1,682 research outputs found

    Trade and Investment Liberalization Effects on SME Development: A Literature Review and a Case Study of Indonesia

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    As this research seeks to bring to the fore benefits that have been or may be derived for SMEs from international trade and investment liberalization in Indonesia, it has three main questions: (1). how international trade and investment policy reforms affect local SMEs; (2) has growth of exports of SMEs accelerated since the reforms; and (3) does investment liberalization generate more subcontracting between local SMEs and FDI.?Trade and Investment, SME, Indonesia

    Trade liberalization effects on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Indonesia: a case study

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    The impact of international trade policy reform on the Indonesian economy, particularly in the areas of economic growth and development of the domestic manufacturing industry, has been studied extensively. However, the implications of such reform on the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia remain under-researched. This paper thus contributes to filling the gap by examining the impact of international trade policy reform, particularly following the 1997 crisis, on the growth of SMEs in Indonesia. Two main questions are posited: (a) how does international trade policy reform affect local SMEs?; and (b) has the growth of SME exports accelerated since the reform? The study does not find evidence that the reform has affected SMEs negatively. On the contrary, with the exception of a slight decline in 1998 due to the economic crisis, the number of SMEs has been growing. The paper suggests that such enterprises have not only managed to survive, but they have also been able to increase their output. Their exports also increased annually.Trade liberalization, SME, Indonesia, export, LEs

    Development of Rural Manufacturing SME Clusters in a Developing Country: The Indonesian Case

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    Development of manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is a key engine to promote development of rural economy in developing countries. A common industrial organization among manufacturing SMEs, especially in rural areas, in Indonesia as in many other developing countries is clustering, where firms producing similar products concentrate in a certain area. This has led the Indonesian government to adopt a clustering approach as an important element in its rural development strategy to promote the development of rural industry, which consists mainly of SMEs. The main aim of this study is to identify critical success factors of development of rural manufacturing SME clusters in Indonesia. From a number of cases, it reveals that direct government supports are not the main successful factor, or the role is minimal. Instead, the most critical ones are strong inter-firms linkages in clusters and external networks between the clusters and institutions outside the clusters, especially large enterprises (LEs), through subcontracting and traders/trading companies in urban areas. Through such external linkages, firms in clusters secure their access to a wider market.SME, SME Cluster, rural economy, soccess factors, Tegal metalworking industry, Indonesia, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Indonesia during two big economic crises 1997/98 and 2008/09: How was the impact and what was the main difference between the two crises?

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    This paper aims to examine the Indonesian experiences with the 1997/98 Asian financial crisis and the 2008/09 global economic crisis. It has three main parts. The first part gives a theoretical explanation of the main transmission channels through which the two crises have affected the Indonesian economy. It also provides a list of key indicators of these types of economic crises. The second part is the empirical part about the impacts of the crises on economic growth, employment, remittances and poverty in Indonesia. One important finding from this study is that the Indonesian economy was much more resilient to the last crisis as compared to the first crisis. During the first crisis, Indonesian economic growth was negative and poverty increased significantly; whereas during the second one, Indonesia managed to keep a positive economic growth rate (though declined), and poverty kept declining. The third part provides a list of main reasons for the difference, and sound banking sector after the first crisis is among the list.2008/09 crisis, 1997/98 crisis, economic growth, remittance, poverty, unemployment JEL Classification: E24, F24, F43, I32

    Analisis Pengaruh Rotasi Dan Mutasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Di KJKS BMT Anda Salatiga

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    This study aims to determine whether job rotation and work mutation influence employee performance at BMT KJKS Anda Salatiga. Samples in this study are 31 respondents. This research uses primary data which are collected through interview and questionnaires. Multiple regression analysis is used as an analytical method in this research. The research shows that job rotation influences employee performance partially but work mutation does not. Job rotation and work mutation on does not influence employee performance simultaneouslyPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh rotasi dan mutasi kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan di KJKS BMT ANDA Salatiga.Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan KJKS BMT ANDA Salatiga sebanyak 37 karyawan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 31 responden. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini adalah primer. Metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan kuesioner. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa secara parsial rotasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Mutasi kerja secara parsial tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan dan rotasi kerja dan mutasi kerja secara simultan tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawa


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    One of the most widely used data classification methods is the K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) algorithm. Classification of data in this method is carried out based on the calculation of the closest distance to the training data as much as the value of K from its neighbors. Then the new data class is determined using the most votes system from the number of K nearest neighbors. However, the performance of this method is still lower than other data classification methods. The cause is the use of the most voting system in determining new data classes and the influence of features less relevant to the dataset. This study compares several feature selection methods in the data set to see their effects on the performance of the K-NN algorithm in data classification. The feature selection methods in this research are Information gain, Gain ratio, and Gini index. The method was tested on the Water Quality dataset from the Kaggle Repository to see the most optimal feature selection method. The test results on the dataset show that the use of the feature selection method affects to increase the performance of the K-NN algorithm. The average increase in the accuracy value obtained from the value of K=1 to K=15 is the Information Gain increased by 1.17%, Gain ratio increased by 0.69%, and the Gini index increased by 1.19%. The highest accuracy value in the classification of the Water Quality dataset is 89.66% at K=13 with the Information Gain feature selection method


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    ABSTRAKBawang merah (Allium ascalonicum) merupakan tanaman komersial didunia yang banyak dikembangkan di daerah Cirebon, Brebes, Tegal, Pekalongan, Solo, Yogyakarta dan Medan. Bawang goreng termasuk produk olahan bawang merah yang belum banyak dikembangkan oleh mitra UD Rasifa karena cara dan waktu pengolahan cukup sulit dan lama disebabkan alat dan mesin produki masih dibuat secara manual. Pada era modern, masyarakat lebih mengutamakan hal yang praktis dengan harga terjangkau dalam produk kuliner dan olahan makanan. Masalah yang teridentifikasi pada mitra adalah pengetahuan mitra rendah dalam produksi, keterbatasan alat, keterampilan produksi, promosi dan distribusi bawang goreng belum optimal. Tim Pengabdian Pemberdayaan Berbasis Masyarakat (PBM)  LPPM USU berinisiasi dan bersinergi dengan mitra melakukan sosialisasi, FGD, pelatihan, dan mendesain alat inovasi usaha bawang goreng yang terdeteksi dengan permintaan tinggi dari masyarakat Kota Medan. Usaha Dagang (UD) Rasifa beralamat di Jalan Marelan VI, Pasar 2 Timur, Gang Perdamaian No 4, Kel Rengas Pulau, Kec. Medan Marelan yang memproduksi minyak goreng, garam dan bawang merah, memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan dengan modal semangat wirausaha, gigih dan mau belajar untuk meningkatkan produktivitas bawang merah goreng khas Medan. Luaran dari PBM dari hasil pelatihan adalah menghasilkan produk bawang goreng berkualitas, teknologi tepat guna dan pelatihan pengolahan bawang merah agar meningkatkan pendapatan ekonomi keluarga. Kata Kunci: bawang merah; khas medan; alat iris; spinner; vacuum dryer. ABSTRACTShallot (Allium ascalonicum) is a commercial crop in the world that is widely developed in Cirebon, Brebes, Tegal, Pekalongan, Solo, Yogyakarta, and Medan. Fried shallots are processed shallot products that have not been developed much because the processing method and time are quite difficult and long because the production tools and machines are still made manually. People prioritize practical things at affordable prices in culinary and processed food products in the modern era. The problems identified with the partners were the partners' low knowledge in production, limited tools, production skills, promotion and distribution of fried shallots that were not optimal. Based Empowerment Service (BES) of The Community Research and Development Institutions (CRDI) of the University Sumatera Utara team initiated and synergized with partners to conduct outreach, FGDs, training, and design innovation tools for the fried onion business which were detected with high demand from the people of Medan City. Rasifa's Trading Business (UD) is located at Jalan Marelan VI, Pasar 2 Timur, Peace Alley No. 4, Kel Rengas Pulau, Kec. Medan Marelan produces cooking oil, salt, and shallots, which can be developed with the capital of an entrepreneurial spirit, persistence, and willingness to learn to increase the productivity of Medan's typical fried shallots. The output of BES is to produce quality fried onion products, appropriate technology, and training produce of shallot for increase family economic income. Keywords: shallots; typical Medan; slicer; spinner; vacuum dryer
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