130 research outputs found

    Polyvalent allergy in children with oral allergic syndrome living in the Ural region. Sensitization structure

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    This research was aimed at studying the sensitization spectrum in children with polyvalent allergies, from the perspective of determining their true responsiveness and cross-sensitization for further planning of preventive and therapeutic measures

    Studying the effect of the OsGATA rice transcription factor on salt stress tolerance in wheat

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    This study shows the possibility of using the OsGATA rice transcription factor in transgenic lines of high-yielding wheat cultivars to increase their tolerance to salinity, which was confirmed using physiological and biochemical methods according to standard protocols. Wheat plants were grown in an artificial climate under optimal growing conditions. Genetic transformation methods were used to introduce the GATA gene into the genome of the used wheat genotypes. Transgenic lines were selected on selective media under in vitro conditions.The results of the experimental work showed that the expression of the GATA gene under salt stress may be responsible for the increased compartmentalization of Na+ in the vacuole, which provides improved salt tolerance. As a result of the experiment, collections of T1 transgenic wheat lines from cvs. ‘Zlata’, ‘Emir’ and ‘Agata’ expressing the GATA gene were obtained and studied for salt tolerance. Lines Zl.01, Zl.02, Zl.03 and Ag.02 were selected with PCR. Under NaCl salinity conditions, some of the transgenic lines showed a statistically significant increase in salinity resistance. The results of the study laid the foundation for studying GATA genes in wheat and for producing salinity-tolerant lines without growth defects or reduced productivity

    A novel-type luciferin from Siberian luminous earthworm Fridericia heliota : structure elucidation by spectral studies and total synthesis

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (2014): 5566–5568, doi:10.1002/anie.201400529.We report structure elucidation and synthesis of the luciferin from the recently discovered luminous earthworm Fridericia heliota. This luciferin represents a key component of a novel ATP-dependent bioluminescence system. The UV, fluorescence, NMR and HRMS spectral studies were performed on 5 mkg of the isolated substance, and gave four isomeric structures, conforming with spectral data. These isomers were chemically synthesized and one of them was found to produce light in the reaction with a protein extract from Fridericia. The novel luciferin was found to have an unusual deeply modified peptidic nature, implying an unprecedented mechanism of action.We acknowledge support from the Program of the Government of the Russian Federation “Measures to attract leading scientists to Russian educational institutions” (grant no. 11. G34.31.0058), the programs MCB RAS, President of the Russian Federation “Leading science school” (grant 3951.2012.4) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 14-03-01015). B.M.S. was supported by a stipend from the Program of the President of the Russian Federation.2015-04-1

    Spectral studies of the dithiacrown ether derivative in the presence of metal cations and modeling their possible complexes

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    © ISUCT Publishing. The preparation of compositions comprising multifunctional compound is one of the key directions for design of chemosensoring materials that are important for the determination of particular ions in solutions. These compounds are characterized by ionophoric and photosensitive parts with reliable optical response and ion-selectivity. Their structures suggest the possibility of the complex formation with particular metal cations. The main goals of this study are as following: a) to investigate the absorption spectra of the novel derivative of the dithiacrown ethers (DTCE), synthesized in the laboratory of Professor S.P. Gromov (Photochemistry Center RAS), both: in salt solutions and in monolayers; b) to study the DTCE interaction with various metal cations, including mercury, as well as to carry out quantum-chemical calculations of their possible complexes. Spectral characteristics were examined in the DTCE acetonitrile solutions and their changes in the presence of some cations were found. The pronounced changes were obtained in the case of Hg2+ which are expressed as a hypsochromic shift on 22 nm. Absorption spectra of aqueous solutions of DTCE and perchlorates of alkali, alkaline earth, and heavy metals (lithium, sodium, potassium, cesium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, and mercury) at various concentrations were obtained. When the DTCE concentration equals to 10–5 M, the absorption intensity is low, and DTCE absorption maximum shifts in the presence of all the salts are rather small. The greatest shift (by 6 nm) of the DTCE absorption maximum to shorter wavelengths was observed for the mercury(II) perchlorate only. In order to select the DTCE concentration for further research the spectral dependence of the optical density vs. DTCE concentration was obtained (10 M was the most appropriate value of the DTCE concentration). Based on these results the DTCE extinction coefficient in aqueous solutions was determined (ε = 9329 M–1cm–1). Assuming the formation of the DTCE-cation complexes as 1:1, the metal perchlorates with lack and excess of the cations in the aqueous solutions were chosen. The absorption spectra had minor differences at DTCE concentration of 10–4 M and metal perchlorates concentration of 10–5 M (lack of the metal cations). Maximum hypsochromic shift by 4 nm was observed in the presence of mercury(II) perchlorate. It appeared that the lack of concentration of the metal salt does not allow the formation of complexes between the crown ether ring and a cation. The absorption intensity in the presence of most of salts was slightly reduced up to 85–95 % from baseline. The absorption spectra showed significant shifts of the absorption maxima to shorter wavelengths by 29 nm only in the presence of mercury(II) perchlorate at high concentrations (10–3 M). This fact proves a DTCE selectivity for mercury(II) cation. Moreover, the value of the shift depends on the salt concentration. An additional confirmation of these results was obtained in the study of the absorption spectra of the DTCE monolayers transferred from bidistilled water and aqueous solutions of Hg(ClO4)2 at constant surface pressure (about 10 mN/m). In all cases, the broad absorption maxima in the region of 350–450 nm were found. The main feature was that the maximum absorption for DTCE monolayer transferred to 10–5 M solution of Hg(ClO4)2 was 0.00575 a.u. at 406 nm. This is by 209% higher than those for the DTCE monolayer transferred from the water. Thus, the shift of the absorption maximum of DTCE monolayer in the presence of mercury salt was 23 nm to shorter wavelengths. This is further evidence of complex formation between DTCE (in monolayer) and mercury(II) cations from the aqueous subphase. For visualization and confirmation of the possibility of complex formation between DTCE and mercury(II) cation the quantum-chemical calculations of their structural models were carried out. The total energy of the optimized structure of the complex between DTCE cation and mercury(II) (with 2 perchlorate counter-anions) is set to E0 = –565.1231 a.u. It can be compared with the energies of individual species: the DTCE cation (E0 = –250.5477 a.u.) and Hg(ClO4)2 (E0 = –314.4877 a.u.). Thus, the change in energy (ΔE) upon complex formation is about –0.0877 a.u. (–230 kJ/mol). High energy of complex formation and high covalency of the Hg–S bonds explain the significant blue shift of the maximum in the absorption spectra of the solutions of DTCE with Hg(ClO4)2

    Electronic educational resource "New coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in children" as an example of quality modern educational content of USMU

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    The article presents data on the electronic educational resource developed by the team of the Ural state medical university (USMU) - the program of additional professional education named "COVID-19 in children". The target audience of this informational content is pediatric students, residents, pediatricians in the postgraduating training cycles or in the continuing medical education. The relevance of the program is dictated by the time. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed challenges for healthcare professionals to quickly diagnose and provide medical care to patients with the disease. The course of a new coronavirus infection in children has distinctive features that require special attention from specialists. An electronic educational resource created by USMU employees allows the target audience to receive modern, regularly updated data on a given topic in a convenient format, to increase their awareness of this issue and the quality of medical care provided to children in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.В статье представлены данные по разработанному авторским коллективом Уральского государственного медицинского университета (УГМУ) электронному образовательному ресурсу – программе дополнительного профессионального образования «Новая коронавирусная инфекция (COVID-19) у детей». Целевая аудитория этого информационного контента – студенты педиатрического факультета, ординаторы, врачи педиатры, обучающие на циклах повышения квалификации, либо в рамках непрерывного медицинского образования (НМО). Актуальность программы продиктована временем. Пандемия COVID-19 поставила перед специалистами здравоохранения задачи, связанные с быстрой диагностикой и оказанием медицинской помощи больным с этим заболеванием. Течение новой коронавирусной инфекции (НКВИ) у детей имеет отличительные особенности, требующие отдельного внимания специалистов. Созданный сотрудниками УГМУ электронный образовательный ресурс, позволяет целевой аудитории получить в удобном формате современные, регулярно обновляемые данные по заданной тематике, повысить свою информированность в данном вопросе и качество медицинской помощи детям, оказываемой в условиях пандемии COVID-19

    Metapneumovirus and bokavirus - «new» viruses in the etiological structure of respiratory tract infections in children

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    Article provides a brief review of the contem porary literature on studies of the prevalence and clinical form s of m etapneum uvirus and bokavirus infection in children with damage of the respiratory tract. Highlights the relevance of knowledge of the clinical and laboratory diagnostic and peculiarities of nosological form s, due to data viruses in a widespread increase in the share of m etapneum ovirus and bokavirus in the etiological structure of respiratory disease in children. Represents own data on the prevalence of «new» respiratory viruses among other respiratory disease and its clinical features.Статья содержит краткий обзор современной литературы по исследованиям, посвященным распространенности и клиническим формам метапневмовирусной и бокавирусной инфекции у детей при поражении респираторного тракта. Подчеркнута актуальность знания клинической и лабораторной диагностики и особенностей течения нозологических форм, обусловленных данными вирусами, в условиях повсеместного увеличения доли метапневмовируса и бокавируса в этиологической структуре респираторной заболеваемости у детей. Представлены собственные данные по распространенности «новых» респираторных вирусов среди других ОРВИ и особенности клинической картины заболевания

    Tactics of managing children with acute tonzilofaringitis children in outdoor practice (based on clinical recommendations)

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    The materials presented in the article are based on the approved clinical guidelines for the management of children with acute tonsillopharyngitis and the results of their own research on the effectiveness of rapid diagnosis of streptococcal disease etiology. It was established that the proportion of streptococcal etiology of acute tonsillopharyngitis in children, regardless of age, is 14.5%, which corresponds to literature data. At the outpatient and inpatient stages of treating children with raids in the throat, it is recommended to use the rapid test for the diagnosis of streptococcal etiology of acute tonsilpharyngitis in the practice of a pediatrician, general practitioner, otorhinolaryngolog. Introduced step-by-step algorithm for the management of children with raids in the throat. It has been shown that the use of express test to detect streptococcal etiology of the disease allows reducing the proportion of inefficiently prescribed antibacterial drugs by 77.4%, which makes a significant contribution to preventing the growth of antibiotic resistance.Материалы, изложенные в статье, основаны на утвержденных клинических рекомендациях по ведению детей с острым тонзиллофарингитом и результатах собственного исследования по эффективности экспресс диагностики стрептококковой этиологии заболевания. Установлено, что доля стрептококковой этиологии острого тонзиллофарингита у детей, независимо от возраста, составляет 14,5%, что соответствует данным литературы. На амбулаторном и стационарном этапах лечения детей с налетами в зеве рекомендовано использование экспресс теста для диагностики стрептококковой этиологии острого тонзиллофарингита в практике врача педиатра, врача общей практики, врача оториноларинголога. Представлен пошаговый алгоритм ведения детей с налетами в зеве. Показано, что применение экспересс теста для выявления стрептококковой этиологии заболевания позволяет сократить долю нерационально назначенных антибактериальных препаратов на 77,4%, что вносит существенный вклад в предотвращение роста антибиотикорезистентности

    Respiratory syndrome in the practice of the local pediatrician: from a simple clinic to a complex diagnosis. Clinical case

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    The article deals with the clinical case of incomplete Kawasaki syndrome in a child of 8 years. During the first two weeks of observation at an outpatient clinic stage, a child was diagnosed with an acute respiratory viral infection. During hospitalization, differential diagnosis was per-formed with systemic lupus erythematosus and dermatomyositis. Difficulties in diagnosing were the absence of typical clinical symptoms of Kawasaki's disease at the initial stage of the disease. According to epidemiological studies, the incidence of Kawasaki syndrome in Russia is 2.7 per 100,000 children [3]. The disease is often diagnosed in late terms, as a result of which treatment is prescribed untimely and not always adequate [3]. Kawasaki syndrome is one of the causes of acquired cardiovascular diseases in children [3]. Timely diagnosed and adequately prescribed therapy, avoids the development of severe complications.В статье рассмотрен клинический случай неполного синдрома Кавасаки у ребенка 8 лет. В течение первых двух недель наблюдения на амбулаторно-поликлиническом этапе ребенок лечился с диагнозом острая респираторная вирусная инфекция. При госпитализации проводилась дифференциальная диагностика с системной красной волчанкой и дерматомиозитом. Сложности в постановке диагноза заключались в отсутствии типичных клинических симптомов болезни Кавасаки на начальном этапе болезни. По данным эпидемиологических исследований частота синдрома Кавасаки в России составляет 2,7 на 100 тыс. детей. Заболевание нередко диагностируют в поздние сроки, вследствие чего лечение назначают несвоевременно и не всегда адекватно. Синдром Кавасаки – одна из причин приобретенных заболеваний сердечно-сосудистой системы у детей. Своевременно поставленный диагноз и адекватно назначенная терапия, позволяет избежать развития тяжелых осложнений

    Joint work of the university and practical public health - pledge of successful implementation national project «Public health»

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    The article presents the directions of joint work of the MAU DGKB No. 11 of Ekaterinburg and the Department of Outpatient Pediatrics and Pediatrics of the FPK and PP Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia as a demonstration of a successful example of interaction between the university and the clinical base in determining competent and relevant personnel for the health care system and implementing the development and implementation of effective innovative technologies for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of children for the successful implementation of the national project "Health Care'В статье представлены направления совместной работы МАУ ДГКБ №11 г. Екатеринбурга и кафедры поликлинической педиатрии и педиатрии ФПК и ПП ФГБОУ ВО УГМУ Минздрава России, как демонстрация успешного примера взаимодействия вуза и клинической базы в вопросах определяющих подготовку компетентных и востребованных кадров для системы здравоохранения и осуществляющих разработку и внедрение в практику эффективных инновационных технологий диагностики, лечения и реабилитации детей для успешной реализации национального проекта «Здравоохранение»