396 research outputs found

    Outlier-Robust State Estimation for Humanoid Robots*

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    Contemporary humanoids are equipped with visual and LiDAR sensors that are effectively utilized for Visual Odometry (VO) and LiDAR Odometry (LO). Unfortunately, such measurements commonly suffer from outliers in a dynamic environment, since frequently it is assumed that only the robot is in motion and the world is static. To this end, robust state estimation schemes are mandatory in order for humanoids to symbiotically co-exist with humans in their daily dynamic environments. In this article, the robust Gaussian Error-State Kalman Filter for humanoid robot locomotion is presented. The introduced method automatically detects and rejects outliers without relying on any prior knowledge on measurement distributions or finely tuned thresholds. Subsequently, the proposed method is quantitatively and qualitatively assessed in realistic conditions with the full-size humanoid robot WALK-MAN v2.0 and the mini-size humanoid robot NAO to demonstrate its accuracy and robustness when outlier VOLO measurements are present. Finally, in order to reinforce further research endeavours, our implementation is released as an open-source ROS/C++package

    Bipedal Walking Energy Minimization by Reinforcement Learning with Evolving Policy Parameterization

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    We present a learning-based approach for minimizing the electric energy consumption during walking of a passively-compliant bipedal robot. The energy consumption is reduced by learning a varying-height center-of-mass trajectory which uses efficiently the robots passive compliance. To do this, we propose a reinforcement learning method which evolves the policy parameterization dynamically during the learning process and thus manages to find better policies faster than by using fixed parameterization. The method is first tested on a function approximation task, and then applied to the humanoid robot COMAN where it achieves significant energy reduction. © 2011 IEEE

    New Cross-Step Enabled Configurations for Humanoid Robot

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    This paper explores two new configurations for humanoid robot balancing and locomotion. Centroidal momentum manipulability analysis has been performed to study the features of the newly proposed configurations. Numerical simulations show that they outperform the regular ones in terms of angular momentum manipulability. More than that, the new configurations allow the humanoid robot to perform cross-step motions which is usually risky or mechanically impossible for most existing robots. However, cross-step introduces non-convex feasible region which makes it difficult to be incorporated into our existing step planner. Therefore, a simple heuristic has been proposed to help choosing a sub-convex region for the step planner. To validate the cross-step movement, walking simulations have been performed

    Exploring Teleimpedance and Tactile Feedback for Intuitive Control of the Pisa/IIT SoftHand

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    This paper proposes a teleimpedance controller with tactile feedback for more intuitive control of the Pisa/IIT SoftHand. With the aim to realize a robust, efficient and low-cost hand prosthesis design, the SoftHand is developed based on the motor control principle of synergies, through which the immense complexity of the hand is simplified into distinct motor patterns. Due to the built-in flexibility of the hand joints, as the SoftHand grasps, it follows a synergistic path while allowing grasping of objects of various shapes using only a single motor. The DC motor of the hand incorporates a novel teleimpedance control in which the user's postural and stiffness synergy references are tracked in real-time. In addition, for intuitive control of the hand, two tactile interfaces are developed. The first interface (mechanotactile) exploits a disturbance observer which estimates the interaction forces in contact with the grasped object. Estimated interaction forces are then converted and applied to the upper arm of the user via a custom made pressure cuff. The second interface employs vibrotactile feedback based on surface irregularities and acceleration signals and is used to provide the user with information about the surface properties of the object as well as detection of object slippage while grasping. Grasp robustness and intuitiveness of hand control were evaluated in two sets of experiments. Results suggest that incorporating the aforementioned haptic feedback strategies, together with user-driven compliance of the hand, facilitate execution of safe and stable grasps, while suggesting that a low-cost, robust hand employing hardware-based synergies might be a good alternative to traditional myoelectric prostheses

    HERI hand: A quasi dexterous and powerful hand with asymmetrical finger dimensions and under actuation

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    In this paper, the Hardware Embedded Reduced Intricacy (HERI) Hand, which is a novel tendon driven three-finger under-actuated hand demonstrating balanced dexterous finger manipulation and powerful grasping of common objects is presented. The third finger of HERI Hand is asymmetrically designed in terms of dimensions to emulate the functionality for combining middle finger, ring finger and little finger of a human hand. HERI Hand is equipped with three actuators devoted to the actuation of the flexion of the index finger and thumb, the flexion of the third finger and finally the thumb abduction and adduction motion with the latest drive having no interference with other transmissions. The proposed hand is capable of realizing delicate finger manipulation such as opening a lidded cup, which is super suitable to accomplish in such configuration. At the same time the hand demonstrates high grasping strength capacity thanks to the actuation sizing permitted by the under-actuated configuration. The hand is also equipped with tactile/pressure sensors distributed in the phalanxes, which leaves open the possibility of potential applications for sophisticated finger manipulations taking into account the phalanxes contact forces. Three different sets of experiments were carried out to demonstrate the performance of HERI Hand and validated its functionality

    A torque-controlled humanoid robot riding on a two-wheeled mobile platform

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    This paper is motivated by the questions: What would happen if a humanoid robot is put on a Segway? Is it possible for the humanoid robot to use this transportation device that is specifically designed for human? Simulation involving a two-wheeled mobile platform (TWMP) and our humanoid robot COMAN (COmpliant HuMANoid Platform) shows that it is indeed feasible without any hardware modification. Regarding the implementation, the full dynamics of the humanoid robot is considered and quadratic optimization is employed to generate whole-body joint torques to realise two types of tasks according to the interaction type between the TWMP and the humanoid robot. The TWMP is considered as unknown disturbance and the humanoid robot has to keep balancing on it in the first type of task. On the contrary, the active movement of the humanoid robot is utilised as an interface to intuitively drive the TWMP in the second type of task. For both tasks, tracking the position of center of mass (CoM) and regulating the angular momentum around it are considered as primary objectives, stabilizing the posture of certain part of its body is optional. In addition, both tasks are repeated on uneven terrain to demonstrate the robustness of the control method

    Yarp Based Plugins for Gazebo Simulator

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    This paper presents a set of plugins for the Gazebo simulator that enables the interoperability between a robot, controlled using the YARP framework, and Gazebo itself. Gazebo is an open-source simulator that can handle different Dynamic Engines (ODE, DART, Bullet, SimBody), backed up by the Open Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF) and supported by a very large community. Since our plugins conform with the YARP layer used on the real robot, applications written for our robots, COMAN and iCub, can be run on the simulator with no changes. Our plugins have two main components: a YARP interface with the same API as the real robot interface, and a Gazebo plugin which handles simulated joints, encoders, IMUs, force/torque sensors and synchronization. The robot model is provided to the simulator by means of an SDF file, which describes all the geometric, dynamic and visual characteristics of a robot. Once the SDF is read from Gazebo, our plugins are loaded and associated with the simulated robot model and the simulated world. Different modules for COMAN and iCub have been developed using Gazebo and our plugins as a testbed: joint impedance control plus gravity compensation, dual arm Cartesian control for manipulation tasks, dynamic walking, etc. This work has been developed as part of a joint effort between three different European Projects “WALKMAN”, “CoDyCo” and “SoftHands” aiming at implementing a common simulation platform to develop and test algorithms for our robotic platforms. This work is available as open-source to all the researchers in the YARP community (https://github.com/robotology/gazebo_yarp_plugins)
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