35 research outputs found

    Administration of oxygen ultra-fine bubbles improves nerve dysfunction in a rat sciatic nerve crush injury model

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    Ultra-fine bubbles (<200 nm in diameter) have several unique properties and have been tested in various medical fields. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of oxygen ultra-fine bubbles (OUBs) on a sciatic nerve crush injury (SNC) model rats. Rats were intraperitoneally injected with 1.5 mL saline, OUBs diluted in saline, or nitrogen ultra-fine bubbles (NUBs) diluted in saline three times per week for 4 weeks in four groups: (1) control, (sham operation + saline); (2) SNC, (crush + saline); (3) SNC+OUB, (crush + OUB-saline); (4) SNC+NUB, (crush + NUB-saline). The effects of the OUBs on dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons and Schwann cells (SCs) were examined by serial dilution of OUB medium in vitro. Sciatic functional index, paw withdrawal thresholds, nerve conduction velocity, and myelinated axons were significantly decreased in the SNC group compared to the control group; these parameters were significantly improved in the SNC+OUB group, although NUB treatment did not affect these parameters. In vitro, OUBs significantly promoted neurite outgrowth in DRG neurons by activating AKT signaling and SC proliferation by activating ERK1/2 and JNK/c-JUN signaling. OUBs may improve nerve dysfunction in SNC rats by promoting neurite outgrowth in DRG neurons and SC proliferation.Matsuoka H., Ebina K., Tanaka H., et al. Administration of oxygen ultra-fine bubbles improves nerve dysfunction in a rat sciatic nerve crush injury model. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19, 1395 (2018); https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms19051395

    Utility of Distal Forearm DXA as a Screening Tool for Primary Osteoporotic Fragility Fractures of the Distal Radius A Case-Control Study

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    Background: Osteoporotic fragility fractures frequently occur at the distal part of the radius. This suggests that initial osteoporosis evaluation at this site may inform screening and treatment to prevent additional fractures. The purpose of this study was to investigate the utility of distal forearm dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) as a screening tool to assess the risk of fragility fractures at the distal part of the radius. Methods: This retrospective, case-control study included postmenopausal women who had sustained a distal radial fracture (fracture group, n = 110) and postmenopausal women with no history of fracture (control group, n = 95). DXA measurements at the spine, hip, and distal part of the forearm (ultra-distal, mid-distal, and one-third distal sections) were compared between the groups on the basis of bone mineral density (BMD), T-score, and the proportion of patients with a T-score of £–2.5 standard deviations (SD). We also investigated the regional differences on the basis of T-score among the skeletal sites. Furthermore, the reliability of distal forearm DXA measurements was validated by assessing the statistical correlation (r) with volumetric BMD by computed tomography (CT). Results: Compared with the control group, the fracture group showed significantly lower BMD and T-scores and higher proportions of patients with a T-score of £–2.5 SD at the ultra-distal, mid-distal, and one-third distal forearm; however, the spine and hip measurements did not differ significantly between the 2 groups. With respect to regional differences, in the fracture group, T-scores were significantly lower and the proportions of patients with a T-score of £–2.5 SD were significantly higher for the 3 distal forearm sites compared with the spine and hip. DXA measurements at all 3 of the distal forearm regions exhibited high correlation with volumetric BMD by CT (r = 0.83 to 0.92). Conclusions: Some postmenopausal women were found to exhibit bone loss preferentially at the distal part of the radius, which may render them vulnerable to fragility fractures. Forearm DXA for the assessment of local bone loss may demonstrate benefit in screening for those at risk for distal radial fractures and facilitate the early identification of patients who require intervention for osteoporosis. Level of Evidence: Prognostic Level III. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.Miyamura S., Kuriyama K., Ebina K., et al. Utility of Distal Forearm DXA as a Screening Tool for Primary Osteoporotic Fragility Fractures of the Distal Radius A Case-Control Study. JBJS Open Access 5, E0036 (2020); https://doi.org/10.2106/JBJS.OA.19.00036

    Chiral Monolayers with Achiral Tetrapod Molecules on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite

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    金沢倧孊理工研究域物質化孊系The self-assembly of organic molecules at the surface of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) is a promising process for constructing molecular-scale architectures. However, selectable organic molecules are generally restricted to two-dimensional molecules with planar Ï-conjugated structures and alkyl chains. We herein present the formation of self-assembled monolayers of tetrakis(4-ethynylphenyl)methane (TEPM) having a three-dimensional (3D) tetrapod geometry on HOPG, which was achieved by utilizing a simple spin-coating method. The arrangements of TEPM molecules in the monolayers were investigated using frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy (FM-AFM). The resulting subnanometer-resolution FM-AFM images revealed that the TEPM molecules formed linear rows with a periodicity of 0.85 nm oriented in a parallel configuration but with two alternating intervals of 0.7 and 1.0 nm. Moreover, the TEPM monolayers were classified into two chiral types with a relationship of mutual mirror-image symmetry, according to the observed molecular arrangements. Our results demonstrate the capability of TEPM molecules to act as 3D building blocks for the design of molecular-scale architectures at interfaces. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society

    Acoustic properties of co-doped AlN thin films at low temperatures studied by picosecond ultrasonics

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    Nagakubo A., Arita M., Yokoyama T., et al. "Acoustic properties of co-doped AlN thin films at low temperatures studied by picosecond ultrasonics", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 54(7), 07HD01 (2015) https://doi.org/10.7567/JJAP.54.07HD01


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    1 序論 リンは、窒玠ず同族の元玠であるが、窒玠よりもはるかに倚くの倚型化合物を䞎える。䟋えばリンのオキ゜酞ずしおはリン酞H3PO4の他にも、HPO2、HPO3、H3PO2、H3PO3、H4P2O5、H4P2O7など倚数の化合物が知られおいる。ホスフィンPH3が燃焌しおリン酞やP4O10などを生成する反応過皋に぀いおも、PH、PH2、PO、PO2、HPOなど倚数の反応䞭間䜓を経るこずが知られおいお、化孊反応論のみならず分光孊、分子構造論の分野でも泚目されおきた。実際、PHなど5皮類の反応䞭間䜓はその気盞における存圚が各皮高分解胜分光により確認され、分光の察象ずなっおきた。しかしながら、ホスフィンの酞化反応過皋は非垞に耇雑であり、反応䞭間䜓ずしお考えられるH3PO、HPO2などの気盞における存圚が分光孊的に確立されおいないものも倚い。 気盞反応の反応䞭間䜓の存圚を盎接調べる方法の䞀぀にマむクロ波分光法がある。マむクロ波分光法は、䞻ずしお分子の回転遷移を察象ずしおおり、他の分光法に比べ怜出感床や呚波数分解胜が非垞に高い。通垞のミリ波、サブミリ波領域における感床は怜出可胜最小密床ずしお10 7個/cm3、濃床では数10-数ppbに達しおいる。この感床は気盞反応䞭に生成する寿呜の短い反応䞭間䜓の怜出に適しおいる。たた、反応䞭間䜓は化孊結合が満たされおいないものフリヌラゞカルが倚い。フリヌラゞカルは䞍察電子をも぀ので、その電子の軌道角運動量やスピン角運動量が分子の回転角運動量や栞スピン角運動量ず盞互䜜甚し、回転スペクトルに埮现、超埮现構造を䞎える。それらの盞互䜜甚はスペクトルに数100-数MHz皋床の分裂を䞎えるが、この倧きさはマむクロ波分光法の通垞の分解胜数100kHzで十分に分解可胜である。ここで埗られる盞互䜜甚定数は、電子励起状態ずの盞互䜜甚の皋床あるいは䞍察電子の存圚密床ずいった広い意味での分子構造に぀いおの知芋を䞎えるものであり、分光孊、分子構造論ずしお意味が倧きい。 本研究では、ホスフむンの酞化反応䞭間䜓ず考えられおいながらその気盞における存圚が報告されおいないゞヒドロフォスフォリルラゞカルH2POの玔回転スペクトルの怜出に初めお成功した。その耇雑なスペクトルの解析結果よりH2POラゞカルの分子構造を粟床良く決定し、このラゞカルの分子構造論的特〆を解明した。たた、既知の含リンラゞカルPH2の重氎玠眮換䜓PD2の玔回転スペクトルを枬定・解析し、同様の怜蚎を行った。2H2POのマむクロ波分光ず分子構造 H2POラゞカルはホスフィンの燃焌反応過皋での基本的な反応䞭間䜓の䞀぀である。H2POに぀いおの実隓報告は、質量分析法によるものず赀倖マトリックス分光法による2䟋のみであり、気盞分子に぀いおの分光孊的報告はない。䞀方、H2POの類䌌分子であるH2NOは近幎マむクロ波分光の察象になり、C2v察称性を持぀平面分子であるず結論された。しかも、NH2の反転運動による疑平面分子である可胜性も指摘されおいる。このような分子構造論的な興味から、H2POは倚くの量子化孊蚈算の察象になっおきた。特に泚目すべき点は、この分子のPO結合の長さや䞍察電子の電子密床などが蚈算のレベルにより倧きく倉化し、党く異なる二぀の安定構造が提案されおいるこずである 本研究では、H2POが自由空間型セル䞭でPH3ずCO2の混合ガスの盎流グロヌ攟電により効率的に生成するこずを芋出し、そのミリ波・サブミリ波領域でのa型回転遷移の枬定・垰属するこずができた。H2POの電子状態は、平面分子C2vならば2B1、傘型分子Csであれば2A\u27である。いずれの堎合も、䞀぀の回転レベルが埮现盞互䜜甚により二぀に分裂し、それぞれがリンの栞スピンの超埮现盞互䜜甚により二重項ずなり、この二重項のそれぞれがさらに氎玠の合成栞スピンにより分裂する。分子が平面構造の堎合回転準䜍の察称性により䞀重項たたは䞉重項に分裂し、傘型構造をずれば党おの回転準䜍においお四重項に分裂する。今回芳枬されたスペクトルは回転準䜍の察称性にかかわらず4本に分裂しおいたので、H2POは傘型分子であるず結論した。 この結果は、埌にC18O2を甚いおH2P18Oのスペクトルを枬定し、決定した回転定数ず芪分子の回転定数より埗られるH2POのro構造からも正しいこずが瀺された。埗られたro構造はrPO=1.48754Å、rPH=1.428714Å、<HPO=115.5210°、<HPH=102.5614°ずなった。䞎えられたPO結合の長さは、PO結合が二重結合性を垯びおいるこずを瀺しおおり、量子化孊蚈算が提案しおいる䞀぀の安定構造を支持する結果ずなった。 このH2POの構造は、超埮现盞互䜜甚定数の実隓倀の解析からも支持される。すなわちスピン密床ずしお、リン原子のs軌道、p軌道にそれぞれ7.745.4、氎玠原子のs軌道に7.7存圚するず芋積もるこずができた。その結果残りの31.5が酞玠原子䞊に存圚するこずになる。埗られた酞玠原子のスピン密床は、䞍察電子が酞玠原子䞊に局圚しおいないこずを瀺しお、PO結合が二重結合性を垯びおいるこずず矛盟しない。 結論ずしお、ホスフむンの燃焌反応の基本的な反応䞭間䜓の䞀぀であるH2POの気盞䞭での存圚をマむクロ波分光により確蚌し、その分子構造を詳现に明らかにした。3PD2マむクロ波スペクトル PD2X2B1はりん原子を含むフリヌラゞカルの䞭で最も基本的な分子皮の䞀぀であり、NH2ず䞊んで非盎線䞉原子分子でRenner効果をうけた電子状態をも぀重芁な䟋である。たたPH2はホスフィンの酞化過皋で生成する重芁な反応䞭間䜓のひず぀でもある。PH2はこれたでに様々な分光法の察象ずされおきたが、その重氎玠眮換䜓であるPD2は2、3の電子スペクトルの枬定䟋があるだけで、詳现な分子定数はない。本研究では重氎玠化に䌎う埮现、超埮现盞互䜜甚の倉化に興味を持ち、PD2の玔回転スペクトルをミリ波およびサブミリ波領域においお枬定した。スペクトルを解析し分子定数を決定し、埗られた倀をPH2のものず比范・怜蚎した。特にPD2のリン原子の栞スピン䞀回転盞互䜜甚は、PH2の堎合ず同じく、スペクトルに察しお倧きな圱響を䞎えおいるこずを明らかにした

    The X3Σ- ground state of WO

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    The WO molecule was formed as an impurity during the excitation of a mixture of WCl6 vapor and He in a microwave discharge lamp. The emission spectra were recorded using a high-resolution Fourier transform spectrometer. A rotational analysis of the strong bands in the 9000-25000 cm-1 interval has been carried out and the bands have been classified into two groups with different lower states. The two lower states have been assigned as the Ω=0+ and Ω=1 spin components of the X3Σ- ground state. Ab initio calculations have also been performed and they confirm our experimental assignments. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe