10 research outputs found

    Yarı-Kurak Bölgede Tesis Edilen Bir Üzümsü Meyve Bahçesindeki Toprak Sıkışması

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, yarı kurak iklim bölgesinde tesis edilen ve farklı kök sistemlerine sahip olan üzümsü meyvelerinin toprak sıkışması üzerine etkilerinin araştırmaktır. Bu amaçla ahududu, böğürtlen ve gojiberi yetiştiriciliği yapılan bahçede toprak sıkışmasını değerlendirmek için hacim ağırlığı, penetrasyon direnci ve kesme direnci ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, bahçedeki henüz üç yaşındaki bitkilerin toprakların hacim ağırlığı üzerine bir etkisi bulunmamıştır. Ancak kök sistemleri birbirinden farklı olan bu bitkilerden böğürtlen ve gojiberinin toprakların penetrasyon direncine etkisi aynı iken ahududunun yetiştiği toprağın penetrasyon direnci diğer ikisinden istatiksel bakımdan farklı ve daha düşük bulunmuştur. Her üç bitkinin yetiştiği toprağın kesme direncinin birbirinden istatiksel bakımdan farklı olduğu, yetiştikleri toprakların kesme direnci değerleri bakımından bitkilerin böğürtle

    Basic soil properties and soil classification of hazelnut cultivation area in the eastern black sea region, case study; Ünye-Tekkiraz district

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    The objective of this research was to investigate physical, chemical and morphological properties, classification and mapping of soils of hazelnut cultivation in Ünye-Tekkiraz district of The Eastern Black Sea Region. The study area is located between west of the Ordu and south of the Samsun provinces, at coordinates 4542495- 4537485 N and 342549-347523 E and total area is approximately 31.5 km2. Average annual precipitation and temperature are 1162.4 mm and 14.2 oC, respectively. Elevation varies from 200 m to 550 m above sea level. According to soil taxonomy, the soil temperature regime and moisture regime were classified as mesic and ustic, respectively. Most of the study areas have been commonly used for hazelnut cultivation, whereas southern part of the study area generally cover small forest and pasture lands. In the study area, distribution of geological pattern is palaeocene and eocene rocks consisting of sandstone, siltstone and marl including widely distributed and altered eocene aged volcano-clastics which are composed of basalt and andesite. After examination of topographic, land use, geologic and geomorphologic maps and land observation, 15 profile places were excavated in the study area. The soil samples were taken from each profile based on genetic horizons and their analyses were done in the laboratory. According to the results of laboratory analyses by taking into consideration of soil taxonomy, 11 different soil series were classified and described. Two them were classified as Entisol due to their young age and five are Inceptisol, three are Alfisol, and one is Vertisol. Whereas Hatipler seri has the largest area (14.7 %), Yenicuma Dere soil seri has the smallest area in the study area (3.2 %)

    Effects of Gyttja and Polyacrylamide Applications on Some Physical Properties of Soils with Different Texture

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    Bu çalışmada, killi ve kumlu topraklara uygulanan poliakrilamid (PAM) ve gidyanın toprakların bazı fiziksel özelliklerinde zamana bağımlı olarak meydana getirdiği değişimler incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın amacına yönelik olarak fırın kuru ağırlık esasına göre gidya ve PAM'ın farklı doz kombinasyonları deneme konusu topraklara uygulanmıştır. Tesadüf parselleri deneme desenine göre kurgulanan çalışma, sera koşullarında tutulan plastik saksılarda yürütülmüştür. Deneme kurulduktan sonra 4. 8. ve 12. aylarda saksılar bozularak gerekli ölçümler yapılmıştır. Toprakların fiziksel özelliklerindeki değişimi değerlendirmek için doğrusal uzama katsayısı (COLE), likit limit (LL), plastik limit (PL) ve doygun hidrolik iletkenlik (K) değerleri ölçülmüştür. Çalışma sonucunda gerçekleştirilen varyans analizine göre ölçülen bütün değişkenler üzerine toprak çeşidi, uygulama ve örnekleme zamanının etkisi önemli (p<0,001) bulunmuştur. Toprakların COLE değerleri uygulama dozlarının artışıyla azalma gösterirken, K, LL ve PL değerleri uygulama dozlarının yükselmesiyle artış göstermiştir. Bu fiziksel parametrelerin zamana bağımlı değişimleri incelendiğinde Ksat, LL ve PL azalırken, COLE'nin artış gösterdiği bulgusu elde edilmiştir. Değişkenlere ait verilere uygulanan Duncan testlerine (? = 0,05) göre COLE'u azaltmada en etkili uygulamalar aralarında istatistiksel olarak fark bulunmayan birinci doz gidyanın (G1) PAM ile birlikte uygulanması ([G1+PAM]) ve ikinci doz gidyanın (G2) PAM ile birlikte uygulanması ([G2+PAM]) olarak bulunmuştur. LL'i artırmada en etkin uygulama [G2+PAM] iken PL'i ve Ksat'ı artırmada ise aralarında istatistiksel anlamda fark bulunmayan G2, [G1+PAM] ve [G2+PAM] uygulamaları en etkili olarak bulunmuştur. Bu sonuçlar, saksılardaki organik madde miktarının zamana bağımlı olarak değişimine atfedilebilir ve organik maddenin toprak hidrolojisindeki etkinliği, toprak su bütçesinin fiziksel özelliklere etki etmesi ve PAM'ın agregatların stabilitesini artırmadaki etkinliği ile açıklanabilir.In this study, polyacrylamide (PAM) and gyttja applied to clayey and sandy soils caused by timedependent changes in some physical properties were investigated. For the purpose of the study, various dose combinations of gyttja and PAM were applied to soils by the oven dry weight basis. Study constructed according to a randomized complete block experimental design was carried out in plastic pots kept under greenhouse conditions. 4, 8 and 12 months after the experiment establishment, pots were deteriorated and necessary measurements realized. In order to assess the changes in physical properties of soils, coefficient of linear extensibility (COLE), liquid limit (LL), plastic limit (PL) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (K) values were measured. According to ANOVA test results, effects of soil, sat application, and sampling time on measured all variables were found as significant (p < 0.001). While COLE values of soils decreased with rising application doses, Ksat, LL and PL values increased. When analyzing the time-dependent changes of these physical parameters, it was obtain a finding that Ksat, LL and PL decreased but COLE increased. According to Duncan test (?= 0.05) results, the most effective applications to decrease in COLE were first dose gyttja + PAM ([G1+PAM]) and second dose gyttja + PAM ([G2+PAM]) that there is no statistically difference between these. The most effective application to increase in LL was [G2+PAM] and the most effective applications to increase in PL and Ksat were G2, [G1+PAM] and [G2+PAM] that two applications was same, statistically. These results attributed to changes of organic matter content as time-depending in pots and argued and described frame of these changes. frame

    Predicting of Soil Aggregate Stability Values Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    In studies conducted in the field of agriculture forecasting engineering today has come to an important point and forecasting of artificial neural networks (ANN) use has become wide spread. In this study, wet aggregate stability (WAS) depending on the seasonal variation has been investigated whether it can be estimated or not using ANN pilot area soils located in, Avşar Campus of Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University. Selected based on the results of the statistical evaluation of soil properties were used as independent variables and predictive ANN’s have been developed to WAS. In Network training WAS values that are the closest to the actual have tried to reach by using twelve different learning algorithms. Used in the training of these different Back-propagation algorithms’ performances were evaluated using coefficient of determination (R2), the square root of the mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). R2 values 0.55-0.99, RMSE values 2.12-11.33 % and MAPE values 3.55-20% of the created ANNs through education different algorithms has changed in the ranges. ANNs was developed when R2 was compared with each other on the basis of criteria networks in terms of estimation power to WAS, R2 values were found above 0.97 of BFGS algorithm with the exception of trained network of all. On the other hand, created ANNs when evaluated according to the criteria of the RMSE has been reached to result that most successful network was developed network with RP's algorithm (12.2%) and the most failed network was developed network with BFGS (11.33%) algorithm. Considering the MAPE indication of the forecasting power, the highest network with OSS algorithm (3.55%) the trained with ANN and forecasting power has been the lowest trained ANN with BFGS algorithm (20%). The results obtained indicate that when ANN was created using the correct training algorithm can be used in the estimation WAS

    Manure Effect on Soil–Plant Interactions in Capia Pepper Crops under Semiarid Climate Conditions

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    One of the biggest threats to agro-ecosystems, especially in arid and semiarid areas, is the deterioration of soil quality, which is associated with low soil organic matter levels. Despite the elevated volume of publications related to soil quality and crops, information about specific plants such as the Capia pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv.) with clear economic relevance in semiarid environments is missing. The aim of present study is to investigate the effects of different doses of manure on Capia pepper focusing on soil–plant interaction, soil quality, and plant yield in an experimental area located in Turkey. Key soil properties were monitored and relationships between plant and soil properties were evaluated using the principal component analysis (PCA). At the end of the first and second growing season, the effects of manure application on some plant and soil characteristics were statistically significant at different levels. According to the PCA result, 15 plant characteristics and 7 soil characteristics were grouped into five factors and defined 85.4% and 90.9% of the total variability in the population in the first and second growing seasons, respectively. Our research concluded that sustainable soil management such as the use of specific dose of manure improves soil quality and plant productivity

    Changes in chemical compositions of substrates before and after Ganoderma lucidum cultivation

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    After the commercial cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum, that is becoming increasingly popular because of its valuable medicinal effects, a large amount of Ganoderma spent substrate (GSS) remains as a residual material. It is important to identify differences in the chemical compositions among GSS to indicate their suitability. This study was carried out to characterize and evaluate the substrates and GSS for the some chemical contents such as; pH, EC, organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), macro and micro elements and C:N ratios. The substrates were prepared by the mixtures of hornbeam and oak sawdust supplemented with wheat bran in a ratio of 20% (20WB) and tea manufacture waste in different ratios (10, 15, 20 and 25%). Organic C, C:N and pH values decreased in GSS, while N, P, K, Mg, Fe, Mn and Zn contents increased. EC and pH values of GSS varied between 1.13 and 2.33 dS m(-1), and 5.14 and 5.69, respectively. GSS was found rich in all investigated mineral nutrients. The highest increases in all nutrient contents were generally determined in hornbeam sawdust with 20TW spent substrate. Initial mineral composition of the wastes influenced the mineral composition of the substrates and spent substrates

    Gyttja as a Soil Conditioner: Changes in Some Properties of Agricultural Soils Formed on Different Parent Materials

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    Organic matter is essential in improving the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils. Thus, the organic matter is widely considered a crucial indicator of environmental quality and biodiversity. In this study, the effect of gyttja addition as a soil conditioner on some physical and chemical properties of soils formed on volcanic and serpentine parent materials was investigated. The layout of the incubation study was randomized plots with 3 replications and the study lasted for 8 months to determine the value of gyttja in improving soil quality in two different parent materials. The results showed that pH, EC, total CaCO3, soil organic matter (SOM), wet aggregate stability (WSA), structural stability index (SSI), Ca-ex, Mg-ex, Fe-ex and P-av values of volcanic soils were significantly increased with increasing gyttja addition rates, while dispersion ratio (DR), Cu-ex and Cd-ex values were decreased. Likewise, pH, total CaCO3, SOM, WSA, SSI, Ca-ex and P-av values of serpentine soils were increased with increasing gyttja rates, while DR, Mg-ex, Fe-ex, Cd-ex, Ni-ex, Mn-ex, Cu-ex and Zn-ex values were decreased. The changes in the values of soil properties were statistically significant. The results demonstrated that gyttja addition overall decreased the erosion susceptibility and heavy metal contents of serpentine and volcanic soils. Moreover, the gyttja addition ameliorated some of the chemical soil properties. Therefore, gyttja could be suggested as a soil conditioner in the remediation of problematic soils

    Toprakların doygun koşullardaki hidrolik iletkenlik değerlerinin pedotransfer eşitlikler ile tahminlenmesi

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    Üç fazlı ve gözenekli bir sistem olan toprakta suyun hareketinin bilinmesi S-matriksin karakteri hakkında önemli ipuçları vermektedir. Bu nedenle toprak fizikokimyasal özelliklerine doğrudan etki eden suyun toprakta iletiminin ölçümü son derece önemlidir. Laboratuarda Mariotte düzeneği ile doygun koşullarda yapılan kullanışsız hidrolik iletkenlik testleri araştırmacı için çoğunlukla zaman alıcı ve usandırıcı olmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bazı temel toprak fiziksel özellikleri ve nem sabiteleri kullanılarak oluşturulan pedotransfer eşitlikler (PTFs) yardımıyla toprakta doygun koşullardaki düşey hidrolik iletkenlik değerinin (Ks) tahminlenmesidir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Kahramanmaraş-Narlı Ovası’ndan 25 adet yüzey toprak örneği (0-15 cm) alınmıştır. Rutin toprak özellikleri, nem sabiteleri ve Ks bilinen yöntemlerle ölçülmüştür. Daha sonra veri kümesi istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiş ve çoklu lineer regresyon yöntemi kullanılarak Ks’yi tahminlemede kullanılacak PTFs oluşturulmuştur. Bilinen yöntemlerle ölçülen ve geliştirilen PTFs ile tahminlenen Ks değerlerinin karşılaştırılmasında determinasyon katsayısı (R2) kullanılmış ve en yüksek R2 değeri 0.846 olarak elde edilmiştir. Bu araştırmanın sonuçları Kahramanmaraş-Narlı Ovası’nda Ks değerlerinin tahmin edilmesinde geliştirilen pedotransfer modellerin kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir

    Comparison of two different ophiolite districts in terms of some soil physical properties of grounds

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    In this study, some physical characteristics of the soils formed on the metamorphic sole and the mantle section of the ophiolitic sequence which is represented by ultramafic cumulates and tectonites located in Karacasu district in Kahramanmaraş and formed on the crustal rocks which are located around Göksun-Elbistan towns to the north of Kahramanmaraş, were investigated. In order to correlate the soil properties with the bedrocks from the different parts of the ophiolite, rock samples were collected from the same locations with 18 surface soil samples. Field capacity, permanent wilting point, liquid limit, plastic limit, coefficient of linear extensibility and volumetric shrinkage tests were performed on the soil samples. The crustal section is represented by the three different rock groups such as: cumulate gabbro (amphibole gabbro, olivine gabbro and gabbro), isotropic gabbro (gabbro) and sheeted dike complex (diabase). According to independent “t test” results; the physical properties of two fields were different from each other, except for the linear extension coefficient, (P<0.001). Statistically significant relationships were determined among the measured variables, organic matter content, and soil texture. This is attributed to the fact that the ophiolites in the Karacasu area are more altered than the ophiolites in the Göksun-Elbistan area, and this difference in the alteration affects the soil properties over the mineralogical composition

    Tillage Versus No-Tillage. Soil Properties and Hydrology in an Organic Persimmon Farm in Eastern Iberian Peninsula

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    There is an urgent need to implement environmentally friendly agriculture management practices to achieve the Sustainable Goals for Development (SDGs) of the United Nations by 2030. Mediterranean agriculture is characterized by intense and millennia-old tillage management and as a consequence degraded soil. No-Tillage has been widely examined as a solution for soil degradation but No-Tillage relies more on the application of herbicides that reduce plant cover, which in turn enhances soil erosion. However, No-Tillage with weed cover should be researched to promote organic farming and sustainable agriculture. Therefore, we compare Tillage against No-Tillage using weed cover as an alternative strategy to reduce soil losses in persimmon plantations, both of them under organic farming management. To achieve these goals, two plots were established at &ldquo;La Canyadeta&rdquo; experimental station on 25-years old Persimmon plantations, which are managed with Tillage and No-Tillage for 3 years. A survey of the soil cover, soil properties, runoff generation and initial soil losses using rainfall simulation experiments at 55 mm h&minus;1 in 0.25 m2 plot was carried out. Soils under Tillage are bare (96.7%) in comparison to the No-Tillage (16.17% bare soil), with similar organic matter (1.71 vs. 1.88%) and with lower bulk densities (1.23 vs. 1.37 g cm3). Tillage induces faster ponding (60 vs. 92 s), runoff (90 vs. 320 s) and runoff outlet (200 vs. 70 s). The runoff discharge was 5.57 times higher in the Tillage plots, 8.64 for sediment concentration and 48.4 for soil losses. We conclude that No-tillage shifted the fate of the tilled field after 3 years with the use of weeds as a soil cover conservation strategy. This immediate effect of No-Tillage under organic farming conditions is very promising to achieve the SDGs