6,984 research outputs found

    Discriminating between technicolor and warped extra dimensional model via pp \to ZZ channel

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    We explore the possibility to discriminate between certain strongly-coupled technicolor (TC) models and warped extra-dimensional models where the Standard Model fields are propagating in the extra dimension. We consider a generic QCD-like TC model with running coupling as well as two TC models with walking dynamics. We argue that due to the different production mechanisms for the lowest-lying composite tensor state in these TC theories compared to the first Kaluza-Klein graviton mode of warped extra-dimensional case, it is possible to distinguish between these models based on the angular analysis of the reconstructed longitudinal Z bosons in the ppZZpp \to ZZ \to four charged leptons channel.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Flavor constraints in a Bosonic Technicolor model

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    Flavor constraints in a bosonic Technicolor model are considered. We illustrate different sources for their origin, and emphasize in particular the role played by the vector states present in the Technicolor model. This feature is the essential difference in comparison to an analogous model with two fundamental Higgs scalar doublets.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Deconfinement vs. chiral symmetry and higher representation matter

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    The interplay of deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration are considered in terms of effective theories. We generalize the earlier model studies by considering fermions in higher representations, and study the finite temperature phase diagrams of SU(2) and SU(3) gauge theories with two fermion flavors in fundamental, adjoint or two-index symmetric representations. We discuss our results in relation to recent lattice simulations on these theories and outline possible applications in the context of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Minimal Super Technicolor

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    We introduce novel extensions of the Standard Model featuring a supersymmetric technicolor sector. First we consider N=4 Super Yang-Mills which breaks to N=1 via the electroweak (EW) interactions and coupling to the MSSM. This is a well defined, economical and calculable extension of the SM involving the smallest number of fields. It constitutes an explicit example of a natural supersymmetric conformal extension of the Standard Model featuring a well defined connection to string theory. It allows to interpolate, depending on how we break the underlying supersymmetry, between unparticle physics and Minimal Walking Technicolor. As a second alternative we consider other N =1 extensions of the Minimal Walking Technicolor model. The new models allow all the standard model matter fields to acquire a mass.Comment: Improved version demonstrating that this extension is phenomenologically viable. No Landau pole exists in the theory to two loops level. This is the first theory showing that supersymmetry can solve the flavor problem when coupled to low energy technicolo

    Confinement and Chiral Symmetry

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    We illustrate why color deconfines when chiral symmetry is restored in gauge theories with quarks in the fundamental representation, and while these transitions do not need to coincide when quarks are in the adjoint representation, entanglement between them is still present.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of Quark Matter 200

    On finite-temperature holographic QCD in the Veneziano limit

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    Holographic models in the T=0 universality class of QCD in the limit of large number N_c of colors and N_f massless fermion flavors, but constant ratio x_f=N_f/N_c, are analyzed at finite temperature. The models contain a 5-dimensional metric and two scalars, a dilaton sourcing TrF^2 and a tachyon dual to \bar qq. The phase structure on the T,x_f plane is computed and various 1st order, 2nd order transitions and crossovers with their chiral symmetry properties are identified. For each x_f, the temperature dependence of p/T^4 and the quark-antiquark -condensate is computed. In the simplest case, we find that for x_f up to the critical x_c\sim 4 there is a 1st order transition on which chiral symmetry is broken and the energy density jumps. In the conformal window x_c<x_f<11/2, there is only a continuous crossover between two conformal phases. When approaching x_c from below, x_f\to x_c, temperature scales approach zero as specified by Miransky scaling.Comment: 66 pages, 29 figure