351 research outputs found

    On Finite-Dimensional Maps II

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    Let f ⁣:Xβ†’Yf\colon X\to Y be a perfect nn-dimensional surjection of paracompact spaces with YY being a CC-space. We prove that, for any mβ‰₯n+1m\geq n+1, almost all (in the sense of Baire category) maps gg from XX into the mm-dimensional cube have the following property: g(fβˆ’1(y))g(f^{-1}(y)) is at most nn-dimensional for every y∈Yy\in Y.Comment: 8 page

    On Regularly Branched Maps

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    Let f ⁣:Xβ†’Yf\colon X\to Y be a perfect map between finite-dimensional metrizable spaces and pβ‰₯1p\geq 1. It is shown that the space Cβˆ—(X,Rp)C^*(X,\R^p) of all bounded maps from XX into Rp\R^p with the source limitation topology contains a dense GΞ΄G_{\delta}-subset consisting of ff-regularly branched maps. Here, a map g ⁣:Xβ†’Rpg\colon X\to\R^p is ff-regularly branched if, for every nβ‰₯1n\geq 1, the dimension of the set {z∈YΓ—Rp:∣(fΓ—g)βˆ’1(z)∣β‰₯n}\{z\in Y\times\R^p: |(f\times g)^{-1}(z)|\geq n\} is ≀nβ‹…(dim⁑f+dim⁑Y)βˆ’(nβˆ’1)β‹…(p+dim⁑Y)\leq n\cdot\big(\dim f+\dim Y\big)-(n-1)\cdot\big(p+\dim Y\big). This is a parametric version of the Hurewicz theorem on regularly branched maps.Comment: 12 page

    An Efficient Algorithm for Monitoring Practical TPTL Specifications

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    We provide a dynamic programming algorithm for the monitoring of a fragment of Timed Propositional Temporal Logic (TPTL) specifications. This fragment of TPTL, which is more expressive than Metric Temporal Logic, is characterized by independent time variables which enable the elicitation of complex real-time requirements. For this fragment, we provide an efficient polynomial time algorithm for off-line monitoring of finite traces. Finally, we provide experimental results on a prototype implementation of our tool in order to demonstrate the feasibility of using our tool in practical applications
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