398 research outputs found

    Overweight and Obesity and its associated factors among high school students of Dibrugarh, Assam, India

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    Background: The increasing prevalence of childhood obesity is emerging as a public health problem in urban India and also contributes to obesity and various non-communicable diseases among adult population. Hence, it is necessary to identify potential risk factors for childhood obesity and formulate early interventions to control this epidemic. Aims & Objectives: To assess the magnitude of overweight and obesity among high-school students of Dibrugarh and to determine factors associated with it. Materials & Methods: A cross-sectional study including students enrolled in 8th- 10th grades in schools of urban Dibrugarh, Assam was conducted from October 2012 to June 2013 wherein 1000 students were selected using stratified random sampling technique. Information regarding dietary intake, amount of physical activity was collected using pre-designed, pre-tested questionnaire followed by anthropometric measurements which included body mass index (BMI), waist and hip circumference was done. Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS-16 software. Results: Of the 1000 students enrolled, 119 (11.9%) were overweight, 71 (7.1%) were obese and 225 (22.5%) had high waist-hip ratio. The factors significantly associated with overweight and obesity were higher socio-economic class, frequent intake of fast food items, sedentary lifestyle with less physical activity. Conclusion: Children belonging to higher socio-economic group, consuming fast food and involved in less physical activity were more predisposed to overweight and obesity.&nbsp

    Determinants of Severe Acute Malnutrition in under-five children in Dibrugarh District, Assam

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    Background: Malnutrition is a major public health problem and leading determinant of morbidity and mortality in under-five children in India. Aim & Objective: To assess determinants of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in under-five children of Dibrugarh district, to assess knowledge and practice of Infant, Young Child Feeding Practices (IYCF) and to assess the knowledge and practice of identification of SAM of Anganwadi workers. Settings and Design: Dibrugarh district, Assam. Mixed method study. Methods and Material: It was a case-control study that interviewed mothers of children between 6-59 months between June 2021 to May 2022. Using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire Interviews of a total of 164 under-five children’s mothers (82 cases and 82 controls)] were done. Qualitative data was also collected by in-depth interviews of Anganwadi workers (AWWs). Statistical analysis used: SPSS version 25.0. Chi-Square test, unadjusted OR for Bivariate analysis and adjusted odds ratio using Multiple logistic regression was calculated. Results: Determinants of severe acute malnutrition were joint family (AOR 3.08, 95% CI 1.02-9.31, p= 0.046); birth weight less than 2.5 kg (AOR 20.6, 95% CI 4.50-94.03, p=<0.0001); mothers with less than 4 antenatal check-ups (AOR 5.13, 95% CI 1.28-29.47, p=0.021); partial immunization (AOR 9.2, 95%CI 1.83-46.59, p=0.007); and irregular utilization of ICDS services (AOR 27.36, 95%CI 5.73-130.66, p=<0.0001). Problems faced by AWWs during service delivery were communication barriers, community resistance during home visits, and increased workload during COVID-19. Conclusions: IYCF practices need to be promoted with screening and growth monitoring for early detection and timely referral of malnutrition along referred back and linkages of services so that home-based and community-based management can be done to prevent severe acute malnutrition

    Solar Charge Controllers using MPPT and PWM: A Review

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    With the increasing demand of power and energy, energy conservation and use of renewable resources have become a crucial necessity. Solar energy will become the ultimate and prime source of energy in near future. Therefore, highly efficient and low energy consuming solar-powered equipment and applications will soon be a major requirement. In this paper, solar charge controller using Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) have been analyzed and compared, which is needed in all solar powered systems that utilize batteries. Its role is to regulate the power going from the solar panel to the batteries. Most of the modern charge controllers include PWM and MPPT. These charge controllers are designed such that the solar battery gets recharged quickly and does not get over discharged, thereby ensuring the prolonged lifespan of the battery

    Prevalence and socio-demographic factors affecting anaemia in pregnant women of Dibrugarh District, Assam, India

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    Background: Anaemia is the most common nutritional deficiency observed globally. Anaemia worsens during pregnancy leading to adverse maternal and fetal outcome. Dibrugarh district has the highest maternal mortality in the country, one of the major factor being anaemia during pregnancy. Aims & Objectives: To assess the prevalence and socio-demographic determinants of anaemia in pregnant women of Dibrugarh District. Material & Methods: A community based, cross-sectional study was conducted in a block selected randomly. Study period was for the period from May’2015 to February’2016. Study sample included 290 participants. Results: Prevalence of anaemia among study participants was found to be 73.1%. (Mild 10%, moderate 43.1 % and severe 20%). Mean haemoglobin of study subjects was 9.07±2.26 g/dl. Average age of the study subjects was 23.24±4. Majority (27.2%) had their education upto primary school level and belong to class IV socioeconomic status. Univariate analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis shows educational qualification, socioeconomic status and type of housing are statistically associated with anaemia during pregnancy. Conclusion: Anaemia is rampant in the community needing urgent action to prevent morbidity amongst both mother and chil

    Effect of community based intervention on childhood pneumonia and its risk factors in slums of Dibrugarh, Assam

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    Background: Pneumonia, one leading cause of mortality in children. Preventing pneumonia related deaths is an urgent priority to meet sustainable development goals. Settings and Design: Community based cross sectional study in two registered slums Chandmarighat and Graham bazar in Dibrugarh, Assam. Methods and Material:  2 out of 10 registered slums were chosen and a baseline cross sectional study was done to list out the risk factors. Based on the risk factors, community based intervention was done by capacity building of frontline workers and monitoring and suportive supervision in one while only monitoring was done in non intervention slum. Taking 95% confidence interval for two tail distribution, the sample size in each of the slums was 300. Statistical analysis: done by using SPSS 20, rates, ratios, proportions, univariate and multivariate analysis. Results: Prevalence of pneumonia was significantly low (9.33% vs 16.33%) in intervention and non-intervention area (p<0.001). Univariate analysis reported that initiation of complementary feeding before 6 months and indoor air pollution were associated with pneumonia in intervened area(p<0.001). Multivariate analysis was done and type of family, complementary feeding before 6 months and indoor air pollution were associated with pneumonia in intervened area. Conclusions: Community based interventions targeting the established risk factors found effective in reducing the childhood pneumonia

    Risk factor distribution for cardiovascular diseases among high school boys and girls of urban Dibrugarh, Assam

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    Introduction: Chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) including cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death in the world, and their incidence is rising rapidly due to increasing rates of risk factors such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, obesity, physical inactivity, and tobacco use. These risk factors track from childhood to adulthood, and their distribution varies among males and females; hence, there is a need to determine risk factor prevalence among adolescent age group so as to plan preventive strategies. Objective: To determine the distribution of risk factors of CVDs amongst high school boys and girls of urban Dibrugarh, Assam. Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from October 2012 to June 2013 in the schools of urban Dibrugarh, Assam wherein data was collected from 1000 students of Class 8-10 using multistage random sampling and risk factors were assessed using WHO steps methodology. Statistical Analysis: Statistical analysis was done using SPSS 16 software and test of differences used were Chi-square test and t-test. Results: The prevalence of ever tobacco use was 32.3% among boys and 6.6% among girls (P < 0.001) while ever alcohol use was reported by 11.9% boys and 1% girls (P < 0.001). Prevalence of overweight and hypertension was found to be higher among girls (11.7% and 24.1%) as compared to boys (6.8% and 18.1%). Prevalence of hypercholesterolemia was higher among boys while high triglycerides levels were more prevalent among girls. Conclusion: The study revealed a high prevalence of various risk factors among boys and girls. There is a need to reduce the risk factor prevalence of CVD among this group of the population to address the future epidemic of NCD. Different health promotional activities need to be implemented to target boys and girls as the risk factor distribution among these groups is different

    Supportive supervision of village, health, sanitation and nutrition day (VHSND) during post-pandemic period in Assam

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    Background: VHSND, a community platform bringing health, early childhood development, nutrition, and sanitation services by community engagement was affected by COVID-19 pandemic. Aims &amp; Objectives: To assess the process of VHSND implementation during post-pandemic period in Assam. Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted as operational research in five districts of Assam, selected based on zonal representation; between Sept’2021- Aug’2022. Standard format (GOI) was used for VHSND monitoring. Descriptive analysis was done along with quarter-wise comparison of observations and knowledge of Auxiliary Nurse and Midwife (ANM). Results: A total of 370 VHSND sessions were observed. VHSND micro plan availability increased from 87.5% to 98.4% over four quarters. Displaying banners varied between 56.3% and 79.5%, and functional toilets increased from 41.3% to 77%. Height measurement improved from 58.8% to 88.5%. Haemoglobin estimation varied between 46.3% and 75.4%. Recognition of high-risk pregnancies due to severe anaemia increased from 60% to 91.8%. Regarding danger signs like bleeding from vagina increased from 50.0% to 95.1%. Conclusion: Notable progress could be documented in logistical readiness and ANM knowledge in different quarters in post-pandemic period. While service delivery and ANM counselling efforts have seen improvement, targeted interventions remain crucial for optimizing maternal and child health outcomes in the region

    Nutritional status of under 5 children belonging to tribal population living in riverine (Char) areas of Dibrugarh district, Assam

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    Context: Assam′s main lifeline, the Brahmaputra river, braided nature created numerous sand bars and islands known as chars/sapories. They are home to more than 3 million people. Over 90% of the cultivated land on the river islands is flood-prone; the flood leaves the islands completely separated from mainland, preventing access to health infrastructure and services. Aims: To assess the nutritional status of under 5 children residing in the char areas of Dibrugarh district and to identify the factors influencing their nutritional status. Settings and Design: A community-based cross-sectional study conducted in the riverine areas of Dibrugarh district of Assam. Materials and Methods: Nutritional status was assessed using anthropometry. Undernutrition was classified using World Health Organization (WHO) recommended Z- score system. Data collection was done by house to house visit of all chars using proportionate allocation. Statistical Analysis Used: Rates, ratios, proportions, and chi-square test. Results: Overall prevalence of underweight, stunting, and wasting was 29%, 30.4%, and 21.6%, respectively. Prevalence of underweight and stunting was less than the prevalence of underweight (36.4%) and stunting (46.5%) in Assam, but the prevalence of wasting was more than that of Assam (13.7%) as observed in National Family Health Survey-3. Significant association was observed between the prevalence of undernutrition and socioeconomic status, literacy status of parents, infant, and young child feeding practices and size of the family (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Special focus is needed for nutritional improvement of under 5 living in char areas to prevent preventable morbidities and to achieve optimum development

    Health seeking behavior of the mothers for the special care new-born unit discharged children: A comparative study

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    Establishment of special care new-born units (SCNU) in hospitals not only serves to provide the intensive care to sick neonates, but presents with opportunities to enhance knowledge and modify attitude and practices of their parents through behavior change communication (BCC). A cross-sectional study was conducted in Dibrugarh District, Assam from January to June, 2011 to assess differences in health-care seeking behavior of these mothers from mothers of newborns who were born at home and mothers who had normal uneventful institutional deliveries. Mothers of 29 SCNU discharged, 34 institutions delivered and 26 home delivered children were interviewed using a semi-structured interview schedule and a knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) survey tool. Mothers of children admitted to SCNU scored better in questions related to vaccination, contraception, protection of child from infections and cold and perceptions about traditional healers, but overall KAP scores in the three groups were not found significantly different

    Anaemia, its determinants and effect of different interventions amongst tea tribe adolescent girls living in Dibrugarh district of Assam

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    Background: Nutritional anaemia, one of the major public health problems in India is associated with lower productivity, higher sickness rate and absenteeism having inter-generational effect. Morbidity during adolescent has implication on future safe motherhood, optimum growth and development of foetus and children. Aims and Objective: To assess, prevalence and determinants of anaemia and effect of different interventions amongst tea tribe adolescent girls. Materials & Methods: A community based intervention study was conducted covering 16 tea estates of Dibrugarh District, Assam. Variables includes socio-demographic, environmental, anthropometry, history of present and past illness, clinical examination and laboratory investigation including haemoglobin, serum ferritin, haemoglobin typing and routine stool examination. Interventions given were weekly IFA supplementation, dietary diversification, health promotion by monthly NHED, cooking demonstration, cooking competition and kitchen garden promotion and counselling to improve IFA compliance and remove barriers was done. SPSS and EpiInfo software, used to calculate of rates, ratios, chi-square test, Fisher Exact test and multiple logistic regression analysis. Results: Enrolments were 802, with mean age, 14.8 years. Anaemia prevalence was 96.3% with median serum ferritin, 22.9 ng/ml. Prevalence of Sickle cell anaemia was,12% and helminthiasis 84.20%.  History of passage of worms (9.1%), night blindness (5.6%), weakness (62.1%), loss of appetite (37.5%), gum bleeding (23.6%), loose motion (13%), loss of weight (9.9%), menstrual problem (19.3%) was common. Following intervention mean haemoglobin difference was 1.48 gm/dl with 13.5% difference in prevalence. Associated morbidities showed significant reduction following active intervention. Conclusions: High anaemia prevalence requires urgent attention to avoid preventable morbidities. Implementation of different intervention in an integrated manner was found effective in reducing the burden of anaemia and associated factor
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