48 research outputs found

    Atrazine biodegradation potential in a created wetland

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    Atrazine fate processes in a constructed emergent marsh: 1998research updates

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    Selection for novel, acid-tolerant Desulfovibrio spp. from a closed Transbaikal mine site in a temporal pH- gradient bioreactor

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    Almost all the known isolates of acidophilic or acid-tolerant sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) belong to the spore-forming genus Desulfosporosinus in the Firmicutes. The objective of this study was to isolate acidophilic/acid-tolerant members of the genus Desulfovibrio belonging to deltaproteobacterial SRB. The sample material originated from microbial mat biomass submerged in mine water and was enriched for sulphate reducers by cultivation in anaerobic medium with lactate as an electron donor. A stirred tank bioreactor with the same medium composition was inoculated with the sulphidogenic enrichment. The bioreactor was operated with a temporal pH gradient, changing daily, from an initial pH of 7.3 to a final pH of 3.7. Among the bacteria in the bioreactor culture, Desulfovibrio was the only SRB group retrieved from the bioreactor consortium as observed by 16S rRNA-targeted denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Moderately acidophilic/acid-tolerant isolates belonged to Desulfovibrio aerotolerans - Desulfovibrio carbinophilus - Desulfovibrio magneticus and Desulfovibrio idahonensis - Desulfovibrio mexicanus clades within the genus Desulfovibrio. A moderately acidophilic strain, Desulfovibrio sp. VK (pH optimum 5.7) and acid-tolerant Desulfovibrio sp. ED (pH optimum 6.6) dominated in the bioreactor consortium at different time points and were isolated in pure cultur

    Isolation, characterization, and metal response of novel, acid-tolerant Penicillium spp. from extremely metal-rich waters at a mining site in Transbaikal (Siberia, Russia)

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    The role of fungi in metal cycling in acidic environments has been little explored to date. In this study, two acid-tolerant and metal-resistant Penicillium isolates, strains ShG4B and ShG4C, were isolated from a mine site in the Transbaikal area of Siberia (Russia). Waters at the mine site were characterized by extremely high metal concentrations: up to 18 g l−1 Fe and >2 g l−1 each of Cu, Zn, Al, and As. Both isolates were identified as Penicillium spp. by phylogenetic analyses and they grew well in Czapek medium acidified to pH 2.5. Resistance to Cu, Cd, Ni, Co, and arsenate was in the range of 1–10 g l−1. Further experiments with Penicillium strain ShG4C demonstrated that growth in Cu-containing media was accompanied by the precipitation of Cu-oxalate (moolooite) and the formation of extracellular vesicles enriched in Cu on the mycelia. Vesicles were greatly reduced in size in Cd-containing media and were not formed in the presence of Ni or Co. Cd-oxalate was detected as a crystalline solid phase in Cd-exposed mycelia. Hydrated Nisulfate (retgersite) and Co-sulfate (bieberite) were detected in mycelia grown in the presence of Ni and Co, respectively. The results demonstrated that acid-tolerant and metal-resistant Penicillium constitute a component in extremophilic microbiomes, contributing to organic matter breakdown and formation of secondary solid phases at pH ranges found in acid rock drainage

    Can Sulfate Be the First Dominant Aqueous Sulfur Species Formed in the Oxidation of Pyrite by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans?

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    According to the literature, pyrite (FeS2) oxidation has been previously determined to involve thiosulfate as the first aqueous intermediate sulfur product, which is further oxidized to sulfate. In the present study, pyrite oxidation by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans was studied using electrochemical and metabolic approaches in an effort to extend existing knowledge on the oxidation mechanism. Due to the small surface area, the reaction rate of a compact pyrite electrode in the form of polycrystalline pyrite aggregate in A. ferrooxidans suspension was very slow at a spontaneously formed high redox potential. The slow rate made it possible to investigate the oxidation process in detail over a term of 100 days. Using electrochemical parameters from polarization curves and levels of released iron, the number of exchanged electrons per pyrite molecule was estimated. The values close to 14 and 2 electrons were determined for the oxidation with and without bacteria, respectively. These results indicated that sulfate was the dominant first aqueous sulfur species formed in the presence of bacteria and elemental sulfur was predominantly formed without bacteria. The stoichiometric calculations are consistent with high iron-oxidizing activities of bacteria that continually keep the released iron in the ferric form, resulting in a high redox potential. The sulfur entity of pyrite was oxidized to sulfate by Fe3+ without intermediate thiosulfate under these conditions. Cell attachment on the corroded pyrite electrode surface was documented although pyrite surface corrosion by Fe3+ was evident without bacterial participation. Attached cells may be important in initiating the oxidation of the pyrite surface to release iron from the mineral. During the active phase of oxidation of a pyrite concentrate sample, the ATP levels in attached and planktonic bacteria were consistent with previously established ATP content of iron-oxidizing cells. No significant upregulation of three essential genes involved in energy metabolism of sulfur compounds was observed in the planktonic cells, which represented the dominant biomass in the pyrite culture. The study demonstrated the formation of sulfate as the first dissolved sulfur species with iron-oxidizing bacteria under high redox potential conditions. Minor aqueous sulfur intermediates may be formed but as a result of side reactions


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    During growth on ferrous-iron Thiobactllus ferrooxidans assimilated sulphate into cellular material. Sulphate was rapidly bound by the cells and activated into adenosine 5'-sulphatophosphate prior to its reduction to sulphite and sulphide. The sulphate activation was mediated by the ATP-sulphurylase enzyme. The heterotrophic strain of 7. ferrooxidans assimilated sulphate via the same route. Sulphate was not assimilated by the bacteria during growth on thiosulphate. Adenosine 3'- phosphate 5'-sulphatophosphate was not formed and APS-kinase activity not detected in T. ferrooxtdans grown on ferrous-iron, thiosulphate or glucose. Thiosulphate oxidation was preceded by its cleavage to sulphide and sulphite and the outer S-atom of thiosulphate was also incorporated into cellular material. Tetrathionate was formed from thiosulphate by the thiosulphate-oxidizing enzyme but this pathway was not studied any further. The thiosulphate-oxidizing enzyme activity was not detected in iron-grown 7m. ferrooxtdans. Enzymes mediating the oxidation of thiosulphate linked to oxidative and substrate-level phosphorylation were present in 7. ferrooxtdans grown autotrophically on ferrous-iron or thiosulphate or heterotrophically on glucose