38 research outputs found


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    INTRODUCTION: The lower extremity provides supports when we exercise. The roles what lower extremity plays should be clarified during pitching. Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to observe the ground reaction force during a windmill pitcher pitching straight ball and rise ball

    Single-step growth of graphene and graphene-based nanostructures by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition

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    The realization of many promising technological applications of graphene and graphene-based nanostructures depends on the availability of reliable, scalable, high-yield and low-cost synthesis methods. Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) has been a versatile technique for synthesizing many carbon-based materials, because PECVD provides a rich chemical environment, including a mixture of radicals, molecules and ions from hydrocarbon precursors, which enables graphene growth on a variety of material surfaces at lower temperatures and faster growth than typical thermal chemical vapor deposition. Here we review recent advances in the PECVD techniques for synthesis of various graphene and graphene-based nanostructures, including horizontal growth of monolayer and multilayer graphene sheets, vertical growth of graphene nanostructures such as graphene nanostripes with large aspect ratios, direct and selective deposition of monolayer and multi-layer graphene on nanostructured substrates, and growth of multi-wall carbon nanotubes. By properly controlling the gas environment of the plasma, it is found that no active heating is necessary for the PECVD growth processes, and that high-yield growth can take place in a single step on a variety of surfaces, including metallic, semiconducting and insulating materials. Phenomenological understanding of the growth mechanisms are described. Finally, challenges and promising outlook for further development in the PECVD techniques for graphene-based applications are discussed

    Single-step growth of graphene and graphene-based nanostructures by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition

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    The realization of many promising technological applications of graphene and graphene-based nanostructures depends on the availability of reliable, scalable, high-yield and low-cost synthesis methods. Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) has been a versatile technique for synthesizing many carbon-based materials, because PECVD provides a rich chemical environment, including a mixture of radicals, molecules and ions from hydrocarbon precursors, which enables graphene growth on a variety of material surfaces at lower temperatures and faster growth than typical thermal chemical vapor deposition. Here we review recent advances in the PECVD techniques for synthesis of various graphene and graphene-based nanostructures, including horizontal growth of monolayer and multilayer graphene sheets, vertical growth of graphene nanostructures such as graphene nanostripes with large aspect ratios, direct and selective deposition of monolayer and multi-layer graphene on nanostructured substrates, and growth of multi-wall carbon nanotubes. By properly controlling the gas environment of the plasma, it is found that no active heating is necessary for the PECVD growth processes, and that high-yield growth can take place in a single step on a variety of surfaces, including metallic, semiconducting and insulating materials. Phenomenological understanding of the growth mechanisms are described. Finally, challenges and promising outlook for further development in the PECVD techniques for graphene-based applications are discussed

    Direct Large-Area Growth of Graphene on Silicon for Potential Ultra-Low-Friction Applications and Silicon-Based Technologies

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    Deposition of layers of graphene on silicon has the potential for a wide range of optoelectronic and mechanical applications. However, direct growth of graphene on silicon has been difficult due to the inert, oxidized silicon surfaces. Transferring graphene from metallic growth substrates to silicon is not a good solution either, because most transfer methods involve multiple steps that often lead to polymer residues or degradation of sample quality. Here we report a single-step method for large-area direct growth of continuous horizontal graphene sheets and vertical graphene nano-walls on silicon substrates by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) without active heating. Comprehensive studies utilizing Raman spectroscopy, x-ray/ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS/UPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical transmission are carried out to characterize the quality and properties of these samples. Data gathered by the residual gas analyzer (RGA) during the growth process further provide information about the synthesis mechanism. Additionally, ultra-low friction (with a frictional coefficient ~0.015) on multilayer graphene-covered silicon surface is achieved, which is approaching the superlubricity limit (for frictional coefficients <0.01). Our growth method therefore opens up a new pathway towards scalable and direct integration of graphene into silicon technology for potential applications ranging from structural superlubricity to nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, and even the next-generation lithium-ion batteries

    Atomic-scale Structural and Chemical Characterization of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Layers Synthesized at the Wafer-Scale with Monolayer Thickness Control

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    Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is a promising two-dimensional insulator with a large band gap and low density of charged impurities that is isostructural and isoelectronic with graphene. Here we report the chemical and atomic-scale structure of CVD-grown wafer-scale (~25 cm2) h-BN sheets ranging in thickness from 1-20 monolayers. Atomic-scale images of h-BN on Au and graphene/Au substrates obtained by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) reveal high h-BN crystalline quality in monolayer samples. Further characterization of 1-20 monolayer samples indicates uniform thickness for wafer-scale areas; this thickness control is a result of precise control of the precursor flow rate, deposition temperature and pressure. Raman and infrared spectroscopy indicate the presence of B-N bonds and reveal a linear dependence of thickness with growth time. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) shows the film stoichiometry, and the B/N atom ratio in our films is 1 + 0.6% across the range of thicknesses. Electrical current transport in metal/insulator/metal (Au/h-BN/Au) heterostructures indicates that our CVD-grown h-BN films can act as excellent tunnel barriers with a high hard-breakdown field strength. Our results suggest that large-area h-BN films are structurally, chemically and electronically uniform over the wafer scale, opening the door to pervasive application as a dielectric in layered nanoelectronic and nanophotonic heterostructures.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Direct growth of mm-size twisted bilayer graphene by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition

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    Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) techniques have been shown to be an efficient method to achieve single-step synthesis of high-quality monolayer graphene (MLG) without the need of active heating. Here we report PECVD-growth of single-crystalline hexagonal bilayer graphene (BLG) flakes and mm-size BLG films with the interlayer twist angle controlled by the growth parameters. The twist angle has been determined by three experimental approaches, including direct measurement of the relative orientation of crystalline edges between two stacked monolayers by scanning electron microscopy, analysis of the twist angle-dependent Raman spectral characteristics, and measurement of the Moiré period with scanning tunneling microscopy. In mm-sized twisted BLG (tBLG) films, the average twist angle can be controlled from 0° to approximately 20°, and the angular spread for a given growth condition can be limited to < 7°. Different work functions between MLG and BLG have been verified by the Kelvin probe force microscopy and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. Electrical measurements of back-gated field-effect-transistor devices based on small-angle tBLG samples revealed high-quality electric characteristics at 300 K and insulating temperature dependence down to 100 K. This controlled PECVD-growth of tBLG thus provides an efficient approach to investigate the effect of varying Moiré potentials on tBLG

    Nearly 90% Circularly-Polarized Emission in Monolayer WSâ‚‚ Single Crystals by Chemical Vapor Deposition

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    Monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) in the 2H-phase are semiconductors promising for opto-valleytronic and opto-spintronic applications because of their strong spin-valley coupling. Here we report detailed studies of opto-valleytronic properties of heterogeneous domains in CVD-grown monolayer WS₂ single crystals. By illuminating WS₂ with off-resonance circularly-polarized light and measuring the resulting spatially resolved circularly-polarized emission (P_circ), we find significantly large circular polarization (P_(circ) up to 60% and 45% for α- and β-domains, respectively) already at 300 K, which increases to nearly 90% in the α-domains at 80 K. Studies of spatially resolved photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Kelvin-probe force microscopy (KPFM) and conductive atomic force microscopy (CAFM) reveal direct correlation among the PL intensity, defect densities and chemical potential, with the α-domains showing lower defect densities and a smaller work function by 0.13 eV than the β-domains. This work function difference indicates the occurrence of type-two band alignments between the α- and β-domains. We adapt a classical model to explain how electronically active defects may serve as non-radiative recombination centers, and find good agreement between experiments and the model. Scanning tunneling microscopic/spectroscopic (STM/STS) studies provide further evidences for tungsten vacancies (WVs) being the primary defects responsible for the suppressed PL and circular polarization in WS₂. These results therefore suggest a pathway to control the opto-valleytronic properties of TMDCs via defect engineering