7,037 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Flow About Delta Wings with Leading Edge Separation at Supersonic Speeds

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    A research program was conducted to develop an improved theoretical flow model for the flow about sharp edge delta wings with leading-edge separation at supersonic speeds. The flow model incorporates a representation of the secondary separation region which occurs just inboard of the leading edge on such wings and is based on a slender-wing theory whereby the full three-dimensional problem is reduced to a quasi two-dimensional problem in the cross-flow plane. The secondary separation region was modeled by a surface distribution of singularities or a linearized type of cavity representation. The primary vortex and separation were modeled by a concentrated vortex and cut in the cross-flow potential which represents its feeding sheet. The cross-flow solutions for the cavity model were obtained, but these solutions have physical significance only in a very restricted range of angle of attack. The reasons for the failure of the flow model are discussed. The analysis is presented so that other interested researchers may critically review the work

    The Spin--Symmetry of the Quark Model

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    Corrections to the exact heavy--quark symmetry results are expected to follow the 1/mQ1/m_{Q} mass effect of the heavy--quark. We show, by an explicit calculation, that there is something other than the mass effect that suppresses the breaking of the spin symmetry

    Heavy Quark Mass Effects in Deep Inelastic Scattering and Global QCD Analysis

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    A new implementation of the general PQCD formalism of Collins, including heavy quark mass effects, is described. Important features that contribute to the accuracy and efficiency of the calculation of both neutral current (NC) and charged current (CC) processess are explicitly discussed. This new implementation is applied to the global analysis of the full HERA I data sets on NC and CC cross sections, with correlated systematic errors, in conjunction with the usual fixed-target and hadron collider data sets. By using a variety of parametrizations to explore the parton parameter space, robust new parton distribution function (PDF) sets (CTEQ6.5) are obtained. The new quark distributions are consistently higher in the region x ~ 10^{-3} than previous ones, with important implications on hadron collider phenomenology, especially at the LHC. The uncertainties of the parton distributions are reassessed and are compared to the previous ones. A new set of CTEQ6.5 eigenvector PDFs that encapsulates these uncertainties is also presented.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures; updated, Publication Versio

    Design of multivariable feedback control systems via spectral assignment using reduced-order models and reduced-order observers

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    The feasibility of using reduced order models and reduced order observers with eigenvalue/eigenvector assignment procedures is investigated. A review of spectral assignment synthesis procedures is presented. Then, a reduced order model which retains essential system characteristics is formulated. A constant state feedback matrix which assigns desired closed loop eigenvalues and approximates specified closed loop eigenvectors is calculated for the reduced order model. It is shown that the eigenvalue and eigenvector assignments made in the reduced order system are retained when the feedback matrix is implemented about the full order system. In addition, those modes and associated eigenvectors which are not included in the reduced order model remain unchanged in the closed loop full order system. The fulll state feedback design is then implemented by using a reduced order observer. It is shown that the eigenvalue and eigenvector assignments of the closed loop full order system remain unchanged when a reduced order observer is used. The design procedure is illustrated by an actual design problem

    Design of multivariable feedback control systems via spectral assignment using reduced-order models and reduced-order observers

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    The feasibility of using reduced order models and reduced order observers with eigenvalue/eigenvector assignment procedures is investigated. A review of spectral assignment synthesis procedures is presented. Then, a reduced order model which retains essential system characteristics is formulated. A constant state feedback matrix which assigns desired closed loop eigenvalues and approximates specified closed loop eigenvectors is calculated for the reduced order model. It is shown that the eigenvalue and eigenvector assignments made in the reduced order system are retained when the feedback matrix is implemented about the full order system. In addition, those modes and associated eigenvectors which are not included in the reduced order model remain unchanged in the closed loop full order system. The full state feedback design is then implemented by using a reduced order observer. It is shown that the eigenvalue and eigenvector assignments of the closed loop full order system rmain unchanged when a reduced order observer is used. The design procedure is illustrated by an actual design problem

    Collider Inclusive Jet Data and the Gluon Distribution

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    Inclusive jet production data are important for constraining the gluon distribution in the global QCD analysis of parton distribution functions. With the addition of recent CDF and D0 Run II jet data, we study a number of issues that play a role in determining the up-to-date gluon distribution and its uncertainty, and produce a new set of parton distributions that make use of that data. We present in detail the general procedures used to study the compatibility between new data sets and the previous body of data used in a global fit. We introduce a new method in which the Hessian matrix for uncertainties is ``rediagonalized'' to obtain eigenvector sets that conveniently characterize the uncertainty of a particular observable.Comment: Published versio

    A second order slender wing theory for wings with leading edge separation in supersonic flow

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    Second order slender wing theory for calculating supersonic flow over low aspect ratio wings with subsonic leading edges and leading edge separatio

    Neutrino Dimuon Production and the Strangeness Asymmetry of the Nucleon

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    We have performed the first global QCD analysis to include the CCFR and NuTeV dimuon data, which provide direct constraints on the strange and anti-strange parton distributions, s(x)s(x) and sˉ(x)\bar{s}(x). To explore the strangeness sector, we adopt a general parametrization of the non-perturbative s(x),sˉ(x)s(x), \bar{s}(x) functions satisfying basic QCD requirements. We find that the strangeness asymmetry, as represented by the momentum integral [S−]≡∫01x[s(x)−sˉ(x)]dx[S^{-}]\equiv \int_0^1 x [s(x)-\bar{s}(x)] dx, is sensitive to the dimuon data provided the theoretical QCD constraints are enforced. We use the Lagrange Multiplier method to probe the quality of the global fit as a function of [S−][S^-] and find −0.001<[S−]<0.004-0.001 < [S^-] < 0.004. Representative parton distribution sets spanning this range are given. Comparisons with previous work are made.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures; expanded version for publicatio
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