20 research outputs found

    Spatial Impact of New Housing Trends in the Periphery of Istanbul Metropolitan Area

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    Globalization had a significant effect on socio-economic and spatial changes in Istanbul as the largest city of Turkey following the trends in other cities of the world since the beginning of 1980. In this transformation process which the city center was dislocated and the land rapidly opened for new demands, while the construction sector flowed to business spaces like office blocks, department stores, and five-star hotels; construction companies that prospered ventured to major housing projects in the urban periphery. Therefore, high-income group left the city center due to low quality of life in inner-city areas caused by the drawbacks of rapid urbanization such as intensive residential areas, lack of open and green sites, traffic and parking problems, increasing crime rates. These high-income group housing areas which are brought a new sight as “gated communities”, mostly developed towards the north where the natural resources e.g. forest and water basin of Istanbul Metropolitan Area are located and became a new issue while squatter settlements are still concerned. However, they are planned as individual projects with their own security systems and modern comfortable components; they developed without integration to the metropolitan master plan. The aim of the paper is to examine locational preferences and planning process of high-income group housing projects and prove their effects on the transformation of urban periphery. Their effects on the land values and the role of the central and local governments on this process are examined. Furthermore, this paper attempts to make a contribution to the literature on gated communities by taking account of their spatial impacts. The main findings of paper put forward that existing high-income group housing projects became attraction points for new projects and affected on land use and transportation pattern, while becoming new threats for natural resources of metropolitan periphery.

    Autoritärer Urbanismus enttarnt: Istanbul und Berlin im Dialog: Kommentar zu Daniela Zupan, Matthias Naumann, Gala Nettelbladt und Kristine Beurskens „Was heißt hier Widerstand? Widerständige Praktiken im Kontext von autoritärem Urbanismus“

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    In Form eines Dialoges zwischen Berlin und Istanbul nähern wir uns über Fragen dem urbanen Autoritarismus ebenso wie den Formen des Widerstandes dagegen an. Dabei untersuchen wir unterschiedliche Ebenen von Partizipation in beiden Städten, die die Fiktion der städtischen Homogenität aufdecken und damit infrage stellen. Überdies gehen wir auf gegenwärtige Kämpfe gegen Gentrifizierung und „Bulldozer“-Methoden in der Stadtentwicklung ein. Wir widmen uns der Frage nach der Zentralisierung von Macht sowie der Notwendigkeit von veritablen Zukunftsvisionen

    Rape culture focus group transcripts

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    The purpose of the research was to get a picture of how Swedish youth relate to issues of sexual violence in the #metoo era. The study consisted of three focus groups with young people aged 18-23. They were shown clips from three films (Sixteen Candles, Redacted, Hip Hip Hora) in which young people interact within different contexts (such as in school) and were asked to compare the films with their own high schools or perceptions of other contexts in Swedish society. The films’ subjects revolve around gender attitudes and attitudes toward sexual harassment/violence and two of the movies are teen movies depicting the discourse around these issues in school contexts among teens. The study tries to understand whether anything changed about the conversations regarding these attitudes after metoo. The data consists of the transcriptions of the focus group interviews. Interview transcriptsSyftet med forskningen var att få en bild av hur svensk ungdom förhåller sig till frågor om sexuellt våld i metoo -eran. Studien bestod av tre fokusgrupper med unga i åldern 18-23 år. De visades klipp från tre filmer (Sixteen Candles, Redacted, Hip Hip Hora) där unga människor interagerar inom olika sammanhang (t.ex. skolan) och ombads att jämföra filmerna med sina egna gymnasieskolor eller uppfattningar om andra sammanhang i det svenska samhället. Filmernas ämnen kretsar kring könsattityder och attityder till sexuella trakasserier/våld och två av filmerna är tonårsfilmer som skildrar diskursen kring dessa frågor i skolsammanhang bland tonåringar. Studien försöker förstå om något förändrats i samtalen kring dessa attityder efter metoo. Data består av transkriptionerna av fokusgruppsintervjuerna. Intervjutranskrip

    Regional Structure of Social Capital and Civil Society in Turkey

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    Civil Society can be defined as the ability of organizations and individuals with civic consciousness to cope with social problems. It is also accepted as a source of regional development. Social capital plays an important role in civil society through the trust, norms and networks that facilitate actions and the effectiveness of society. In this context, the structure of civil society in the NUTS II regions of Turkey has been put forth as the main theme of this paper. Indicators defining civil society according to the social capital literature have been produced by primary and secondary data and grouped under specific headings through factor analysis. Accordingly, the indicators that define civil society have been categorized under three basic components: Sociality, Charity and Active Participation. Weight coefficients of factor analysis have been used in deriving the civil society index for NUTS II regions. Thus, the regional distribution of a civil society index consisting of three sub-indices was evaluated. Findings of the analysis reveal the differences between eastern and western regions of Turkey and metropolitan cities

    Development Process Of Luxury Housing Projects And Their Effects On Istanbul Metropolitan Area Since 1980

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2002Tüm dünyada yaşanan küreselleşme süreci, Türkiye’yi ve ülkenin en büyük kenti olan İstanbul’u ekonomik, sosyal ve mekansal açıdan etkilemiştir. Özellikle İstanbul’da bazı alanlar bankacılık ve finans hizmetlerinin yer aldığı prestij alanlarına dönüşürken; ekonomik politikalarla büyüyen üst gelir grubuna hitap eden konut projeleri de hızla artmaya başlamıştır. 1980 sonrasının yeni yaşam tarzını oluşturan bu lüks konut projelerinin; yer seçim kriterleri, plan ve gelişme süreçleri ve kent çeperlerindeki gelişim üzerindeki etkileri tezin konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Tezin amacı, İstanbul metropoliten kent çeperinde gelişen lüks konut alanlarının genel özellikleri ile birlikte yer seçim kararlarını ve gelişme süreçlerini inceleyerek bulundukları bölgede oluşan potansiyeli ortaya koymaktır. Metropoliten kent çeperinde, altyapı ve ulaşım olanaklarını geliştirerek bu alandaki gelişmeyi yönlendiren projelerin yerel yönetim ve merkezi idare ile ilişkileri, çevredeki arazi kullanımı ve arazi değerlerine etkileri de tezin inceleme konuları arasında yer almaktadır. Bu bilgilere ulaşmak için kent çeperlerindeki nüfus gelişimi, belde belediyelerinin oluşumu incelenmiş ve lüks konut projelerinin yapımcı firmalarıyla ve firmaların pazarlama ve satış bölümleri ile anket-mülakatlar yapılmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; metropoliten kent çeperinde gelişen lüks konut alanlarının;  Yer seçimi ve gelişimi, arazi kullanımı ve ulaşım ilişkilerinden etkilenirken aynı zamanda arazi kullanımı ve ulaşım kararlarını da yönlendirdiği,  Hem yatırımcı hem de kullanıcının tercihi ile yeni konut projeleri için çekim unsuru oluşturduğu,  Projelerin geliştiği alanların, belde belediyesi olarak Büyükşehir belediyesinden ayrılmasının yatırım sürecini hızlandırdığı ve  Lüks konut alanlarının yakın çevrelerinde arazi değerlerini arttırdığı ortaya konmuştur.Globalization, in 1980s had a significant effect on social, economical and spatial changes in İstanbul as the largest city of Turkey. Development of sectors such as banking and financial services formed a series of prestigious areas and luxury housing projects in İstanbul. These luxury housing projects mostly developed towards the north where the natural resources of İstanbul Metropolitan Area are located. However, they are planned as individual projects with their own security systems, modern comfortable components, they developed without connection to the metropolitan master plan. Luxury housing areas and their general characteristics, locational preferences, planning process and their effects on the development of urban land use are the main themes of this thesis. The aim of this thesis is to examine locational preferences and planning process of luxury housing areas and prove their effects on the transformation of urban periphery and land use. Their effects on the land values, land use, transportation, infrastructure and their relations to the local and central administrative units are also the examined through thesis. While the appereance of the new municipalities, growth and change of population are analyzed in İstanbul metropoliten area, interviews were conducted with the construction firms and their sale offices in order to test the hypotheses. Findings of this thesis indicate as followings;  Development of luxury housing affected by land use and ınfrastructure in the metropolitan area, vice versa,  Existing luxury housing projects became attraction points for new projects,  Independency of new municipalities has caused to increase the speed of investment process on luxury housing,  Luxruy housing projects have caused an increase in the land value of their neigbourhood,Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Autoritärer Urbanismus enttarnt: Istanbul und Berlin im Dialog

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    In Form eines Dialoges zwischen Berlin und Istanbul nähern wir uns über Fragen dem urbanen Autoritarismus ebenso wie den Formen des Widerstandes dagegen an. Dabei untersuchen wir unterschiedliche Ebenen von Partizipation in beiden Städten, die die Fiktion der städtischen Homogenität aufdecken und damit infrage stellen. Überdies gehen wir auf gegenwärtige Kämpfe gegen Gentrifizierung und „Bulldozer“-Methoden in der Stadtentwicklung ein. Wir widmen uns der Frage nach der Zentralisierung von Macht sowie der Notwendigkeit von veritablen Zukunftsvisionen

    Re-evaluation of Rural Development Problematic in the Context of Social Capital*

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    The matter of “rural development” has been an important issue for approximately 20 years. International organizations like the United Nations, the World Bank and the European Union, as well as many developed and developing countries are devoting increasing time and resources to the rural development issue. Studies in economics, politics and geography, on the other hand, lay out the theoretical framework in this matter. Rural poverty, migration to urban areas, pollution of water and agricultural land, problems of agricultural production, and introducing global solutions to these problems have become primary issues on the agendas of many countries. The aim of the paper is to discuss the rural development policies with built-in global solutions in a new perspective, in the context of local social structure and relations. Accordingly, the paper addresses the change in the rural development paradigm and the role of social capital in rural development

    We, the City

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    In the face of uninhibited neoliberal restructuring, Berlin and Istanbul have for the past decade been subject to various forms of political polarization and social injustice. As a result, the struggles for affordable housing, access to public space, fair labor, ecological justice, and the right to live differently have intensified. Various forms of grassroots resistance have put the relationship between local governments and social movements to the test, provoking questions about where and how the city’s political issues emerge. Blending dialogues, essays, and critical reflections, the book investigates the ways in which the residents of Berlin and Istanbul experience, express, and resist the physical, political, and normative reordering of their cities, and asks: Who are We, the City?Angesichts ihrer ungehemmten neoliberalen Umstrukturierung waren Berlin und Istanbul im letzten Jahrzehnt verschiedenen Formen politischer Polarisierung und sozialer Ungerechtigkeit ausgesetzt. Infolgedessen hat sich der Kampf um bezahlbaren Wohnraum, Zugang zum öffentlichen Raum, faire Arbeitsbedingungen, ökologische Gerechtigkeit und das Recht auf unterschiedliche Lebensformen intensiviert. Verschiedene Formen des Widerstands „von unten“ haben das Verhältnis zwischen lokalen Regierungen und sozialen Bewegungen herausgefordert und hinterfragen, wo und wie die politischen Probleme der Stadt entstehen. In einer Mischung aus Dialogen, Essays und kritischen Reflexionen untersucht dieses Buch die Art und Weise, wie die Bewohner*innen von Berlin und Istanbul die physische, politische und normative Neuordnung ihrer Städte erleben, zum Ausdruck bringen und sich dagegen wehren. Es stellt sich die Frage: Wer ist das Wir in We, the City

    Infecção pelo vírus Epstein-Barr tem influência sobre o desenvolvimento do carcinoma de laringe? Detecção de EBV pelo Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction em tecidos tumorais de pacientes com carcinoma de laringe

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    O vírus Epstein-Barr (EBV) é um conhecido vírus carcinogênico. A associação entre EBV e alguns tumores sugere que também pode haver correlação entre carcinoma de laringe e EBV. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo pretende determinar o papel do EBV na etiologia do carcinoma de laringe. MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo sobre EBV por reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real em tecidos tumorais de 25 pacientes com carcinoma de laringe e 17 pacientes com lesões benignas de laringe; análise da relação entre presença de DNA viral e tabagismo, etilismo, localização e diferenciação tumoral. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos de controle e de estudo para positividade da PCR para EBV (p > 0,05). Não foi identificada relação estatisticamente significativa entre positividade para EBV e diferenciação tumoral, localização da neoplasia, tabagismo ou etilismo (p > 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados sugerem que, a despeito de sua identificação em alguns carcinomas espinocelulares de laringe, a presença de EBV não teve qualquer influência na patogenia do carcinoma de laringe

    Effects of smoking on healthy young men's hematologic parameters

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    OBJECTIVE: Cigarette smoking carries higher risks for most of the chronic diseases. It also has chronic and acute effects on the hematologic system. This study explores the effects of cigarette smoking on some blood values of the healthy young male smokers