15 research outputs found

    A pilot geomagnetic and magnetotelluric survey in Mogod area of the Eastern Hangai, Mongolia

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    The paper are the preliminary results of the study of the hydrothermal system of Khulj, which is located in Mogod soum of Bulgan aimag, carried out using magnetotelluric and magnetic methods. Khulj’s hydrothermal system is an interesting geodynamic structure located in the area of a young volcanic mountain in the eastern part of the Khangai Mountains. The study was carried out using two geophysical methods. The first is the magnetotelluric measurement, which registered variations of 3 components of magnetic field (Bx, By, Bz), and 2 components of electric field (Ex, Ey). In addition, we have provided a total of 8 magnetic field profiles for an area of ​​4 x 8 km. The sample rate of the total magnetic field was 3 seconds, which corresponds to about 3 meters. The programme’s codes are written in C ++ and Matlab and the result of this code is a programme called INV2DMAG. This programme is based on the inversion method of the Levenberq-Marquardt algorithm. Magnetotelluric results show that one-dimensional models clearly display the depth, the thickness of precipitation, as well as the thickness of the Moho boundaries. A preliminary two-dimensional magnetic structure, determined from small-length profiles, provides very useful insight into understanding the shallow deep structure of the sedimentary soil of the region in and around Mogod. In the Mogod’s hydrothermal system, we expect that the hot fluid heats up from granites, which have a deep source.For a detailed research, repeat field measurement is required to determine not only the structure of this geothermal system but also to determine the depth of the sedimentary soil

    Mosses of gobi in Mongolia

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    Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory96183-21

    HPV genoprevalence and HPV knowledge in young women in Mongolia, five years following a pilot 4vHPV vaccination campaign

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    BACKGROUND: In a 2012 pilot, 9111 Mongolian girls aged 11-17 years received three doses of the quadrivalent (4vHPV) vaccine, Gardasil®. This is the first study to measure early vaccine effectiveness and assess knowledge and attitudes of young women in Mongolia in relation to the human papillomavirus (HPV), the vaccine and cervical cancer. METHODS: A cohort of women vaccinated in 2012 (n = 726) and an unvaccinated cohort (n = 790) provided self-administered vaginal swabs for detection of high-risk HPV genotypes 16, 18/45, 31, 33, 35, 39, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68 five years following vaccination. Participant knowledge and attitudes were assessed through a questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 1882 questionnaires and 1516 self-administered vaginal swabs were analyzed. The prevalence of any HRHPV was 39.5% among both cohorts. The prevalence of vaccine-targeted HPV types was significantly lower in the vaccinated cohort than unvaccinated: 4.8% and 17.2% respectively. The 4vHPV was shown to be protective against HRHPV 16, 18/45 with 75% vaccine effectiveness. Participant knowledge was low. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that the 4vHPV is associated with reduced vaccine-targeted HPV detection rates in young Mongolian women. The questionnaire results highlight a need for awareness-raising initiatives in Mongolia on HPV, the vaccine and cervical cancer

    Correspondence of a global isolated substorm to the McPherron statistical model

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    Abstract It is shown that a diamagnetic structure (DS) of the slow solar wind (SW), the source of which on the Sun was a chain of streamers, arrived at Earth’s orbit on December 22, 2015. It interacted with Earth’s magnetosphere under conditions when the northward Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) remained for a long time in preceding undisturbed SW. The interaction and a sharp change in the direction of Bz to the south generated an isolated substorm whose duration depends on the duration of interaction with the DS. The substorm began at midday with the passage of the DS into the magnetosphere and spread to the east. All phases of the substorm — growth, expansion, and recovery — were observed for two hours. Variations in the SW and IMF parameters are shown to coincide for the isolated substorm whose energy source was the slow solar wind DS, and a trigger was the abrupt change in the direction of the vertical IMF component from north to south. The coincidence is justified by statistical generalizations of the same parameters in 40 % of cases of long-term observations of individual substorms whose trigger was a change in Bz direction

    Magnetospheric response to the interaction with the sporadic solar wind diamagnetic structure

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    Abstract We report the results of a study on the movement of the solar wind diamagnetic structure (DS), which is a sequence of smaller-scale microDS being part of the May 18, 2013 coronal mass ejection, from a source on the Sun to Earth’s surface. DS determined from the high negative correlation coefficient (r=–0.9) between the IMF modulus (B) and the SW density (N) on the ACE and Wind satellites at the L1 point, on the THB and THC satellites (r=–0.9) in near-Earth orbit, and on the THA satellite inside the magnetosphere is carried by the solar wind from the Sun to Earth’s orbit, while maintaining its fine internal structure. Having a large size in the radial direction (≈763 Rᴇ, where Rᴇ is the Earth radius), DS flows around the magnetosphere. At the same time, microDS of size ≤13 Rᴇ passes through the bow shock and magnetopause as a magnetized plasmoid in which the ion concentration increases from 10 cm⁻³ to 90 cm⁻³, and the velocity decreases as it moves toward the magnetotail. When a microDS passes through the magnetopause, a pulsed electric field of ~400 mV/m is generated with subsequent oscillations with a period of T~200 s and an amplitude of ~50 mV/m. The electric field accelerates charged particles of the radiation belt and produces modulated fluxes of protons in an energy range 95–575 keV on the day side and electrons in 40–475 keV and protons in 95–575 keV on the night side. In the duskside magnetosphere (19–23 MLT), the substorm activation is observed in geomagnetic pulsations and auroras, but without a magnetic negative bay. In the post-midnight sector (01–05 MLT), a sawtooth substorm occurs without the growth phase and breakup with deep modulation of the ionospheric current and auroral absorption. The duration of all phenomena in the magnetosphere and on Earth is determined by the period of interaction between DS and the magnetosphere (~4 hrs). To interpret the regularities of the magnetospheric response to the interaction with DS, we consider alternative models of the impulsive passage of DS from SW to the magnetosphere and the classical model of reconnection of IMF and the geomagnetic field

    Hotspot and conservation gap analysis of endemic vascular plants in the Altai Mountain Country based on a new global conservation assessment

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    The Altai Mountains of Central and North Asia are biologically rich and comprise a wide range of ecosystems and phytogeographical regions. According to the latest checklist, a total of 321 endemic vascular plant species, including 217 endemic and 104 subendemic taxa, have been recognized in the Altai Mountain Country (AMC). In this study, we conducted species risk assessment, distribution evaluation and conservation gap analysis for the endemic vascular flora of the AMC. The conservation status of 217 endemic species was assessed at the global level using the ConR package. As a result, 197 species were evaluated as potentially threatened, of which 101 are critically endangered (CR), 72 species are endangered (EN), and 24 species are vulnerable (VU). The remaining 20 species were evaluated as not threatened. Furthermore, the AMC was divided into 350 grid cells, with a grid cell size of 50 × 50 km2, for the spatial assessments of the endemic vascular plants. A total of 2657 unique georeferenced occurrences of endemic species were found and analyzed with three endemism indices, species richness (SR), weighted endemism (WE), and corrected weighted endemism (CWE), to quantify geographic patterns and centers of endemism across the whole AMC. The results showed that the endemic species are spread across 186 grid cells and distributed unevenly within the AMC. According to the conservation gap analysis, the main hotspots of endemism (i.e., SR and WE indices) were found at high elevations in the Russian Altai, while the CWE points to the Kazakh Altai as a hotspot, and many such hotspots are currently afforded no formal protections