17 research outputs found

    Study regarding root resorptions prevalence and ethiological local factors

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    Summary Our study aims to determine apical root resorptions prevalence accordingly to factors like age, dental group, periapical lesion, and correctness of endodontic treatment. nostru urmăreşte să determine prevalenţa resorbţiilor radiculare. The degree of resorption (incipient, medium, severe) was correlated with ethiological local factors. The study focused on digitalized and processed panoramic radiographs that allowed detection of both incipient and severe root resorptions. The high percent of resorptions present to untreated necrotic teeth and to teeth with improper endodontic treatment demonstrate the importance of the endodontic treatments to prevent initiation of the resorptive processes.Scopul studiului nostru este de a determina prevalenţa rezorbiţiilor apicale radiculare luînd în considerare asemenea factori ca vîrsta, grupa dentară, leziuni periapicale, corectitudinea tratamentului endodontic. Gradele de rezorbţie (incipient, mediu, sever) sunt corelate cu factorii etiologici locali. Studiul se bazează pe radiografiile panoramice digitale care permit depistarea resorbţiei radiculare atît gradul incipient cît şi sever. Un procent destul de înalt al rezorbţieie este prezent la dinţii netrataţi necrotic şi la dinţii supuşi unui tratament endodontic necorespunzător ceia ce demonstrază importanţa tratamentului endodontic în prevenţia iniţierii procesului de rezobţie radiculară


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    Introduction Traumatic injuries and decays are the biggest challenges to the integrity of a young permanent tooth .The aim of this study was to compare the biostimulating and repairing action of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and of the mineral aggregate with ceramic nanoparticles (BioAgreggate) with calcium hydroxide action, in terms of clinical-radiological parameters, after vital pulp therapy in young permanent teeth affected by dental caries or traumatic injury. Material and methods The study was conducted on a sample of 36 teeth from 31 patients of both sexes, aged between 7 and 15 years (mean 9.3 ± 1.9 years), divided into three groups, and took place for a period of up to 4 years. Results The results concerning the effectiveness of the three materials used were evaluated in terms of clinical and radiological manifestations. These were significantly correlated (Ȥ2 = 35.3, r = 0.705, p = 0.003, 95% CI), the study demonstrating an important differences between the three groups of teeth. Final evaluation showed a significant association (Ȥ2 = 18.69, r = 0.725, p = 0.001, 95% CI) between the material used and the final results. Conclusions Following clinical aseptic procedures, after removing bacterial contamination, applying a bio-stimulative dressing and an hermetic crown sealing, there are high chances (about 95%) that the pulp of a young permanent tooth, even seeming irreversibly inflamed, to return to the original status and continue to exercise its functions with longterm preservation of vitality


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    The aim of this paper is to compare the detection rate of chronic periapical lesions using radiographic exam and CBCT. Materials and methodsThe study group included 12 patients with 30 teeth with root canal fillings (aged at least 24 months). An assessment of the periapical status was performed using radiographic exam (ortopantomograph) and CBCT. The recorded data were compared to determine periapical lesions detection accuracy related to dental group, the type and extension of periapical lesions. ResultsThe detection rate of incipient periapical lesions for teeth with old root canal fillings is higher for CBCT (17%) compared with radiographic exam (10%). In the case of the extended periapical lesions, the detection rate is similar for radiography and CBCT (44%). ConclusionCBCT can be recommended in clinical situations of teeth treated endodonticallyor pulp necrotic untreated teeth associated with mild periapical symptoms and the failure of radiographic exam to detect the presence of periapical lesion


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    Aim of the study This study aimed to explore the possibility that digitized conventional periapical radiographs to be used for an accurate assessment and measurement of the results of the endodontic treatment for patients with chronic apical periodontitis (CAP). Material and methods The study included 20 patients (12 males, 8 females) with ages between 18-38 years, presenting severe CAP with non-surgical endodontic treatment recommendation. For each patient, conventional intraalveolar periapical radiographs were taken initially (before and after treatment completion) and at interval of 24 months. The endodontic therapy used intracanalar medications (calcium hydroxide paste for 14 days) and endodontic sealer (Endoflas, Sanlor) with high antibacterial and remineralisation properties. The group of digitized radiographs was submitted to the radiodensitometric measurement. Results The results regarding the success rate of CAP healing were as follows: 1 case had no periapical healing (5%), 11 cases presented (55%) partial bone periapical healing and 8 cases (40%) presented complete periapical healing with total absence of periapical radiotransparence. The degree of bone remineralisation for the cases with partial bone healing varied between 52% and 80%, with a mean value of 66%. Conclusions The radiodensitometric measurements of periapical and CAP area provides a tool of quantitative assessment of the healing of CAP after completion of endodontic treatment

    Study Regarding The Influence Of Root Filling And Coronal Restoration In Chronic Apical Periodontitis: Prevalence And Severity

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    Aim of the study The study aimed to determine the influence of root filling and coronal restorations quality on prevalence and severity of chronic apical periodontitis (CAP). Materials and method The study was performed on 126 patients (age 20-50), with a total number of 299 teeth with finished endodontic treatments and amalgam and composite resins restorations. The assessment of root fillings was performed on periapical radiographs and coronal restorations were assessed using clinical examination and byte-wing radiographs. The periapical status was analysed using P.A.I. indices. Results The study proves the high prevalence of chronic apical periodontitis (73.6%). High prevalence of C.A.P. (94.1%) and P.A.I. indices (4.06) are present for teeth with coronal restoration with poor marginal integrity and short root fillings. Conclusions Both the quality of the coronal restoration and the quality of the root filling (length and density) are correlated with the presence and severity of chronic apical periodontitis

    Immunological Study Regarding the Role of Ca(OH)2 Paste on the MMP8 Expression for Teeth with Chronic Periapical Lesions

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    Introduction MMP8 are secreted as inactive proproteins, stored in secondary granules within neutrophils and are activated by autolytic cleavage. The function of MMP8 is degradation of type I, II and III collagens. In this context, the concentration of MMP8 can be related to the intensity of inflammatory processes associated with chronic periapical lesions. Objectives The aim of our study was to measure changing of MMP8 within the periapical secretion of teeth affected by periapical lesions and treated with antibacterial medication, using immunological tests. Methods Study group included 22 patients with age 22-64 years. A number of 30 teeth with periapical lesions (periapical granuloma and diffuse periapical osteitis) were submitted to endodontic treatment and filled with Ca(OH)2 paste. The periapical secretion was collected with paper points at baseline, after 14 days and after 28 days. The concentration of MMP8 was assessed using ELISA test Quantikinine (Human MMP-8 Immunoassay, R&D System, USA) based on quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay. Results and discussions At baseline the mean concentration of MMP8 was 31.3 ng/mL. The concentrations of MMP8 were closely related to the type of periapical lesion: 12.5 ng/mL for incipient periapical lesions, 18.1 ng/mL for small periapical granuloma and 91.6 ng/mL for extended periapical granuloma. The levels of MMP8 decreased gradually after 2 weeks and 4 weeks comparing with baseline. Conclusion Metaloproteinases (MMP8) could be used as biochemical markers of the periapical status of inflammatory processes in course of initial stage of endodontic therapy

    Clinical Performance of Class II Romposite Resins Direct Restorations Related to Restorative Technique – 12 Months Longitudinal Study

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    The aim of the study was to assess the clinical performance of class II composite resins restorations performed using different restorative techniques. Materials and methods The study group included 37 patients aged between 18-42 years. A number of 60 class II direct restorations were performed by a single practitioner using adhesive preparation design with margin bevelling and hybrid composite resin Herculite XRV (Kerr) as restorative material. The teeth included in the study were divided in three groups (n=20) accordingly to restorative technique: I. centripetal build-up; II. oblique layering technique; III. horizontal layering technique. The class II composite resins restorations were assessed after 12 months using United States Public Health Services (USPHS) criteria. Results and discussions The centripetal build-up technique presented the score A for marginal adaptation in 60%, for marginal discoloration in 70% and for anatomical form in 80% of the restorations. The horizontal layering technique presents the score A for marginal adaptation in 40%, for marginal discoloration in 50% and for anatomical form in 50% of the restorations. The oblique layering technique presented the score A for marginal adaptation in 80%, for marginal discoloration in 90% and for anatomical form in 60% of the restorations. Conclusions Statistical differences between groups were found regarding marginal adaptation (oblique layering technique versus horizontal layering technique), marginal discoloration (oblique layering technique versus horizontal layering technique) and anatomical form (centripetal build-up technique versus horizontal layering technique)


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    Hearing loss (HL) is the third most prevalent chronic health problem among older adults and is quite common in our study group research. Our study wants to illustrate the research on the connection between HL and depression as well as the therapeutic ramifications for diagnosing and treating comorbid like intraoral rehabilitation, HL, and mental disorders also


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    This case report describes the achievement of endodontic space decontamination with ozonated water (conc. 20 mg mL-1, 1 min) used as canal irrigant to a central incisor from the maxilary, second quadrant, diagnosed with progressive diffuse chronic apical periodontitis. Conservative treatment of the root canal was performed in a single session. Postoperative clinical and radiological examination after 3 months revealed complete healing of periapical lesions of endodontic origin. Proper diagnosis of periapical lesions and unconventional treatment of the complex system of infected root canal allowed complete healing of the lesion without interfering through surgical endodontic therapy. This case report demonstrates the successful healing of persistent periapical lesions using an alternative (non-conventional) method with ozonated water


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    Aim. The aim of study was to assess the quality of root canal fillings and occurrence of various categories of technical errors in patients with endodontically treated teeth. Materials and method. The study group included 158 patients (gender: 56 males, 102 females; mean age 50.44 ± 13.469 yrs.) with 400 endodontically treated teeth. The endodontic treatments were considered poor when one or more of the next technical errors were noted on the orthopantomography and/or periapical radiography: length (short filling; overfilling); poor density; inadequate preparation; inadequate conicity; untreated root canals. Results. Only 21,5% of the endodontically treated teeth had root canal fillings without any technical error. 78,5% of the endodontically treated teeth had at least 1 root canal with poor endodontic treatments. AP prevalence in teeth with adequate root canal fillings was 16,3%, while teeth with at least one poor root canal filling had AP prevalence of 56,4%. According to sociodemographic parameters the distribution of poor root canal fillings was as follows: gender (males- 69,1%; females- 82,7%; age groups: 20-39 yrs.- 76,2%; 40-59 yrs.- 76,9%; ≥ 60 yrs.- 86,5%). According to location, the distribution of poor root canal fillings was as follows: Mx/Md: Mx- 75%; Md- 84,2%); dental groups: frontal- 76,3%; premolars- 73,1%; molars- 83,2%). Most technical errors were non-homogenous root canal fillings (64,8%), poor conicity (64,5%), short filling (56%). Conclusions. Considering all categories of technical errors in root canal filling, 78,5% of endodontically treated teeth had inadequate endodontic filling in at least one root canal. Apical periodontitis was found in 56,4% of teeth with poor root canal filling. The most frequent technical errors in endodontically treated teeth were inadequate conicity, non-homogenous root canal fillings and underfilled root canals