1,305 research outputs found

    Synoptic and chemical evolution of the Antarctic vortex in winter and spring, 1987

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    The dynamical evolution of the vortex at least up to 50 mb is dominated by synoptic scales in the troposphere. In particular, there is a clear response when poleward extension of tropospheric anticyclones from latitudes of 40 and 50 S to 70 and 80 S occurs. This response is evident in isentropic potential vorticity maps, TOMS ozone fields and SAM II polar stratospheric clouds. An important feature of the high latitude Southern Hemisphere lower stratosphere is a transition at potential temperatures in the 390 to 400 K range. This transition, the vortopause, is clearly marked in aircraft profiles of O3, H2O, N2O and ClO at latitudes 68 to 72 S near the Antarctic peninsula, and also cross-sections of potential vorticity and potential temperature; above it, the isopleths are more closely spaced than below it. The aircraft measurements of H2O, O3, NO sub y, N2O, ClO, and whole air data are examined in material coordinates, theta and P sub theta, backed up by trajectory analysis. The evolution of the chemical mixing ratios is examined in these coordinates as a function of time from mid-August to late September. Conclusions are drawn about the rates of change and their causes. The meteorological and aircraft data are examined for evidence of the following kinds of motion with respect to the vortex: ingress of air aloft, subsidence, peeling off of air to lower latitudes, and folding of the vortopause. Conclusions are presented regarding the evidence for a chemical sink of ozone above and below theta = 400 K, and whether the vortex has a mass flow through it, or if the chemical sink operates on a fixed mass of air. Implications for mid-latitudes are briefly considered in the light of the conclusions

    Organic Aerosols and the Origin of Life : An Hypothesis

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    Recent experimental work has verified the prediction that marine aerosols could have an exterior film of amphiphiles; palmitic, stearic and oleic acids were predominant. Thermodynamic analysis has revealed that such aerosols are energetically capable of asymmetric division. In a prebiotic terrestrial environment, one of the products of such aerosol fission would have been bacterially sized (microns), the other would have been virally sized (tens of nanometers). Plausible avenues for chemical differentiation between the two particles are discussed, and the probabilities for the transition from geochemistry to biochemistry updated in light of recent palaeo fossil studies

    Reinterpreting aircraft measurements in anisotropic scaling turbulence

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    Due to both systematic and turbulent induced vertical fluctuations, the interpretation of atmospheric aircraft measurements requires a theory of turbulence. Until now virtually all the relevant theories have been isotropic or "quasi isotropic" in the sense that their exponents are the same in all directions. However almost all the available data on the vertical structure shows that it is scaling but with exponents different from the horizontal: the turbulence is scaling but anisotropic. In this paper, we show how such turbulence can lead to spurious breaks in the scaling and to the spurious appearance of the vertical scaling exponent at large horizontal lags. <br></br> We demonstrate this using 16 legs of Gulfstream 4 aircraft near the top of the troposphere following isobars each between 500 and 3200 km in length. First we show that over wide ranges of scale, the horizontal spectra of the aircraft altitude are nearly <i>k</i><sup>-5/3</sup>. In addition, we show that the altitude and pressure fluctuations along these fractal trajectories have a high degree of coherence with the measured wind (especially with its longitudinal component). There is also a strong phase relation between the altitude, pressure and wind fluctuations; for scales less than ≈40 km (on average) the wind fluctuations lead the pressure and altitude, whereas for larger scales, the pressure fluctuations leads the wind. At the same transition scale, there is a break in the wind spectrum which we argue is caused by the aircraft starting to accurately follow isobars at the larger scales. In comparison, the temperature and humidity have low coherencies and phases and there are no apparent scale breaks, reinforcing the hypothesis that it is the aircraft trajectory that is causally linked to the scale breaks in the wind measurements. <br></br> Using spectra and structure functions for the wind, we then estimate their exponents (β, <i>H</i>) at small (5/3, 1/3) and large scales (2.4, 0.73). The latter being very close to those estimated by drop sondes (2.4, 0.75) in the vertical direction. In addition, for each leg we estimate the energy flux, the sphero-scale and the critical transition scale. The latter varies quite widely from scales of kilometers to greater than several hundred kilometers. The overall conclusion is that up to the critical scale, the aircraft follows a fractal trajectory which may increase the intermittency of the measurements, but doesn't strongly affect the scaling exponents whereas for scales larger than the critical scale, the aircraft follows isobars whose exponents are different from those along isoheights (and equal to the vertical exponent perpendicular to the isoheights). We bolster this interpretation by considering the absolute slopes (|Δ<i>z</i>/Δ<i>x</i>|) of the aircraft as a function of lag Δ<i>x</i> and of scale invariant lag Δ<i>x</i>/Δ<i>z<sup>1/H<sub>z</sub></sup></i>. <br></br> We then revisit four earlier aircraft campaigns including GASP and MOZAIC showing that they all have nearly identical transitions and can thus be easily explained by the proposed combination of altitude/wind in an anisotropic but scaling turbulence. Finally, we argue that this reinterpretation in terms of wide range anisotropic scaling is compatible with atmospheric phenomenology including convection

    Small scale structure and mixing at the edge of the Antarctic vortex

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    Small scale correlations and patterns in the chemical tracers measured from the NASA ER-2 aircraft in the 1987 AAOE campaign can be used to investigate the structure of the edge of the polar vortex and the chemically perturbed region within it. Examples of several types of transport processes can be found in the data. Since ClO and O3 have similar vertical gradients and opposite horizontal gradients near the chemically perturbed region, the correlation between ClO and O3 can be used to study the extent of horizontal transport at the edge of the chemically perturbed region. Horizontal transport dominates the correlation for a latitude band up to 4 degrees on each side of the boundary. This implies a transition zone containing a substantial fraction of the mass of the total polar vortex. Similar horizontal transport can be seen in other tracers as well. It has not been possible to distinguish reversible transport from irreversible mixing. One manifestation of the horizontal transport is that the edge of the chemically perturbed region is often layered rather than a vertical curtain. This can be seen from the frequent reversed vertical gradients of NO2, caused by air with high NO2 overlapping layers with lower mixing ratios. Water and NO2 are positively correlated within the chemically perturbed region. This is the opposite sign to the correlation in the unperturbed stratosphere. The extent of the positive correlation is too great to be attributed solely to horizontal mixing. Instead, it is hypothesized that dehydration and descent are closely connected on a small scale, possibly due to radiative cooling of the clouds that also cause ice to fall to lower altitudes

    Temporal trends and transport within and around the Antarctic polar vortex during the formation of the 1987 Antarctic ozone hole

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    During AAOE in 1987 an ER-2 high altitude aircraft made twelve flights out of Punta Arenas, Chile (53 S, 71 W) into the Antarctic polar vortex. The aircraft was fitted with fast response instruments for in situ measurements of many trace species including O3, ClO, BrO, NO sub y, NO, H2O, and N2O. Grab samples of long-lived tracers were also taken and a scanning microwave radiometer measured temperatures above and below the aircraft. Temperature, pressure, and wind measurements were also made on the flight tracks. Most of these flights were flown to 72 S, at a constant potential temperature, followed by a dip to a lower altitude and again assuming a sometimes different potential temperature for the return leg. The potential temperature chosen was 425 K (17 to 18 km) on 12 of the flight legs, and 5 of the flight legs were flown at 450 K (18 to 19 km). The remaining 7 legs of the 12 flights were not flown on constant potential temperature surfaces. Tracer data have been analyzed for temporal trends. Data from the ascents out of Punta Arenas, the constant potential temperature flight legs, and the dips within the vortex are used to compare tracer values inside and outside the vortex, both with respect to constant potential temperature and constant N2O. The time trend during the one-month period of August 23 through September 22, 1987, shows that ozone decreased by 50 percent or more at altitudes form 15 to 19 km. This trend is evident whether analyzed with respect to constant potential temperature or constant N2O. The trend analysis for ozone outside the vortex shows no downward trend during this period. The analysis for N2O at a constant potential temperature indicates no significant trend either inside or outside the vortex; however, a decrease in N2O with an increase in latitude is evident

    Residual disorder and diffusion in thin Heusler alloy films

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    Co2FeSi/GaAs(110) and Co2FeSi/GaAs(111)B hybrid structures were grown by molecular-beam epitaxy and characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction. The films contained inhomogeneous distributions of ordered L2_1 and B2 phases. The average stoichiometry was controlled by lattice parameter measurements, however diffusion processes lead to inhomogeneities of the atomic concentrations and the degradation of the interface, influencing long-range order. An average long-range order of 30-60% was measured by grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction, i.e. the as-grown Co2FeSi films were highly but not fully ordered. Lateral inhomogeneities of the spatial distribution of long-range order in Co2FeSi were found using dark-field TEM images taken with superlattice reflections

    Large-scale variations in ozone and polar stratospheric clouds measured with airborne lidar during formation of the 1987 ozone hole over Antarctica

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    A joint field experiment between NASA and NOAA was conducted during August to September 1987 to obtain in situ and remote measurements of key gases and aerosols from aircraft platforms during the formation of the ozone (O3) hole over Antarctica. The ER-2 (advanced U-2) and DC-8 aircraft from the NASA Ames Research Center were used in this field experiment. The NASA Langley Research Center's airborne differential absorption lidar (DIAL) system was operated from the DC-8 to obtain profiles of O3 and polar stratospheric clouds in the lower stratosphere during long-range flights over Antarctica from August 28 to September 29, 1987. The airborne DIAL system was configured to transmit simultaneously four laser wavelengths (301, 311, 622, and 1064 nm) above the DC-8 for DIAL measurements of O3 profiles between 11 to 20 km ASL (geometric altitude above sea level) and multiple wavelength aerosol backscatter measurements between 11 to 24 km ASL. A total of 13 DC-8 flights were made over Antarctica with 2 flights reaching the South Pole. Polar stratospheric clouds (PSC's) were detected in multiple thin layers in the 11 to 21 km ASL altitude range with each layer having a typical thickness of less than 1 km. Two types of PSC's were found based on aerosol backscattering ratios: predominantly water ice clouds (type 2) and clouds with scattering characteristics consistent with binary solid nitric acid/water clouds (type 1). Large-scale cross sections of O3 distributions were obtained. The data provides additional information about a potentially important transport mechanism that may influence the O3 budget inside the vortex. There is also some evidence that strong low pressure systems in the troposphere are associated with regions of lower stratospheric O3. This paper discusses the spatial and temporal variations of O3 inside and outside the polar vortex region during the development of the O3 hole and relates these data to other measurements obtained during this field experiment

    Fatty acids on continental sulfate aerosol particles

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    Published 2005 American Geophysical Union. Reproduced by permission of American Geophysical Union.Surface analyses of atmospheric aerosols from different continental sources, such as forest fires and coal and straw burning, show that organic surfactants are found on such aerosols. The predominant organic species detected by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry on the sulfate aerosols are fatty acids of different carbon chain length up to the C32 acid. These observations are consistent with literature accounts of functional group analysis of bulk samples, but this is the first direct evidence of fatty acid films on the surface of sulfate aerosols. Surface analysis leads to the conclusion that fatty acid films on continental aerosols may be more common than has been previously suggested