6,531 research outputs found

    Reduced density matrix hybrid approach: An efficient and accurate method for adiabatic and non-adiabatic quantum dynamics

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    We present a new approach to calculate real-time quantum dynamics in complex systems. The formalism is based on the partitioning of a system's environment into "core" and "reservoir" modes, with the former to be treated quantum mechanically and the latter classically. The presented method only requires the calculation of the system's reduced density matrix averaged over the quantum core degrees of freedom which is then coupled to a classically evolved reservoir to treat the remaining modes. We demonstrate our approach by applying it to the spin-boson problem using the noninteracting blip approximation to treat the system and core, and Ehrenfest dynamics to treat the reservoir. The resulting hybrid methodology is accurate for both fast and slow baths, since it naturally reduces to its composite methods in their respective regimes of validity. In addition, our combined method is shown to yield good results in intermediate regimes where neither approximation alone is accurate and to perform equally well for both strong and weak system-bath coupling. Our approach therefore provides an accurate and efficient methodology for calculating quantum dynamics in complex systems.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    A Test of Kangaroo Care on Preterm Infant Breastfeeding

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    To test the effects of kangaroo care (KC) on breastfeeding outcomes in preterm infants compared to two control groups and to explore whether maternal-infant characteristics and the mother’s choice to use KC were related to breastfeeding measures

    Keck/LRIS Spectroscopic Confirmation of Coma Cluster Dwarf Galaxy Membership Assignments

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    Keck/LRIS multi-object spectroscopy has been carried out on 140 of some of the lowest and highest surface brightness faint (19 < R < 22) dwarf galaxy candidates in the core region of the Coma Cluster. These spectra are used to measure redshifts and establish membership for these faint dwarf populations. The primary goal of the low surface brightness sample is to test our ability to use morphological and surface brightness criteria to distinguish between Coma Cluster members and background galaxies using high resolution HST/ACS images. Candidates were rated as expected members, uncertain, or expected background. From 93 spectra, 51 dwarf galaxy members and 20 background galaxies are identified. Our morphological membership estimation success rate is ~100% for objects expected to be members and better than ~90% for galaxies expected to be in the background. We confirm that low surface brightness is a very good indicator of cluster membership. High surface brightness galaxies are almost always background with confusion arising only from the cases of the rare compact elliptical galaxies. The more problematic cases occur at intermediate surface brightness. Many of these galaxies are given uncertain membership ratings, and these were found to be members about half of the time. Including color information will improve membership determination but will fail for some of the same objects that are already mis-identified when using only surface brightness and morphology criteria. Compact elliptical galaxies with B-V colors ~0.2 magnitudes redward of the red sequence in particular require spectroscopic follow-up. In a sample of 47 high surface brightness, UCD candidates, 19 objects have redshifts which place them in the Coma Cluster. Redshift measurements are presented and the use of indirect means for establishing cluster membership is discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 25 pages, 15 figure

    Development and clinical performance of high throughput loop-mediated isothermal amplification for detection of malaria.

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate and efficient detection of sub-microscopic malaria infections is crucial for enabling rapid treatment and interruption of transmission. Commercially available malaria LAMP kits have excellent diagnostic performance, though throughput is limited by the need to prepare samples individually. Here, we evaluate the clinical performance of a newly developed high throughput (HTP) sample processing system for use in conjunction with the Eiken malaria LAMP kit. METHODS: The HTP system utilised dried blood spots (DBS) and liquid whole blood (WB), with parallel sample processing of 94 samples per run. The system was evaluated using 699 samples of known infection status pre-determined by gold standard nested PCR. RESULTS: The sensitivity and specificity of WB-HTP-LAMP was 98.6% (95% CI, 95.7-100), and 99.7% (95% CI, 99.2-100); sensitivity of DBS-HTP-LAMP was 97.1% (95% CI, 93.1-100), and specificity 100% against PCR. At parasite densities greater or equal to 2 parasites/μL, WB and DBS HTP-LAMP showed 100% sensitivity and specificity against PCR. At densities less than 2 p/μL, WB-HTP-LAMP sensitivity was 88.9% (95% CI, 77.1-100) and specificity was 99.7% (95% CI, 99.2-100); sensitivity and specificity of DBS-HTP-LAMP was 77.8% (95% CI, 54.3-99.5) and 100% respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The HTP-LAMP system is a highly sensitive diagnostic test, with the potential to allow large scale population screening in malaria elimination campaigns

    The Halo Occupation Distribution: Towards an Empirical Determination of the Relation Between Galaxies and Mass

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    We investigate galaxy bias in the framework of the ``Halo Occupation Distribution'' (HOD), which defines the bias of a population of galaxies by the conditional probability P(N|M) that a dark matter halo of virial mass M contains N galaxies, together with prescriptions that specify the relative spatial and velocity distributions of galaxies and dark matter within halos. By populating the halos of a cosmological N-body simulation using a variety of HOD models, we examine the sensitivity of different galaxy clustering statistics to properties of the HOD. The galaxy correlation function responds to different aspects of P(N|M) on different scales. Obtaining the observed power-law form of xi(r) requires rather specific combinations of HOD parameters, implying a strong constraint on the physics of galaxy formation; the success of numerical and semi-analytic models in reproducing this form is entirely non-trivial. Other clustering statistics such as the galaxy-mass correlation function, the bispectrum, the void probability function, the pairwise velocity dispersion, and the group multiplicity function are sensitive to different combinations of HOD parameters and thus provide complementary information about galaxy bias. We outline a strategy for determining the HOD empirically from redshift survey data. This method starts from an assumed cosmological model, but we argue that cosmological and HOD parameters will have non-degenerate effects on galaxy clustering, so that a substantially incorrect cosmological model will not reproduce the observations for any choice of HOD. Empirical determinations of the HOD as a function of galaxy type from the 2dF and SDSS redshift surveys will provide a detailed target for theories of galaxy formation, insight into the origin of galaxy properties, and sharper tests of cosmological models.Comment: 60 pages + 21 eps figures. Replaced with accepted ApJ version. Minor changes + added reference

    The Incidence of Highly-Obscured Star-Forming Regions in SINGS Galaxies

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    Using the new capabilities of the Spitzer Space Telescope and extensive multiwavelength data from the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey (SINGS), it is now possible to study the infrared properties of star formation in nearby galaxies down to scales equivalent to large HII regions. We are therefore able to determine what fraction of large, infrared-selected star-forming regions in normal galaxies are highly obscured and address how much of the star formation we miss by relying solely on the optical portion of the spectrum. Employing a new empirical method for deriving attenuations of infrared-selected star-forming regions we investigate the statistics of obscured star formation on 500pc scales in a sample of 38 nearby galaxies. We find that the median attenuation is 1.4 magnitudes in H-alpha and that there is no evidence for a substantial sub-population of uniformly highly-obscured star-forming regions. The regions in the highly-obscured tail of the attenuation distribution (A_H-alpha > 3) make up only ~4% of the sample of nearly 1800 regions, though very embedded infrared sources on the much smaller scales and lower luminosities of compact and ultracompact HII regions are almost certainly present in greater numbers. The highly-obscured cases in our sample are generally the bright, central regions of galaxies with high overall attenuation but are not otherwise remarkable. We also find that a majority of the galaxies show decreasing radial trends in H-alpha attenuation. The small fraction of highly-obscured regions seen in this sample of normal, star-forming galaxies suggests that on 500pc scales the timescale for significant dispersal or break up of nearby, optically-thick dust clouds is short relative to the lifetime of a typical star-forming region.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; emulateapj style, 30 pages, 18 figures (compressed versions), 3 table

    The Tully-Fisher Relation in Cluster Cl0024+1654 at z=0.4

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    Using moderate-resolution Keck spectra, we have examined the velocity profiles of 15 members of cluster Cl0024+1654 at z=0.4. WFPC2 images of the cluster members have been used to determine structural parameters, including disk sizes, orientations, and inclinations. We compare two methods of optical rotation curve analysis for kinematic measurements. Both methods take seeing, slit size and orientation, and instrumental effects into account and yield similar rotation velocity measurements. Four of the galaxies in our sample exhibit unusual kinematic signatures, such as non-circular motions. Our key result is that the Cl0024 galaxies are marginally underluminous (0.50 +/- 0.23 mag), given their rotation velocities, as compared to the local Tully-Fisher relation. In this analysis, we assume no slope evolution, and take into account systematic differences between local and distant velocity and luminosity measurements. Our result is particularly striking considering the Cl0024 members have very strong emission lines, and local galaxies with similar Halpha equivalent widths tend to be overluminous on the Tully-Fisher relation. Cl0024 Tully-Fisher residuals appear to be correlated most strongly with galaxy rotation velocities, indicating a possible change in the slope of the Tully-Fisher relation. However, we caution that this result may be strongly affected by magnitude selection and by the original slope assumed for the analysis. Cl0024 residuals also depend weakly on color, emission line strength and extent, and photometric asymmetry. In a comparison of stellar and gas motions in two Cl0024 members, we find no evidence for counter-rotating stars and gas, an expected signature of mergers.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ; version with full-resolution figures can be downloaded from http://www.ucolick.org/~anne/recent_pubs.htm

    Optical Rotation Curves of Distant Field Galaxies: Sub-L* Systems

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    Moderate-resolution spectroscopic observations from the Keck 10m telescope are used to derive internal kinematics for eight faint disk galaxies in the fields flanking the Hubble Deep Field. The spectroscopic data are combined with high-resolution F814W WFPC2 images from the Hubble Space Telescope which provide morphologies and scale-lengths, inclinations and orientations. The eight galaxies have redshifts 0.15 < z < 0.75, magnitudes 18.6 < I_814 < 22.1 and luminosities -21.8 < M_B < -19.0 (H_0 = 75 and q_0 = 0.05). Terminal disk velocities are derived from the spatially-resolved velocity profiles by modeling the effects of seeing, slit width, slit misalignment with galaxy major axis, and inclination for each source. These data are combined with the sample of Vogt et al. (1996) to provide a high-redshift Tully-Fisher relation that spans three magnitudes. This sample was selected primarily by morphology and magnitude, rather than color or spectral features. We find no obvious change in the shape or slope of the relation with respect to the local Tully-Fisher relation. The small offset of < 0.4 B mag with respect to the local relation is presumably caused by luminosity evolution in the field galaxy population, and does not correlate with galaxy mass. A comparison of disk surface brightness between local and high-redshift samples yields a similar offset, ~0.6 mag. These results provide further evidence for only a modest increase in luminosity with lookback time.Comment: Text is 9 pages (13 with figures, images in JPG format here for brevity). Full text and postscript figures are available at http://www.ucolick.org/~nicole/pubs/pubs.html#vfp2 and http://tarkus.pha.jhu.edu/deep/publications.html . Accepted for publication by The Astrophysical Journal Letter