5 research outputs found

    Axially Chiral Macrocyclic <i>E</i>-Alkene Bearing Bisazole Component Formed by Sequential Cā€“H Homocoupling and Ring-Closing Metathesis

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    Clipping by ring-closing metathesis freezes rotation of a Cā€“C bond to result in forming axial chirality. Treatment of bisbenzimidazole bearing an <i>N</i>-(3-butenyl) substituent with a Grubbsā€™ catalyst undergoes ring-closing metathesis, in which the stereochemistry of the thus formed olefin was exclusively <i>E</i>-form. Analysis by HPLC with a chiral stationary column confirmed clear baseline separation of each enantiomer

    Speciation of Radioactive Soil Particles in the Fukushima Contaminated Area by IP Autoradiography and Microanalyses

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    Radioactive soil particles several tens of micrometers in size were collected from litter soil in the radiation contaminated area by the Fukushima nuclear plant accident and characterized using electron and X-ray microanalyses. The radioactive particles were discriminated by autoradiography using imaging plates (IP) on which microgrids were formed by laser ablation in order to find the particles under microscopy. Fifty radioactive particles were identified and classified into three types from their morphology and chemical composition, namely: (1) aggregates of clay minerals, (2) organic matter containing clay mineral particulates, and (3) weathered biotite originating from local granite. With respect to the second type, dissolution of the organic matter did not reduce the radiation, suggesting that the radionuclides were also fixed by the clay minerals. The weathered biotite grains have a plate-like shape with well-developed cleavages inside the grains, and kaolin group minerals and goethite filling the cleavage spaces. The reduction of the radiation intensity was measured before and after the trimming of the plate edges using a focused ion beam (FIB), to examine whether radioactive cesium primarily sorbed at frayed edges. The radiation was attenuated in proportion to the volume decrease by the edge trimming, implying that radioactive cesium was sorbed uniformly in the porous weathered biotite

    Mechanisms of Se(IV) Co-precipitation with Ferrihydrite at Acidic and Alkaline Conditions and Its Behavior during Aging

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    Understanding the form of SeĀ­(IV) co-precipitated with ferrihydrite and its subsequent behavior during phase transformation is critical to predicting its long-term fate in a range of natural and engineered settings. In this work, SeĀ­(IV)-ferrihydrite co-precipitates formed at different pH were characterized with chemical extraction, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) to determine how SeĀ­(IV) is associated with ferrihydrite. Results show that despite efficient removal, the mode and stability of SeĀ­(IV) retention in the co-precipitates varied with pH. At pH 5, SeĀ­(IV) was removed dominantly as a ferric selenite-like phase intimately associated with ferrihydrite, while at pH 10, it was mostly present as a surface species on ferrihydrite. Similarly, the behavior of SeĀ­(IV) and the extent of its retention during phase transformation varied with pH. At pH 5, SeĀ­(IV) remained completely associated with the solid phase despite the phase change, whereas it was partially released back into solution at pH 10. Regardless of this difference in behavior, TEM and XAS results show that SeĀ­(IV) was retained within the crystalline post-aging products and possibly occluded in nanopore and defect structures. These results demonstrate a potential long-term immobilization pathway for SeĀ­(IV) even after phase transformation. This work presents one of the first direct insights on SeĀ­(IV) co-precipitation and its behavior in response to iron phase transformations

    Small-angle neutron scattering study of specific interaction and coordination structure formed by mono-acetyl-substituted dibenzo-20-crown-6-ether and cesium ions

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    <p>This study uses small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) to elucidate the coordination structure of the complex of mono-acetyl-substituted dibenzo-20-crown-6-ether (ace-DB20C6) with cesium ions (Cs<sup>+</sup>). SANS profiles obtained for the complex of ace-DB20C6 and Cs<sup>+</sup> (ace-DB20C6/Cs) in deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide indicated that Cs<sup>+</sup> coordination resulted in a more compact structure than the free ace-DB20C6. The data were fitted well with SANS profiles calculated using Debye function for scattering on an absolute scattering intensity scale. For this theoretical calculation of the scattering profiles, the coordination structure proposed based on density functional theory calculation was used. Consequently, we conclude that the SANS analysis experimentally supports the proposed coordination structure of ace-DB20C6/Cs and suggests the following: (1) the complex of ace-DB20C6 and Cs<sup>+</sup> is formed with an ace-DB20C6/Cs molar ratio of 1/1 and (2) the two benzene rings of ace-DB20C6 fold around Cs<sup>+</sup> above the center of the crown ether ring of ace-DB20C6.</p

    Extraction of Lanthanide and Actinide Ions from Aqueous Mixtures Using a Carboxylic Acid-Functionalized Porous Aromatic Framework

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    Porous aromatic frameworks (PAFs) incorporating a high concentration of acid functional groups possess characteristics that are promising for use in separating lanthanide and actinide metal ions, as required in the treatment of radioactive waste. These materials have been shown to be indefinitely stable to concentrated acids and bases, potentially allowing for multiple adsorption/stripping cycles. Additionally, the PAFs combine exceptional features from MOFs and inorganic/activated carbons giving rise to tunable pore surfaces and maximum chemical stability. Herein, we present a study of the adsorption of selected metal ions, Sr<sup>2+</sup>, Fe<sup>3+</sup>, Nd<sup>3+</sup>, and Am<sup>3+</sup>, from aqueous solutions employing a carbon-based porous aromatic framework, BPP-7 (Berkeley Porous Polymer-7). This material displays high metal loading capacities together with excellent adsorption selectivity for neodymium over strontium based on Langmuir adsorption isotherms and ideal adsorbed solution theory (IAST) calculations. Based in part upon X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies, the stronger adsorption of neodymium is attributed to multiple metal ion and binding site interactions resulting from the densely functionalized and highly interpenetrated structure of BPP-7. Recyclability and combustibility experiments demonstrate that multiple adsorption/stripping cycles can be completed with minimal degradation of the polymer adsorption capacity