83 research outputs found

    How community initiatives are making a difference in goat farmers’ lives in Central Mozambique

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    In risk prone farming areas like Marara District, goats are a profitable and resilient source of income. A goat restocking and pass-on approach – providing goats to extremely poor farmers who would then pass on the goats’ first offspring to other farmers – was developed, thus enabling the farmers to participate in local development pathways via goat farming. Benefits were identified at different levels of participation. Selling goats enables smallholder farmers with the means to pay for food, education, human health and farm labor, enabling them to transition to a better livelihood. For communities, an activity such as restocking strengthens their capacity to respond to threats (drought, theft) by building a common knowledge base and developing assets. Stakeholder networks bring goat market partners closer for cost-effective collection and sale/purchase of goat

    Nudging sustainability transitions in Central Mozambique

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    An Agricultural Innovation Platform (AIP) facilitates and accelerates transition of farmers from subsistence farming to socially inclusive, environmentally sound and market-oriented farming. AIPs adapt interventions around interlinked levers in the food value chains, with entry points based on a good understanding of farming systems and input/output market requirements. Learning activities around these entry points strengthen stakeholder networks. Capacitating farmers through stakeholder networks, using mutual learning and additional technical training sessions, improves their self-organization and helps them become entrepreneurs, with the private sector as business mentors and government and extension as facilitators and support. Prospects for change in complex farming systems often appear few and uncertain, leaving farmers feeling helpless in the face of challenges. AIPs demonstrate that small interventions around significant leverage points will have far-reaching benefits. With time, stakeholders facilitate multiple changes through AIPs, magnifying the impact and paving the way for initiatives beyond a project’s lifespan. The ‘AIP experience’ changes their self-perception, resilience, motivation and empowerment forever

    Goat restocking and pass on as a critical entry point to help vulnerable farmers

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    In risk prone farming areas like Marara District, goats are a profitable and resilient source of income. A goat restocking and pass-on approach – providing goats to extremely poor farmers who would then pass on the goats’ first offspring to other farmers – was developed, thus enabling the farmers to participate in local development pathways via goat farming. Benefits were identified at different levels of participation. Selling goats enables smallholder farmers with the means to pay for food, education, human health and farm labor, enabling them to transition to a better livelihood. For communities, an activity such as restocking strengthens their capacity to respond to threats (drought, theft) by building a common knowledge base and developing assets. Stakeholder networks bring goat market partners closer for cost-effective collection and sale/purchase of goats

    Barriers to effective climate change policy development and implementation in West Africa

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    This Info Note explores major barriers for effective climate change policy implementation in Ghana, Mali and Senegal with a particular focus on agriculture and food systems. It aims to provide insights to researchers, policy makers and development practitioners working on climate change issues and activities as to what hampers successful climate policy implementation in West Africa and how identified barriers could be over-come

    Using flock simulations for modern goat market systems in Central Mozambique

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    In marginal and high-risk farming areas like Marara District in Central Mozambique, goats are a quick investment pathway for smallholder farmers and can enhance the benefits from agriculture. The current goat value chain involving sales at the feira (informal goat sales venues), with unscrupulous intermediaries, does not enhance the development of smallholder farmers. Those with small flocks cannot participate in goat markets while those with large flocks are not motivated to use their flocks more productively. As a result, the entire community operates below potential. Goat farmers and buyers are far apart, both geographically and in terms of understanding and co-operation. Enhancing communities’ capacity to organize and manage decentralized goat markets can benefit smallholder farmers immensely. Volumes and quality of goat sales can be increased by addressing the needs and interests of owners of larger and smaller flocks alike within the same community. A community-based goat market system builds social responsibility and helps communities to manage risk. The private sector has also expressed an interest to invest for enhancing communities’ technical capacity..

    Nudging sustainability transitions in Central Mozambique

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    An Agricultural Innovation Platform (AIP) facilitates and accelerates transition of farmers from subsistence farming to socially inclusive, environmentally sound and market-oriented farming. AIPs adapt interventions around interlinked levers in the food value chains, with entry points based on a good understanding of farming systems and input/output market requirements. Learning activities around these entry points strengthen stakeholder networks. Capacitating farmers through stakeholder networks, using mutual learning and additional technical training sessions, improves their self-organization and helps them become entrepreneurs, with the private sector as business mentors and government and extension as facilitators and support. Prospects for change in complex farming systems often appear few and uncertain, leaving farmers feeling helpless in the face of challenges. AIPs demonstrate that small interventions around significant leverage points will have far-reaching benefits. With time, stakeholders facilitate multiple changes through AIPs, magnifying the impact and paving the way for initiatives beyond a project’s lifespan. The ‘AIP experience’ changes their self-perception, resilience, motivation and empowerment forever

    Re-designing smallholder farming futures for reduced vulnerability to climate change in semi-arid southern Africa

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    Climate change will impact the productivity of maize-based crop-livestock systems and the food security of smallholders depending on them in semi-arid southern Africa. Earlier results from testing climate change adaptation options showed that incremental improvements in fertilizer application rates, use of adapted maize cultivars or introduction of forage production are insufficient for substantial improvement of smallholder livelihoods (Masikati et al., 2015). In this paper we therefore explored effects of more transformative system re-design on households’ vulnerability to climate change, farm net returns and poverty rates. We tested the hypothesis that packages tailored to specific farm situations are more effective than blanket recommendations..

    Towards resilient and profitable farming systems in Central Mozambique using an open innovation platform approach

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    Farmers in Central Mozambique do not benefit adequately from growing markets for crops and livestock. Ecological, economic and social barriers are intertwined: • Absence of functional markets restricting farmers from investing in agriculture; • Lack of incentives to improve agricultural practices resulting in unavailability of biomass limiting surplus; • Lack of motivation to engage in social organization; As a consequence, farmers lose the ability to respond to market opportunities and to adapt to different forms of shocks that threaten their livelihoods. Innovation platforms (IPs) help to address some of the barriers and underlying dynamics, but do not tackle the root causes impeding transition from subsistence to sustainable, market-oriented farming..
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