14 research outputs found

    Genetic variability and gain for storage root yield and yield components in yam beans

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    There is limited information on the genetic parameters and genetic gain of yam bean ( Pachyrhizus species) accessions introduced to Rwanda. No comprehensive literature exists on the inheritance of yield and yield components, on segregating populations. This study investigated variability, heritability and genetic advance in F2 yam bean genotypes. Seven F2 yam bean hybrids were evaluated at the Rubona Research Station located in Southern Province of Rwanda, during growing season 2014B. Results revealed significant (P<0.01) genetic variability in plant vigour (PV), pod weight (WOP), plant height (PHT), 100 seed weight (100SW), total biomass yield (TBY), storage root yield (SRY), dry matter content (DMC), and starch content (STA). High genetic (\u3c32g) and phenotypic (\u3c32p) variances, and genotypic coefficients of variation (GCV> 25%) were observed for WOP, PHT, 100SW, TBY, DMC and STA. Estimates of heritability (H2) were high (greater than 50%) for all traits, except for seed yield, number of roots and number of pods. The GA and genetic advance, as percentage of the mean (GAM%), were high for PV, WOP, PHT, 100SW, TBY and DMC. There were positive and significant (P<0.05) associations between PV and PHT, protein content (PRO), 100SW, TBY, SRY, and DMC. Dry matter content also had positive and significant (P<0.01) correlations with STA. These results indicate presence of high genetic variability, heritability and expected genetic gain suggesting potential for genetic improvement of plant vigour, weight of pods, plant height, 100 seed weight, total biomass yield, storage root fresh yield, dry matter content and starch content of yam beans in Rwanda.Il existe peu d\u2019informations sur les param\ue8tres g\ue9n\ue9tiques et le gain g\ue9n\ue9tique des accessions de haricot-igname (esp\ue8ce Pachyrhizus ) introduites au Rwanda. Il n\u2019existe pas de litt\ue9rature compl\ue8te sur l\u2019h\ue9r\ue9dit\ue9 du rendement et des composantes du rendement, sur la s\ue9gr\ue9gation des populations. Cette \ue9tude a \ue9tudi\ue9 la variabilit\ue9, l\u2019h\ue9ritabilit\ue9 et l\u2019avanc\ue9e g\ue9n\ue9tique des g\ue9notypes de haricot-igname F2. Sept hybrides de haricot-igname F2 ont \ue9t\ue9 \ue9valu\ue9s \ue0 la Station de Recherche de Rubona situ\ue9e dans la Province M\ue9ridionale du Rwanda, pendant la saison agricole 2014B. Les r\ue9sultats ont r\ue9v\ue9l\ue9 une variabilit\ue9 g\ue9n\ue9tique significative (P <0,01) de la vigueur de la plante (PV), du poids de la gousse (WOP), de la hauteur de la plante (PHT), du poids de 100 graines (100SW), du rendement total en biomasse (TBY), du rendement des racines de stockage (SRY), teneur en mati\ue8re s\ue8che (DMC) et teneur en amidon (STA). Des variances g\ue9n\ue9tiques (\u3c32g) et ph\ue9notypiques (\u3c32p) \ue9lev\ue9es et des coefficients de variation g\ue9notypiques (GCV> 25%) ont \ue9t\ue9 observ\ue9s pour WOP, PHT, 100SW, TBY, DMC et STA. Les estimations de l\u2019h\ue9ritabilit\ue9 (H2) \ue9taient \ue9lev\ue9es (sup\ue9rieures \ue0 50%) pour tous les caract\ue8res, \ue0 l\u2019exception du rendement en graines, du nombre de racines et du nombre de gousses. Le GA et l\u2019avance g\ue9n\ue9tique, en pourcentage de la moyenne (GAM%), \ue9taient \ue9lev\ue9s pour PV, WOP, PHT, 100SW, TBY et DMC. Il y avait des associations positives et significatives (P <0,05) entre PV et PHT, la teneur en prot\ue9ines (PRO), 100SW, TBY, SRY et DMC. La teneur en mati\ue8re s\ue8che avait \ue9galement des corr\ue9lations positives et significatives (P <0,01) avec le STA. Ces r\ue9sultats indiquent la pr\ue9sence d\u2019une variabilit\ue9 g\ue9n\ue9tique, d\u2019une h\ue9ritabilit\ue9 et d\u2019un gain g\ue9n\ue9tique attendus \ue9lev\ue9s sugg\ue9rant un potentiel d\u2019am\ue9lioration g\ue9n\ue9tique de la vigueur des plantes, du poids des gousses, de la hauteur des plantes, du poids de 100 graines, du rendement total en biomasse, du rendement en racines fra\ueeches de stockage, de la teneur en mati\ue8re s\ue8che et en amidon de haricot-ignames au Rwanda

    Paths to Innovation in Supply Chains: The Landscape of Future Research

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    This chapter presents a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for supply chain and it is the result of an intensive work jointly performed involving a wide network of stakeholders from discrete manufacturing, process industry and logistics sector to put forward a vision to strengthen European Supply Chains for the next decade. The work is based on matching visions from literature and from experts with several iterations between desk research and workshops, focus groups and interviews. The result is a detailed analysis of the supply chain strategies identified as most relevant for the next years and definition of the related research and innovation topics as future developments and steps for the full implementation of the strategies, thus proposing innovative and cutting-edge actions to be implemented based on technological development and organisational change

    New tools for measuring global academic performance

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    The study is on performance measurement in academia. It aims at developing and validating the measurement scale for the performance of higher institutions. The items were developed based on the extant literature. Data were collected via an online survey in which a questionnaire link was sent to 269 vice chancellors/presidents of the sampled universities. A total of 133 responses were retrieved at the end of the data collection period. This study used proportionate random sampling for sample selection. The goodness of measures was checked via field experts, academicians, and data analysis with SPSS. Overall, the alpha coefficient was .974. The outcome of exploratory factor analysis (EFA) exposed all factors loaded more than 0.50. The results revealed that the instrument was reliable and valid. Hence, the instrument developed was suitable to be used in examining the performance of higher institutions

    Genetic variation and response to selection for storage root dry matter and associated traits in a population of yam bean (Pachyrhizus spp.) interspecies crosses

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    The goal of yam bean improvement in Africa is to develop superior high yielding and high dry matter cultivars that are preferred for adoption. In this study, the estimates of variance components, heritability and response to selection were studied in F3 yam bean families selected from interspecies crosses targeting improvement of storage root dry matter and associated traits. Breeding populations were generated using North Carolina II (NC II) mating design involving high dry matter P. tuberosus chuin cultivar, low dry matter P. ahipa and the high yielding P. erosus yam beans. The progenies were advanced through selfing from F1 to F2 population and then exposed to selection at 10% selection intensity to obtain 83 high dry matter lines. The selected lines were evaluated in an F3 trial using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications at the National Crops Resources Research Institute (NaCRRI) Namulonge, in Central Uganda. The results revealed significant (P < 0.001) genetic variation for storage root dry matter (RDM), storage root fresh yield (RFY), storage root dry yield (RDY), vine yield (VNY), fresh biomass yield (FBY), harvest index (HI), starch (STA) and protein (PRO) content. High genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) and phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) were obtained for VNY, RDY, FBY, RFY, RDM and STA. Narrow sense heritability was higher than 0.5 and response to selection was 15.5 to 33.1 for RDM, RFY, RDY, VNY, FBY and STA, indicating rapid genetic progress is achievable and early generation selection would be effective to improve these traits. Significant (P < 0.01) positive genetic correlations were observed between RDM, RDY, RFY, VNY, FBY and STA ranging from 0.422 to 0.963 implying that simultaneous improvement of these traits is possible in the current yam bean populations

    Genetic variability and gain for storage root yield and yield components in yam beans

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    There is limited information on the genetic parameters and genetic gain of yam bean (Pachyrhizus species) accessions introduced to Rwanda. No comprehensive literature exists on the inheritance of yield and yield components, on segregating populations. This study investigated variability, heritability and genetic advance in F2 yam bean genotypes. Seven F2 yam bean hybrids were evaluated at the Rubona Research Station located in Southern Province of Rwanda, during growing season 2014B. Results revealed significant (P 25%) were observed for WOP, PHT, 100SW, TBY, DMC and STA. Estimates of heritability (H2) were high (greater than 50%) for all traits, except for seed yield, number of roots and number of pods. The GA and genetic advance, as percentage of the mean (GAM%), were high for PV, WOP, PHT, 100SW, TBY and DMC. There were positive and significant (P<0.05) associations between PV and PHT, protein content (PRO), 100SW, TBY, SRY, and DMC. Dry matter content also had positive and significant (P<0.01) correlations with STA. These results indicate presence of high genetic variability, heritability and expected genetic gain suggesting potential for genetic improvement of plant vigour, weight of pods, plant height, 100 seed weight, total biomass yield, storage root fresh yield, dry matter content and starch content of yam beans in Rwanda