594 research outputs found

    Mining, concentrating, and smelting of lead and zinc ores in Hunan Province China

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    The mine in question lies in the western part of Shangning District, in the province of Hunan. It is about one hundred and twenty miles south of Changsha, the capital of the province. It may be reached by a four days\u27 trip from Changsha on foot. One can also reach there by native boat in a few days, depending on the wind and the stage of water. The mine is about three miles from the Siang River. This river has its sources in the northern part of Kwangtung province and in the eastern part of Kwangsi province. It flows north-ward passing through the Lungting Lake, and emptying into the Yang Isz River. At present the ore is carried to the river by men --leaf 1

    Three-dimensional flow behavior generated by suspended canopy

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    Aquaculture, the farming of aquatic organisms, is a quickly growing industry responding to the\ud worldwide increase in food demand. The physical interaction between the currents and aquaculture structures are\ud important as these significantly influence the nutrients and waste fluxes in and surrounding aquaculture. Understanding\ud the hydrodynamics is an important step to improve our overall knowledge of sustainable aquaculture practices.\ud Geometrically, aquaculture structures can be modeled as suspended canopy, a porous media with very high porosity\ud which is suspended downward from the free surface to some distance above the bottom boundary. Previous researchs\ud on suspended canopy flow assume the flow is either one or two dimensional. However, the water flow in the field is\ud three-dimensional and currents may be diverted underneath and around the canopy. The current paper presents results\ud from experiments and numerical simulations to quantify the three-dimensional hydrodynamic effects of suspended\ud canopy. Experiments were carried out by towing a canopy consisting of five times ten suspended elements through an\ud existing towing tank. The towing velocity was constant at 0.10m/s. ADV was used to measure velocities at multiple\ud locations surrounding the canopy. A finite element CFD model (Fluidity by AMCG) in combination with the k-?? or\ud LES turbulence model were used to simulate the flow field generated by the moving canopy. Results were validated by\ud using the ADV data. The presence of the canopy resulted in a reduction of the flow rate through the canopy of\ud approximately 70%, measured at the trailing edge. Of the water diverted, 60% went around the canopy and 40% below\ud the canopy

    Measurement of the dependence of the light yields of linear alkylbenzene-based and EJ-301 scintillators on electron energy

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    An experimental test of the electron energy scale linearities of SNO+ and EJ-301 scintillators was carried out using a Compton spectrometer with electrons in the energy range 0.09-3 MeV. The linearity of the apparatus was explicitly demonstrated. It was found that the response of both types of scintillators with respect to electrons becomes non-linear below ~0.4 MeV. An explanation is given in terms of Cherenkov light absorption and re-emission by the scintillators.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Mixture of experts models for multilevel data: modelling framework and approximation theory

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    Multilevel data are prevalent in many real-world applications. However, it remains an open research problem to identify and justify a class of models that flexibly capture a wide range of multilevel data. Motivated by the versatility of the mixture of experts (MoE) models in fitting regression data, in this article we extend upon the MoE and study a class of mixed MoE (MMoE) models for multilevel data. Under some regularity conditions, we prove that the MMoE is dense in the space of any continuous mixed effects models in the sense of weak convergence. As a result, the MMoE has a potential to accurately resemble almost all characteristics inherited in multilevel data, including the marginal distributions, dependence structures, regression links, random intercepts and random slopes. In a particular case where the multilevel data is hierarchical, we further show that a nested version of the MMoE universally approximates a broad range of dependence structures of the random effects among different factor levels

    Support for climate-driven migration in Australia : testing an ideology-based threat model

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    We examine Australians’ preferences for resettling people displaced by climate change from overseas (‘climate refugees’), from within Australia (‘internal climate refugees’), and people displaced by war. Across three studies (Study 1N = 467, Study 2N = 1679, Study 3N = 492), our findings reveal greater support for resettling refugee groups already residing in the nation: internal climate refugees and refugees of war. Although support for all three groups was reasonably high, participants were consistently and significantly less supportive of resettling international climate refugees. Both groups of international refugees (relocating due to war or climate changes) were viewed as posing greater threat than internally displaced Australians. Endorsement of right-wing ideological attitudes predicted lower support for climate refugees, which was mediated by symbolic and realistic threat perceptions. These findings highlight the potential of ideology, economic and cultural concerns to undermine support for resettling those displaced by climate change

    Bystander intervention in coercive control:Do relationship to the victim, bystander gender, and concerns influence willingness to intervene?

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    With rates of coercive control (CC) increasing, there is a need to ensure that intervention programs are underpinned by evidence-based research. Current interventions are scarce, with their efficacy rarely established. Most current interventions appear to rely on victims seeking support from formal sources/agencies, despite suggestions that victims are more likely to confide in people they know, such as their friends. Researchers suggest that a victim’s friends may provide an effective source of support and intervention. The aim of this study was to fill the gap in the literature exploring whether the closeness of the relationship to the victim, bystander gender, and bystander concerns influenced attitudes toward intervening in CC situations. The study used an experimental design, whereby participants were randomly allocated to read a vignette depicting a CC scenario involving a friend, colleague, or stranger, and quantitative methods were used to examine bystanders’ willingness and concerns about intervening. The sample was 340 Australian participants (229 female, 111 male), recruited from social media, namely community Facebook groups. The results indicated that friends were significantly more willing to intervene than colleagues or strangers, while strangers reported the highest concerns about intervening. Females reported significantly higher willingness to intervene than men despite also reporting higher concerns. Exploratory analysis of concerns about intervening revealed that the participants were most concerned about risk of harm and their beliefs in their ability to successfully intervene. These findings have implications for bystander intervention programs and campaigns, including offering a range of potential directions to enhance intervention program content
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