63 research outputs found

    Distribution of charge on photoreceptor disc membranes and implications for charged lipid asymmetry

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    A novel spin labeling technique is used to determine both the inner and outer surface potentials of isolated rod outer segment disc membranes and of reconstituted membranes containing rhodopsin with defined lipid compositions. It is shown that these potentials can be accounted for in a consistent manner by the accepted model of rhodopsin, the known lipid composition, and the Gouy-Chapman theory, provided the charged lipid is asymmetric in the membrane, with approximately 75% on the external surface

    Composite Fermions and the Energy Gap in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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    The energy gaps for the fractional quantum Hall effect at filling fractions 1/3, 1/5, and 1/7 have been calculated by variational Monte Carlo using Jain's composite fermion wave functions before and after projection onto the lowest Landau level. Before projection there is a contribution to the energy gaps from the first excited Landau level. After projection this contribution vanishes, the quasielectron charge becomes more localized, and the Coulomb energy contribution increases. The projected gaps agree well with previous calculations, lending support to the composite fermion theory.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex 3.0, 2 compressed and uuencoded postscript figures appended, NHMFL-94-062

    Hund's Rule for Composite Fermions

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    We consider the ``fractional quantum Hall atom" in the vanishing Zeeman energy limit, and investigate the validity of Hund's maximum-spin rule for interacting electrons in various Landau levels. While it is not valid for {\em electrons} in the lowest Landau level, there are regions of filling factors where it predicts the ground state spin correctly {\em provided it is applied to composite fermions}. The composite fermion theory also reveals a ``self-similar" structure in the filling factor range 4/3>ν>2/34/3>\nu>2/3.Comment: 10 pages, revte

    Fractional Quantum Hall States in Low-Zeeman-Energy Limit

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    We investigate the spectrum of interacting electrons at arbitrary filling factors in the limit of vanishing Zeeman splitting. The composite fermion theory successfully explains the low-energy spectrum {\em provided the composite fermions are treated as hard-core}.Comment: 12 pages, revte

    Pulsed Magnetic Field Measurements of the Composite Fermion Effective Mass

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    Magnetotransport measurements of Composite Fermions (CF) are reported in 50 T pulsed magnetic fields. The CF effective mass is found to increase approximately linearly with the effective field B∗B^*, in agreement with our earlier work at lower fields. For a B∗B^* of 14 T it reaches 1.6me1.6m_e, over 20 times the band edge electron mass. Data from all fractions are unified by the single parameter B∗B^* for all the samples studied over a wide range of electron densities. The energy gap is found to increase like B∗\sqrt{B^*} at high fields.Comment: Has final table, will LaTeX without error

    Mixed States of Composite Fermions Carrying Two and Four Vortices

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    There now exists preliminary experimental evidence for some fractions, such as ν\nu = 4/11 and 5/13, that do not belong to any of the sequences ν=n/(2pn±1)\nu=n/(2pn\pm 1), pp and nn being integers. We propose that these states are mixed states of composite fermions of different flavors, for example, composite fermions carrying two and four vortices. We also obtain an estimate of the lowest-excitation dispersion curve as well as the transport gap; the gaps for 4/11 are smaller than those for 1/3 by approximately a factor of 50.Comment: Accepted for PRB rapid communication (scheduled to appear in Nov 15, 2000 issue

    Composite Fermion Description of Correlated Electrons in Quantum Dots: Low Zeeman Energy Limit

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    We study the applicability of composite fermion theory to electrons in two-dimensional parabolically-confined quantum dots in a strong perpendicular magnetic field in the limit of low Zeeman energy. The non-interacting composite fermion spectrum correctly specifies the primary features of this system. Additional features are relatively small, indicating that the residual interaction between the composite fermions is weak. \footnote{Published in Phys. Rev. B {\bf 52}, 2798 (1995).}Comment: 15 pages, 7 postscript figure

    Energy, interaction, and photoluminescence of spin-reversed quasielectrons in fractional quantum Hall systems

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    The energy and photoluminescence spectra of a two-dimensional electron gas in the fractional quantum Hall regime are studied. The single-particle properties of reversed-spin quasielectrons (QER_{\rm R}'s) as well as the pseudopotentials of their interaction with one another and with Laughlin quasielectrons (QE's) and quasiholes (QH's) are calculated. Based on the short-range character of the QER_{\rm R}--QER_{\rm R} and QER_{\rm R}--QE repulsion, the partially unpolarized incompressible states at the filling factors ν=411\nu={4\over11} and 513{5\over13} are postulated within Haldane's hierarchy scheme. To describe photoluminescence, the family of bound h(h(QER)n_{\rm R})_n states of a valence hole hh and nn QER_{\rm R}'s are predicted in analogy to the found earlier fractionally charged excitons hhQEn_n. The binding energy and optical selection rules for both families are compared. The hhQER_{\rm R} is found radiative in contrast to the dark hhQE, and the h(h(QER)2_{\rm R})_2 is found non-radiative in contrast to the bright hhQE2_2.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Hamiltonian Theory of the FQHE: Conserving Approximation for Incompressible Fractions

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    A microscopic Hamiltonian theory of the FQHE developed by Shankar and the present author based on the fermionic Chern-Simons approach has recently been quite successful in calculating gaps and finite tempertature properties in Fractional Quantum Hall states. Initially proposed as a small-qq theory, it was subsequently extended by Shankar to form an algebraically consistent theory for all qq in the lowest Landau level. Such a theory is amenable to a conserving approximation in which the constraints have vanishing correlators and decouple from physical response functions. Properties of the incompressible fractions are explored in this conserving approximation, including the magnetoexciton dispersions and the evolution of the small-qq structure factor as \nu\to\half. Finally, a formalism capable of dealing with a nonuniform ground state charge density is developed and used to show how the correct fractional value of the quasiparticle charge emerges from the theory.Comment: 15 pages, 2 eps figure
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