55 research outputs found
Effect of temperature gradient within a solid particle on the rotation and oscillation modes in solid-dispersed two-phase flows
Shintaro Takeuchi, Takaaki Tsutsumi and Takeo Kajishima, "Effect of temperature gradient within a solid particle on the rotation and oscillation modes in solid-dispersed two-phase flows," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol.43, pp.15-25, 2013.動画は論文出版後に追加したものである。 / The video was added after the paper was published
Energetics of the distribution of cell wall in wood based on an eigenvalue analysis
Wood is a highly heterogeneous material characterized by a number of properties that vary significantly among samples. Even in woods of the same density, substantial differences in properties show up depending on the distribution pattern of their cell walls. With the aim of deep understanding of the wood variation, we examine this pattern from the physical perspectives using samples of the same density but with significantly different shrinkages. The power spectrum, which represents the regularity of the occurrence of cell walls or lumen, was obtained through Fourier transform processing of micrographs of the transverse sections of wood samples. The set of eigenvalues calculated from the variance–covariance matrix comprising the spectra is identified with a Hamiltonian representing the energy eigenstate of the wood. The cell wall distribution can then be analyzed from within thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. The eigenvalues from the images of latewood were widely distributed compared with those from earlywood. The first eigenvalue is equivalent to the Helmholtz free energy, and thus the high-shrinkage samples showed large Helmholtz free energy because of the high presence of latewood. The Shannon entropy calculated from the probability associated with each energy eigenstate was larger in images of earlywood than latewood. That is, low-shrinkage samples have a more homogeneous structure than high-shrinkage samples. These results were strongly consistent with observations from micrographs and previous knowledge of the physical properties of woods. The physical approaches proposed in this study is independent of the origin of the data and therefore has a wide application
Heat transfer and particle behaviours in dispersed two-phase flow with different heat conductivities for liquid and solid
Tsutsumi, T et al. Flow Turbulence Combust (2014) 92: 103. doi:10.1007/s10494-013-9498-0The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10494-013-9498-0
Heat transfer in natural convection with finite-sized particles considering thermal conductance due to interparticle contacts
This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Computational Thermal Sciences following peer review
Adenocarcinoma of Ascending Colon Associated with Sarcoid Reaction in Regional Lymph Nodes
Lymph node swelling in the setting of malignancy generally suggests metastasis of the primary tumor. A granulomatous reaction, i.e. sarcoid reaction, occurring within the lymph nodes draining carcinomas is a well-known but uncommon occurrence. The phenomenon is especially rarely seen in colon carcinoma. We herein report a rare case of a 56-year-old Japanese male with adenocarcinoma of the ascending colon associated with sarcoid reaction in the regional lymph nodes. A typical ileocecal resection and lymph node dissection were performed. Histopathological examination revealed moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of the ascending colon, and the dissected lymph nodes included epithelioid granulomas with multinucleated giant cells. These findings suggest the existence of a sarcoid reaction associated with colon carcinoma; there was no metastasis in the dissected lymph nodes. The significance of this rare condition is discussed
研究目的:近年、機能性中分子として注目されているペプチド (小タンパク質 を、さらに高機能化、多機能化させることを指向して、生体分子、無機化合物、有機小分子、高分子などと複合させた新規機能性複合体の創製を目的とする。また、これら複合体を用いたナノ分野やバイオ分野への応用展開の検討も行う 。研究概要:これまで分子単体では達成できなかったような高機能・多機能性の材料開発を目指し、無機化合物、有機小分子、高分子とペプチドを複合させた新規機能性複合体を創製する。その創製に際しては、近年、機能性中分子として注目されているペプチドを基に、ある機能を有するペプチドに、糖、核酸、酵素などの生体分子、有機合成小分子、合成高分子、無機化合物などをそれらと結合するペプチドリガンドを介して あるいは共有結合などで 複合させることで、従来以上 に 高機能化、多機能化 させた分子・複合体の創製 をねらう。さらに、本研究で作製できた複合体を用 いて、多段階触媒能を有する材料や、エレクトロニクス材料、特定疾病分子などを高度に検出できる素子、治療に役立つ薬剤などの開発につなげ、ナノ分野、バイオ分野への工学的な応用展開を検討する
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