3 research outputs found

    Depression, Alcoholism, and Genetic Alcohol Sensitivity Regulated by ALDH2 and ADH1B Polymorphisms among Japanese Community-Dwelling Adults

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    Background: Although strong association between drinking and depression as well as alcohol- related disorders (ARD) has been reported, the relationship between potential ability to drink (genetic alcohol sensitivity) and depression or ARD is unclear. Genetic alcohol sensitivity is regulated by two alcohol metabolic enzyme genes, ADH1B and ALDH2 polymorphisms. We have already evaluated the&nbsp; association&nbsp; between&nbsp; depression&nbsp; and&nbsp; these&nbsp; polymorphisms&nbsp; in Japanese white-collar&nbsp; workers.Current study expanded this issue on community-dwelling relatively older adults. Methods: A total of 654 community-dwelling people were interviewed regarding their ARD by a brief psychiatric structured interview (MINI). Severity of depression was evaluated by the Center for&nbsp; Epidemiologic&nbsp; Studies&nbsp; Depression&nbsp; Scale&nbsp; (CES-D). We investigated&nbsp; the&nbsp; relationship&nbsp; of ADH1B rs1229984 and ALDH2 rs671 polymorphism combinations with depression and ARD risks. Logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the associations between those polymorphisms and mental disorders, adjusting for sex, age, number of family members, physical exercise, job status, and serum lipid&nbsp; abnormality. The degree of alcohol sensitivity&nbsp; was&nbsp; classified&nbsp; into&nbsp; five&nbsp; groups&nbsp; according&nbsp; to&nbsp; the combination of two enzyme genotypes (Group I-V, in order from the lowest alcohol sensitivity). Results: Those&nbsp; with ALDH2 1 / * 2 and &nbsp; ADH1B * 1 / * 1&nbsp; were&nbsp; likely&nbsp; to&nbsp; be&nbsp; at&nbsp; an&nbsp; increased&nbsp; risk&nbsp; of depression&nbsp; (OR&nbsp; 6.63,&nbsp; 95%&nbsp; CI&nbsp; 1.12-39.21).&nbsp; On&nbsp; the&nbsp; other&nbsp; hand,&nbsp; a&nbsp; genotype&nbsp; combination&nbsp; of ALDH2 * 1 / * 1 and&nbsp; ADH1B * 1 / * 2 or * 2 / * 2 was significantly associated with an increased risk of ARD (OR 3.93, 95% CI 1.86-8.31). Similar findings were observed when depression and ARD were combined as an&nbsp; outcome variable. Conclusions: Genetic alcohol sensitivity&nbsp; with&nbsp; the genotype&nbsp; combination&nbsp; of ALDH2 * 1 / * 2 and ADH1B * 1 / * 1&nbsp; was significantly&nbsp; associated&nbsp; with an&nbsp; increased&nbsp; risk&nbsp; of&nbsp; depression,&nbsp; while&nbsp; Japanese community-dwellers in rural areas with ALDH2 * 1 / * 1 and&nbsp; ADH1B&nbsp; * 1 / * 2 or * 2 / * 2 were at a&nbsp; significantly elevated risk of ARD. </p