49 research outputs found

    Machine learning-based prediction of relapse in rheumatoid arthritis patients using data on ultrasound examination and blood test

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    Recent effective therapies enable most rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients to achieve remission; however, some patients experience relapse. We aimed to predict relapse in RA patients through machine learning (ML) using data on ultrasound (US) examination and blood test. Overall, 210 patients with RA in remission at baseline were dichotomized into remission (n = 150) and relapse (n = 60) based on the disease activity at 2-year follow-up. Three ML classifiers [Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost)] and data on 73 features (14 US examination data, 54 blood test data, and five data on patient information) at baseline were used for predicting relapse. The best performance was obtained using the XGBoost classifier (area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC) = 0.747), compared with Random Forest and Logistic Regression (AUC = 0.719 and 0.701, respectively). In the XGBoost classifier prediction, ten important features, including wrist/metatarsophalangeal superb microvascular imaging scores, were selected using the recursive feature elimination method. The performance was superior to that predicted by researcher-selected features, which are conventional prognostic markers. These results suggest that ML can provide an accurate prediction of relapse in RA patients, and the use of predictive algorithms may facilitate personalized treatment options

    Enterocyte-Derived TAK1 Signaling Prevents Epithelium Apoptosis and the Development of Ileitis and Colitis

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    Recent studies have revealed that TAK1 kinase is an essential intermediate in several innate immune signaling pathways. In this study, we investigated the role of TAK1 signaling in maintaining intestinal homeostasis by generating enterocytes-specific constitutive and inducible gene deleted TAK1 mice. We found that enterocyte-specific constitutive TAK1 deleted mice spontaneously developed intestinal inflammation as observed by histological analysis and enhanced expression of IL-1β, MIP2 and IL-6 around the time of birth, which was accompanied by significant enterocytes apoptosis. When TAK1 was deleted in the intestinal epithelium of 4-week-old mice using an inducible knockout system, enterocytes underwent apoptosis and intestinal inflammation developed within 2–3 days following the initiation of gene deletion. We found that enterocytes apoptosis and intestinal inflammation were strongly attenuated when enterocyte-specific constitutive TAK1 deleted mice were crossed to TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1)−/− mice. However, these mice later (>14 days) developed ileitis and colitis. Thus, TAK1 signaling in enterocytes is essential for preventing TNF-dependent epithelium apoptosis and the TNF-independent development of ileitis and colitis. We propose that aberration in TAK1 signaling might disrupt intestinal homeostasis and favor the development of inflammatory disease

    Graphene oxide coating facilitates the bioactivity of scaffold material for tissue engineering

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    Carbon-based nanomaterials are being investigated for biomedical applications. Graphene oxide (GO), a monolayer of carbon, holds promise as a tissue engineering substrate due to its unique physicochemical properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a GO coating on cell proliferation and differentiation in vitro. We also assessed the bioactivities of collagen scaffolds coated with different concentrations of GO in rats. The results showed that GO affects both cell proliferation and differentiation, and improves the properties of collagen scaffolds. Subcutaneous implant tests showed that low concentrations of GO scaffold enhances cell in-growth and is highly biodegradable, whereas high concentrations of GO coating resulted in adverse biological effects. Consequently, scaffolds modified with a suitable concentration of GO are useful as a bioactive material for tissue engineering

    Successful Reduction of Acute Puerperal Uterine Inversion with the Use of a Bakri Postpartum Balloon

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    Uterine inversion is a state wherein the endometrial surface is inverted. Although this condition may be observed in nonpregnant women, it most commonly develops at the time of delivery. In the present case, a 37-year-old woman without any remarkable history developed acute puerperal uterine inversion after the successful induction of labor. Following the delivery, she complained twice of severe lower abdominal pain; subsequently, hemorrhage was noted at the site of partial detachment of the placenta. These findings led to a diagnosis of placenta accreta, and the patient developed a state of shock. A Bakri postpartum balloon was inserted into the uterine cavity under ultrasonographic guidance and was filled with physiological saline for treatment of this condition. With this procedure, the uterine inversion was completely reduced and the hemorrhage was stopped. Moreover, no reinversion was observed in the postoperative period. These findings suggest that a Bakri postpartum balloon can be used to noninvasively reduce uterine inversion and prevent its recurrence

    Comparative study of bioactivity of collagen scaffolds coated with graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide

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    Graphene oxide (GO) is a single layer carbon sheet with a thickness of less than 1 nm. GO has good dispersibility due to surface modifications with numerous functional groups. Reduced graphene oxide (RGO) is produced via the reduction of GO, and has lower dispersibility. We examined the bioactivity of GO and RGO films, and collagen scaffolds coated with GO and RGO. METHODS:GO and RGO films were fabricated on a culture dish. Some GO films were chemically reduced using either ascorbic acid or sodium hydrosulfite solution, resulting in preparation of RGO films. The biological properties of each film were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy, calcium adsorption tests, and MC3T3-E1 cell seeding. Subsequently, GO- and RGO-coated collagen scaffolds were prepared and characterized by SEM and compression tests. Each scaffold was implanted into subcutaneous tissue on the backs of rats. Measurements of DNA content and cell ingrowth areas of implanted scaffolds were performed 10 days post-surgery. RESULTS: The results show that GO and RGO possess different biological properties. Calcium adsorption and alkaline phosphatase activity were strongly enhanced by RGO, suggesting that RGO is effective for osteogenic differentiation. SEM showed that RGO-modified collagen scaffolds have rough, irregular surfaces. The compressive strengths of GO- and RGO-coated scaffolds were approximately 1.7-fold and 2.7-fold greater, respectively, when compared with the non-coated scaffold. Tissue ingrowth rate was 39% in RGO-coated scaffolds, as compared to 20% in the GO-coated scaffold and 16% in the non-coated scaffold. CONCLUSION: In summary, these results suggest that GO and RGO coatings provide different biological properties to collagen scaffolds, and that RGO-coated scaffolds are more bioactive than GO-coated scaffolds