147 research outputs found

    Electron density stratification in two-dimensional structures tuned by electric field

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    A new kinetic instability which results in formation of charge density waves is proposed. The instability is of a purely classical nature. A spatial period of arising space-charge and field configuration is inversely proportional to electric field and can be tuned by applied voltage. The instability has no interpretation in the framework of traditional hydrodynamic approach, since it arises from modulation of an electron distribution function both in coordinate and energy spaces. The phenomenon can be observed in thin 2D nanostructures at relatively low electron density.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Hall helps Ohm: some corrections to negative-U centers approach to transport properties of YBa2_2Cu3_3Ox_x and La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4

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    For broad oxygen and strontium doping ranges, temperature dependences (T-dependences) of the normal state resistivity \rho(T) of YBa_2Cu_3O_x (YBCO) and La_(2-x)Sr_xCuO_4 (LSCO) are calculated and compared to experiments. Holes transport was taken in the \tau-approximation, where \tau(T,\epsilon) is due to acoustic phonons. Besides, T-dependence of the chemical potential \mu(T) and effective carrier mass m* ~10-100 free electron masses, obtained by negative-U centers modelling the T-dependence of the Hall coefficient, were used to calculate \rho(T). In addition, it is demonstrated that anisotropy of the cuprates does not affect the calculated T-variation of neither Hall coefficient nor \rho, but only rescale their magnitudes by factors depending on combinations of m_ab and m_c.Comment: 4th International Conference Fundamental Problems of High-Temperature Superconductivity, Moscow-Zvenigorod (October 3-7, 2011) Submitted to J. Supercond. Nov. Magn.: after revision. Extension for Supercond. Sci. Technol. 24 075026 (2011), DOI: 10.1088/0953-2048/24/7/075026 Contains: 2 pages, 3 figure

    Photo-Structural Transformations in Amorphous Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductor Films

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    The absence of deep traps for electrons in the spectrum of As40Se30S30 localized states films obtained by ion sputtering was determined. Bipolar drift of charge carriers was found in amorphous As40Se30S30 films of chalcogenide glassy semiconductors, obtained by ion-plasma sputtering of high-frequency, unlike the films of these materials obtained by thermal evaporation

    Photoelectric Properties in Amorphous Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductor As40Se30S30 Films

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    Bipolar photoconductivity and bipolar drift of charge carriers have been established in amorphous chalcogenide glassy semiconductors As40Se30S30 films, obtained by ion-plasma rf sputtering, in contrast to the films of these materials obtained by thermal evaporation. Observed results were due to the lack of deep traps for electrons in the spectrum of localized film states obtained by ion sputtering

    Enhanced Superconductivity in Sr2CuO4-v

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    A critical review of previous investigations of the superconductivity with enhanced Tc ~ 95K found in Sr2CuO4-v shows that new physics occurs in a highly overdoped region of the cuprate phase diagram. Moreover, evidence is adduced from the literature that 30% of the oxygen sites in the CuO2 layers are vacant, a conclusion which is at odds with the universally made assumption that superconductivity originates in stoichiometric CuO2 layers. While further research is needed in order to identify the pairing mechanism(s) responsible for the enhanced Tc, we suggest possible candidates

    Landau damping and anomalous skin effect in low-pressure gas discharges: Self-consistent treatment of collisionless heating

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    In low-pressure discharges, where the electron mean free path is larger or comparable with the discharge length, the electron dynamics is essentially nonlocal. Moreover, the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) deviates considerably from a Maxwellian. Therefore, an accurate kinetic description of the low-pressure discharges requires knowledge of the nonlocal conductivity operator and calculation of the non-Maxwellian EEDF. The previous treatments made use of simplifying assumptions: a uniform density profile and a Maxwellian EEDF. In the present study a self-consistent system of equations for the kinetic description of nonlocal, nonuniform, nearly collisionless plasmas of low-pressure discharges is reported. It consists of the nonlocal conductivity operator and the averaged kinetic equation for calculation of the non-Maxwellian EEDF. This system was applied to the calculation of collisionless heating in capacitively and inductively coupled plasmas. In particular, the importance of accounting for the nonuniform plasma density profile for computing the current density profile and the EEDF is demonstrated. The enhancement of collisionless heating due to the bounce resonance between the electron motion in the potential well and the external radio-frequency electric field is investigated. It is shown that a nonlinear and self-consistent treatment is necessary for the correct description of collisionless heating

    Radio-frequency discharges in Oxygen. Part 1: Modeling

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    In this series of three papers we present results from a combined experimental and theoretical effort to quantitatively describe capacitively coupled radio-frequency discharges in oxygen. The particle-in-cell Monte-Carlo model on which the theoretical description is based will be described in the present paper. It treats space charge fields and transport processes on an equal footing with the most important plasma-chemical reactions. For given external voltage and pressure, the model determines the electric potential within the discharge and the distribution functions for electrons, negatively charged atomic oxygen, and positively charged molecular oxygen. Previously used scattering and reaction cross section data are critically assessed and in some cases modified. To validate our model, we compare the densities in the bulk of the discharge with experimental data and find good agreement, indicating that essential aspects of an oxygen discharge are captured.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure