35 research outputs found

    Associations of genetic variants of genes and viral DNA/RNA in liver and colon cancer

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    Objectives. To establish the associations of genetic variants of genes and viral DNA/RNA in liver cancer (LC) and colorectal cancer (CRC). Material and methods. Tissue and blood samples of individuals with morphologically diagnosed CRC and LC (n=130) served as the material for the study. The age of the examined persons was 61.8±13.7 years. A molecular biological study of the detection of DNA/RNA of the virus genome and a study of the BRCA1/2 and hMSH2 genes were performed. The control group was represented by blood samples of 80 healthy individuals with no neoplasms and infections. Statistical processing – SPSS software package. Results. The number of mutations in the BRCA1/2 and hMSH2 genes in blood samples from patients with CRC was 2.04%, while the frequency of changes in the hMSH2 gene was 4.17%, which is lower than that of detected mutations in the same genes in tumor tissue samples (p=0.003). The frequency of mutations in the BRCA1 and hMSH2 genes in the population was 1.25%. Mutations of the BRCA 1/2 genes in women showed their dependence on the hMSH2 gene (p<0.05) in CRC. The number of mutations in LC made up 6.13% for tissue samples and 0.85% for the blood (p=0.004). The share of viral DNA/RNA carriage in LC was 9.1%, in CRC it made up 6.6%. Conclusions. Mutations in the BRCA1/2 and hMSH2 genes in individuals with CRC in the blood and tissue samples enable us to suggest a hereditary nature of the tumor. The presence of mutations in the BRCA 1/2 genes in women should be considered as a risk factor of developing CRC: the occurrence in LC correlates with changes in exons 6 and 12 of the hMSH2 gene. The presence of mutations in the hMSH2 gene (exon 6, 12) in LC in the group of patients aged 61.4±3.4 years and 61.7±3.07 years should be considered as a risk factor of developing LC. Associations of gene mutations with viruses allow us to conclude that HPV, CMV, HSV 1/2, HHV6, HBV and HCV have a high oncogenic potential

    CXCR4+ and CCR5+ expression on blood lymphocytes and its changes in AIDS development in HIV/HCV coinfected patients

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    HIV, HCV, coinfection, immune response, chemokine receptors, CCR5, CXCR4.Purpose: To measure the CCR5+ and CXCR4+ expression on blood lymphocytes, its changes in AIDS development, and correlation of CCR5+ and CXCR4+ expression with a number of T-cells, T-helpers, cytotoxic T-cells, activated T-cells (CD3+ HLA-DR+), T-regs cells, natural killer (NK)-cells, B cells, in order to determine the type of immune response activation in HIV/HCV coinfected patients. Materials and methods: The patients were divided into four groups. The 1st group included 51 patients with HIV/HCV coinfection; the 2nd group consisted of 23 patients with HIV-infection; the 3 rd group was composed of 10 patients with HCV-infection. Control group consisted of 16 healthy individuals. In the current investigation, the monoclonal antibodies were used. The cells were analyzed using flow cytometer. Results: In patients with HIV/HCV coinfection CXCR4 expression on blood lymphocytes was reduced in comparison with control. CCR5 expression on blood lymphocytes, HLA-DR expression on CD3+lymphocytes and cytotoxic T-cells, numbers of CD8 T-lymphocytes were increased and in the same time the number of CD4+CD25+ was reduced in HIV/HCV coinfected patients in comparison with the HCV-infected patients and control group. Conclusions: In chronic HIV/HCV coinfected patients CCR5+ expression on blood lymphocytes was increased and CCR5+ expression on CD4+ T-lymphocytes was decreased in comparison with healthy individuals and HCV-infected patients. With the development of AIDS, CXCR4+ and CCR5+ expressions on CD4+T-lymphocytes, CXCR4+ expressions on blood lymphocytes were decreased and CCR5+ expression on blood lympho¬cytes was increased. Increased CCR5+ expression on blood lymphocytes in HIV/HCV coinfected patients was associated with Th1 type immune response activation

    Effect of laser radiation on catalytic properties of silicon electrodes covered with a transition metal film and providing water decomposition

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    Current creation caused by water decomposition Н₂О → ОН+Н has been investigated for the case of an Yb-Si electrode pair after the preliminary covering of Si electrodes with transition metal (Ni, Ti, Cr) films, as well as exposing them to laser radiation. It has been shown that laser radiation, as a rule, increases the efficiency of current creation owing to the improvement of electrode catalytic properties as to water decomposition. We observed also some change in the electron work function for these electrode

    Optical and structural properties of sol-gel derived materials embedded in porous anodic alumina

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    Structure composing a xerogel, doped with lanthanide ions (erbium, terbium and europium), embedded in porous anodic alumina (PAA) have been fabricated and their optical and electrical characterisitics have been studied. Erbium photoluminescence at 1.53 µm from titania xerogel/PAA was found to increase with the number of xerogel layers and erbium concnetration for the excitation wavelength 532 nm, matching the area of transparency of both titania xerogel and PAA. Visible green and red electroluminescence was observed for terbium- and europium-doped IN2O3 and SnO2 xerogels embedded in porous anodic alumina. The improvement of the electrical properties of the xerogel/PAA cell is discussed, taking into account the observed ability of conducting In2O3:Sn (ITO) nanoparticles to penetrate into the anodic alumina pores

    On origin of rapid portion of luminance-voltage dependence of ZnS:Mn TFEL devices and its aging behavior

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    Some peculiarities in the rapid portion of the voltage dependences of luminance and transferred charge as well as in its aging behavior in ZnS:Mn thin film electroluminescent devices made by different deposition techniques have been revealed. The devices with nearly the same Mn concentration (~1 at. %) were deposited by electron-beam evaporation and two atomic-layer epitaxy processes based on chlorine (ZnCl₂, MnCl₂) or organic (diethyl Zn and Mn(thd)₃ ) precursors. It has been studied interrelation between these peculiarities and the differences observed in the photodepolarization spectra of the devices, which give data about defects in the ZnS:Mn films and the energy of corresponding local states in them. The obtained results are discussed as to physical processes responsible for the rapid portion of the above voltage dependences and for the causes of its change after short-time accelerated aging

    Экспрессия муцинов при раке печени

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    Increasing incidence, difficulties in early diagnosis, and a high mortality rate in liver cancer (LC) determine the relevance of studying the mechanisms of its development. The aim of the work is to evaluate the expression of high molecular weight glycoproteins MUC-1, MUC-13 in liver cancer. The object of study is LC tissue samples of 65 patients from the archives and 34 blood serum samples from patients with morphologically confirmed LC. The age of subjects was 26– 97 years. The level of antibodies to MUC-1 and MUC-13 was studied by ELISA. The reference value ranges of MUC-1 (0.250 ± 0.10 ng/ml) and MUC-13 (0.321 ± 0.13 ng/ml) in the blood serum of healthy individuals were established. The concentration of antibodies to MUC-1 and MUC-13 in the blood serum in RP was significantly higher than that in practically healthy individuals. The concentration of MUC-1 and MUC-13 in the LC tumor tissue was higher than that in the blood serum of apparently healthy individuals and LC patients. With a confirmed LC diagnosis, the level of antibodies to MUC-1 in the blood serum, which exceeds 0.373 ng/ml, and the level of antibodies to MUC-13, which is more than 0.939 ng/ml, may indicate a high risk of a tumor process.Рост заболеваемости, трудности ранней диагностики и высокий уровень летальности пациентов при раке печени (РП) определяют актуальность изучения механизмов его развития. Оценена экспрессия высокомолекулярных гликопротеинов MUC-1, MUC-13 при РП. Предметом исследования были 65 архивных образцов тканей опухоли печени и 34 пробы сыворотки крови у пациентов с морфологически подтвержденным РП. Возраст обследуемых составил 26–97 лет. Исследование уровня антител к MUC-1 и MUC-13 проводили методом ИФА. Установлены пределы референтных значений MUC-1 (0,250 ± 0,10 нг/мл) и MUC-13 (0,321 ± 0,13 нг/мл) в сыворотке крови у здоровых лиц. Концентрация сывороточных антител к MUC-1 и MUC-13 у пациентов с РП была значимо выше показателей здоровых лиц. Содержание MUC-1 и MUC-13 в ткани опухоли печени было более высоким, чем в сыворотке крови практически здоровых лиц и пациентов с РП. При подтвержденном диагнозе РП уровень антител к MUC-1, превышающий в сыворотке крови 0,373 нг/мл, и уровень антител к MUC-13 более 0,939 нг/мл может указывать на высокий риск наличия опухолевого процесса

    Molecular epidemiological study of clinical cases of acute hepatitis E in Belarus

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    Relevance. The frequency of occurrence of anamnestic antibodies to the hepatitis E virus (HEV) in the general population of the Republic of Belarus is 7.3%, which is clearly not consistent with the low incidence of hepatitis E (HE). Most of primary HEV infections remain undiagnosed. The intensive epidemic process of HEV in the Belarusian population is hidden. Conducting epidemiological studies, including genotyping of HEV sequences isolated on the territory of the republic, makes it possible to more accurately characterize the sources of HEV infection and the mechanisms of its transmission. Aim molecular epidemiological study of two cases of acute hepatitis E detected in patients from Belarus. Materials and methods. During 20212022, samples of biological material were obtained from two patients undergoing treatment with an established diagnosis of acute hepatitis E. Serum samples were tested to detect antibodies to HEV using enzyme immunoassay, HEV RNA was detected in fecal samples using nested RT-PCR. The nucleotide sequence was determined by an automatic sequencer using the Sanger method. Analysis of nucleotide sequences, their genotyping, and calculation of evolutionary distances were performed using MEGA X software. Results. The HEV sequence isolated from a pregnant woman who had an epidemiological episode of alimentary contact with raw pork meat is clustered into a common phylogenetic clade with HEV sequence obtained from the patient from Belarus with a history of kidney transplantation and HEV sequences isolated from a domestic pigs. The HEV sequence isolated from a patient with a history of travel to Pakistan belongs to the HEV genotype 1 and joins a clade of HEV sequences isolated in Pakistan, India, Nepal and Mongolia

    Ten years of transplantation of the liver in the Republic of Belarus : ethical problems, outcomes and perspectives

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    conference, liver transplantation, 2018, Belarus, Minsk

    Influence of HCV-Infection on the Development of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1

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    The data concerning the influence of HCV-infection on the development of diabetes mellitus are given. It is shown that HCV-infection causes pancreatic lesions in the form of insulitis, lymphoid infiltration with the subsequent destruction of islets of Langerhans. HCV has a damaging action on β-cells membranes, leads to their destruction and change of ant-gene properties, triggers autoimmune reactions, causing the damage of β-cells, the development of insulin insufficiency and diabetes mellitus type 1

    Morphological Changes in the Liver at Different Therapies and Long-Term Course of Chronic Hepatitis C

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    The purpose of the research — to determine the features of morphological changes in the liver, depending on the therapy and duration of chronic hepatitis С. Methods of the Research. Morphological examination of 53 patients with varying duration and the natural course of chronic hepatitis C and 22 patients with different duration of chronic hepatitis С who received interferon therapy. Results of the Research. With increasing duration of chronic hepatitis С, the growth process of chronicity in the liver from low-grade to severe fibrosis was found. The most pronounced fibrotic changes were recorded in patients who are not prescribed interferon therapy. Antiviral therapy has had a significant positive impact on the reduction of indicators characterizing the activity and chronicity of hepatitis С, regardless of length of illness