1,207 research outputs found

    National pupil projections : future trends in pupil numbers

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    The Effects of the Computer on the Tax Consultant in the State of Utah

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    The purpose of this paper was to determine the effects of computerized tax services on tax practitioners in the State of Utah. Initial data was obtained from a questionnaire which was mailed to members of the Utah Association of Certified Public Accountants who were engaged in public practice, and also from personal interviews with various other practitioners. The comparisons of firms which offer services to accountants resulted from a review of current literature and also through direct correspondence

    Haemophilia, the journey in search of a cure. 1960–2020

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    The single most important step on the path to our modern understanding of blood coagulation and haemophilia in the 20th century was taken by British pathologist Robert Gwyn Macfarlane with his 1964 publication ‘An enzyme cascade in the blood clotting mechanism, and its function as a biochemical amplifier’. In the same year, Ratnoff and Davie in the USA reached the same conclusion. Macfarlane and Rosemary Biggs had previously, in 1952, discovered factor IX as the factor deficient in haemophilia B. In 1973, Arthur Bloom defined the distinct role of Factor VIII and von Willebrand factor in haemophilia A and von Willebrand’s disease respectively. This inspired the efforts of Tuddenham and his group towards the purification of Factor VIII which reached homogeneity in 1982, leading to the cloning of the Factor VIII gene in 1984 in collaboration with US scientists at Genentech, which in turn enabled development of safe recombinant factor concentrates for patients with haemophilia. Brownlee cloned the factor IX gene in 1982 at the Sir William Dunn Institute of Pathology in Oxford. This led eventually to the first successful trial of gene therapy for haemophilia B in 2011 by the Nathwani group at UCL, which built on pioneering work of US groups and was partnered with St Jude in Memphis where Nathwani started the project. This trial has fuelled the current quest for a functional cure of haemophilia A and B. The UK has, therefore, made a rich contribution to advances in haemostasis over the last 60 years, often in partnership with other groups across the world

    Ocean Literacy for All: A Tool Kit

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    This publication is made of two parts. The first part presents the history of oceanliteracy, and describes its framework made of 7 essential principles, and connectsthem to international ocean science programs that contributes to enhancing oceanknowledge and observations. Moreover, marine scientists and educators wereinterviewed to share their professional experiences on ocean literacy as well astheir views on its future. The last chapter of part 1 describes the existing challengesto marine education, as well as the path for the development of successful oceanliteracy activities in the context of the 2030 Agenda. One of the most importantfactors identified is related to the creation of multi-sector partnerships amongthe education, government, and private sector that have jointly built ocean literacyprograms for all formal educational levels from the primary school to the universitylevel as well as for non-formal learners. Worldwide examples of such programs arepresented.The second part, after introducing the methodological approach based on themulti-perspective framework for ESD developed by UNESCO, presents 14 activitiesthat could provide tested examples and support for the implementation of marineeducation initiatives. The aim is not to provide a one size-fits-all ready to usecollection, but rather to offer support and examples of what could be then adaptedfor different geographical and cultural contexts. The resources are designed to berelevant for all learners of all ages worldwide and to find their application in manylearning settings, while in their concrete implementation they will, naturally, haveto be adapted to the national or local context

    Linewidths in bound state resonances for helium scattering from Si(111)-(1x1)H

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    Helium-3 spin-echo measurements of resonant scattering from the Si(111)–(1 × 1)H surface, in the energy range 4–14 meV, are presented. The measurements have high energy resolution yet they reveal bound state resonance features with uniformly broad linewidths. We show that exact quantum mechanical calculations of the elastic scattering, using the existing potential for the helium/Si(111)–(1 × 1)H interaction, cannot reproduce the linewidths seen in the experiment. Further calculations rule out inelastic and other mechanisms that might give rise to losses from the elastic scattering channels. We show that corrugation in the attractive part of the atom–surface potential is the most likely origin of the experimental lineshapes

    Improving Human Health by Increasing Access to Natural Areas: Opportunities and Risks

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    Report of the 2013 Berkley Workshop Held at the Pocantico Center of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Tarrytown, NY - July 201
