneme hasadı yapılmıştır). Delikli fındık, sarı karamuk ,kara karamuk ve sağlam meyve oranına bakılmış, sağlam meyvenin Laser %79-85, kül karışımında %69 oranında olduğu tespit edilmiştir

    Three dimensional modeling via photographs for documentation of a village bath

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    24th International CIPA Symposium; Strasbourg; France; 2 September 2013 through 6 September 2013The aim of this study is supporting the conceptual discussions of architectural restoration with three dimensional modeling of monuments based on photogrammetric survey. In this study, a 16th century village bath in Ulamiş, Seferihisar, and Izmir is modeled for documentation. Ulamiş is one of the historical villages within which Turkish population first settled in the region of Seferihisar - Urla. The methodology was tested on an antique monument; a bath with a cubical form. Within the limits of this study, only the exterior of the bath was modeled. The presentation scale for the bath was determined as 1 / 50, considering the necessities of designing structural interventions and architectural ones within the scope of a restoration project. The three dimensional model produced is a realistic document presenting the present situation of the ruin. Traditional plan, elevation and perspective drawings may be produced from the model, in addition to the realistic textured renderings and wireframe representations. The model developed in this study provides opportunity for presenting photorealistic details of historical morphologies in scale. Compared to conventional drawings, the renders based on the 3d models provide an opportunity for conceiving architectural details such as color, material and texture. From these documents, relatively more detailed restitution hypothesis can be developed and intervention decisions can be taken. Finally, the principles derived from the case study can be used for 3d documentation of historical structures with irregular surfaces

    Effect of visitor activities on topsoil hydrophysical properties in two protected areas in northern blacksea region

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    In this study, the effects of visitor acitivities on topsoil hydrophysical properties in two protected areas in northern Bleacksea region were investigated. For this purpose, soil samples taken from study area that was characterized as heavily trafficked site (HTS), moderately trafficked sites (MTS) and control (non-trafficked site). The soil bulk density and soil penetration resistance increased from 1.02 to 1.39 g cm–3 and 0.66 to 1.55 MPa, respectively, saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased from 60.60 to 10.35 mm h–1 in moderately and heavily trafficked sites, respectively, at 0–10 cm soil depth in Ayder protected area. The soil bulk density and soil penetration resistance increased from 0.85 to 1.40 g cm–3 and 0.68 to 1.50 MPa, respectively, saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased from 58.75 to 10.35 mm h–1 in moderately and heavily trafficked sites, respectively, at 0–10 cm soil depth in Kafkasor protected area. The intensity of visitor activities had a negative impact on topsoil hydrophysical properties in the study area in Ayder and Kafkasor. The principles of management in Ayder and Kafkasor protected areas should be revised, and use of this area without a plan should be stopped as soon as possible

    Skuteczność oznaczania parametrów morfologii w diagnostyce ciąży ektopowej jajowodowej

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    Objective: Ectopic pregnancy (EP) is the major cause of maternal morbidity and is responsible for maternal mortality in the first trimester. In order to reduce undesirable results, it is necessary to find rapid and accurate, non-surgical diagnostic tests for EP. The goal of the study was to investigate the differences in complete blood count parameters between tubal EPs and healthy pregnancies in be used in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Study design: White blood cell (WBC), neutrophil, monocyte, lymphocyte, platelet (PLT) counts, mean PLT volume (MPV) and PLT distribution width (PDW) levels in the complete blood count samples have been obtained from subjects with diagnosed tubal EP (n=78; study group) and women with healthy intrauterine gestations (n=79; control group). Statistical comparisons between groups were performed using the t test. Results: PDW levels were found to be significantly higher in the control group than EP (pCel: Ciąża ektopowa (EP) jest główną przyczyną śmiertelności matek w pierwszym trymestrze ciąży. Aby zmniejszyć niekorzystne wyniki tej choroby, konieczne jest znalezienie szybkiego i właściwego testu nieoperacyjnego służącego do rozpoznania EP. Celem badania była ocena różnic w wynikach morfologii pomiędzy pacjentkami z ciążą ektopową a zdrowymi ciężarnymi. Materiał i metoda: W próbkach pełnej krwi zbadano następujące parametry: leukocyty (WBC), neutrofile, monocyty, limfocyty, płytki krwi (PLT), średnią objętość płytki krwi (MPV), szerokość rozdziału płytek (PDW) u pacjentek z rozpoznaną ciążą jajowodową (n=78, grupa badana) oraz u zdrowych ciężarnych (n=79, grupa kontrolna). Analiza statystyczna porównująca obie grupy została wykonana przy pomocy testu t. Wyniki: PDW był istotnie wyższy w grupie kontrolnej niż w grupie EP (

    Presence of Class I and Class II Integrons in Methicilin Resistant Staphylococci and Their Relations with Antibiotic Resistance: A Preliminary Study from Turkey

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    Background: Emergence of antibiotic resistance is a major public health concern. It is known that antibiotic resistance is transferred by different ways. Integrons as one of these mechanisims cause to spread antibiotic resistance in Gram negative bacteria but also it is shown to be effective for transferring genes in Gram positive bacteria. In the present study we aimed to examine the prevalence of class I and class II integrons in MRSA and MRCNS strains isolated from patients and to determine the relationship between antibiotic resistance and the presence of integrons. Methods: Sixty four MRSA and 62 MRCNS strains were included in this study. Antibiotic susceptibility testings were performed. Genomic and plasmid DNAs were extracted and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was used for the detection of the intI and intII genes. The PCR products were visualised in 1.5 % agarose gel electrophoresis. Pearson chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test were used for comparing categorical variables. Results: Among 126 staphylococci 11 (8.7% - 4 MRSA and 7 MRCNS) were shown to carry class I integron; whereas 7 MRCNS (5.5%) were class II positive. Both of class I and class II integrons were detected to possess in four MRSA (3.2%). There was no statistically significant relation between presence of integrons and resistance to each of antibiotics (p>0.05). Conclusion & Recommendation: In the present study we did not find any significant relation between resistance rates and the presence of integrons but we suggest that these results showed an important data about the extended distributions of integrons not only among Gram negative bacteria but also in staphylococci.Keywords: MRSA, MRCNS, class I integron, class II integron, anbiotic resistanceDOI: 10.7176/JHMN/75-0