439 research outputs found

    Optimisation of sludge pretreatment by low frequency sonication under pressure

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    L'objectif de ce travail est d'optimiser le prétraitement de boues par des ultrasons de puissance (US) à basses fréquences, et en particulier d‘étudier pour la première fois des améliorations possibles en modifiant la pression hydrostatique, et la fréquence jusqu’à l’audible. Après un examen préliminaire des conditions du procédé (conditionnement des boues, type de boues, alcalinisation préalable, contrôle de la température), les effets des paramètres ultrasonores (puissance, intensité, énergie spécifique, fréquence) et de la pression hydrostatique ont été spécifiquement étudiés, séparément et simultanément, d’abord à température constante (28°C), puis sans refroidissement. On a ainsi vérifié que l’énergie spécifique joue un rôle clé dans la désintégration des boues sous US (i.e. solubilisation de la matière organique) et que l'élévation de température pendant la sonication adiabatique est bénéfique grâce aux effets combinés d’hydrolyse thermique et de cavitation. Pour une énergie spécifique donnée, une faible fréquence (12 kHz contre 20 kHz) et une haute puissance améliorent la solubilisation de la matière organique grâce à une cavitation plus violente, tandis qu’on observe un optimum de pression hydrostatique en raison de ses effets opposés sur le seuil et l'intensité de la cavitation. Un résultat important est que la pression optimale dépend de l’intensité ultrasonore et du profil de température, mais pas de l’énergie spécifique, ni de la fréquence, ni du type de boues. Après avoir fixé les conditions les plus favorables (soit 12 kHz, 360 W, 28 gTS/L et conditions adiabatiques), l‘optimisation finale a fourni la pression de travail (3,25 bar) et les paramètres du mode séquentiel (US ON/OFF, permettant d‘éviter de hautes températures qui amortissement l‘intensité de la cavitation et peuvent endommager le transducteur). Ces conditions ont permis d‘atteindre un rendement d’extraction de la DCO très élevé, mais n’améliorent que faiblement le rendement ultérieur de méthanisation. ABSTRACT : The objective of this work is to optimize high-power low-frequency sonication (US) pretreatment of sludge, and especially to investigate for the first time possible improvements by higher pressure and audible frequency. After a preliminary examination of regular process conditions (sludge conditioning, sludge type, prior alkalization, temperature control, etc.), effects of US parameters (power -PUS, intensity -IUS, specific energy input -ES, frequency -FS, etc.) and of hydrostatic pressure (Ph) were specifically looked into, separately and in combination, first under cooling at constant temperature (28°C), then under the progressive temperature rise provoked by sonication. First, it was confirmed that specific energy input (ES) plays a key role in sludge US disintegration (i.e. solubilisation of organic matter) and that temperature rise during adiabatic-like sonication is beneficial through additional effects of thermal hydrolysis and cavitation. At a given ES value, low FS (12 kHz vs. 20 kHz) and high PUS enhance soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) due to more violent cavitation, while hydrostatic pressure gives rise to an optimum value due to its opposite effects on cavitation threshold and intensity. One major result is that optimal pressure depends on IUS (PUS) as well as temperature profile, but not on ES, FS, nor sludge type. Setting the other parameters at the most favorable conditions expected, i.e. 12 kHz, 360 W , 28 gTS/L, and adiabatic conditions, final optimization was achieved by searching for this pressure optimum and examining sequential procedure to avoid too high temperature dampening cavitation intensity and damaging the transducer. Such conditions with sequential mode and Ph of 3.25 bar being selected succeeded in achieving very high SCOD, but only marginally improved subsequent methanization yield

    Tourism distribution in a transitional economy: Hotel ownership and distribution channels in Vietnam

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    This thesis investigates how the different up-market hotel ownership modes establish distribution channels to reach domestic and international tourism markets in the context of Vietnam’s transitional economy, which has been transforming from a centrally planned to a socialist market oriented economy since 1986. It seeks to understand the current distribution channel structures of various hotel ownership modes; to explore the ways in which a number of factors influence distribution structures; and to examine the implications of these structures and factors for hotel and tourism development in Vietnam and in other economies with similar socio-political characteristics. A conceptual framework for hotel distribution channels is developed from a combination of the predominantly Western literature and the fragmented literature on hotel distribution in transition economies. The conceptual framework enables the researcher to investigate the linkages and relationships among the components that constitute the current Vietnamese hotel distribution systems. A qualitative approach is applied to address the supply-side issues of hotel distribution with data collected in the three largest urban cities located in the Northern, Central and Southern parts of Vietnam. The data collection methods were in-depth semi-structured interviews and document compilation. Different groups of participants from the Vietnam tourism industry including senior staff of sales and marketing of the four- and five-star hotels, international tour operators, high-ranking government officials of central and provincial authorities of tourism, key officers of trade organisations and academics from these cities were interviewed. The research presents the current distribution channel structures employed by four hotel ownership modes to reach domestic and international travellers. The findings also reveal that international joint venture and wholly foreign-owned hotels have effectively established their distribution channels to reach the international market. The entry of these international ownership modes as a result of Vietnam’s economic reform has forced state- and domestic privately-owned hotels to also build market-driven distribution structures. Economic restructuring in the context of Vietnam’s international integration has been the key element in creating the legal system, economic development, international tourist demand, technological advances, patterns of demand, hotel ownership and management modes that have driven the development of distribution. The research concludes that different hotel ownership and management modes and the distribution channel structures of up-market hotels are the products of Vietnam’s economic restructuring. The research suggests further economic renovation to meet the country’s commitments to international organisations, and to generate an equal tourism and hotel business environment in Vietnam

    Ultrasonic sludge pretreatment under pressure

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    The objective of this work was to optimize the ultraso und (US) pretreatment of sludge. Three types of sew-age sludge were examined: mixed, secondary and secondary after partial methanisation ("digested" sludge). Thereby, several main process parameters were varied separately or simultaneously: stirrer speed, total solid content of sludge (TS), thermal operating conditions (adiabatic vs. isothermal), ultra-sonic power input (PUS), specific energy input (ES), and for the first time external pressure. This parametric study was mainly performed for the mixed sludge. Five different TS concentrations of sludge (12-36 g/L) were tested for different values of ES (7000-75,000kJ/kg TS) and 28 g/L was found as the optimum value according to the solubilized chemical oxygen demand in the liquid phase (SCOD). PUS of 75-150 W was investigated under controlled temperature and the "high power input - short duration" procedure was the most effective at agiven ES. The temperature increase in adiabatic US application significantly improved SCOD compared to isothermal conditions. With PUS of 150 W, the effect of external pressure was investigated in the range of 1-16 bar under isothermal and adiabatic conditions for two types of sludge: an optimum pressure of about 2 bar was found regardless of temperature conditions and ES values. Under isothermal conditions, the resulting improvement of sludge disintegration efficacy as compared to atmospheric pressure was by 22-67% and 26-37% for mixed and secondary sludge, respectively. Besides, mean particle diameter (D[4,3]) of the three sludge types decreased respectively from 408, 117, and 110 μm to about 94-97, 37-42, and 36-40 μm regardless of sonication conditions, and the size reduction process was much faster than COD extraction

    Optimal sizing of renewable energy storage: A comparative study of hydrogen and battery system considering degradation and seasonal storage

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    Renewable energy storage (RES) is essential to address the intermittence issues of renewable energy systems, thereby enhancing the system stability and reliability. This study presents an optimisation study of sizing and operational strategy parameters of a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV)-hydrogen/battery systems using a Multi-Objective Modified Firefly Algorithm (MOMFA). An operational strategy that utilises the ability of hydrogen to store energy over a long time was also investigated. The proposed method was applied to a real-world distributed energy project located in the tropical climate zone. To further demonstrate the robustness and versatility of the method, another synthetic test case was examined for a location in the subtropical weather zone, which has a high seasonal mismatch. The performance of the proposed MOMFA method is compared with the NSGA-II method, which has been widely used to design renewable energy storage systems in the literature. The result shows that MOMFA is more accurate and robust than NSGA-II owing to the complex and dynamic nature of energy storage system. The optimisation results show that battery storage systems, as a mature technology, yield better economic performance than current hydrogen storage systems. However, it is proven that hydrogen storage systems provide better techno-economic performance and can be a viable long-term storage solution when high penetration of renewable energy is required. The study also proves that the proposed long-term operational strategy can lower component degradation, enhance efficiency, and increase the total economic performance of hydrogen storage systems. The findings of this study can support the implementation of energy storage systems for renewable energy

    Optimisation of sludge pretreatment by low frequency sonication under pressure

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    This work aims at optimizing sludge pretreatment by non-isothermal sonication, varying frequency, US power (P-US) and intensity (I-US varied through probe size), as well as hydrostatic pressure and operation mode (continuous vs. sequential - or pulsed - process). Under non isothermal sonication sludge solubilization results from both ultrasound disintegration and thermal hydrolysis which are conversely depending on temperature. As found in isothermal operation: - For a given specific energy input, higher sludge disintegration is still achieved at higher PUS and lower sonication time. - US effects can be highly improved by applying a convenient pressure. - 12 kHz always performs better than 20 kHz. Nevertheless the optimum pressure depends not only on P-US and I-US, but also on temperature evolution during sonication. Under adiabatic mode, a sequential sonication using 5 min US-on at 360 W, 12 kHz, and 3.25 bar and 30 min US-off gives the best sludge disintegration, while maintaining temperature in a convenient range to prevent US damping

    Improving sewage sludge ultrasonic pretreatment under pressure by changing initial pH

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    This work aimed at understanding the combined effect of sludge pH, temperature, and external pressure on the efficiency of sewage sludge ultrasound (US) pretreatment. Based on the evolution of both the degree of sludge disintegration (DDCOD) and pH, application of 40 mgNaOH/gTS during 30 min was selected for chemical pretreatment. Mechanical and thermal effects induced by cavitation contributed in similar proportion to sludge disruption, but the role of the latter effect tended to be weakened after mild alkalisation of sludge. When applying external pressure, DDCOD was always improved, by about 10% at the optimal value of 2 bar. The optimal combination was an addition of 40 mgNaOH/gTS prior to adiabatic sonication at 2 bar, resulting in a DDCOD value of about 46% at 75,000 kJ/kgTS (as compared to 35% for sole US) for the investigated mixed sludge. Very short time US application yielded a drastic reduction of the volume mean particle size, mainly due to the erosion and disruption of large flocs (>90 mm), yet this was not sufficient to initiate significant subsequent COD solubilisation under stirring

    New temperature jump boundary condition in high-speed rarefied gas flow simulations

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    The effect of the sliding friction has been important in calculating the heat flux of gas flow from the surface since there is some slip over the surface. There has not been any the temperature jump condition including the sliding friction part so far. In this paper, we will propose a new temperature jump condition that includes the sliding friction. Our new temperature jump condition will be evaluated for NACA0012 micro-airfoil in high-speed rarefied gas flow simulations using the CFD method, which solves the Navier-Stokes equations within the OpenFOAM framework with working gas as air. The airfoil case is simulated with various Knudsen numbers from 0.026 to 0.26, and the angles-of-attack (AOAs) from 0-deg to 20-deg. The surface gas temperatures predicting by our new temperature jump condition give good agreements with the DSMC data, especially the NACA0012 micro-airfoil cases with the high Knudsen numbers, Kn = 0.1, and Kn = 0.26 with AOA = 20-deg. for the lower surface

    Optimisation du prétraitement de boues par ultrasons à très basses fréquences et sous pression

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    L'objectif de ce travail est d'optimiser le prétraitement de boues par des ultrasons de puissance (US) à basses fréquences, et en particulier d étudier pour la première fois des améliorations possibles en modifiant la pression hydrostatique, et la fréquence jusqu à l audible. Après un examen préliminaire des conditions du procédé (conditionnement des boues, type de boues, alcalinisation préalable, contrôle de la température), les effets des paramètres ultrasonores (puissance, intensité, énergie spécifique, fréquence) et de la pression hydrostatique ont été spécifiquement étudiés, séparément et simultanément, d abord à température constante (28C), puis sans refroidissement. On a ainsi vérifié que l énergie spécifique joue un rôle clé dans la désintégration des boues sous US (i.e. solubilisation de la matière organique) et que l'élévation de température pendant la sonication adiabatique est bénéfique grâce aux effets combinés d hydrolyse thermique et de cavitation. Pour une énergie spécifique donnée, une faible fréquence (12 kHz contre 20 kHz) et une haute puissance améliorent la solubilisation de la matière organique grâce à une cavitation plus violente, tandis qu on observe un optimum de pression hydrostatique en raison de ses effets opposés sur le seuil et l'intensité de la cavitation. Un résultat important est que la pression optimale dépend de l intensité ultrasonore et du profil de température, mais pas de l énergie spécifique, ni de la fréquence, ni du type de boues. Après avoir fixé les conditions les plus favorables (soit 12 kHz, 360 W, 28 gTS/L et conditions adiabatiques), l optimisation finale a fourni la pression de travail (3,25 bar) et les paramètres du mode séquentiel (US ON/OFF, permettant d éviter de hautes températures qui amortissement l intensité de la cavitation et peuvent endommager le transducteur). Ces conditions ont permis d atteindre un rendement d extraction de la DCO très élevé, mais n améliorent que faiblement le rendement ultérieur de méthanisation.The objective of this work is to optimize high-power low-frequency sonication (US) pretreatment of sludge, and especially to investigate for the first time possible improvements by higher pressure and audible frequency. After a preliminary examination of regular process conditions (sludge conditioning, sludge type, prior alkalization, temperature control, etc), effects of US parameters (power -PUS, intensity -IUS, specific energy input -ES, frequency -FS, etc.) and of hydrostatic pressure (Ph) were specifically looked into, separately and in combination, first under cooling at constant temperature (28C), then under the progressive temperature rise provoked by sonication. First, it was confirmed that specific energy input (ES) plays a key role in sludge US disintegration (i.e. solubilisation of organic matter) and that temperature rise during adiabatic-like sonication is beneficial through additional effects of thermal hydrolysis and cavitation. At a given ES value, low FS (12 kHz vs. 20 kHz) and high PUS enhance soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) due to more violent cavitation, while hydrostatic pressure gives rise to an optimum value due to its opposite effects on cavitation threshold and intensity. One major result is that optimal pressure depends on IUS (P US) as well as temperature profile, but not on ES, FS, nor sludge type. Setting the other parameters at the most favorable conditions expected, i.e. 12 kHz, 360 W , 28 gTS/L, and adiabatic conditions, final optimization was achieved by searching for this pressure optimum and examining sequential procedure to avoid too high temperature dampening cavitation intensity and damaging the transducer. Such conditions with sequential mode and Ph of 3.25 bar being selected succeeded in achieving very high SCOD, but only marginally improved subsequent methanization yield.TOULOUSE-INP (315552154) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Improving Pareto Front Learning via Multi-Sample Hypernetworks

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    Pareto Front Learning (PFL) was recently introduced as an effective approach to obtain a mapping function from a given trade-off vector to a solution on the Pareto front, which solves the multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem. Due to the inherent trade-off between conflicting objectives, PFL offers a flexible approach in many scenarios in which the decision makers can not specify the preference of one Pareto solution over another, and must switch between them depending on the situation. However, existing PFL methods ignore the relationship between the solutions during the optimization process, which hinders the quality of the obtained front. To overcome this issue, we propose a novel PFL framework namely PHN-HVI, which employs a hypernetwork to generate multiple solutions from a set of diverse trade-off preferences and enhance the quality of the Pareto front by maximizing the Hypervolume indicator defined by these solutions. The experimental results on several MOO machine learning tasks show that the proposed framework significantly outperforms the baselines in producing the trade-off Pareto front.Comment: Accepted to AAAI-2