23 research outputs found

    Einfluss der Raf-Bindungsdomäne im Nef-Protein auf die Pathogenität von SIVsmmPBj

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    Der Einfluss der zellulären mitogenen Signalkaskade auf die Pathogenese einer Infektion mit HIV oder SIV (humanes, simianes Immundefizienzvirus) ist bis heute weitgehend unbekannt, obwohl in mehreren Studien eine Wechselwirkung zwischen HIV und dieser Signalkaskade festgestellt wurde. Unter anderem wurde eine direkte Interaktion von HIV-1-Nef mit c-Raf, einem wichtigen Mitglied der klassischen mitogenen Signalkaskade, beschrieben. In dieser Arbeit sollten daher die physiologischen Konsequenzen dieser Virus-Wirtszell-Interaktion analysiert werden. Für die Untersuchungen ist der akut enteropathische SIV-Stamm PBj ein geeignetes Modellsystem, da PBj im Gegensatz zu anderen Lentiviren in nichtmitogen- stimulierten Zellen repliziert. Außerdem induziert PBj die Proliferation von unstimulierten Zellen, wofür eine Aktivierung mitogener Signale notwendig ist. Weiterhin sind die Ursachen für die ausgeprägte PBj-induzierte akute Erkrankung nur unvollständig aufgeklärt. Für die Untersuchungen wurde ein replikationsfähiger Virusklon von PBj mit zwei Punktmutationen in der Raf-Bindungs-Domäne (RBD) des viralen Nef-Proteins erzeugt. In der erzeugten Virusmutante, PBj-Delta-RBD, wurden im Nef-Protein zwei benachbarte Aspartate zu Glycin verändert. Die erzeugte Virusmutante PBj-Delta-RBD war in der Lage in unstimulierten primären Zellen zu replizieren und zeigte die gleiche Replikationskinetik wie das Wildtypvirus (PBj-wt). Im Gegensatz zu PBj-wt induzierte PBj-Delta-RBD in vitro keine Zellproliferation, ERK1/2-Aktivierung oder IL-2- Sezernierung. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die RBD für die Fähigkeit, in unstimulierten Zellen zu replizieren, nicht benötigt wird. Dagegen ist die RBD für eine Induktion der ERK-Aktivität, Zellproliferation oder IL-2 Sezernierung notwendig. Die Infektion von Schweinsaffen (Macaca nemestrina) mit PBj-wt induzierte wie erwartet eine akute Enteropathie mit Symptomen wie blutigem Durchfall, Anorexie, Exikose und Tod. In pathologischen Untersuchungen wurden in den mit PBj-wt infizierten Tieren nekrotische Läsionen im gesamten Darmbereich beobachtet. Die Histopathologie des Kolons zeigte, dass die gesamte Mikrovilli-Struktur der Darmschleimhäute zerstört war. Darüber hinaus war eine massive Infiltration von Lymphozyten in die Mikrovilli erkennbar. Im Gegensatz dazu entwickelte keiner der mit PBj-Delta-RBD infizierten Schweinsaffen eines der für SIV-PBj charakteristischen Symptome, trotz einer vergleichbaren Replikationskinetik in vivo. Zusätzlich waren makroskopisch keine Veränderungen des Kolons festzustellen. Die histologische Untersuchung des Kolons der PBj-RBD-infizierten Schweinsaffen zeigte lediglich eine moderate Infiltration von Lymphozyten in die Mikrovilli. Die Analyse der frühen und späten Aktivierungsmarker auf T-Zellen im peripheren Blut und in den lymphatischen Geweben Milz und Lymphknoten zeigte, dass in PBj-wt-infizierten Schweinsaffen ein deutlich erhöhter Anteil aktivierter CD3+-T-Zellen im Vergleich zu PBj-Delta-RBD-infizierten Affen nachweisbar war. Zusammenfassend lassen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit den Schluss zu, dass in PBj-infizierten Zellen über eine Interaktion von PBj-Nef mit c-Raf die klassische mitogene Signalkaskade aktiviert wird. Dies induziert wiederum physiologische Aktivitäten wie Zellproliferation, Zellaktivierung und IL-2-Ausschüttung. Die festgestellte Aktivierung von CD8+-T-Zellen führt in vivo zu einer massiven Infiltration von aktivierten CD8+-T-Zellen in die Schleimhäute des Magen-Darm- Trakts. Es ist anzunehmen, dass die aktivierten CD8+-T-Zellen hier Perforin ausschütten und auf diese Weise massive Gewebsveränderungen der Mucosa induzieren. In der Folge kommt es zu den beobachteten Symptomen wie blutigem Durchfall und daraufhin zu Exikose. Ähnliche Mechanismen könnten auch bei der HIV-Enteropathie eine Rolle spielen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit deuten darauf hin, dass eine Verhinderung der Nef-Raf-Interaktion das Auftreten einer Enteropathie unterdrücken könnte. Die Nef-Raf-Interaktion ist somit ein potentielles Ziel für einen therapeutischen Ansatz

    Laboratory and dialysis characteristics in hemodialysis patients suffering from chronic itch - results from a representative cross-sectional study

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    Background: A representative cross-sectional study showed that chronic itch (lasting for a minimum of 6 weeks) affects 25.2 % (point prevalence) of hemodialysis (HD) patients. Pathophysiology and etiology of chronic itch (CI) in HD are still unclear. Methods: We investigated 860 HD patients from a representative randomly selected cluster-sample considering the regional distributions of dialysis units in GermanyThe current analyses report comorbidities, laboratory values and dialysis characteristics of HD patients in relation to CI. Results: Diabetes was the only comorbidity that was associated with the occurrence of itch but interestingly with less CI. Except for creatinine, phosphorus, and parathormone, there were no significant associations between the occurrence and characteristics of CI and any laboratory value. Kt/V was not associated with the presence of CI. Patients dialyzed with polyarylethersulfone-membrane showed significantly more CI in all prevalence estimates and those dialyzed with polysulfone-membrane were significantly less affected by CI. Conclusions: Long-term follow-up studies will show if the type of dialysis membrane influences the development of CI in HD patients. It is most likely that several factors e.g. elevated parathormone, origin of end stage renal disease (ESRD), type of dialysis membrane, and a neuropathic component all contribute to the occurrence of CI in HD patients. Future research should consider a multifactorial origin of itch in HD

    A Bifunctional Adsorber Particle for the Removal of Hydrophobic Uremic Toxins from Whole Blood of Renal Failure Patients

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    Hydrophobic uremic toxins accumulate in patients with chronic kidney disease, contributing to a highly increased cardiovascular risk. The clearance of these uremic toxins using current hemodialysis techniques is limited due to their hydrophobicity and their high binding affinity to plasma proteins. Adsorber techniques may be an appropriate alternative to increase hydrophobic uremic toxin removal. We developed an extracorporeal, whole-blood bifunctional adsorber particle consisting of a porous, activated charcoal core with a hydrophilic polyvinylpyrrolidone surface coating. The adsorption capacity was quantified using analytical chromatography after perfusion of the particles with an albumin solution or blood, each containing mixtures of hydrophobic uremic toxins. A time-dependent increase in hydrophobic uremic toxin adsorption was depicted and all toxins showed a high binding affinity to the adsorber particles. Further, the particle showed a sufficient hemocompatibility without significant effects on complement component 5a, thrombin-antithrombin III complex, or thrombocyte concentration in blood in vitro, although leukocyte counts were slightly reduced. In conclusion, the bifunctional adsorber particle with cross-linked polyvinylpyrrolidone coating showed a high adsorption capacity without adverse effects on hemocompatibility in vitro. Thus, it may be an interesting candidate for further in vivo studies with the aim to increase the efficiency of conventional dialysis techniques

    Rapid fluorescence imaging of miRNAs in human cells using templated Staudinger reaction

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    It is generally accepted that microRNAs (miRNAs) play a crucial role in gene expression regulation and that their aberrant expression is intimately linked with pathologies, most notably cancer. There is thus significant interest in detecting and quantifying these important regulators. Herein, we report the fluorescence imaging of miRNAs within a few hours using a nucleic-acid templated Staudinger reaction. A good correlation between the level of miRNAs and the fluorescence intensity was observed across different cell lines. This method was shown to also be applicable for suspended cells with fluorescence quantification by flow cytometry

    Costs of patients with chronic kidney disease in Germany.

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    BackgroundThis study aimed to determine the costs and distribution of healthcare spending of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) at stages 3 and 4 and on dialysis both at the individual and population level in Germany.MethodsThe study took the perspective of the German statutory health insurance (SHI) system and analyzed claims data on 3,687,015 insurees from the year 2014. To extrapolate costs to the whole SHI population, a literature search on the prevalence of CKD was conducted.ResultsAverage costs per person per year in an age- and gender-matched control group of the normal population were €2,876 (95% confidence interval [CI], €2,798 to €2,955) and ≥2.8-fold higher in CKD patients (€8,030 [95% CI, €7,848 to €8,212] at CKD stage 3, €9,760 [95% CI, €9,266 to €10,255] at CKD stage 4, and €44,374 [95% CI, €43,608 to €45,139] on dialysis). At CKD stages 3 and 4 the major cost driver was hospitalizations, contributing to more than 50% of total expenditures. Among dialysis patients, hospitalizations and dialysis-treatment costs contributed to 23% and 53% of total healthcare spending, respectively. At CKD stages 3 and 4, patients with the highest 20% of healthcare spending showed a considerable increase in per-patient costs over the reference population, while the bottom 80% of patients generated only moderately higher per-patient costs (p ConclusionsHealthcare spending of patients with CKD at stages 3 and 4 and on dialysis is concentrated among a small number of high-need patients. As hospitalizations and dialysis treatment are key drivers of total expenditures, strategies that lead to a reduction in hospitalizations, delay in dialysis onset, or increase in the availability of kidney donors should become important considerations by policymakers

    A Competitive Co-cultivation Assay for Cancer Drug Specificity Evaluation

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    The identification of compounds that specifically inhibit or kill cancer cells without affecting cells from healthy tissues is very challenging but very important for reducing the side effects of current cancer therapies. Hence, there is an urgent need for improved assays allowing the selectivity of a given compound to be monitored directly. The authors present an assay system based on the competitive co-cultivation of an excess of cancer cells with a small fraction of noncancer human indicator cells generating a fluorescence signal. In the absence of a specific anticancer compound, the cancer cells outgrow the indicator cells and abolish the fluorescence signal. In contrast, the presence of specific anticancer drugs (such as Tyrphostin-AG1478 or PLX4720) results in the selective growth of the indicator cells, giving rise to a strong fluorescence signal. Furthermore, the authors show that the nonspecific cytotoxic compound sodium azide kills both cancer and noncancer cells, and no fluorescence signal is obtained. Hence, this assay system favors the selection of compounds that specifically target cancer cells and decreases the probability of selecting nonspecific cytotoxic molecules. Z factors of up to 0.85 were obtained, indicating an excellent assay that can be used for high-throughput screening

    A Bifunctional Adsorber Particle for the Removal of Hydrophobic Uremic Toxins from Whole Blood of Renal Failure Patients

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    Hydrophobic uremic toxins accumulate in patients with chronic kidney disease, contributing to a highly increased cardiovascular risk. The clearance of these uremic toxins using current hemodialysis techniques is limited due to their hydrophobicity and their high binding affinity to plasma proteins. Adsorber techniques may be an appropriate alternative to increase hydrophobic uremic toxin removal. We developed an extracorporeal, whole-blood bifunctional adsorber particle consisting of a porous, activated charcoal core with a hydrophilic polyvinylpyrrolidone surface coating. The adsorption capacity was quantified using analytical chromatography after perfusion of the particles with an albumin solution or blood, each containing mixtures of hydrophobic uremic toxins. A time-dependent increase in hydrophobic uremic toxin adsorption was depicted and all toxins showed a high binding affinity to the adsorber particles. Further, the particle showed a sufficient hemocompatibility without significant effects on complement component 5a, thrombin-antithrombin III complex, or thrombocyte concentration in blood in vitro, although leukocyte counts were slightly reduced. In conclusion, the bifunctional adsorber particle with cross-linked polyvinylpyrrolidone coating showed a high adsorption capacity without adverse effects on hemocompatibility in vitro. Thus, it may be an interesting candidate for further in vivo studies with the aim to increase the efficiency of conventional dialysis techniques