69 research outputs found

    Transcriptome-Guided Identification of Drugs for Repurposing to Treat Age-Related Hearing Loss

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    Age-related hearing loss (ARHL) or presbycusis is a prevalent condition associated with social isolation, cognitive impairment, and dementia. Age-related changes in the cochlea, the auditory portion of the inner ear, are the primary cause of ARHL. Unfortunately, there are currently no pharmaceutical approaches to treat ARHL. To examine the biological processes underlying age-related changes in the cochlea and identify candidate drugs for rapid repurposing to treat ARHL, we utilized bulk RNA sequencing to obtain transcriptomes from the functional substructures of the cochlea-the sensorineural structures, including the organ of Corti and spiral ganglion neurons (OC/SGN) and the stria vascularis and spiral ligament (SV/SL)-in young (6-week-old) and old (2-year-old) C57BL/6 mice. Transcriptomic analyses revealed both overlapping and unique patterns of gene expression and gene enrichment between substructures and with ageing. Based on these age-related transcriptional changes, we queried the protein products of genes differentially expressed with ageing in DrugBank and identified 27 FDA/EMA-approved drugs that are suitable to be repurposed to treat ARHL. These drugs target the protein products of genes that are differentially expressed with ageing uniquely in either the OC/SGN or SV/SL and that interrelate diverse biological processes. Further transcriptomic analyses revealed that most genes differentially expressed with ageing in both substructures encode protein products that are promising drug target candidates but are, nevertheless, not yet linked to approved drugs. Thus, with this study, we apply a novel approach to characterize the druggable genetic landscape for ARHL and propose a list of drugs to test in pre-clinical studies as potential treatment options for ARHL.</p

    Potential for bias and low precision in molecular divergence time estimation of the Canopy of Life:An example from aquatic bird families

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    Uncertainty in divergence time estimation is frequently studied from many angles but rarely from the perspective of phylogenetic node age. If appropriate molecular models and fossil priors are used, a multi-locus, partitioned analysis is expected to equally minimize error in accuracy and precision across all nodes of a given phylogeny. In contrast, if available models fail to completely account for rate heterogeneity, substitution saturation and incompleteness of the fossil record, uncertainty in divergence time estimation may increase with node age. While many studies have stressed this concern with regard to deep nodes in the Tree of Life, the inference that molecular divergence time estimation of shallow nodes is less sensitive to erroneous model choice has not been tested explicitly in a Bayesian framework. Because of available divergence time estimation methods that permit fossil priors across any phylogenetic node and the present increase in efficient, cheap collection of species-level genomic data, insight is needed into the performance of divergence time estimation of shallow

    Sodium-activated potassium channels shape peripheral auditory function and activity of the primary auditory neurons in mice

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    Potassium (K+) channels shape the response properties of neurons. Although enormous progress has been made to characterize K+ channels in the primary auditory neurons, the molecular identities of many of these channels and their contributions to hearing in vivo remain unknown. Using a combination of RNA sequencing and single molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization, we localized expression of transcripts encoding the sodium-activated potassium channels K(Na)1.1(SLO2.2/Slack) and K(Na)1.2 (SLO2.1/Slick) to the primary auditory neurons (spiral ganglion neurons, SGNs). To examine the contribution of these channels to function of the SGNs in vivo, we measured auditory brainstem responses in K(Na)1.1/1.2 double knockout (DKO) mice. Although auditory brainstem response (wave I) thresholds were not altered, the amplitudes of suprathreshold responses were reduced in DKO mice. This reduction in amplitude occurred despite normal numbers and molecular architecture of the SGNs and their synapses with the inner hair cells. Patch clamp electrophysiology of SGNs isolated from DKO mice displayed altered membrane properties, including reduced action potential thresholds and amplitudes. These findings show that K(Na)1 channel activity is essential for normal cochlear function and suggest that early forms of hearing loss may result from physiological changes in the activity of the primary auditory neurons

    Whole-genome resequencing reveals signatures of selection and timing of duck domestication

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    BackgroundThe genetic basis of animal domestication remains poorly understood, and systems with substantial phenotypic differences between wild and domestic populations are useful for elucidating the genetic basis of adaptation to new environments as well as the genetic basis of rapid phenotypic change. Here, we sequenced the whole genome of 78 individual ducks, from two wild and seven domesticated populations, with an average sequencing depth of 6.42X per individual.ResultsOur population and demographic analyses indicate a complex history of domestication, with early selection for separate meat and egg lineages. Genomic comparison of wild to domesticated populations suggests that genes that affect brain and neuronal development have undergone strong positive selection during domestication. Our FST analysis also indicates that the duck white plumage is the result of selection at the melanogenesis-associated transcription factor locus.ConclusionsOur results advance the understanding of animal domestication and selection for complex phenotypic traits

    Functional, Morphological, and Evolutionary Characterization of Hearing in Subterranean, Eusocial African Mole-Rats

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    Naked mole-rats are highly vocal, eusocial, subterranean rodents with, counterintuitively, poor hearing. The causes underlying their altered hearing are unknown. Moreover, whether altered hearing is degenerate or adaptive to their unique lifestyles is controversial. We used various methods to identify the factors contributing to altered hearing in naked and the related Damaraland mole-rats and to examine whether these alterations result from relaxed or adaptive selection. Remarkably, we found that cochlear amplification was absent from both species despite normal prestin function in outer hair cells isolated from naked mole-rats. Instead, loss of cochlear amplification appears to result from abnormal hair bundle morphologies observed in both species. By exploiting a well-curated deafness phenotype-genotype database, we identified amino acid substitutions consistent with abnormal hair bundle morphology and reduced hearing sensitivity. Amino acid substitutions were found in unique groups of six hair bundle link proteins. Molecular evolutionary analyses revealed shifts in selection pressure at both the gene and the codon level for five of these six hair bundle link proteins. Substitutions in three of these proteins are associated exclusively with altered hearing. Altogether, our findings identify the likely mechanism of altered hearing in African mole-rats, making them the only identified mammals naturally lacking cochlear amplification. Moreover, our findings suggest that altered hearing in African mole-rats is adaptive, perhaps tailoring hearing to eusocial and subterranean lifestyles. Finally, our work reveals multiple, unique evolutionary trajectories in African mole-rat hearing and establishes species members as naturally occurring disease models to investigate human hearing loss

    The Fossil Calibration Database—A New Resource for Divergence Dating

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    Fossils provide the principal basis for temporal calibrations, which are critical to the accuracy of divergence dating analyses. Translating fossil data into minimum and maximum bounds for calibrations is the most important—often least appreciated—step of divergence dating. Properly justified calibrations require the synthesis of phylogenetic, paleontological, and geological evidence and can be difficult for nonspecialists to formulate. The dynamic nature of the fossil record (e.g., new discoveries, taxonomic revisions, updates of global or local stratigraphy) requires that calibration data be updated continually lest they become obsolete. Here, we announce the Fossil Calibration Database (http://fossilcalibrations.org), a new open-access resource providing vetted fossil calibrations to the scientific community. Calibrations accessioned into this database are based on individual fossil specimens and follow best practices for phylogenetic justification and geochronological constraint. The associated Fossil Calibration Series, a calibration-themed publication series at Palaeontologia Electronica, will serve as a key pipeline for peer-reviewed calibrations to enter the databas

    Interplant Communication of Tomato Plants through Underground Common Mycorrhizal Networks

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    Plants can defend themselves to pathogen and herbivore attack by responding to chemical signals that are emitted by attacked plants. It is well established that such signals can be transferred through the air. In theory, plants can also communicate with each other through underground common mycorrhizal networks (CMNs) that interconnect roots of multiple plants. However, until now research focused on plant-to-plant carbon nutrient movement and there is no evidence that defense signals can be exchanged through such mycorrhizal hyphal networks. Here, we show that CMNs mediate plant-plant communication between healthy plants and pathogen-infected tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). After establishment of CMNs with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae between tomato plants, inoculation of ‘donor’ plants with the pathogen Alternaria solani led to increases in disease resistance and activities of the putative defensive enzymes, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and lipoxygenase in healthy neighbouring ‘receiver’ plants. The uninfected ‘receiver’ plants also activated six defence-related genes when CMNs connected ‘donor’ plants challenged with A. solani. This finding indicates that CMNs may function as a plant-plant underground communication conduit whereby disease resistance and induced defence signals can be transferred between the healthy and pathogen-infected neighbouring plants, suggesting that plants can ‘eavesdrop’ on defence signals from the pathogen-challenged neighbours through CMNs to activate defences before being attacked themselves

    The Fossil Calibration Database, A New Resource for Divergence Dating

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    Fossils provide the principal basis for temporal calibrations, which are critical to the accuracy of divergence dating analyses. Translating fossil data into minimum and maximum bounds for calibrations is the most important, and often least appreciated, step of divergence dating. Properly justified calibrations require the synthesis of phylogenetic, paleontological, and geological evidence and can be difficult for non- specialists to formulate. The dynamic nature of the fossil record (e.g., new discoveries, taxonomic revisions, updates of global or local stratigraphy) requires that calibration data be updated continually lest they become obsolete. Here, we announce the Fossil Calibration Database (http://fossilcalibrations.org), a new open- access resource providing vetted fossil calibrations to the scientific community. Calibrations accessioned into this database are based on individual fossil specimens and follow best practices for phylogenetic justification and geochronological constraint. The associated Fossil Calibration Series, a calibration-themed publication series at Palaeontologia Electronica, will serve as one key pipeline for peer-reviewed calibrations to enter the database