11,853 research outputs found

    Financial Computational Intelligence

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    Artificial intelligence decision support system is always a popular topic in providing the human with an optimized decision recommendation when operating under uncertainty in complex environments. The particular focus of our discussion is to compare different methods of artificial intelligence decision support systems in the investment domain – the goal of investment decision-making is to select an optimal portfolio that satisfies the investor’s objective, or, in other words, to maximize the investment returns under the constraints given by investors. In this study we apply several artificial intelligence systems like Influence Diagram (a special type of Bayesian network), Decision Tree and Neural Network to get experimental comparison analysis to help users to intelligently select the best portfoliArtificial intelligence, neural network, decision tree, bayesian network

    An OT Approach on the Word Order of Hakka Focus and Topic Constructions

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    [[abstract]]This paper adopts an Optimality Theoretic approach to analyze the basic word orders of Hakka involving the subject, verb, object, and additional PPs. As argued in this paper, in Hakka the sentence-initial constituent should be identified as the topic, and the second preverbal position is associated with the focus position. Here a set of constraint ranking consisting of three generalized alignment constraints is proposed, which successfully accounts for the association of the word order variants with their pragmatic functions. This paper also discusses VP constructions that involve a complement or an adjunctive PP. While the positioning of adjunct PPs follows the general word order predictions; contrastively, it is specifically argued that a complement PP is incompatible with extraposition; in other words, a complement PP is never topicalized or focalized in sentences. With a separate OT analysis being applied on the pragmatic level, this paper uses a syntactic restriction against preverbal complement PPs to explain this phenomenon in Hakka.[[notice]]èŁœæ­ŁćźŒç•ą[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]é›»ć­ç‰ˆ[[countrycodes]]US

    A syntactic-semantic optimality theoretic model on Hakka topic-comment construction

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    The purpose of this paper is to show how the basic Topic-Comment ordering pattern of the Hakka can be accounted for by the constraint-based optimality theory. Part of the linguistic data used in this paper is adopted from Xu (2002), while those examples presented to show syntactic tests are created by the author. These sentences have been further checked and confirmed by a native speaker of Hakka. This paper proposes an Optimality Theoretic (OT) model that takes into account both syntactic and semantic considerations. It shows that semantic information comes into play successively at different points of OT grammar. First, integrating semantic information into the schema of OT syntax works precisely to describe the Hakka topic-initial sentence pattern. The alignment constraints incorporate information about the semantically defined topic and comment constructions into the constraint design, which interacts with other markedness constraints to filter linguistic constructions during production. Second, semantic constraints are formed to further evaluate form-meaning pairs during the process of interpretation. In this aspect, semantic notions including contrastiveness and markedness are incorporated into the theoretical plan with the purpose of pairing syntactically well-formed sentences with appropriate meaning. The paper successfully presents an optimization model illustrating how syntax and semantics cooperate to pair meanings with linguistic constructions in forming linguistic expressions.

    Characterization of mutualistic plant-fungus interactions and the participating fungal chemical mediators

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    Beneficial microbes are indispensable for environment and agriculture. They provide plants with more accessible nutrients and protect them from pathogen infection. To understand how plants and microbes communicate, it is important to identify the chemical mediators and to characterize their physiological functions. This knowledge will provide us with better strategies for modern agriculture. In this thesis, the interaction between Arabidopsis thaliana plants and a Trichoderma species, Mortierella hyalina, and Piriformospora indica was investigated
