8 research outputs found

    Analysis Of University Students' Perception Of And Attitudes Towards Biodiversity

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    Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Yüksek LisansM.Sc. (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, TUĞÇE ŞENELTurkey has a very rich biodiversity yet this enourmous richness is seriously under threat. Lack of nature education leads conservation acts and campaigns to be under supported and even rejected by people. To have a sufficient nature education is very important for young population, who are scientists, engineers, decision makers, law makers...etc. of the future. In Turkey, nature education basically consists of biology courses. In this study, two hundred higher education students were asked to participate in a twelve item questionnaire about biodiversity. Their perception and attitudes towards biodiversity were investigated. Results show that although the students know what biodiversity is and they are sensitive about environmental issues they have many confusions, misconceptions and lack of knowledge. Results also underline that, a well planned, early starting nature education which families also will be a part of it is required and this education should be seperated from biology courses and be a life long learning process.Türkiye biyoçeşitlilik açısından çok zengin ancak biyoçeşitliliği de bir o kadar tehdit altında olan bir ülkedir. Doğa eğitimi eksikliği, biyoçeşitlilik kaybına karşı alınan önlemlerin, insanlar tarafından beklenenden az destek görmesine hatta reddedilmesine sebep olmaktadır. Geleceğin bilim adamları, mühendisleri, karar alıcıları, kanun yapıcıları...vs. olan gençlerin biyoçeşitlilik konusunda yeterli bilgiye sahip olmaları büyük önem taşımaktadır. Türkiye'de doğa eğitimi temel olarak biyoloji derslerinden oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada iki yüz üniversite öğrencisine, on iki soru içeren bir ankette biyoçeşitlilikle ilgili sorular sorulmuştur. Cevaplar ışığında üniversite öğrencilerinin biyoçeşitlilikle ilgili algı ve tutumları incelenmiştir. Sonuçlar, öğrencilerin biyoçeşitliliğin ne demek olduğunu bilmelerine ve doğa ile ilgili konularda duyarlı olmalarına rağmen, pek çok noktada kafa karışıklıkları, bilgi eksiklikleri ve kavram yanılgıları olduğunu göstermiştir. Sonuçlar ayrıca, Türkiye'de erken yaşlarda başlayacak, iyi planlanmış, okullarla sınırlı kalmayan ve ailelerin de parçası olacağı bir doğa eğitimi gerekliliğini vurgular niteliktedir.M.Sc.Yüksek Lisan

    Assessing Phenological Shifts of Deciduous Forests in Turkey under Climate Change: An Assessment for Fagus orientalis with Daily MODIS Data for 19 Years

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    Understanding how natural ecosystems are and will be responding to climate change is one of the primary goals of ecological research. Plant phenology is accepted as one of the most sensitive bioindicators of climate change due to its strong interactions with climate dynamics, and a vast number of studies from all around the world present evidence considering phenological shifts as a response to climatic changes. Land surface phenology (LSP) is also a valuable tool in the absence of observational phenology data for monitoring the aforementioned shift responses. Our aim was to investigate the phenological shifts of Fagus orientalis forests in Turkey by means of daily MODIS surface reflectance data (MOD09GA) for the period between 2002 and 2020. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was calculated for the entire Turkey extent. This extent was then masked for F. orientalis. These “Fagus pixels” were then filtered by a minimum of 80% spatial and an annual 20% temporal coverage. A combination of two methods was applied to the time series for smoothing and reconstruction and the start of season (SOS), end of season, and length of season parameters were extracted. Trends in these parameters over the 19-year period were analyzed. The results were in concert with the commonly reported earlier SOS pattern, by a Sen’s slope of −0.8 days year−1. Lastly, the relationships between SOS and mean, maximum and minimum temperature, growing degree days (GDD), and chilling hours (CH) were investigated. Results showed that the most significant correlations were found between the mean SOS trend and accumulated CH and accumulated GDD with a base temperature of 2 °C, both for the February–March interval. The immediate need for a phenological observation network in Turkey and its region is discussed

    A Modeling Framework to Frame a Biological Invasion: <i>Impatiens glandulifera</i> in North America

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    Biological invasions are a major component of global environmental change with severe ecological and economic consequences. Since eradicating biological invaders is costly and even futile in many cases, predicting the areas under risk to take preventive measures is crucial. Impatiens glandulifera is a very aggressive and prolific invasive species and has been expanding its invasive range all across the Northern hemisphere, primarily in Europe. Although it is currently spread in the east and west of North America (in Canada and USA), studies on its fate under climate change are quite limited compared to the vast literature in Europe. Hybrid models, which integrate multiple modeling approaches, are promising tools for making projections to identify the areas under invasion risk. We developed a hybrid and spatially explicit framework by utilizing MaxEnt, one of the most preferred species distribution modeling (SDM) methods, and we developed an agent-based model (ABM) with the statistical language R. We projected the I. glandulifera invasion in North America, for the 2020–2050 period, under the RCP 4.5 scenario. Our results showed a predominant northward progression of the invasive range alongside an aggressive expansion in both currently invaded areas and interior regions. Our projections will provide valuable insights for risk assessment before the potentially irreversible outcomes emerge, considering the severity of the current state of the invasion in Europe

    Investigation of genotoxicity risk and DNA repair capacity in breast cancer patients using anastrozole

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    WOS: 000433094100003PubMed ID: 29607425OBJECTIVE: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide and the incidence increases in postmenopausal women. Anastrozole is a non-steroidal (type II), third-generation aromatase inhibitor (AI) that is used in the treatment of postmenopausal estrogen-related breast cancer. Several studies have been conducted to assess the efficacy, safety, and superiority of AIs to tamoxifen; however, a literature search did not reveal a study that investigated the genotoxic potential of AIs. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible DNA damage risk profile and individual DNA repair capacity of patients using anastrozole with the modified alkaline comet assay in order to contribute to public health and health economics. METHODS: Women diagnosed with breast cancer after menopause comprised the study group. Six patients who had taken anastrozole for at least 6 months were retrospectively enrolled, and 12 patients who had not yet received treatment were prospectively enrolled as a control group. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were used to measure oxidized DNA damage using formamidopyrimidine DNA-glycosylase (FPG) and endonuclease III (endo III) in a modified comet assay. Individual DNA repair capacity was evaluated with the comet assay after a hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) challenge to examine the difference in DNA damage susceptibility. RESULTS: Analysis of DNA damage, oxidative base damage, susceptibility to DNA damage, and repair capacity revealed no significant difference between the control group and the patients taking anastrozole (p>0.05). Susceptibility to H2O2 damage was observed to increase with age (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: According to the results obtained in this study, anastrozole did not contribute to oxidative DNA damage. An H2O2 challenge with the comet assay is useful to evaluate circumstances of increased vulnerability to damage, such as aging and cancer.Research Foundation of Marmara University [SAG-C-YLP-211009-0313]This study was supported by Research Foundation of Marmara University (grant no: SAG-C-YLP-211009-0313)

    Leptin in sperm analysis can be a new indicator

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    WOS: 000461000600006PubMed ID: 30482507Purpose Radiotherapy, chemotherapy, various tumors and invasive surgery can result in ejaculatory dysfunction and testicular insufficiency. Sperm cryopreservation is the only method which can provide a baby for couples. Cryopreservation freezes tissues and cells, allowing them to be stored for future use by stopping all biological activities. Cryopreservation can cause some harmful changes in the structure and function of the sperm. Leptin molecule plays many roles in most biological processes including the satiety and cell renewal, proliferation, angiogenesis, modulation of energy expenditure and regulation of the neuroendocrine system. Leptin was also reported to be associated with spermatogenesis in several studies. Methods This study aims to use leptin molecule as a parameter for sperm motility and DNA fragmentation before and after the cryopreservation. In this study, semen samples were taken from 30 normospermic male volunteers. Each semen sample was examined for the same parameters before and after the cryopreservation. Samples were analyzed before and after cryopreservation in terms of sperm motility by morphological sperm analysis with spermac stain dye, DNA fragmentation by TUNEL assay, ultrastructural analysis with transmission electron microscopy (TEM), seminal leptin levels by ELISA method and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels by colorimetric method. Results Decreased sperm motility, distribution of sperm morphology and increased DNA fragmentation were determined after cryopreservation. Similarly, seminal ROS and leptin levels were also increased significantly. There was a negative correlation between seminal leptin and sperm motility. Additionally, there was a positive correlation between seminal leptin and DNA fragmentation. Conclusion According to these results, leptin molecule can be used as a marker for sperm motility and DNA fragmentation before and after cryopreservation. We think that the results of this study can contribute to further studies in the clinical aspect.Research Fund of Medipol University-Istanbul/Turkey [BAP 86770134-604/13]This study was supported by the Research Fund of Medipol University (BAP 86770134-604/13)-Istanbul/Turkey as Msc. thesis. We thank Dr. M. Serif Aydin for contributions in the laboratory

    ¿Pueden los marcadores de activación plaquetaria predecir la preeclampsia y/o su gravedad?

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    Objetivo: El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar el valor de los marcadores de activación plaquetaria en la predicción de la preeclampsia y su gravedad. Método: Se incluyeron 99 pacientes diagnosticadas con preeclampsia, incluyendo 36 casos graves, y un grupo control de 60 mujeres embarazadas sanas. Se evaluaron diversas variables, como el volumen plaquetario medio, el recuento de plaquetas, el hematocrito plaquetario y la amplitud de distribución plaquetaria. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que el volumen plaquetario medio y la amplitud de distribución plaquetaria son parámetros valiosos en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de la preeclampsia, aunque no son suficientes para predecir su gravedad. El análisis estadístico reveló que la edad, el volumen plaquetario medio, la amplitud de distribución plaquetaria, la semana de gestación y los puntajes de Apgar al primer y quinto minuto fueron significativamente diferentes en el grupo de preeclampsia en comparación con el grupo control. Conclusiones: En conclusión, estos resultados sugieren que los marcadores de activación plaquetaria pueden ser útiles para el diagnóstico y seguimiento de la preeclampsia, y que el volumen plaquetario medio y la amplitud de distribución plaquetaria, por ser parámetros económicos y accesibles, podrían ayudar a predecir, diagnosticar y manejar esta complicación durante el embarazo