9 research outputs found

    From slq(2) to a Parabosonic Hopf Algebra

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    A Hopf algebra with four generators among which an involution (reflection) operator, is introduced. The defining relations involve commutators and anticommutators. The discrete series representations are developed. Designated by sl₋₁(2), this algebra encompasses the Lie superalgebra osp(1|2). It is obtained as a q=−1 limit of the slq(2) algebra and seen to be equivalent to the parabosonic oscillator algebra in irreducible representations. It possesses a noncocommutative coproduct. The Clebsch-Gordan coefficients (CGC) of sl₋₁(2) are obtained and expressed in terms of the dual −1 Hahn polynomials. A generating function for the CGC is derived using a Bargmann realization

    Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics with Reflections

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    We consider a realization of supersymmetric quantum mechanics where supercharges are differential-difference operators with reflections. A supersymmetric system with an extended Scarf I potential is presented and analyzed. Its eigenfunctions are given in terms of little -1 Jacobi polynomials which obey an eigenvalue equation of Dunkl type and arise as a q-> -1 limit of the little q-Jacobi polynomials. Intertwining operators connecting the wave functions of extended Scarf I potentials with different parameters are presented.Comment: 17 page

    An Algebraic Model for the Multiple Meixner Polynomials of the First Kind

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    An interpretation of the multiple Meixner polynomials of the first kind is provided through an infinite Lie algebra realized in terms of the creation and annihilation operators of a set of independent oscillators. The model is used to derive properties of these orthogonal polynomials

    Jordan algebras and orthogonal polynomials

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    We illustrate how Jordan algebras can provide a framework for the interpretation of certain classes of orthogonal polynomials. The big -1 Jacobi polynomials are eigenfunctions of a first order operator of Dunkl type. We consider an algebra that has this operator (up to constants) as one of its three generators and whose defining relations are given in terms of anticommutators. It is a special case of the Askey-Wilson algebra AW(3). We show how the structure and recurrence relations of the big -1 Jacobi polynomials are obtained from the representations of this algebra. We also present ladder operators for these polynomials and point out that the big -1 Jacobi polynomials satisfy the Hahn property with respect to a generalized Dunkl operator.Comment: 11 pages, 30 reference

    An infinite family of superintegrable Hamiltonians with reflection in the plane

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    We introduce a new infinite class of superintegrable quantum systems in the plane. Their Hamiltonians involve reflection operators. The associated Schr\"odinger equations admit separation of variables in polar coordinates and are exactly solvable. The angular part of the wave function is expressed in terms of little -1 Jacobi polynomials. The spectra exhibit "accidental" degeneracies. The superintegrability of the model is proved using the recurrence relation approach. The (higher-order) constants of motion are constructed and the structure equations of the symmetry algebra obtained.Comment: 19 page

    Discrete series representations for sl(2|1), Meixner polynomials and oscillator models

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    We explore a model for the one-dimensional quantum oscillator based upon the Lie superalgebra sl(2|1). For this purpose, a class of discrete series representations of sl(2|1) is constructed, each representation characterized by a real number beta>0. In this model, the position and momentum operators of the oscillator are odd elements of sl(2|1) and their expressions involve an arbitrary parameter gamma. In each representation, the spectrum of the Hamiltonian is the same as that of the canonical oscillator. The spectrum of the momentum operator can be continuous or infinite discrete, depending on the value of gamma. We determine the position wavefunctions both in the continuous and discrete case, and discuss their properties. In the discrete case, these wavefunctions are given in terms of Meixner polynomials. From the embedding osp(1|2)\subset sl(2|1), it can be seen why the case gamma=1 corresponds to the paraboson oscillator. Consequently, taking the values (beta,gamma)=(1/2,1) in the sl(2|1) model yields the canonical oscillator.Comment: (some minor misprints were corrected in this version