174 research outputs found

    Prediction of Stocks and Stock Price using Artificial Intelligence : A Bibliometric Study using Scopus Database

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    Prediction of stocks and the prices of the stock is one of the most crucial points of discussion amongst the researchers and analysts in the financial domain to date. Every stakeholder and most importantly the investor desires to earn higher profit for his investment in the market and try to use several different strategies to invest their money. There are numerous methods to predict and analyse the movement of the stock prices. They are broadly divided into – statistical and artificial intelligence-based methods. Artificial intelligence is used to predict the futuristic prices of stocks and use wide range of algorithms like – SVMs, CNNs, LSTMs, RNNs , etc. This bibliometric study focusses on the study based primarily on the Scopus database. We have considered important keywords, authors, citations along with the correlations between the co-appearing authors, source titles and keywords with the use of network diagrams for visualisation. On the basis of this paper, we conclude that there is ample opportunity for research in the domain of financial market

    Indian Agriculture in the New Economic Regime, 1971-2003: Empirics based on the Cobb Douglas Production Function

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    This paper reviews the trends in Indian Agriculture before and after the introduction of the economic reforms, and the advent of WTO regime. We employ the Cobb Douglas Production Function using the OLS specification to investigate the determinants of agricultural gross domestic product for the period 1970-71 to 2002-03, during pre and post-economic reforms to document the impact of policy change (post-1992) and India’s membership of the WTO (post-1995). Our empirical findings reveal that Indian agriculture sector has witnessed Decreasing Returns to Scale after the introduction of economic reforms, indicating that the input availability is under strain during the same period.Agriculture Gross Domestic Product, WTO, Economic Reforms, Trends, Determinants, Returns to Scale, Cobb Douglas Production Function, India


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    We have gathered over 3100 annual financial reports for 500 companies listed on the S&P 500 index, where the main goal was to select and give proper weights to the various pieces of quantitative data to maximize clustering results and improve prediction results over previous work by [Lin et al. 2011]. Various financial ratios, including earnings per share surprise percentages were gathered and analyzed. We proposed and used two types, correlation based ratios and causality based ratios. An extension to the classification scheme used by [Lin et al. 2011] was proposed to more accurately classify financial reports, together with a more outlier- tolerant normalization technique. We proved that our proposed data scaling/normalization method is superior to the method used by [Lin et al. 2011]. We heavily focused on the relative importance of various financial ratios. We proposed a new method for determining the relative importance of the various financial ratios, and showed that the resulting weights aligned with theoretical expectations. Using this new weighing scheme, we were able to achieve superior cluster purities as compared to the method proposed by [Lin et al. 2011]. Achieving higher cluster purity in initial stages of analysis lead to minimized over-fitting by a modified version of K-Means, and overall better prediction accuracy on average

    Jefferson College of Health Professions Students Study in Cardenas, Cuba -- Philadelphia\u27s Sister City

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    Safety remains a major challenge in the construction industry throughout the world. Recent government statistics have revealed a high rate of fatalities in the U.S. construction industry. This study investigates the root causes of this issue and also shows that there is an inverse correlation between mortality rates in the construction industry with respect to time. To address this issue data is gathered from the survey of CFOI, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries. This survey comprises of data which focuses on analyzing the reason for the deaths in every US industry. This data is then further categorized into six specific events explained by the BLS. The data obtained was followed by a quantitative analysis, with a subsequent statistical analysis in SPSS. Findings show that mortality rates reduced overall since 2004 and this also reflects the fact that there is an improved consistency in safety awareness programs among employers, suggesting that these programs have been effective


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    In the present study, we use aggregate data compiled by Reserve Bank of India on corporate public limited firms for the period 1991-2012. After confirming unit root test of each variable, we run OLS regression. Lot of volatility in the dividend payout ratio of the Indian firms is seen for the period under study. Leverage, interest and tax provisions are the major determinants of dividend payout in India. Besides this, sales growth and profit to net worth are not the significant determinants of dividend but their coefficient signs are correct in the present model. Results appeared from OLS regression are acceptable and are matching with earlier studies on Indian corporate sector firms and firms in other counties. JEL: G3; G35; G38  Article visualizations

    Analyzing the Mortality Rate in the U.S. Construction Industry (2004 – 2014)

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    Safety remains a major challenge in the construction industry throughout the world. Recent government statistics have revealed a high rate of fatalities in the U.S. construction industry. This study investigates the root causes of this issue and reveals an inverse correlation between mortality rate in the construction industry with respect to time. To address this issue data is gathered from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) survey. This survey comprises data that focuses on the reasons for deaths in every US industry. This data is then further categorized into six specific events explained by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The data was then quantitatively analyzed, with a subsequent statistical analysis in SPSS. Findings show that mortality rates have decreased overall since 2004. This may reflect the fact that there is an improved consistency in safety awareness programs among employers, suggesting that these programs have been effective

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una microempresa de procesamiento de humus en la parroquia La Paz, cantón Montúfar en la Provincia del Carchi

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    La situación actual de las poblaciones de la provincia del Carchi tiene una grave crisis ambiental generada por la cantidad de basura producida, la superficie desertificada o la concentración de dióxido de carbono en la atmósfera, por citar solo algunos ejemplos que acabara destruyendo integralmente el ecosistema planetario, pasando la tierra a ser un planeta desierto, carente de vida, tal como se lo define hoy, lo cual afecta directamente a los sectores agrícolas y ganaderos, causada por la carencia de capacitaciones, una buena asistencia técnica; principalmente el desconocimiento en cuanto a la erosión de los suelos. La actividad normal agrícola carchense es explotar y aprovechar el suelo obteniendo una variedad de productos alimenticios previendo que a futuro dichos terrenos pueden llegar a perder su fertilidad. Por tal motivo el ser humano ha creado un proceso biológico de descomposición de materia orgánica como las heces de animales: vacuno, porcino, avícola, cunícola, además de desechos de cocina, dando como resultado el humus, para acelerar dicho proceso se aprovecha el manejo de factores físicos como: humedad, luz, temperatura, aireación, mezcla de sólidos y lixiviaciones que son los líquidos producidos cuando el agua percola a través de cualquier material permeable.El presente proyecto está encaminado a la factibilidad de crear una microempresa de producción de humus contribuyendo al desarrollo económico y protección ambiental del cantón Montúfar. Esta investigación nace con la necesidad de mantener la fertilidad de los terrenos agrícolas del cantón, lo cual constituye el objetivo de la investigación. Este estudio de factibilidad contiene seis capítulos; el primero constituye el Diagnóstico que con ayuda de la recopilación de información nos da la base para determinar el problema. El segundo capítulo indica toda la información científica del tema investigado tomando en cuenta una secuencia lógica de los temas tratados. El tercer capítulo representa estudio de mercado en el cual se analizan todos los costos y gastos que se deben realizar para la producción de humus. El cuarto capítulo establecemos el estudio técnico en el cual identificamos la organización administrativa de la microempresa. En el quinto capítulo formamos el presupuesto y la evaluación de la inversión. El sexto capítulo indica los principales impactos que ocasiona analizando a través de diferentes ámbitos. Al final encontramos las conclusiones y recomendaciones a las que se ha llegado con toda la investigación realizada

    Computer-aided automated detection of kidney disease using supervised learning technique

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    In this paper, we propose an efficient home-based system for monitoring chronic kidney disease (CKD). As non-invasive disease identification approaches are gaining popularity nowadays, the proposed system is designed to detect kidney disease from saliva samples. Salivary diagnosis has advanced its popularity over the last few years due to the non-invasive sample collection technique. The use of salivary components to monitor and detect kidney disease is investigated through an experimental investigation. We measured the amount of urea in the saliva sample to detect CKD. Further, this article explains the use of predictive analysis using machine learning techniques and data analytics in remote healthcare management. The proposed health monitoring system classified the samples with an accuracy of 97.1%. With internet facilities available everywhere, this methodology can offer better healthcare services, with real-time decision support in remote monitoring platform

    Factores predisponentes a Neumonía Adquirida en la Comunidad en menores de 5 años atendidos en el Hospital San Vicente de Paúl 2017

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    Determinar los factores de riesgo predisponentes que provocan la Neumonía Adquirida en la Comunidad en menores de 5 años que se atienten en el Hospital San Vicente de Paúl.La Neumonía Adquirida en la Comunidad es una infección de las vías respiratorias que afecta especialmente a la población menor de 5 años, es la primera causa de morbilidad infantil; este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar los factores de riesgo predisponentes que provocan la Neumonía Adquirida en la Comunidad en menores de 5 años es una investigación descriptiva, no experimental; la población estuvo conformada por 50 pacientes con diagnóstico de enfermedad respiratoria; el instrumento utilizado para la recopilación de información fue una encuesta dirigida a los padres de familia, este instrumento contó con 20 preguntas de opción múltiple en base a los objetivos. Los principales factores de riesgo que provocaron la Neumonía Adquirida en la Comunidad de pacientes menores de 5 años están relacionados con la edad de padres (menores de 20 años) 52%, nivel socioeconómico bajo de la familia (28%), edad del niño (menores de 12 meses), bajo peso (18%), exposición a cambios climáticos (90%), asistencia a centros infantiles (62%) y desconocimiento de los padres sobre medidas de prevención de infecciones respiratorias ya que: 58 % de la población no sabe que es una enfermedad respiratoria, 64 % no conoce las causas y el 66 % no conoce cómo prevenirla, siendo un factores de riesgo que podrían atentar contra la salud del niño(a) que está a su cuidado. Se concluye que es necesaria una intervención educativa para ayudar a prevenir infecciones respiratorias y disminuir los índices de morbilidad y mortalidad por esta causa en nuestro país
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