279 research outputs found

    The Effect of a High Thermal Gradient on Sintering and Stiffening in the Top Coat of a Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) System

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    Superalloy substrates coated with plasma sprayed CoNiCrAlY bond coats and yttria-stabilized zirconia top coats have been subjected to a high heat flux in a controlled atmosphere chamber. The sintering exhibited by the top coat under these conditions has been studied and compared with the behavior observed during isothermal heating, both when attached to the substrate and when detached. Sintering has been characterized by (a) microstructural examinations, (b) dilatometry, in both in-plane and through-thickness directions, and (c) stiffness measurements, using both cantilever bending and nanoindentation. A numerical heat flow model has been used to explore the stress state under isothermal and thermal gradient conditions. Sintering proceeds faster at higher temperature, but is retarded by the presence of tensile stresses (from differential thermal expansion between coating and substrate) within the top coat. Sintering occurs preferentially near the free surface of the top coat under gradient conditions, not only because of the higher temperature, but also because the in-plane stress is more compressive in that region


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    The investigation of the collaborative culture in Greek primary schools with an emphasis put on Small rural and Urban all-day primary schools was the basis for conducting the study. The main purpose of the study is to highlight the ways in which teachers in everyday school practice act and shape school collaborative culture, so that if a redefinition of their role is required, feedback to focus their interest on the effectiveness of their schools of responsibility. The scope of the survey was the total number of teachers (N=782) in randomly selected primary schools in the country. The research tool used was the School Culture Survey - Teacher Form (S.C.S.-T.F.) questionnaire which evaluates and records the teachers' views on the six dimensions (collaborative leadership, teacher collaboration, professional development, unity of purpose, collegial support and learning partnership) that shape the model of collaborative school culture. The findings demonstrate that teachers adopt the model of collaborative culture to a relatively satisfactory degree, applying several forms of collaborative behavior, as illustrated by the descriptive analysis. The analysis of One-way variance (ANOVA), between the factors of the collaborative school culture in relation to the variable “Position in the school unit” revealed the existence of a significant difference for the “collaborative leadership”, “professional development”, “unity of purpose”, “collegial support” and “learning partnership” factors, while, there was no significant differentiation for the “teacher collaboration” factor. In addition, the analysis of ANOVA between collaborative school culture in relation to the variable "geographical location of the school unit” revealed the existence of a significant difference only for the “collaborative leadership”, “teacher collaboration” and “collegial support” factors. Via Independent Samples T-test, the comparative study of relationships between the factors of the collaborative culture in the two types of schools revealed the existence of a significant differentiation for “collaborative leadership” and “collegial support”, while no significant difference was observed for the other factors of collaborative school culture. Of course, the observed forms of collaboration do not support the existence of a genuine collaborative culture, however, they lay the foundations for the development of more meaningful partnerships.  Article visualizations

    Molybdeno-Aluminizing of Powder Metallurgy and Wrought Ti and Ti-6Al-4Valloys by Pack Cementation process

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    El artículo está disponible online en la web del editor (Elsevier) desde el 23 de junio de 2016.Wear and high temperature oxidation resistance of some titanium-based alloys needs to be enhanced, and this can beeffectively accomplished by surface treatment. Molybdenizing is a surface treatment where molybdenum is introducedinto the surface of titanium alloys causing the formation of wear-resistant surface layers containing molybdenum, whilealuminizing of titanium-based alloys has been reported to improve their high temperature oxidation properties. Whereaspack cementation and other surface modification methods have been used for molybdenizing or aluminizing of wroughtand/or cast pure titanium and titanium alloys, such surface treatments have not been reported on titanium alloys producedby powder metallurgy (PM). Also a critical understanding of the process parameters for simultaneous one stepmolybdeno-aluminizing of titanium alloys by pack cementation and the predominant mechanism for this process havenot been reported. The current research work describes the surface modification of titanium and Ti-6Al-4V prepared byPM by molybdeno-aluminizing and analyzes thermodynamic aspects of the deposition process. Similar coatings are alsodeposited to wrought Ti-6Al-4V and compared. Characterization of the coatings was carried out using scanning electronmicroscopy and x-ray diffraction. For both titanium and Ti-6Al-4V, the use of a powder pack containing ammoniumchloride as activator leads to the deposition of molybdenum and aluminium into the surface but also introduces nitrogencausing the formation of a thin titanium nitride layer. In addition, various titanium aluminides and mixed titanium aluminiumnitrides are formed. The appropriate conditions for molybdeno-aluminizing as well as the phases expected to beformed were successfully determined by thermodynamic equilibrium calculations.Regional Government of Madridthrough the project S2013/MIT-2862 (MULTIMAT-CHALLENGE-CM), and by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain through the project MAT2012/38650-C02-0

    Influence of carbon content on the sinterability of an FeCr matrix cermet reinforced with TiCN

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    The influence of carbon content on an iron-chromium cermet composite reinforced with Ti(C,N) (50 vol.%) has been studied. A thermodynamic simulation was performed using the ThermoCalc software to calculate the phase diagram of the composite. The results were validated by a thermal study performed using differential thermal analysis (DTA), and cermet samples with C percentages between 0 and 1 wt.% added to the steel matrix were prepared using a conventional powder metallurgy process. The sintered samples were characterised by measurements of density and hardness, microstructural analysis using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), microanalyses using energy dispersive X ray spectroscopy (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results obtained show a significant influence of the C percentage on the solidus temperature, which influences sintering behaviour, leading to changes in the Ti(C,N) particles' shape and composition, due to changes in the stoichiometry of the Ti(C,N). This influence is reflected in the cermet microstructure and hardness. The results are discussed with reference to the DTA and thermodynamic studies.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through R&D Project MAT2009-14448-C02 and the Regional Government of Madrid through the programme ESTRUMAT-CM (Ref. S2009/MAT-1585).Publicad

    Oxidation and corrosion protection by halide treatment of powder metallurgy Ti and Ti6Al4V alloy

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    The aim of this work is to study the effect of halide treatment in powder metallurgy Ti-6Al-4V alloy, in order to improve high temperature oxidation and electrochemical corrosion resistance. Halide treatment was performed by immersing samples in a powder mixture containing 3 wt% NH4Cl, at 200 degrees C and 950 degrees C. Oxidation resistance was assessed by exposure to 600 degrees C for 300 h. The microstructure and phase constitution of the formed oxide layers was characterized. Corrosion resistance in aircraft simulated environment was evaluated with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Notable improvement in oxidation and corrosion resistance was observed for samples treated at 200 degrees C.The authors wish to thank the Ministry of Education and Science for funding through R&D Project MAT2012-38650-C02-01, and the Community of Madrid for its funding through ESTRUMAT program (S-2009/MAT-1585)

    Boro-aluminising of P91 steel by pack cementation for protection against steam oxidation

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    High performance alloys are often the materials used for various components exposed to high temperature environments. In many cases, protective coatings are applied in these alloys, providing higher corrosion and oxidation resistance, compared to the base material. This study investigates the feasibility to apply boro-aluminising treatment on P91 steel by pack cementation process, to increase the steel high temperature properties in oxidising and corrosive environments. Packs activated by AlCl₃, NH₄Cl and KBF₄ were used to carry out the coating deposition at a temperature of 715°C for 6 h. The coating formed was analysed by means of SEM and XRD, and the compounds formed were identified. Cyclic steam oxidation for a total of 1008 h at 650°C revealed an oxide scale of 50 mum for the uncoated P91 steel, while the coated steel shows practically no oxidation effect.Publicad

    Estudio de la síntesis de polvos de la fase MAX Ti3SiC2 por sinterización sin presión

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    MAX phases exhibit excellent combination of ceramic and metallic-like properties. In this work, MAX phase Ti3SiC2 powder was synthesized starting-off with different combinations of elemental powders and carbides. The powders used were Ti, Si, C, SiC and TiC in different combinations, molar ratios and powder size. Powders were heat treated on a vacuum furnace for different times and temperatures for in situ production of the Ti3SiC2 MAX phase. High purity synthesized samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in order to identify and quantify the different phase constituents present. The main phase constituents in the powders produced were Ti3SiC2 and TiSi2. Up to 94% of Ti3SiC2 MAX phase was obtained using Ti:SiC:C as starting powders in a molar ratio of 3:1.5:0.5. Different phase constitution was observed on the surface and the centre of the samples. An optimal starting powder composition, molar ratio, heat treatment temperature and time is proposed for the formation of high purity Ti3SiC2 MAX phase. Selected mixture was studied thermodynamically and a reaction mechanism of formation of the MAX phase is proposed.Las fases MAX presentan una excelente combinación de propiedades cerámicas y metálicas. En este trabajo se sintetizaron polvos de fase MAX Ti3SiC2 a partir de diferentes combinaciones de polvos elementales y carburos. Los polvos utilizados fueron Ti, Si, C, SiC y TiC en diferentes combinaciones, proporciones molares y tamaño de partícula. Los polvos se sinterizaron en un horno de vacío a diferentes tiempos y temperaturas para la producción in situ de la fase MAX Ti3SiC2. Las muestras sintetizadas de alta pureza se analizaron mediante difracción de rayos X (XRD) y microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) para identificar y cuantificar las diferentes fases constituyentes presentes. Las principales fases constituyentes en los polvos producidos fueron de Ti3SiC2 y TiSi2. Se obtuvo hasta un 94% de fase MAX Ti3SiC2 utilizando como polvos de partida Ti:SiC:C en una proporción molar de 3:1,5:0,5. Se observó diferente formación de fase en la superficie y en el centro de las muestras. Finalmente, se propone una composición óptima de polvo de partida, relación molar, temperatura de sinterización y tiempo para la formación de la fase MAX de Ti3SiC2 de alta pureza. La mezcla seleccionada se estudió termodinámicamente y se propone un mecanismo de reacción para la formación de la fase MAX.The authors would like to thank the funding provided for this research by the Regional Government of Madrid (Dir. Gral. Universidades e Investigación) through the project P2018/NMT4411 (ADITIMAT-CM), the Spanish Government through the Ramón y Cajal contract RYC-2014-15014 and the project MAT2012-38650-C02-01

    Oxidation and Corrosion Behavior of New Low-Cost Ti-7Fe-3Al and Ti-7Fe-5Cr Alloys from Titanium Hydride Powders

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    High production costs of Ti alloys usually hinders their use in industry sectors like the automotive and hence, low-cost titanium alloys could broaden titanium alloy usage. This work presents the study of three alloys— Ti-Fe, Ti-Fe-Al, and Ti-Fe-Cr—produced by powder metallurgy methods. The design of the compositions was aimed at reducing cost and enhance the oxidation and corrosion resistance while not decreasing the mechanical performance. The use of titanium hydride as raw material instead of Ti powder is highlighted as a key feature in the design and manufacturing procedure of the alloys. Introducing a dehydrogenation process during sintering favors the densification process while reducing the oxygen contamination and the production cost. There is a lack of studies focused on the implementation of affordable PM Ti alloys in high demanding environments. Therefore, a study of high temperature oxidation resistance and electrochemical behavior was performed

    Cermets based on FeAl-NbC from composite powders: design of composition and processing

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    In Press, Accepted ManuscriptThe aim of this work is the design, processing and characterization of a metal&-ceramic composite (cermet) with an iron &- aluminum alloy as metallic matrix and NbC as ceramic phase. The cermet is obtained from a composite powder containing in situ formed NbC-rich precipitates on an iron rich metal matrix. The starting powder was supplied by CBMM (Brazil), and it was produced by a synthesis process under development which introduces other metals such as Al, Si and Ti to the composition. Due to the in situ process, good bonding is expected between the carbide and the matrix. However it is necessary to study the processability of those complex particles and the transformations occurring during sintering to get the final microstructure. Thermodynamic studies by means of ThermoCalc® software were performed to predict the phases stable with the starting composition and also the influence of Fe and C additions. Samples were produced by uniaxial pressing and vacuum sintering (PS), and also by Field Assisted Hot Pressing (FAHP). The processing parameters for PS processing, that is, sintering temperature and time were based on themodynamic simulations by ThermoCalc® software together with thermal analysis. The powders were characterized by measuring density, particle size, carbon content and chemical composition; and consolidated samples by density and Vickers hardness. The microstructure and morphology of the powder and consolidated samples was analyzed by SEM. The addition of Fe and both C and Fe to the starting cermet composition provided good results as the final microstructure consisted essentially of NbC and Fe matrix.Spanish government, R&D project MAT2012-38650-C02-01Publicad