49 research outputs found

    Learning from life-logging data by hybrid HMM: a case study on active states prediction

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    In this paper, we have proposed employing a hybrid classifier-hidden Markov model (HMM) as a supervised learning approach to recognize daily active states from sequential life-logging data collected from wearable sensors. We generate synthetic data from real dataset to cope with noise and incompleteness for training purpose and, in conjunction with HMM, propose using a multiobjective genetic programming (MOGP) classifier in comparison of the support vector machine (SVM) with variant kernels. We demonstrate that the system with either algorithm works effectively to recognize personal active states regarding medical reference. We also illustrate that MOGP yields generally better results than SVM without requiring an ad hoc kernel

    Automatic image quality assessment and measurement of fetal head in two-dimensional ultrasound image

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    Owing to the inconsistent image quality existing in routine obstetric ultrasound (US) scans that leads to a large intraobserver and interobserver variability, the aim of this study is to develop a quality-assured, fully automated US fetal head measurement system. A texton-based fetal head segmentation is used as a prerequi- site step to obtain the head region. Textons are calculated using a filter bank designed specific for US fetal head structure. Both shape- and anatomic-based features calculated from the segmented head region are then fed into a random forest classifier to determine the quality of the image (e.g., whether the image is acquired from a correct imaging plane), from which fetal head measurements [biparietal diameter (BPD), occipital–frontal diam- eter (OFD), and head circumference (HC)] are derived. The experimental results show a good performance of our method for US quality assessment and fetal head measurements. The overall precision for automatic image quality assessment is 95.24% with 87.5% sensitivity and 100% specificity, while segmentation performance shows 99.27% (`0.26) of accuracy, 97.07% (`2.3) of sensitivity, 2.23 mm (`0.74) of the maximum symmetric contour distance, and 0.84 mm (`0.28) of the average symmetric contour distance. The statistical analysis results using paired t-test and Bland–Altman plots analysis indicate that the 95% limits of agreement for inter observer variability between the automated measurements and the senior expert measurements are 2.7 mm of BPD, 5.8 mm of OFD, and 10.4 mm of HC, whereas the mean differences are −0.038 ` 1.38 mm, −0.20 ` 2.98 mm, and −0.72 ` 5.36 mm, respectively. These narrow 95% limits of agreements indicate a good level of consistency between the automated and the senior expert’s measurements

    MDA-Unet: A Multi-Scale Dilated Attention U-Net For Medical Image Segmentation

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    The advanced development of deep learning methods has recently made significant improvements in medical image segmentation. Encoder–decoder networks, such as U-Net, have addressed some of the challenges in medical image segmentation with an outstanding performance, which has promoted them to be the most dominating deep learning architecture in this domain. Despite their outstanding performance, we argue that they still lack some aspects. First, there is incompatibility in U-Net’s skip connection between the encoder and decoder features due to the semantic gap between low-processed encoder features and highly processed decoder features, which adversely affects the final prediction. Second, it lacks capturing multi-scale context information and ignores the contribution of all semantic information through the segmentation process. Therefore, we propose a model named MDA-Unet, a novel multi-scale deep learning segmentation model. MDA-Unet improves upon U-Net and enhances its performance in segmenting medical images with variability in the shape and size of the region of interest. The model is integrated with a multi-scale spatial attention module, where spatial attention maps are derived from a hybrid hierarchical dilated convolution module that captures multi-scale context information. To ease the training process and reduce the gradient vanishing problem, residual blocks are deployed instead of the basic U-net blocks. Through a channel attention mechanism, the high-level decoder features are used to guide the low-level encoder features to promote the selection of meaningful context information, thus ensuring effective fusion. We evaluated our model on 2 different datasets: a lung dataset of 2628 axial CT images and an echocardiographic dataset of 2000 images, each with its own challenges. Our model has achieved a significant gain in performance with a slight increase in the number of trainable parameters in comparison with the basic U-Net model, providing a dice score of 98.3% on the lung dataset and 96.7% on the echocardiographic dataset, where the basic U-Net has achieved 94.2% on the lung dataset and 93.9% on the echocardiographic dataset

    Brain tumour grading in different MRI protocols using SVM on statistical features

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    In this paper a feasibility study of brain MRI dataset classification, using ROIs which have been segmented either manually or through a superpixel based method in conjunction with statistical pattern recognition methods is presented. In our study, 471 extracted ROIs from 21 Brain MRI datasets are used, in order to establish which features distinguish better between three grading classes. Thirty-eight statistical measurements were collected from the ROIs. We found by using the Leave-One-Out method that the combination of the features from the 1st and 2nd order statistics, achieved high classification accuracy in pair-wise grading comparisons

    MRI Brain Tumor Segmentation and Patient Survival Prediction Using Random Forests and Fully Convolutional Networks

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    In this paper, we propose a learning based method for automated segmentation of brain tumor in multimodal MRI images, which incorporates two sets of machine-learned and hand-crafted features. Fully convolutional networks (FCN) forms the machine-learned features and texton based histograms are considered as hand-crafted features. Random forest (RF) is used to classify the MRI image voxels into normal brain tissues and different parts of tumors. The volumetric features from the segmented tumor tissues and patient age applying to an RF is used to predict the survival time. The method was evaluated on MICCAI-BRATS 2017 challenge dataset. The mean Dice overlap measures for segmentation of validation dataset are 0.86, 0.78 and 0.66 for whole tumor, core and enhancing tumor, respectively. The validation Hausdorff values are 7.61, 8.70 and 3.76. For the survival prediction task, the classification accuracy, pairwise mean square error and Spearman rank are 0.485, 198749 and 0.334, respectively

    A supervised texton based approach for automatic segmentation and measurement of the fetal head and femur in 2D ultrasound images

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    This paper presents a supervised texton based approach for the accurate segmentation and measurement of ultrasound fetal head (BPD, OFD, HC) and femur (FL). The method consists of several steps. First, a non-linear diffusion technique is utilized to reduce the speckle noise. Then, based on the assumption that cross sectional intensity profiles of skull and femur can be approximated by Gaussian-like curves, a multi-scale and multi-orientation filter bank is designed to extract texton features specific to ultrasound fetal anatomic structure. The extracted texton cues, together with multi-scale local brightness, are then built into a unified framework for boundary detection of ultrasound fetal head and femur. Finally, for fetal head, a direct least square ellipse fitting method is used to construct a closed head contour, whilst, for fetal femur a closed contour is produced by connecting the detected femur boundaries. The presented method is demonstrated to be promising for clinical applications. Overall the evaluation results of fetal head segmentation and measurement from our method are comparable with the inter-observer difference of experts, with the best average precision of 96.85%, the maximum symmetric contour distance (MSD) of 1.46 mm, average symmetric contour distance (ASD) of 0.53 mm; while for fetal femur, the overall performance of our method is better than the inter-observer difference of experts, with the average precision of 84.37%, MSD of 2.72 mm and ASD of 0.31 mm