9 research outputs found

    Bio-responsive polymer hydrogels homeostatically regulate blood coagulation

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    Bio-responsive polymer architectures can empower medical therapies by engaging molecular feedback-response mechanisms resembling the homeostatic adaptation of living tissues to varying environmental constraints. Here we show that a blood coagulation-responsive hydrogel system can deliver heparin in amounts triggered by the environmental levels of thrombin, the key enzyme of the coagulation cascade, which - in turn - becomes inactivated due to released heparin. The bio-responsive hydrogel quantitatively quenches blood coagulation over several hours in the presence of pro-coagulant stimuli and during repeated incubation with fresh, non-anticoagulated blood. These features enable the introduced material to provide sustainable, autoregulated anticoagulation, addressing a key challenge of many medical therapies. Beyond that, the explored concept may facilitate the development of materials that allow the effective and controlled application of drugs and biomolecules

    Glycosaminoglycan-based hydrogels to modulate heterocellular communication in in vitro angiogenesis models

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    Angiogenesis, the outgrowth of blood vessels, is crucial in development, disease and regeneration. Studying angiogenesis in vitro remains challenging because the capillary morphogenesis of endothelial cells (ECs) is controlled by multiple exogenous signals. Therefore, a set of in situ-forming starPEG-heparin hydrogels was used to identify matrix parameters and cellular interactions that best support EC morphogenesis. We showed that a particular type of soft, matrix metalloproteinase-degradable hydrogel containing covalently bound integrin ligands and reversibly conjugated pro-angiogenic growth factors could boost the development of highly branched, interconnected, and lumenized endothelial capillary networks. Using these effective matrix conditions, 3D heterocellular interactions of ECs with different mural cells were demonstrated that enabled EC network modulation and maintenance of stable vascular capillaries over periods of about one month in vitro. The approach was also shown to permit in vitro tumor vascularization experiments with unprecedented levels of control over both ECs and tumor cells. In total, the introduced 3D hydrogel co-culture system could offer unique options for dissecting and adjusting biochemical, biophysical, and cell-cell triggers in tissue-related vascularization models

    Magnetoelectric properties and low-energy excitations of multiferroic FeCr2 S4

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    Β© 2020 American Physical Society. We report on the low-frequency optical excitations in the multiferroic ground state of polycrystalline FeCr2S4 in the frequency range 0.3-3 THz and their changes upon applying external magnetic fields up to 7 T. In the ground state below the orbital-ordering temperature TOO=9 K we observe the appearance of several new modes. By applying the external magnetic field parallel and perpendicular to the propagation direction of the THz radiation, we can identify the strongest absorptions to be of predominantly electric-dipole origin. We discuss these modes as the low-energy electronic excitations of the Fe2+ ions (3d6, S=2) in an tetrahedral S2- environment. The eigenfrequencies and relative intensities of these absorption lines are satisfactorily reproduced by our calculation assuming an effective exchange field of 12.8cm-1 at the Fe2+-ions sites. The direction of the exchange field is found to be slightly tilted out of the ab plane. With our approach we can also describe previously reported results from MΓΆssbauer studies and the order of magnitude of the electric polarization induced by orbital and noncollinear spin ordering

    Extreme biomimetic approach for development of novel chitin GeO2 nanocomposites with photoluminescent properties

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    This work presents an extreme biomimetics route for the creation of nanostructured biocomposites utilizing a chitinous template of poriferan origin. The specific thermal stability of the nanostructured chitinous template allowed for the formation under hydrothermal conditions of a novel germanium oxide-chitin composite with a defined nanoscale structure. Using a variety of analytical techniques (FTIR, Raman, energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS), and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, EDS-mapping, selected area for the electron diffraction pattern (SAEDP), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)), we showed that this bioorganic scaffold induces the growth of GeO2GeO_{2} nanocrystals with a narrow (150–300 nm) size distribution and predominantly hexagonal phase, demonstrating the chitin template’s control over the crystal morphology. The formed GeO2GeO_{2}–chitin composite showed several specific physical properties, such as a striking enhancement in photoluminescence exceeding values previously reported in GeO2GeO_{2}-based biomaterials. These data demonstrate the potential of extreme biomimetics for developing new-generation nanostructured materials