635 research outputs found
Death gene as it is understood by theology and genetics
This paper is trying to put together two different researches, from theology and from genetics, about a general and undetermined topic, death. It is undetermined because no one can say something demonstrable and unequivocal about it, since no person alive can cross over the edge of life and come back from the domain of death with information about it. But we can discuss nevertheless things that are obvious and possible to be reasonably inferred about death even by livings. In this regard Theology will provide the mainline of what is to be known as death for religion in general, while Genetics will try to come with its research to sustain or contradict the general premise: death is not an ontological behavior of living matter, but an imposed attribute after the sin occurred into the world
The Performance Evaluation System and the Impact on Employee Motivation: Do Performance Appraisal Rewards Play a Role in Motivating and Engaging Employees?
Motivation is the process that initiates goal-oriented behaviors, guides them, keeps employees focused, engaged and with a positive attitude. Therefore, understanding the relationship between staff motivation and performance is crucial to the company's organizational culture and employee engagement. This study aims to explore the impact of motivation on the overall performance of a company and even if it complements the existing literature, it leaves room for future research opportunities on the topic discussed. We will also investigate the relationship between motivation and human resource management, analyzing whether it is important to treat each employee individually and consider that each person is different and has different needs or whether employees should be treated collectively, as a group. The results were collected by analyzing various qualitative and quantitative data and by conducting a comprehensive research in the most relevant research platforms, numerous books and official electronic resources related to employee motivation, performance management and evaluation
Los efectos de la movilidad oriente-occidental en la UE sobre el desarrollo económico
The main objective of this research is to analyse the effects of the emigrants
on the economies of the EU developed countries focusing on the effects on
the economic growth, the employment rate, and the workforce but also on
the productivity of the factors. The results obtained from this analysis indicate
a positive and significant influence from a statistical point of view of the
immigrants coming from the EU countries in 2004 on the economic growth,
workforce, and productivity for the countries from EU 15. In case of the
immigrants coming from Romania and Bulgaria we identified a positive and significant impact on the economic growth of the states from EU15 while for the other variables included in the analysis, we obtained contradictory results.El principal objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los efectos de los emigrantes en las economías de los países desarrollados de la UE centrándose en los efectos sobre el crecimiento económico, la tasa de empleo y la mano de obra, pero también sobre la productividad de los factores. Los resultados obtenidos de este análisis indican una influencia positiva y significativa desde un punto de vista estadístico de los inmigrantes procedentes de los países de la UE en 2004 sobre el crecimiento económico, la mano de obra y la productividad de los países de la UE 15. En el caso de los inmigrantes procedentes de Rumania y Bulgaria identificamos un impacto positivo y significativo en el crecimiento económico de los estados de la UE15 mientras que para las otras variables incluidas en el análisis obtuvimos resultados contradictorios
Studies of groundwater consist in data acquisition, their processing and interpretation.
In areas of interest hydrogeological is assumed that there is a network of wells drilled. This network
provides a first in the hydrogeological information. Electromagnetic (EM) mapping through the use of such
areas, using data obtained from existing network of wells drilled, calibration and confirmation. Measurements
using the EM can highlight the existence of several layers with different characteristics: clay, limestone, sand,
etc. Studies of groundwater interpretation are used for developing a regional hydrogeologic model.
The application of electromagnetic techniques for measuring soil resistivity or conductivity has been known for
a long time. Conductivity is preferable in inductive techniques, as instrumentation readings are generally directly
proportional to conductivity and inversely proportional to resistivity.
The operating principle of this method is: a Tx coil transmitter, supplied with alternating current at an
audio frequency, is placed on the ground. An Rx coil receiver is located at a short distance, s, away from the Tx
coil. The magnetic field varies in time and the Tx coil induces very small currents in the ground. These currents
generate a secondary magnetic field, Hs, which is sensed by the Rx receiver coil, together, with primary
magnetic field Hp.
The ratio of the secondary field, Hs, to the primary magnetic field, Hp, (Hs/Hp) is directly proportional to
terrain conductivity. Measuring this ratio, it is possible to construct a device which measures the terrain
conductivity by contactless, direct-reading electromagnetic technique (linear meter).
This technique for measuring conductivity by electromagnetic induction, using Very Low Frequency
(VLF), is a non-intrusive, non-destructive sampling method. The measurements can be done quickly and are not
The Electromagnetic induction technology was originally developed for the mining industry, and has
been used in mineral, oil, and gas exploration, and archaeology. In these applications, differences in conductivity
of subsurface layers of rock or soil may indicate stratified layers or voids that could be of interest
Employment and unemployment in the Bucharest-Ilfov region
This paper aims to achieve a study that consisted of research, analysis and interpretation of statistical data, in conjunction with theoretical aspects that allowed regional assessment of information on the structure of employment and unemployment in the Bucharest-Ilfov Region. Bucharest-Ilfov Region still remains the one with lowest ILO unemployment rate nationwide. It has fluctuated quite a bit in 2006-2010, around 4%, with the exception of 2008 when it fell sharply by almost a percentage to return a year later, value that increased in 2010 to 4.7; since 2011, it recorded an increase of 5.4% reaching 6.3% in 2012
Employment and unemployment in the Bucharest-Ilfov region
This paper aims to achieve a study that consisted of research, analysis and interpretation of statistical data, in conjunction with theoretical aspects that allowed regional assessment of information on the structure of employment and unemployment in the Bucharest-Ilfov Region. Bucharest-Ilfov Region still remains the one with lowest ILO unemployment rate nationwide. It has fluctuated quite a bit in 2006-2010, around 4%, with the exception of 2008 when it fell sharply by almost a percentage to return a year later, value that increased in 2010 to 4.7; since 2011, it recorded an increase of 5.4% reaching 6.3% in 2012
Инфекция COVID-19 у больных туберкулезом в мун. Кишинев
Datorită eforturilor comune ale statelor și ale comunităților medicale, în ultimii ani s-a reușit să se stabilizeze situația prin
tuberculoză. 2020 a adus umanității o nouă provocare sub forma unei pandemii – o infecție COVID-19. Crizele economice,
o scădere a nivelului de trai în rândul populației generale au afectat întotdeauna negativ indicatorii epidemiologici ai tuberculozei, așa că ar trebui de așteptat acum un impact negativ similar asupra acestora. A fost analizată structura demografică,
formele clinice și radiologice ale tuberculozei și COVID-19. Examinarea și tratamentul a 63 de pacienți identificați în 2020 s-au
efectuat la IMSP Institutul de Ftiziopneumologie “Chiril Draganiuc”. Tuberculoza, confirmată prin metode bacteriologice și
molecular-genetice. Infecție cu coronavirus a fost identificată printr-un test pozitiv de reacție polimerazei în lanț pentru SARSCoV-2. Tuberculoza la 43 de pacienți a fost depistată concomitent cu COVID-19, la 20 de persoane infecția cu coronavirus a
evoluat pe fondal de TB. Au predominat formele diseminate de tuberculoză - 50,8%; 36,5% au avut leziuni la două sau mai
multe organe și sisteme, ceea ce este asociat cu o proporție mare (54,0%) de pacienți HIV pozitivi cu un stadiu avansat al bolii.
20,6% din cazurile de coinfecție s-au încheiat cu deces. Astfel, putem presupune un posibil efect agravant al tuberculozei asupra
COVID-19 în cazul formelor severe sau extinse ale acestor boli.Summary. Thanks to the combined efforts of the states and medical communities, in recent years it has been possible to stabilize for tuberculosis. 2020 brought a new challenge to humanity in the form of a previously unknown disease pandemic - COVID-19 infection. Economic crises, a decrease in the standard of living among broad sections of the population have always had an adverse effect on the epidemiological indicators of tuberculosis, so a similar negative impact on them should be expected now. To attempt to analyze the demographic structure, clinical and radiological forms of tuberculosis and COVID-19. Examination and treatment of 63 patients were carried out in 2020 in the Municipal Clinical Hospital of Phtisiopneumology. Tuberculosis, confirmed by conventional bacteriological and molecular-genetic methods. The coronavirus infection was verified by a positive polymerase chain reaction test for SARS-CoV-2. Tuberculosis in 43 patients was detected simultaneously with COVID-19, in 20 people coronavirus infection was diagnosed in TB patients. Disseminated forms of tuberculosis prevailed - 50.8%; in 36.5%, two or more organs and systems were affected, which is associated with a high proportion (54.0%) of HIV-positive patients. Lung damage with COVID-19 was noted in 36.5%. Fatal outcomes ended in 20.6% of cases of coinfection. An assumption was made about the possibility of an aggravating effect of tuberculosis on COVID-19 in the case of severe or widespread forms of these diseases.Резюме.
Благодаря объединённым усилиям государств и медицинских сообществ в последние годы удавалось сдерживать
ситуацию по туберкулёзу. 2020 г. принёс человечеству новый вызов в виде пандемии неизвестной ранее болезни –
инфекции COVID-19. Экономические кризисы, снижение уровня жизни среди широких слоёв населения всегда неблагоприятно отражались на эпидемиологических показателях туберкулёза. Были проанализированы демографические
данные, клинико-рентгенологические формы туберкулёза и COVID-19, а также течения и исхода заболевания у
пациентов с указанной коинфекцией. Обследование и лечение 63 пациентов, выявленных в 2020 проводилось в
Институте Фтизиопульмонологии «Кирилл Драганюк». Туберкулёз был подтверждён бактериологическими и
молекулярно-генетическими методами. Новая коронавирусная инфекция была выявлена положительным тестом
полимеразно-цепной реакции на SARS-CoV-2. Туберкулёз у 43 больных был обнаружен одновременно с COVID-19,
у 20 человек он предшествовал коронавирусной инфекции. Преобладали диссеминированные формы туберкулёза
– 50,8%; в 36,5% имело место поражение двух и более органов и систем, что связано с высокой долей (54,0 %) ВИЧположительных пациентов. Поражение лёгких при COVID-19 отмечено в 36,5%. Летальным исходом завершились
20,6% случаев коинфекции, приведена структура причин смерти. Таким образом, можно предположить о возможном
отягощающем влиянии туберкулёза на COVID-19 в случае тяжёлых или распространённых форм этих заболеваний
Antioxidant Capacity of Several Romanian Forest Fruits (Rosa canina L., Prunus spinosa L., Vaccium vitis-idaea L. and Cornus mas L.)
The comparison of the antioxidant activity of the studied forest fruits emphasized a hierarchy of the antioxidant capacity in rosehip, blackthorn, lingonberry and cornelian cherry. The purpose of the study was to investigate the antioxidant capacity and nutritional value of rosehip, blackthorn, lingonberry and cornelian cherry. In the current study, the FT-IR spectroscopy technique was applied to detect molecular components in forest fruits samples. Antioxidant capacity was evaluated with photochemical assay as well as humidity, protein, fibre, lipid and carbohydrate content. The FT-IR results revealed the presence of different bio-active compounds in berries such as flavonoids, tannins, sugars, acids, proanthocyanidins, carotenoids, citric metabolites and others. The highest antioxidant capacity was observed in rosehip 105.67±1.38 and blackthorn 49.89±1.92 (μg/mg equivalent ascorbic acid). Regarding nutritional parameters, rosehip showed the most increased content of protein displaying average values of 1.60, carbohydrates 38.20 and fibre 24.10 (g/100 g/sample). These results can provide useful information providing a research interest for the identification of new molecular compounds from Romanian flora samples
The effects of Eastern-Western mobility in EU on the economic development
The main objective of this research is to analyse the effects of the emigrants on the economies of the EU developed countries focusing on the effects on the economic growth, the employment rate, and the workforce but also on the productivity of the factors. The results obtained from this analysis indicate a positive and significant influence from a statistical point of view of the immigrants coming from the EU countries in 2004 on the economic growth, workforce, and productivity for the countries from EU 15. In case of the immigrants coming from Romania and Bulgaria we identified a positive and significant impact on the economic growth of the states from EU15 while for the other variables included in the analysis, we obtained contradictory results
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